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When Margaret Amis-Hollings inherits an old house in Virginia, she never suspects she’d be sharing it with a very loving ghost. Or that her interest would be divided between her spirit lover and the very live man who’s renovating the place. Suddenly her life is intertwined with a soldier from a previous century and with his descendant, Aaron, who has a secret concerning her home. Is it coincidence or the power of a past love that makes her want to share her life—as well as her destiny—with Aaron?
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“What do you mean I’m being cut?” Dr. Margaret Amis-Hollings, professor of women’s studies in the sociology department at Hardis College, shot out of her chair and stared at the dean, Sally Smith, who remained seated.
“Calm down, Margaret.”
“Calm down? Calm down? You just told me that I’ve lost my job.” Pacing, she raked her hand through the tangle of auburn hair that never seemed to stay contained in barrettes. A million things went through her mind, not the least of which was how she would make her rent, her car payment, buy food.
“Oh my God, how am I going to live?” Collapsing in the chair she’d just vaulted out of, she turned to face her friend and boss. Her expression was half despair, half anger, all shock.
“I’m so sorry, Margaret. The board has ordered more budget cuts. It hasn’t been easy. You know how we’ve had to scrimp for the past few years. Now we even have to cull courses we think aren’t serving the full interests of the students.”
“But—but…” Tears choking her throat, she couldn’t at first finish her sentence. “But the women’s studies classes? They’re vital.”
In fact, she had thought the reason for meeting with Sally was to discuss the addition of a new offering: Women Villains. She’d been so proud of the catchy and intriguing title and even had the hook for the course description. “What makes ‘Jane the Ripper,’ and how do her contributing factors differ from Jack’s?” She’d anticipated sharing the materials she’d already prepared, and hearing Sally’s happy response when she revealed the number of students who’d already indicated an interest.
She’d planned for questions of course, but anticipated support and excitement from Sally. The last thing she imagined was being let go.
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Now that’s an unexpected kick in the teeth.
Yes, and not the last!
Ouch! It’s never easy to lose a job, but coming so unexpectedly is a double whammy.
She was definitely blindsided! Even greater surprises await her in Virginia.
Sounds like an intriguing story. Blurb left several string to be pulled to find out what happens. I love paranormal. Good luck.
Thanks, Tena!
What a twist for the heroine
She has a ghost of a chance of figuring out everything, though!
Ever since I watched The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, I’ve been a sucker for ghost lover stories. Looks like you’ve got a winner here!
McKenna, one of my very favorite movies!
I saw your comment on my blog – would you like me to send you a copy of Two Truths and a Lie?
You’ve shown the heartlessness of budget cuts very well..
Well,…maybe. That wasn’t my intention. As a sociology major myself, I’m not much in favor of courses like women’s studies. I know what it’s like to graduate with a degree that doesn’t do a lot of good when it comes to finding a job!
I’d take that course!
Me, too! It sounds kind of interesting.