New! The Risky Research series by Kim McMahill

A Dose of Danger by Kim McMahill
How far will a deadly group go to control the diet product industry worth billions, and can anyone stop them? Find out in the Risky Research Series by Kim McMahill.

A Dose of Danger (book 1)
When researcher Grace Talbot and her team discover a possible solution for weight loss they are targeted by a group dedicated to controlling a diet product industry worth billions. Her unsanctioned testing methods bring tragedy to the family ranch and the attention of the local sheriff’s deputy. With her colleagues either dead, missing, or on the run she soon realizes she must trust the deputy with her life, but can she trust him with her heart?

A Taste of Tragedy (book 2)
A Taste of Tragedy by Kim McMahillMorgan Hunter sacrificed everything for her career. She had yet to encounter anything she wasn’t willing to do to succeed…until now. When she uncovers evidence that the healthy foods she’s been hired to promote may be dangerous she must reevaluate her priorities. As questions mount and the body count rises, she finds herself caught in the crosshairs of an organization that will stop at nothing to hide its secrets and protect its profits. With no one else to trust, Morgan is forced to seek help from the man she drove away, but whom she never stopped loving.

A Dose of Danger series by Kim McMahill

A Foundation of Fear (book 3)
A Foundation of Fear by Kim McMahillFBI Special Agent Devyn Nash is obsessed with taking down Coterie, a deadly group out to control the multi-billion-dollar diet product industry. The FBI’s plan to expose Coterie places Devyn’s best friend and her partner’s fiancé in the crosshairs of this ruthless organization. Can Devyn protect her friend and bring the coldblooded killers to justice before they strike again while distracted by injury, a sexist bully, and a long-distance relationship with a handsome Wyoming sheriff?
Lobbyist and Coterie assassin Sofia Wilks wants nothing more than to regain control of her life. Sofia knows Agent Nash is nipping at her heels, but the FBI agent isn’t the worst of her fears. She is drawn to a man who has the power to destroy her.

A Measure of Madness (Book 4 – release date not yet available)
After a Washington, D.C. fundraiser exposes members of Coterie, a deadly organization that has been manipulating the diet and nutrition industries, the pursuit by FBI agent Devyn Nash heats up. The FBI locates the mastermind behind Coterie in Puerto Rico, but despite help from local agents, their attempt to bring him in results in a shootout that sends Coterie’s members scrambling for cover, and Devyn more determined than ever to bring them to justice. Devyn’s decision to pursue the head of Coterie to Brazil puts her job and her relationship with Wyoming Sheriff, Gage Harris, in jeopardy, but she is unwilling to allow those responsible for so much death to live out their lives in paradise.

A Formidable Foe (Short story series prequel)
University student Devyn Nash is frustrated. No one believes her theory that two unrelated off-campus student deaths are the product of a serial killer. Authorities disregard her concerns and dire predictions, but her gut tells her not to give up. Will she convince them to heed her warnings before the killer strikes again or will she be the next victim?

Check out the book trailer for the series or connect with the author at any of the links below.

About Kim:
A Dose of Danger by Kim McMahillThe series begins with A Dose of Danger, which is mostly set in Wyoming. Kim McMahill grew up in Wyoming which is where she developed her sense of adventure and love of the outdoors, and after traveling the world and living in six other states, she has recently returned home. Kim started out writing non-fiction, but her passion for exotic world travel, outrageous adventures, stories of survival, and happily-ever-after endings soon drew her into a world of romantic suspense and adventure fiction. Kim has just returned the first round of edits for the fourth novel in the series, A Measure of Madness, to her publisher and is working on the fifth, which will bring the reader full-circle back to Wyoming.

All books in the series are available in print, ebook, and audio and are currently enrolled in Kindle Unlimited. A novelette prequel, A Formidable Foe, is perma-free to download. You can find Kim’s books on Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and Amazon.

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New! Don’t miss Alana Lorens and Tender Misdemeanors!

Tender Misdemeaners by Alana Lorens


Caryn Orlane has law enforcement in her blood; her father was a cop, and his father, too. She’s a federal agent in northwest Montana, protecting the old forests and keeping the peace.

Levi Bradshaw also believes in protecting the forests, but has a very different MO. He’s the leader of a group of eco-warriors, determined to save the trees of the Bitterroot by legal—and illegal—means.

When they meet in the woods at gunpoint, their encounter ignites a spark of interest, despite operating on opposite sides of the law. When their worlds turn on them, they only grow closer. If they don’t work together, can either survive?

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Publisher (The Wild Rose Press)

“Thanks for the flowers,” she whispered. “Very thoughtful.”

“Are you sure?” He still looked a little stunned at her outburst.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” She forced a smile. “Thank you. Where were you all?”

He walked to the edge of the porch. “We took a long walk along the perimeter. I felt a little stronger this morning, and I especially didn’t want the dogs to wake you.” He turned back to study her. “You needed the rest.”

She nodded. “I suppose. Although it looks like I’ll have plenty of time for that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sam called.” She wrestled with strong feelings that threatened to bring the tears again.

“News about the militia?”

His prompting didn’t help. “No. I’m officially suspended.”

He studied her face. “Because he saw us together last night.”

She nodded. “So I’ve got plenty of down time.”

His jaw tightened, pulling his mouth into a frown. “I’m sorry, Caryn. That’s my fau—”

Boiling frustration brought her to her feet. “No. No more ‘fault’ stuff. This isn’t your fault and it isn’t my fault, but by God it’s someone’s fault, and we’ve got to find out who!”

“We will,” he assured her.

His eyes were warm, and his arms were inviting, but she couldn’t find comfort there, not yet.

That’s what got you in trouble, Caryn Lyn.

She blinked, a cold chill running through her, even in the bright morning sunshine. Where had her father’s voice come from?

He might not have openly condemned her, but she didn’t need much imagination to visualize his blue eyes, pale with disappointment, his lips set tight against each other, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. She’d taken the career she’d fought so hard for and tossed it away on a chance at this relationship.Tender Misdemeaners by Alana Lorens

Let’s meet Alana:
 What sort of research did you do to write this book?
AL: I had studied up on ecotage for my elf series (The Clan Elves of the Bitterroot, written as Lyndi Alexander), and it is such an interesting concept that I didn’t want to leave it just yet. People are passionate about the old forests, and whether they camp in a tree to protect it, spike the trees or go for more dangerous measures, it’s admirable to see them standing up for what they believe in.

