How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!
This month I’d like to tell you about Project H.O.O.D., a program in Chicago determined to change lives and stop violence. “Our mission is to end senseless violence, end recidivism, and build communities, one neighborhood at a time. Project H.O.O.D.’s programming equips youth, adults, and families with the resources, skills, tools, and experiences that are needed to be successful, healthy, and upwardly mobile members of society.”
We used to live near Chicago and loved going into the city for events and to visit family (who still live there). It’s heartbreaking every Monday to watch on the news about the lives lost and the violence that ravages the city each weekend. Such a great city, in need of some love and care, and common-sense governing. Project H.O.O.D. has a plan and the dedication to help make the violence stop. I wish them all the success and am happy to contribute to the cause, with comments from you!

Blurb: For me, Cowboy Desire is the best BVS anthology yet—14 compelling stories that are all different and (what else?) include cowboys. Damn good writing!
Bird that Sings—Dee S. Knight
Is reincarnation a myth? Maybe so, but something strange is happening to Owen Gilchrist on his Montana ranch.
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Excerpt from Bird That Sings:
What the hell?
Owen Gilchrist stared up at his horse from the ground. The two were atop a hill surrounded by green pastureland. If he twisted, he could see the house and barn, a mile away. But he wasn’t supposed to be on a hill a mile from home. He was supposed to be mending a section of fence line near the road, a quarter-mile from the house. How the hell had he landed here, on his butt, while his horse lazily munched on grass and stared at him as though he had two fucking heads?
Gingerly, he checked his limbs to make sure he hadn’t any injuries, though he wasn’t in any pain. Nope, nothing wrong that he could tell. So, he hadn’t been thrown from Goldie’s back. He must have set himself on his ass with the view of the surrounding hills and grass.
His two hundred head of Limousin cattle were in the far distance. In summer, the high pasture area was lush with grass, and the streams that supplied Cottonwood Creek provided plenty of water. Owen could see the ranch Jeep headed down from checking on the cattle. Calving season had ended only a couple of months ago, and this was a critical time for the young critters. Jerry would laugh his ass off if he found out that Owen had had another “episode,” so he’d better get himself in gear and get back to that fence.
Owen stood and slapped at the back of his Wranglers before taking Goldie’s reins and climbing back in the saddle.
“How’d we end up here, girl? Huh?” Goldie kept her own counsel and chose not to answer. She was Owen’s favorite female for that reason. He could say anything to her and she wouldn’t get pissed. He could go out with the hands and blow a hundred bucks on beer and poker and she never sulked. She never tried to trap him with that age-old trick question of whether her butt looked big in that dress or those jeans or those slacks. And best of all, she never brought up the subject of marriage or moving their relationship to the “next level.” He and Goldie enjoyed their relationship just as it was—he brushed her down and fed her oats, and she didn’t throw him.
He urged Goldie into a lope down the hill and across one of the lower pastures toward the section of fence where he’d been working. A few minutes later, Goldie was once again feeding on the rich grass their spring rains and warm early summer days had provided. Fortunately, he’d pretty much finished the repairs before he’d lost contact with reality, so an hour had him gathering his tools. Jerry would come and get them in the Jeep. He jammed his work gloves in his back pocket and hoisted himself into the saddle for the ride home.
Suddenly a sense of unease struck him. The hair stood up on his nape and a frisson of fear skittered down his back. His head snapped around to the hill where he’d been sitting earlier. A figure stood there watching him. The shape was so amorphous he couldn’t even tell if it was male or female. Goldie whinnied and took a step back. Did she sense something on the hill too, or just his fear?
“Whoa, girl.” He stroked her neck and made calming sounds. As he watched, the figure turned and struck off down the other side of the hill.
“Come on, Goldie!” Owen dug his knees into Goldie’s side and she took off at a gallop. In less than a minute they were again atop the hill. Owen jumped off and ran to where he’d seen the figure.
There was no one in sight. No one. In any direction.
These were pasturelands, damn it. There were trees in bunches on some of the far hills, but this was not forested acreage where a body could run and hide. The vista was vast—northeast toward the grazing cattle, south to the house and barn, north to the Yellowstone River, and west, well, to not much until you reached the interstate highway, and that was a long way off.
Crossed between frustration and relief, Owen slapped his hat against his legs and swore. “That wasn’t my imagination, Goldie. No sir, it wasn’t.”
But there was nothing for him to see now, so he huffed out a breath and let Goldie take him home. This was the third incident in a week. What should he do about it? What could he do?
Author Dee S. Knight:
After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website (www.nomadauthors.com). Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! On the last Sunday of the month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity. Sign up for her newsletter for exclusive access to free novellas, poetry, and stuff.
Author links:
Website: https://nomadauthors.com
Blog: http://nomadauthors.com/blog
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DeeSKnight
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeeSKnight2018
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/265222.Dee_S_Knight
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B079BGZNDN
Newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h8t2y6
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/dee-s-knight-0500749
Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K
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