How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

Project Dynamo “…is a veteran-led, donor-funded organization on a mission to deliver hope and safety in the chaos of war and conflict zones where the U.S. government does not have a presence.
“Project DYNAMO launched in the wake of the U.S. pulling out of Afghanistan, leaving behind not just American citizens but countless allies in dire straits.
“Fast forward two years, and the story’s much the same, only the locations have changed – Ukraine, Sudan, the ravages of Hurricane Ian, the fires in Maui, the unrest in Haiti – you name it, we’ve been there.
“To date, nearly 7,000 men, women, children, and yes, even their beloved pets – have been pulled from the brink by Project DYNAMO. That’s 7,000 stories of hope, all lives given another shot, all because we step in where others can’t or won’t.
“We’re the ones working in “The Grey Space,” when the government is unable or unwilling to provide assistance. We’re about action, about making the impossible happen, because at the end of the day, it’s not just about the rescues; it’s about humanity.”
Please leave a comment and I’ll donate to help Project Dynamo continue their work. Thank you!

Another erotic fairy tale with Princess Katherine and Prince Cole.Susan Baer is not only a successful businesswoman and founder of Baer Hugs, health centers for women, she’s also beautiful. But she hasn’t always been that way. She’d spent her teen years lost, lonely and anxious, wondering if she would ever find a place to fit. Now, with those years behind her, she longs to find her special person. Though she’s not the overweight, nearsighted girl with braces anymore, she’s still lonely and there are no prospects in sight to share a happy ever after.
Suddenly, three golden-haired men come into her life. All successful, all gorgeous. And all with their own unique problems. One is too rough and hard in his treatment; one is too soft and wants her to take charge. The last is…well, let’s just say he’s not available.
Will Susan ever find the one man who’s “just right?”
Buy link:
Kindle Unlimited Baer and the Three Goldilocks
It was five minutes before nine o’clock in the morning at Baer Hugs, a health club for women. No need to check the big Seth Thomas clock on the wall for confirmation, Susan could set her watch by them. At the same time each weekday morning, every trainer, aerobics instructor and nutritionist, who wasn’t involved in a class, found a way to observe the parking lot and front entrance. That’s when Duncan Morrison arrived for work.
Not that she blamed them for wanting to stare. He was gorgeous. Over six feet of rippling muscle, the smooth grace of a ballet dancer and shoulders broad enough to carry the weight of the world. Make that two worlds. They were broad. She knew because she saw them flex and settle each day when he took off his suit jacket. It did such things to her insides that she almost missed the dimples deep enough to swim in or the way the slightest amusement could make his lips turn up in a smile and light the deep, rich blue of his eyes.
Yes, his shoulders were a distraction. Almost distraction enough to keep her mind off the way his blond hair tipped his ears and had started to curl against his nape.
The difference was Susan Baer didn’t have to stand around and watch Duncan make his way in from the parking lot in order to quench the lust in her heart. He was her assistant. She could gaze at him all day. Nonetheless, this morning she stood where the hall gave way to the lobby of the building and watched, right along with everyone else.
Sighing, she gave in for a moment to the natural tug on her emotions, the strong need to share her life with someone, to end the loneliness she’d always felt. She wanted to love and be loved, and now, at this point in life, she was ready and able.
In the business world, all she’d wanted to prove, she’d proven. A good portion of what she’d wanted to accomplish, she’d successfully completed. But when it came to personal goals, she hadn’t even begun.
So, considering where she’d started and where she was now, it was grossly unfair that she wanted to do more than gaze at Duncan. It was harder and harder to ignore the tingle that radiated through her each time they touched. Almost impossible to keep the longing out of her voice when they talked about anything non-business related. And she wondered how he missed the fact that she wandered into his office to ask questions she already knew the answers to. Undeniably, the attraction was driving her crazy. Yet she had to remember that he was an employee.
And, of course, there was the annoying fact of his being gay.
Author Dee S. Knight:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.
After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website (www.nomadauthors.com). Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! On the last Sunday of the month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity. Sign up for her newsletter for exclusive access to free novellas, poetry, and stuff.
Author links:
Website: https://nomadauthors.com
Blog: http://nomadauthors.com/blog
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DeeSKnight
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeeSKnight2018
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/265222.Dee_S_Knight
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B079BGZNDN
Newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h8t2y6
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/dee-s-knight-0500749
Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K
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