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
AL: That choices have consequences—when you break the law, you have to pay for it. But sometimes, it’s just what you have to do.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.
AL: I’d lived in Missoula, Montana many years ago, and I took my friend Kellie and my youngest daughter out there to gather intel for this story. We took a ski lift up to the top of Big Mountain—at the bottom of the hill it was 70 degrees, and we wore sandals and shorts. At the top there was snow on the ground!!

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
AL: I was a journalist for six years, then a family law attorney for 30 years before retiring. Now I can write full time, and enjoy reaching out to other authors and readers.

NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
AL: I think they keep wondering why I don’t have a “real” job. 😉

NA: The biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer
AL: What? You mean I don’t become a millionaire the first week my book is out??

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
AL: I’m a combination writer—I start out fairly loose, seat of the pantsish, until I get a solid beginning. Then I move on to map out a few chapters ahead at a time, until I hit the halfway mark, where I go ahead and lay out the plan through the end, to avoid plot bunnies.

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
AL: I love LOVE meeting readers at book signings. As a reader myself, it’s great to be able to chat about what we love.

NA: Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write? Action, dialogue, sex?
AL: I’m not a big fan of sex, sex, sex in romance books, tending to lean more to plot and suspense. So yes, I’d say writing action is easier for me than sex scenes. I do include physical affection, etc., and some teasers—but I let a lot go on behind closed doors.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning?
AL: Crap.
No, really. Crap. LOL

NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most?
AL: Emptying the cat box. But since I love kitties, it’s a necessary evil.

NA: What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
AL: Robin Williams

NA: What are you working on now?
AL: A science fiction romance, ménage a trois story with a gender-shifting alien, and a high school reunion story about a mommyblogger made good coming home to her roots—and her ex boyfriend who dumped her at prom.

NA: Anything I’d like to add?
AL: I really appreciate all the readers out there—what we do, we do for you!

Author Bio:

Alana LorensAlana Lorens has been a published writer for more than forty years. Currently a resident of Asheville, North Carolina, she loves her time in the smoky Blue Ridge mountains. One of her novellas, THAT GIRL’S THE ONE I LOVE, is set in the city of Asheville during the old Bele Chere festival. She lives with her daughter, who is the youngest of her seven children, two crotchety old cats, and five kittens of various ages.

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Amazon Author Page

Southern charm! I love it! Emma Ames and Secrets, Lies, and Homemade Pies

Secrets. Lies, and Homemade Pies by Emma Ames

Secrets, Lies, and Homemade Pies
A Sweet Thangs Mystery, book 1

Not only does Tizzy Donovan think her cup is always half-empty, she’s pretty sure someone has spit in it. When she discovers a murder victim in the cemetery and lead after lead points to her as the culprit, her looming damnation comes in the form of handsome Texas Ranger, Ridge Cooper.

With pressure mounting, Tizzy uses her ability to communicate with the dead to help clear her name, but will their clues be enough to prove her innocence and solve the case?

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By the time Tizzy and Rayann finished the dishes, swept the floor, and cleaned the kitchen, it was past six o’clock. They swung by Tizzy’s, picked up Gracie, and headed out toward the Philpot’s place with four dozen muffins. Frank’s family lived in the boonies down a dirt road about five miles outside the city limits. When they wheeled into the drive, the sun had set, and stars were appearing in the night sky. With no help from streetlights, darkness came earlier in the country.

Rayann unbuckled, opened her car door, and quickly closed it. “Do you smell that?”

“It’s a polecat.”

Rayann widened her eyes and fidgeted in her seat. “I don’t like them. They scare me more than anything. Even vampires.”

“You’ve been watching too much television. However, your fear is logical since skunks are real and vampires aren’t.”

“You don’t understand. If vamps were real, I’d still be more afraid of skunks. Vampires transform you, and you’ll stay young and live forever. But skunks make you stink, bite you and give you rabies. I don’t want to get out of the car. That stinker is somewhere close. What if it’s rabid? What if it bites us? We’d have to take those awful shots. I’m afraid of needles.”

Tizzy rolled her eyes and lowered her voice, “Let me get this straight. You wouldn’t mind a vampire sinking his long, sharp fangs deep into your neck and sucking out all your blood, but you’re afraid a skunk might bite you? This is only my opinion, but I’m sure you can outrun a skunk. They don’t move fast.”

“Okay, but leave your lights on. They hate light.” She eased the door open again.

Tizzy slung her purse over her shoulder and stepped to the back of the van, then spoke to Gracie. “Baby, we’ll be right back.”

She and Rayann picked up two boxes, approached the front and knocked.

No sound came from inside.

Rayann pressed her face to the front window. “I don’t think anybody’s home.”

“They have a screened-in back porch. If it’s open, we can leave the boxes inside.”

They made their way to the back, found the screen open, and placed the muffins on a small table. As they rounded the corner of the house, they stopped in their tracks at the sight of two glowing eyes. Rayann moved behind Tizzy. “Oh, no! It’s a skunk.”

“Don’t move. Once he sees we’re no threat, he’ll leave.” The creature gave a quick little nod, sniffed the air, and twitched his tail.

Rayann prayed. “Oh, Holy Mother. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Jesus, Jesus, bo-besus-banana-banta-bo-besus. He’ll bite us! We’ll get rabies!” She screamed and jumped on Tizzy’s back.

Tizzy’s purse catapulted into the air. The contents exploded and rained down. She fought to dislodge her friend, catch the purse, and keep herself upright, but lost her footing. Stumbling, she fell forward with Rayann riding her all the way to the ground.

The animal turned, lifted his tail and sprayed, hitting them dead center. A duet of blood-curdling screams echoed into the night. Rayann jumped to her feet and ran for the car. Tizzy quickly followed.

The skunk skittered away.

“I told you we shouldn’t get out! We stink! We’ll never get this odor off. I may throw up.” Rayann gagged.

“No. No. Don’t throw up in my car! Take some deep breaths!”

“Momma, somebody tooted.” Gracie said from the backseat.

Rayann gulped for air. “Hurry, start the car.”

Tizzy rested her head on the steering wheel and stared at her purse, spilled on the lawn. A large, mangy black dog appeared out of nowhere, lay down and chewed her wallet. “I can’t start the car because an insane person blaspheming the name of our Lord and Savior jumped on my back and caused me to lose my car keys. Damn, Rayann!”

“Damn, Rayann,” Gracie repeated.

“I’m sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have said that. It wasn’t nice.”

“This is not my fault, Tizzy! I told you I was afraid of skunks. I gave you fair warning. You should have known I’d go a little crazy if I saw one.” Rayann fumbled with her purse, then pulled out her cell. She punched in the number and ranted, “Hello, Dwayne? Tizzy and I have a situation. I need you to come and get us! We’re out at the Philpot place. Bring your gun and at least two bullets.”

Let’s meet Emma:
NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
EA: While visiting the local cemetery to choose a family plot—that sounds like a fun trip, right? One member of the mowing crew working that day, knew my daddy and came over to visit with him. Everything the guy said was funny! Not the content so much, but the way he said it—in true redneck fashion! Later that day, I related that incident to an uncle, and he said, “you should write a book.” And, so it began.

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
EA: Enjoyment. If the silliness in my books makes a reader laugh, then I’ve accomplished what I set out to do. Nothing makes us feel better than laughter. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, increases memory, learning and creativity, and boosts our immune system. It’s so important, they have laugh yoga clubs all over the world. I’m not making this up. People get together and practice laughing because it’s contagious and you reap the benefits even if it isn’t sincere. Because, it turns out, your brain can’t tell if you’re really laughing or faking it. I suspect women are better at that than men!

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.
EA: The town is real. It’s where I grew up. Much of the silly stuff in the book really happened. Dan, Saint, Nana, Pattiecake, and Sugarpie are all relatives. The name Saint was in my family long before Kanye and Kim used it! Pattiecake and Sugarpie are what our grandchildren call me and my sister. Since we both love to bake, it was a natural fit to make us owners of the town Bakery, Sweet Thangs. Of course, in the story, I made us younger and gave us bigger boobs! That’s the beauty of fiction.

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
EA: I currently work part-time as an assistant property manager for an apartment complex—120 units. Before that, I was a school secretary.

NA: What do your friends and family think about you being a writer?
EA: They are not impressed.

NA: The biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer.
EA: The second book I released, a YA romance caught fire and I sold thousands and thousands of eBooks—along with having almost half-million pages in one month! I still haven’t figured out how that happened. If I could, I’d sell the formula.

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
EA: Both. I start by the seat of my pants, but at some point, I make an outline—at least a loose one. I’ll make notes of funny scenes and even dialogue I want to include. I tend to write wayyy more stuff than is needed, so by the time I’m done editing a book, I’ve usually cut 10,000 words or more!

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
EA: Speaking events, and getting to judge writing contests. Some of those actually pay, so that’s just icing on the cake. Getting to do something I love (talking about writing and publishing) and making a few bucks.

NA: Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write? Action, dialogue, sex?
EA: All of them! Holy Moly, writing is not easy. I find every chapter and every scene a challenge, and I’m rarely satisfied with the end result. I always think it can be better.

NA: Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
EA: Well, actually, I’m currently wearing my pajamas. So, I guess I chose because I didn’t want to get dressed!

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning?
EA: I can’t remember the last time I used an alarm. I’ve always been an early riser so I’ve never needed one.

NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most?
EA: I HATE dusting. Maybe that comes from the years I spent cleaning houses and businesses. Even though I now live in a small apartment, and don’t have much to dust, I still hate it.

NA: What are you working on now?
EA: I’m currently finishing edits on the third book in this series, Pretty Bows and Turned Up Toes.

NA: What is any question we didn’t ask that you would like to answer?
EA: Probably what advice would you give to new writers? Which is, join a critique group. I’ve belonged to an online group for ten years and the feedback I get is solid gold. I have readers of all ages, ethnicity, and geographical locations. Some are doctors, lawyers, school teachers, ex-cons, etc. Not only do I get help, I’m able to offer help to writers just starting out, and that gives me great joy. I’m a true believer in paying it forward, so to know I might help someone become better, just as others help me do the same, is a wonderful thang!

Emma’s info:
Emma AmesEmma Ames is an alter-ego of Amazon bestselling author, Ann Everett, who is an alter-ego of a real person. All three live in Texas.

Find out more about Emma and her books at:

New Release! D & S Duos, Book 5 by Lisabet Sarai

D&S Duos, Book 5 by Lisabet Sarai

Let the Mistress give you the pain you crave.


Powerful women take control in this fifth volume of Lisabet Sarai’s D&S Duos series. In “Shades of Red”, a young woman vacationing in Amsterdam rents a room in the fabled red light district and discovers the thrill of dominating a willing male. In “Poker Night”, a God-fearing, working class guy visits his Mistress to satisfy his secret, shameful needs. Also includes a sizzling F/m excerpt from The Heart of the Deal: Business, Bondage, Discipline and Desire.

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“Sex with strangers? For money? You’ve got to be insane, Ruby!”

Jane’s Delft-blue eyes are wide with disbelief. Her horrified protest is loud enough to trigger tolerant smiles at neighboring tables. This is, after all, worldly and decadent Amsterdam.

“I’ve already hired the window. For tonight.”

“But it’s dangerous!”

“Oh, please! There’s 24 hour video surveillance. The police practically outnumber the tourists strolling around the district at night. Every cubicle has an alarm in case things get dicey. The landlord showed me how it worked.”

“But it’s so degrading! Once a man pays you, you’re obliged to do whatever he says. You’ve got no choice.”

I sip my cappuccino. My lipstick leaves a crimson crescent on the china cup.

“Nonsense. I’ll be the one in control. I was watching the women last night. Anyone whose looks they don’t like, they send away. The men are the ones who are desperate, vulnerable. They want us so much, they’re willing to pay to satisfy their desires.”

Jane shakes her head. “If your father finds out, he’ll be furious.”

“How would he find out? You wouldn’t tell him, would you?” I put on a stern face, not too different from his. Cowed, she lowers her eyes.

“Of course not. Still, you know how he is. It was tough to get him to agree to this trip at all. We had to really lean on the culture aspect.”

“I’m old enough to make up my own mind.” My friend’s red-gold ringlets, backlit by the afternoon sun, make her look like a Botticelli angel. I relish the thought of corrupting her. “Come on, Jane! We’ve been doing nothing but high-minded museums and libraries and concerts for the past three days. I just want some fun.”

“I’m afraid you’ll get more than you bargain for.”

“I certainly hope so.

About Lisabet

Lisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – over one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, GLBT, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website (, along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (, she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads, Pinterest, and Twitter. Join her VIP email list here:

New! To Heal a Heart by Jana Richards

To Heal a Heart by Jana Richards

To Heal a Heart–Coming Soon

Garrett Saunders’ world changed two years ago on a road in Afghanistan. Back home, he feels like a stranger. As he struggles to find his place in the world, he meets a horse destined for the slaughterhouse and a woman bent on rescuing the strays of the world, including him.
Blair Greyson moves to Masonville to look after her ailing grandfather and give her rescue horses a home. Right away she butts heads with a surly former Marine. Despite a rocky start, they come to an agreement: Blair will board Garrett’s rescue horse and he’ll help with repairs around her farm.

Garrett finds purpose working with Blair—and falls in love with her. But she’s hiding a secret. Can she forgive herself and accept Garrett’s love, or will she let guilt and regret continue to rule her life?

Look for news of the release!

To Heal a Heart by Jana Richards

Author information:

Jana Richards has tried her hand at many writing projects over the years, from magazine articles and short stories to full-length paranormal suspense and romantic comedy. She loves to create characters with a sense of humor, but also a serious side. She believes there’s nothing more interesting then peeling back the layers of a character to see what makes them tick.
When not writing up a storm, working at her day job as an Office Administrator, or dealing with ever present mountains of laundry, Jana can be found on the local golf course pursuing her newest hobby.
Jana lives in Western Canada with her husband Warren. You can reach her through her website at

Jana Richards’ Social media links:
Amazon Author Page:
Amazon UK Author Page:
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Pre-order your copy! The Adventure of the Murdered Midwife by Liese Sherwood-Fabre

The Adventure of the Murdered Midwife by Liese Sherwood-FabreThe Launch of a New Series! And pre-order starts today (April 1)!
No foolin’!

The Adventure of the Murdered Midwife is the first book in a new origin series on Sherlock Holmes (The Early Case Files of Sherlock Holmes).

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle provided few details on Holmes’ boyhood beyond noting that his ancestors were country squires, his grandmother was the sister of the French artist Vernet, and he had a brother Mycroft seven years his senior. With almost a blank slate to work with, I’ve had a great time inventing the young Sherlock and what his life would have been like as an adolescent in the mid-1800s. In particular, I invented a family almost eccentric as he that would influence his development: a mother with a brilliant mind restricted by Victorian conventions; an uncle who invents weapons and explosives; a loving, but remote, father; and genius and slightly bully of an older brother.


The Adventure of the Murdered Midwife introduces Sherlock having endured a miserable few weeks of his first year at Eton. Sherlock’s father calls him and his brother back to Underbyrne, the ancestral estate. The village midwife has been found with a pitchfork in her back in the estate’s garden, and Mrs. Holmes has been accused of the murder. She must depend on the family—but especially Sherlock—to solve the murder and save her from the gallows.


They told me the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, and I knew I should have been honored to be at the institution; but at age thirteen, I hated it. The whole bloody place. I remained only because my parents’ disappointment would have been too great a disgrace to bear.

My aversion culminated about a month after my arrival when I was forced into a boxing match on the school’s verdant side lawn. I had just landed a blow to Charles Fitzsimmons’s nose, causing blood to pour from both nostrils, when the boys crowding around us parted. One of the six-form prefects joined us in the circle’s center.

After glancing first at Fitzsimmons, he said to me, “Sherlock Holmes, you’re wanted in the Head Master’s office. Come along.”

Even though I’d been at the school only a few weeks, I knew no one was called to the director’s office unless something was terribly wrong. I hesitated, blinking at the young man in his stiff collar and black suit. He flapped his arms to mark his impatience at my delay and spun about on his heel, marching toward the college’s main building. I gulped, gathered my things, and followed him at a pace that left me puffing to keep up.

I had no idea what caused such a summons. If it had been the fight, surely Charles would have accompanied me. I hadn’t experienced any controversies in any of my classes, even with my mathematics instructor. True, earlier in the day I’d corrected him, but surely it made sense to point out his mistake? For the most part, the masters seemed pleased with my answers when they called on me.

I did have problems, however, with most of my classmates—Charles Fitzsimmons was just one example. Except he was the one who’d called me out. Surely, that couldn’t be the basis of this summons?

Once inside, my sight adjusted slowly to the dark, cool interior, and I could distinguish the stern-faced portraits of past college administrators, masters, and students lining the hallway. As I passed them, I could feel their judgmental stares bearing down on me, and so I focused on the prefect’s back, glancing neither right nor left at these long-dead critics. A cold sweat beaded on my upper lip as I felt certain something very grave had occurred, with me at the center of the catastrophe. Reaching the Head Master’s office, I found myself unable to work the door’s latch, and with an exasperated sigh, the prefect opened it for me and left me to enter on a pair of rather shaky knees.

My agitation deepened when I entered and found the director examining a letter with my father’s seal clearly visible. He glanced up from the paper with the same severe expression I’d observed in his predecessors’ portraits. Dismissing his appraisal, I concentrated on the details I gathered from the missive in his hand.

Taking a position on an expansive oriental carpet in front of his massive wooden desk, I drew in my breath and asked, “What happened to my mother?”

“How did you know this involves your mother?” he asked, pulling back his chin.

“The letter. That’s my father’s seal.” My words gathered speed as I continued. “It doesn’t bear a black border, which means at least at this point no death is involved. My father’s hand is steady enough to write, so he must be well, that leaves only some problem with my mother.”

The man raised his eyebrows at my response, then glanced at the letter in his hand before tossing it onto the desk’s polished surface. “As you have surmised, a problem at home requires your return. Your father has requested that we arrange for you and your things to be sent to the rail station. Your brother will be arriving from Oxford to accompany you the rest of the way.”

My heart squeezed in my chest, dread rushing through my body. Home. Underbyrne, the family estate. And not just for a short visit. Packing all my things meant I was leaving for the remainder of the term. Something terribly wrong had happened. Grievous enough to pull Mycroft out of his third year of studies at Oxford. Blood whooshed in my ears, and I barely heard what followed.

“I’ve already requested Mrs. Whittlespoon to assist you in your packing.” Head Master turned his attention to the rest of the mail on his desk. He glanced up to add, “She’ll be in your room already.”

“Thank you, sir. Good day, sir.” I recovered enough to respond to his statement, but not to ask the reason behind Father’s directive.

With a wave of his hand, I was dismissed before I could inquire. As I closed the door behind me, I heard him mutter, “As much a prig as his brother.”

For a moment, I considered opening the door and requesting more information about his assessment as well as what else my father had provided in his letter, but social convention restrained me from questioning an elder—and the Head Master at that. I was left to ponder my unspoken concerns as I returned to my chamber.

By the time I arrived at my room, my trunk had already been brought down from storage, and Mrs. Whittlespoon, the house dame, was placing my belongings in it.

“There you are, dearie.” She pointed to a set of clothing on my bed. “You go change into your traveling clothes while I finish this up.”

I paused, considering for a moment to ask her what she knew of the events surrounding my departure, but she had turned her attention to the drawer with my undergarments. Having lost the opportunity for the moment, I retrieved the clothes and carried them to the bathing facilities.

Since the Head Master was not forthcoming, and Mrs. Whittlespoon might have only limited knowledge, my best hope for additional information as to what had occurred with Mother would be Mycroft—if he was in the mood to share. Knowing my brother, he might not be inclined to discuss this or any other matter on the journey home. He’d been overjoyed to return to university after the summer’s break and pulling him out would definitely sour his mood.

Mrs. Whittlespoon turned to me when I re-entered the room and placed both her hands on my shoulders for a moment to scrutinize my appearance.

“You look a right proper young gentleman.” She smoothed out the sleeves of my coat. “You go on down to the carriage, now. I’ll finish up here and have Jarvis take the trunk down to the carriage. I assume you’ll want to carry that yourself.”

She waved her hand at my violin case lying on the bed. A wave of guilt swept over me. At my mother’s insistence, I’d begun lessons two years before and developed some skill on the instrument. Since entering Eton I hadn’t found the time to practice as promised. How could I report such a failure to her? I swallowed as my next thought rose, unbidden. Assuming, of course, she was in a position to ask—or understand—my answer.

Buy Links:
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About the Author:
Liese Sherwood-FabreLiese Sherwood-Fabre knew she was destined to write when she got an A+ in the second grade for her story about Dick, Jane, and Sally’s ruined picnic. After obtaining her PhD from Indiana University, she joined the federal government and had the opportunity to work and live internationally for more than fifteen years. After returning to the states, she seriously pursued her writing career.

Her writing has been recognized with a series of awards, including a Pushcart Prize nomination, a Golden Heart finalist, and a blue ribbon from Chanticleer Book Reviews. Steve Berry has called her work “Good old-fashioned, gimmick-free storytelling” and Gemma Halliday enthused her current novel is “a classic in the making.” A recognized Sherlockian scholar, her essays on Sherlock and Victorian England are published across the globe and have appeared in the Baker Street Journal, the premiere publication of the Baker Street Irregulars.

Social Media Links:
Amazon Author Page

Daryl Devore’s newest, Two Truths and a Lie, won’t disappoint!

New! Two Truths and a Lie
From Daryl Devoré, so you know it’s going to be good. And HOT!

Two Truths and a Lie by Daryl Devore


Blurb and Buy Links –
From the author of the Two Hearts One Love Trilogy, multi-published, hot romance author Daryl Devoré’s latest book revolves around deceit, betrayal, passion and the theft of a multi-million-dollar, rare, red diamond.

As if multiple planes crashes, a car accident, and a concussion isn’t enough, carefree Byn and straight-laced billionaire, Mark clash over Byn’s need for independence and Mark’s struggle with guilt pushing him in the opposite direction of love. When an art forger, an art thief and a ninety-five-year-old woman get involved the chance for true love for Byn and Mark fades.

All is lost until a children’s game is their only hope.


D2D – links to Kobo, Apple, Barnes&Noble etc.

Print Book link available soon.

Pinterest – Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie by Daryl DevoreExcerpt
“What are you doing there? Come here!”

I wheeled around. A short, rotund man in a tuxedo stood at the head of the hallway. He had an aristocratic annoyed look on his face.
There was little else I could do, so, I did the stammering bit again. “I… uh… I…”

“Come! Here!”


I stifled a smirk and let my bottom lip tremble, then I added a sniff and even managed a bit of tear, which I swiped at. I peeked up. He hadn’t moved but was beginning to turn a lovely shade of red. I took two stumbling steps toward him.

He stood taller, but it didn’t help. He still only came to my shoulder. “I expect you have a plausible reason for being in the hall. As you can see my guests are here in this room. There was no one in the hall.”

I was, you pompous idiot.

I dipped in a small curtsey, just playing up to his pompousness. “Mr. Chapman told me to take a drink to the office.”

“My office?”

I, simultaneously, shrugged and nodded. And for effect, I sniffed.

Like I know who the hell you are. You short, little twit.

“Why would he send you to deliver a drink that I didn’t order?”

I repeated my shrug. Alfred Lord Tennyson said it best in the Charge of the Light Brigade―Ours is not to reason why. Hmm, I’m get all British-y.

Mr. Chapman appeared at my side.

Thank heaven for little miracles.

“Ah, Lord Middleton. I was looking for you. There… seems to be a bit of a… problem in your office.”

The pompous idiot, also known as Lord Middleton, brushed past me, entered his office, disappeared for―at most―three Mississippis then burst out of the room. He placed himself toe to toe with me.

Because eyeball to eyeball wasn’t possible. I stifled a snicker.

His brow darkened. “Where is the diamond?”

Innocent look pasted on face, reply ready. “What diamond?” Brilliantly played.

“The safe was closed when I left my office. You did this. You had no right to be in there.” He jerked his cell phone from an inside pocket. “I am calling the police.”

He played right into my plan. I reacted like an overly dramatic, silent movie star. I raised my hands in horror, which tossed the whiskey down the front of Lord Pompous Idiot. I dropped the tray. It couldn’t make a dramatic crash as the hallway was carpeted. Darn. Then I edged myself back against the wall and cowered like a frightened animal.

The next few minutes were hysterical chaos as both men snapped questions at me. I dug deep and pulled up some tears and let them stream down my cheeks as I repeatedly mumbled, “I didn’t do anything. I didn’t take anything.”

But there was a fabulous Hallmark flash. A man stepped into the hallway, curiosity etched on his face. It was him―Lover Boy. He was tall, dark-haired, and scruffy or unshaven if you prefer. His tuxedo fit him like a second skin. There was no rotundness like Lord Idiot or knock-off anything like Mr. Chapman. The man was pure sophistication. Out of the hundred or so guests, he was the only one who had smiled at me when he requested a drink. That made him human and not an arrogant robotron. And that made him sexy.

Two Truths and a Lie by Daryl Devore


Meet the author of Two Truths and A Lie – Daryl Devoré
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
A: Let’s start with I’m female. My name – Daryl – is both a male and a female name. If it is pronounced rhyming with Karl – then it is the female version. The male version rhymes with Carol.

I live in Eastern Ontario, Canada in a 175 yr old farm house.

I write under two pens names – Daryl Devoré writes hot romance and Victoria Adams writes sweet romance. Although, I am about to fade out Victoria and meld her into Devoré. Having 2 pens names is tiring.
Just an add on – Daryl is my real first name. When I was trying to pick a pen name, the writer’s group I belong too said – keep your first name.

Q: Do you have a hobby?
A: I’m a belly dancer and a yoga addict. I study Raks Sharqi belly dance which is the more traditional type. A belly dancer is not a stripper and they did not dance to seduce the sultans – that’s Hollywood. Anybody can learn Rak Sharqi. It’s a fabulous activity.

Yoga – the studio where I practise has so many classes that it would probably be better if I just moved in. I love Warm Yin and Wall Yoga. I’ve tried all sorts of different classes from Hatha to Power Yoga. I love the way I feel when I leave class- open to the world, my heart is lighter, my mood is brighter. Yoga is my drug.

Q: If you could go back, is there any aspect of your novel you would change?
A: No – the book is the book. It’s done. The story is written and that is that. A person could go back and fix something to death. There will always be someone who disagrees with something in the books or wonders why they character didn’t react a certain way, but you can’t fix the book for them. What about all the people who thought the book was fine? If I were to change parts then those people might not be happy.

So I circle back to the beginning – would I change anything – no – the book is the book.

Q: Can you tell us about your upcoming books?
A: I just finished medieval fantasy that has been sitting on my hard drive for a couple of years. There are dragons and a prince and a woman with a dark secret.

Q: Is anything in your books ever based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
A: That depends on which pen name I am using.

Daryl Devoré – purely imagination. I’ve written a few billionaire stories – sadly, I don’t know any billionaires. From my medieval fantasy romance – happily, I don’t know any dragons. But having one as a pet might be kinda cool.

Victoria Adams generally writes contemporary stories – although I’m in the middle of a time travel one. The characters in those books are composites of people I know and the places are based on locations I have lived or visited. The prep school in Dancing in Circles is based on my high school and the main character is adapted from the guy who sat in front of me in English class.

Q: Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
A: Don’t get bogged down by the rules of writing. People will pontificate on the silliest things. Like – you should never use the word “as” in a book. It marks you as a weak writer. PTHTHTHTH – I say to them. If the greats authors of old used the word “as” then you can to. And no, you aren’t Jane Austin or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but at one point – neither were they.

I have a motto – Picasso wasn’t always Picasso. At one point, he was just a guy name Pablo painting weird pictures.

So, go write your book.

Q: Is there anything special that you would like to say to your readers?
A: If you read a book, pul-l-l-lease leave a review. It doesn’t have to be a 10-page review. This isn’t an English assignment. Let me give you a few examples
A – I liked the book. It was great.
B – I fell in love with the characters in this book.
C – This book grabbed me by the heartstrings.
D – I couldn’t put it down. Read it all in one night.
Or…my personal favourite
E – Daryl Devoré is the most fabulous writer ever and this is the bestest most romantic book that has ever been written and you should buy because it is so absolutely glorious.

Bio and Social Media Links –
Two writers in one. Daryl Devoré writes hot romances with sexy heroes and strong heroines. Victoria Adams is Daryl’s alter ego when she’s inspired to write sweet romances with little to no heat.

Daryl (@daryldevore) lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, two black cats – Licorice and Ginny-Furr Purrkins – and some house ghosts. Her daughter is grown and has flown the nest. Daryl loves to take long walks on her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth, and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter, and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.

Blog – Romance – Sweet to Heat
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Charity Sunday: The Salvation Army

Charity SundayHow Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named.

Hello! The charity I want to focus on this month is the Salvation Army. We all see their kettles and bell ringers at Christmas or shop in their thrift stores, but maybe we don’t think about what the group does throughout the year. Even in this time of the corona virus, the Salvation Army is striving to provide food, comfort and help to those in need and in a safety conscious way. They do good work.

Salvation ArmyHowever, my reason for wanting to celebrate the Salvation Army is that my mom often told me that when she was small, she probably never would have had a doll if not for the one she received at Christmas from her local Salvation Army. My grandmother worked two jobs—hard jobs, like scrubbing the floors on her hands and knees in the local school and factory work—and still found time to sew all of the clothes for twin girls she was raising alone. There was no money for things little girls longed for, like dolls. In that way, the Salvation Army fed my mom’s heart and soul, if not her tummy. I salute the work they do now, during the fight against Covid-19, and every day.

Please leave a comment on this site–any comment–and I will donate an amount to the Salvation Army. Thank you!

Sometimes the work charities do seems like magic, so today I’d like to feature a bit of magic from my book Your Desire.


Your Desire by Dee S. KnightYour Desire. A mysterious shop appears in town for one reason: to bring the spice of passion and the thrill of love to one special person. Magic is in more than the item purchased—it’s in the heart of the buyer, often hidden, usually surprising. And after enchantment takes hold ad the fantasy is fulfilled? The store fades from sight and memory, only to reappear somewhere else. Maybe in your town…?

The Artist and the Director
Derica Meadows, the conservative Director of Accounting at a large San Francisco firm, sees the most beautiful dress imaginable in a shop window. So different from her usual genderless pant suits, she’s swept into acquiring the gown for a formal business affair the next night. But a funny thing happens on the way to her party, in the form of a compelling man and a photo shoot. Suddenly, the normally logical Derica finds herself swimming in a sea of romance and sexual freedom she’d never before considered. The hunk of an artist can satisfy her fantasies, but what will happen to her climb up the corporate ladder in the process? And to her heart?

Awards Night
Allison Hayes has always tried to be all things to all people. Need anything done? Call Allison. It seems no one considers that Allison might have needs, too. When she goes home one night to find a man had crashed his car in her pasture, she resigns herself to helping out yet again. However, it isn’t long before she finds the roles reversed, as the mysterious man fulfills her deepest desires. By morning, Allison knows that in being the Good Samaritan this time, she gained more than she gave. The question is, was it passion for one night or a lifetime of love?

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The whir of a sewing machine traveled across the ether. As intended, the sound blended with the those of a lawn mower in Cleveland, a blender in Dallas, an electric razor in Seattle. Some people, those specially attuned to properties outside the normal realm of humans, heard buzzing that could have been a sewing machine, but it was faint and truly indistinguishable for what it was. More like a mosquito at the ear. They heard it but couldn’t decipher exactly where to swat, so they did their best ignore it.

Of course, the sound was not supposed to be heard, and therefore not investigated. The very few who did hear it clearly, who also heard Nigel and his granddaughter clearly, well, they generally resided in a hospital setting where three squares a day were provided and tranquility came in the form of little green pills. At the least, they saw a shrink three times a week. Their knowledge wasn’t taken seriously.

This worried Nigel, but what could he do? It wasn’t his fault humans had devolved to the point where they no longer believed in enchantment. He shook his head and tsked as he sewed. When he was a boy learning the business from his grandfather as his granddaughter now learned from him, no one would have believed the universe could get to this point, where people believed in the “magic” of technology but not the magic that could be found in their own hearts.

Of course, challenges were exciting, and skeptical humans certainly kept him on his toes.

Absently, he hummed as he completed the final seam on the full, purple satin skirt. He pulled it from the machine, snipped the threads and shook the material out before pinning it on the dress form.

“Edwina! I have the skirt finished. Come here, dear.” Standing back to cast a critical eye over how the skirt hung, he held up an artist’s rendition of what the final product should be. He looked from drawing to garment, made a few small adjustments to the pleating around the waist and nodded in satisfaction.

“Hey, Gramps,” his granddaughter said, bounding into the room.

For the millionth time, he mentally cringed at the lack of style in today’s youth. Their kind had the ability to appear any way they wished. Glancing in the mirror, he saw a debonair David Niven reflected back. The sleeves of his snowy white shirt were rolled to his elbows, but the Windsor knot in his tie was perfect, as was the knife-sharp crease in his trousers and the shine on his shoes. When he rolled down his sleeves and put on his jacket, he would look every inch the gentleman. Quirking his brows in approval, he unconsciously ran a fingertip lightly over his moustache. Instead of selecting what he would consider an appropriate shell, Edwina—a name which screamed propriety—chose to look like a bag lady gone wild.

Like today, for instance. Long blond hair, streaked with pink and purple, pulled up into a ponytail to hang down the side of her head. Black lipstick and eye shadow. Two earrings in one ear and four in the other. A bright orange tank top and faded jeans—separated scandalously by a good three inches of bare stomach—looked as though they’d been worn (and torn) for centuries. And her feet—her lovely, dainty feet!—were shod in horrid, ugly brown things that not even the most desperate soldier in Caesar’s army would have donned.

When he had questioned her once about her appearance, she’d said with delight that she was starting her own trend. A Lauper-Madonna-Pink look. It was not something he’d understood. Today, after a quick perusal, he leaned closer.

“What is that?” He swiped his thumb across her cheek, then examined what was on the pad.

“Body glitter. Isn’t it cool?” She grinned at him.

Her enthusiasm, as well as her utter lack of self-consciousness, brought the slightest of smiles to his eyes, even as his mouth formed a moue of reproach.

“Yes, well.” He wiped his thumb on a handkerchief pulled from the pocket of his jacket, hanging on the wall behind Edwina. “‘Cool’ is what ice cubes provide. I don’t know what body glitter is good for.”

Giggles flowed from her, reminding him of when she was a small girl instead of the nearly grown youngster she was now. Where had the centuries gone? Despite the shudders her wardrobe caused, he loved Edwina enormously and strove to give her the very best education in what they did, which was make dreams come true.

Dee’s bio:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex. Writing was so much fun Dee decided to keep at it. That’s how she spends her days. Her nights? Well, she’s lucky that her dream man, childhood sweetheart, and long-time hubby are all the same guy, and nights are their secret. For romance ranging from sweet to historical, contemporary to paranormal and more join Dee on Nomad Authors.

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Reading this book is no Deadly Gamble! Lorelei Confer

Welcome, Lorelei and Deadly Gamble!

Deadly Gamble by Lorelei Confer

Deadly Gamble by Lorelei Confer


Investigative attorney, Dalton Emberling, hired to find the best friend of a sexy, rival attorney, Elyse Young, uncovers a sinister plot of human trafficking….thrusting them into danger they can only survive as allies.

After they receive resistance from the local police department, suspicions grow.

Will their new relationship, built on trust, be enough or will the evil they face consume them? Will they thrive or die?

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Available now on preorder exclusive to Amazon for $.99 in KU and $9.99 in paperback. Release date: April 7.

Amazon KU

**Special Notice!**
Come and join the release party on Facebook, April 7! Have fun, meet some new authors and find new books–including more about Deadly Gamble and the rest of the series!

Meet Lorelei:

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
LC: The first book in the Deadly series, Deadly Deception, came to me in a dream, where I was being chased. We’ve all had those, but in this dream I was held prisoner, slapped, and told I was being sold to “Boss” who like girls with big jugs. As soon as the dream woke me up, I wrote everything down that I could remember and still wasn’t aware of what it all meant.

This was in 2006 before Human Sex Trafficking was in the news every single day. A week or so later there was an article in my local paper detailing a sting the local Task Force for Human Trafficking had implemented at a large house they had surveilled for some time. They’d had numerous arrests and saved the lives of a number of young women who had been held captive. It was like a brothel, but the women never left, just a continuous string of men going in and coming out. The article also stated if for any questions or tips, etc. contact James McBride, Detective on the Task Force. So, I contacted him.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?
LC: I met with the Detective on the local Task Force of Human Trafficking and told him the scenario of my book, he agreed with every point I made; this was real and could actually happen. He answered every question I asked and invited me to the monthly meeting of the Task Force which was comprised of numerous officers from local municipalities, county, and state, and explained how they all worked together.

I also did a lot of research online at the Human Trafficking website. I learned what to look for if someone is being held against their will, what to do, how not to be trafficked, and most importantly how to always be aware of your surroundings; the who, what, why, and when someone is in your personal space. I also read countless stories from victims, that most are never reported. I learned so much I couldn’t include in just one book; hence the series began.

I felt the need to put a message in every book I wrote, that if I could only help one person, it would be worth my time and effort. I’m constantly learning about new tactics the traffickers are using, and what the communities and out country are doing to protect possible victims.

In Deadly Homecoming, I introduced Truckers Against Traffickers. Yes, it’s a real organization. Many large trucking companies have their drivers trained to be on the lookout for possible victims or suspicious activities. They’ve saved many lives already.

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book? LC: The message to always be aware; aware of strangers (men and women) who want to be your friend and really get to know them, don’t take them at their word; be aware of parking lots without security, be aware of vehicles parked around your car when you’re ready to get in it at the end of the day, be aware of what’s on your windshield and do not get out of your car to investigate on your own, instead call the police, and know how to defend yourself should someone attempt to abduct you.

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
LC: I spent 30 years in the financial arena as Controller/CFO of primarily manufacturing companies as well as private accounting. I retired in 2005, but I’ve journaled every day for most of my life.

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
LC: Journaling; it was a way to get the “angst” out.

NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
LC: They love it and my books and just like so many of my readers, they want to know when the next book is coming out. lol

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
LC: I’m a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer but about halfway through I make a list to check off that I want to make sure I included. Things I thought about after the scene was written, etc.

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author? LC: Talking to my readers who tell me they loved my books and want more.

NA: Do you have quirky writing habits?
LC: I write better in the middle of the night. If I can’t sleep and my mind is overloaded with scenes or personal issues, I get up and start writing. For some reason it’s so much easier to focus on someone else’s problems than my own. lol

NA: Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write? Action, dialogue, sex?
LC: Action for sure. I have to actually go through the scene many times and make sure I have enough reaction to an action.

NA: Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
LC: Sorry, still in my nightgown and it was on top when I opened my drawer.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning?
LC: No alarm just wake up, usually with a list of things running around in my head. One, what to make for dinner, is prominent.

NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most? Housework, cleaning, etc. LC: Fortunately, my husband loves to do laundry, wash pots and pans, and he even cleans windows. And enjoys it.

NA: What are you working on now?
LC: I have five releases this year. Two in the Deadly series, two in the Saddle Creek series and A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot in the anthology, Romances on the Range. The Saddle Creek series is a great series and I enjoy writing about cowboys and Jackson Hole, WY. So far, I have 4 books out, working on the Sheriff’s story, who is in every book so far as well as another Christmas book.

NA: What’s your most favorite and least favorite to do of the writing process?
LC: The writing and initial idea/plotting process if my absolute favorite. Once I have that all down I feel like I’m done, but then there is all the promo (my least favorite) that is continual, every single day. I just want to write.

Author Bio:
Lorelei ConferLorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid-west coast of Florida with her high school sweetheart, now husband, and AJ, her longhaired Chihuahua.

In the fourth grade, she wrote her first story—something about getting a shot at the doctors—that was produced by the teacher for parents and students in an assembly. When she was older, she spilled her guts in a journal every night and wrote long newsy love letters to Viet Nam.

She is a multi-published author of romantic suspense with two series: The Deadly series and the Saddle Creek series. She also has written numerous novellas and short stories.

She loves to hear from her readers so if you want to stay “in the know” visit her website, sign up for her newsletters and contact her.

Connect with Lorelei:
Amazon Author Page

Driving through fly-over country #MFRWauthor

Trucking--fun and clothedI suppose if you knew that I’d been a long-distance trucker it wouldn’t surprise you to know that I’d rather drive then fly whenever I can. Flying used to be fun—back when there were fewer travelers, when I was in college and could still dash from one gate to another, and when a size 10 still fit the seats. Need I say that none of those things work for me anymore?

Driving, on the other hand, means you can pretty much adjust the seat the way you want. You can make it hotter or cooler. You can take potty breaks without having to wait for hundreds of other people to finish first. Sure, you have to buy snacks and Cokes, but at least you can get snacks. If you’re driving somewhere, you can throw your jacket in the backseat, bring as much luggage as the trunk will hold without being charged, and actually get to see the countryside inside of the tops of clouds. Ever listened to Neil Diamond’s America with headphones on a plane? Compare that to turning up the volume and singing along at the top of your lungs while dancing in the seat. The beat goes so well with the thumps in the road. Sigh. There’s no comparison.

To me, there’s something very relaxing about driving. Of course, it’s easier Flightto be relaxed in the west of the U.S. than in the crowded east, but even there I just like having some control over my life with my hands on the wheel. I try not to let people push me. I find a comfortable speed and hang in there. If someone wants to go faster, there’s usually a way to pass. Mores the pity, though, because I’m watching the signs, wondering where the people in all the cars are going, and who lives in that pretty blue house on the right side of the road. Life is good. Oh yeah, and I might spend a passing moment following the contrails of a jet overhead.

Which do you prefer, driving or flying?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Burning Bridges by Anne Krist: old letters put the lie to Sara’s life. Now, mending her past mistakes while crossing burning bridges will be the hardest thing she’s ever done.

One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers