Charity Sunday: Barstool Sports Fund

Charity Sunday: Dee S. Knight

How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

Everyone has been affected by the COVID-19 virus, and small businesses are in the thick of it. It’s not bad enough that businesses have been shut down, but the open-close, open-close circle many have gone through in various states has made the situation even harder. Barstool Sports’ David Portnoy is a small business owner himself and has been as affected as any other business. But he hasn’t stood around scratching his head and wondering what to do, he’s taken action by raising money to distribute to others who really need help to stay afloat. I like someone who takes charge, and this month I am supporting his cause. Please comment on this blog post to help me make a generous contribution to the Barstool Sports Fund!

Today I’m highlighting my book Baer and the Three Goldilocks. Susan Baer is a small business owner who has worked hard to make her life’s work a success. She doesn’t own a bar or restaurant, but she owns a fitness center and that’s in the ballpark of businesses Dave might help if Susan were caught in the COVID trap of destruction.

Baer and the Three Goldilocks by Dee S. KnightBlurb:
Another erotic fairy tale with Princess Katherine and Prince Cole.
Susan Baer, founder of Baer Hugs, health centers for women, longs to find her special someone. Sadly, there are no prospects in sight. Suddenly, three men come into her life. All successful, all gorgeous, all blond. And posing their own unique problems. One is too rough and hard in his treatment, one is too soft and wants her to take charge. The last is…well, let’s just say he’s unavailable. *sigh* Can any of them turn out to be “just right?”

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Kindle Unlimited

Susan came into her office at breakneck speed, talking the whole way. “I know it’s after two and I’ve taken a longer lunch than anyone has a right to.” She threw her purse in the bottom drawer of her desk. With barely time for a breath, she spun around and slammed into Duncan’s broad, solid chest.

He grasped her shoulders to steady her. She stepped back and he dropped his hands.

“Oh! Sorry! I didn’t mean to blow through like a tornado.” Taking a deeper breath, she smoothed the French twist she’d pulled her hair into that morning, then did the same to her skirt. She hoped she didn’t look as flustered as she felt. Gesturing to the guest chair, she said, “Sit. Tell me what’s going on.”

Duncan looked at her for a few long seconds before laying her phone messages on the desk. “Did you have a good lunch?” It was quietly said, and with little inflection. So why did she get the impression he meant more than his words’ literal meaning?

“It was fine, thanks. We drove down towards Williamsburg. How was yours?” Absently, she shuffled through the call slips. Nothing important jumped out at her.

“It was good. The girls and I talked about you.”

Her head snapped up. “Me? What about me?”

He lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Curiosity.” Narrowing his eyes, he leaned forward slightly. “Why you’d want to go out with that jerk, mostly.” He paused, and when she didn’t respond he leaned back. “We talked out of concern, not idle gossip. You know he’s made a pass at most everyone who works here.” His mouth hitched into a smile. “Except me, of course.”

That caused her to return his smile. “No, Toby has been pretty clear on that score.”

Duncan held out his hand, casually examining his nails. “You know, it’s been my experience that men who protest as much as he does sometimes have something to hide. Do you know for certain that he’s not more on my team than yours?”

She laughed. “Pretty sure.”

He put his hand down and looked intently at her. “But not certain?”

“Why does it matter to you?” She left a hint of a smile on her face. Was he fishing to find out if she and Toby had had sex? Her heart fluttered a little at the possibility that he wondered.

“Because I care for you. I’m your friend and I hate to see you waste yourself on someone like him. Why do you see him, Susan?”

Friends. Oh. She said nothing. The reasons she dated Toby were rooted so far in the past she wasn’t sure she could explain them in a few quick sentences. And she certainly didn’t want to explain them to Duncan. Her feelings for him were too complicated as it was without adding Toby into the mix.

“Susan, why?”

“Toby and I have known each other a long time. You see him at his worst. He does have good qualities.”

If Duncan had worn glasses, he’d have been staring over them in abject denial, giving her a “Yeah, right” look.

She shrugged in acknowledgement. “I know it might not be obvious, but he does. My relationship with Toby is a long story, and one that’s none of your business, Duncan.”

As though a mask dropped over his face, his expression became impassive. He pushed out of the chair. “You’re right. I’m not going to apologize for worrying about you, though. Meetings are scheduled in Lexington for all day Monday, and our reservations are confirmed for Sunday and Monday nights.” He pointed to the call slips on her desk. “It’s been quiet and that’s all you have to take care of.”

He stopped on his way out the door when she called his name.

“I appreciate the worry, but it’s all right, really.”

Shrugging, he exited, closing the door behind him.

Which left her alone to wonder to herself why she went out with Toby Williams. It was more, she hoped, than proving to Toby that she was different from the overweight girl who’d had a crush on him for three years of high school. She was certain that was how it had started.

“The question is, how did it get to where it is now?” Propping her head in her hands, she considered her situation.

Quite by accident, she’d met Toby about four weeks ago at a business function. She’d scanned the crowd and noticed a distinctive looking, tall tow-head with light blue eyes. Those eyes had met hers across the room and she’d known without doubt who he was, even after sixteen years. By the questioning look he’d given her, she guessed he was confused—as though she was someone he should know, but couldn’t place. That made her smile. And her smile practically guaranteed that he would make his way to her. Which he had, in short order.

In the four weeks since, they’d seen each other only five or six times. It had started well but reflecting on it now, she realized his attitude had worsened with each meeting. While his hands and lips had grown bolder, so had his words. Not in blatant verbal attacks but in snipes and subtle hints regarding her dress, her work, her opinions. None was very noticeable individually. But taken together, as she thought of them now, each abusive comment had worked to make her revert from who she was now, to acting like the shy, embarrassed girl she had been years ago. Wanting to capture his attention, wanting so much to belong.

Author Dee S. Knight:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website ( Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! Once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.

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Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas

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Damaged souls #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!
Desire Me Again anthologyDesire Me Again
Blurb for Second Chance:
Sandy Henderson had been a sweet, wholesome girl in her first year of college, sure of herself and totally in love with her high school sweetheart, Tom Pritchard. Then something happened that shattered her dreams, her confidence, her will to live. When she meets Tom again many years later, she resists taking a chance on love because of her secret, but Tom won’t give up on her. On them. Or will he, once she tells him about her past?

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Kindle US

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
The sun had just set when Sandy carried their tea to the dark porch. Keeping the porch light out would at least make a cursory effort at keeping the mosquitoes at bay.

Tom stood when she came out and he relieved her of one of the glasses. In the July heat, condensation would soon coat the glass as the ice melted. At least a breeze blessed the evening air. Kids road their bikes up and down the street, but as darkness became thicker, mothers’ voices called them home. Fireflies inundated the yard, their tails flashing on and off.

“I miss fireflies. They don’t have them in the Northwest.”

“Really? I didn’t know that. How long have you lived there?”

“I moved to Milford about five years ago. It’s a small town but it has a college, so I finally graduated.” She propped her bare feet on the edge of the chair.

“That’s good. I’m about to finish my MBA, though I hardly need it to run the hardware store.”

She sipped the tea, feeling the sugar rush from the simple syrup she’d added to the pitcher. While in Idaho she’d gotten used to unsweetened tea, but she’d have to start making the sweetened variety again once her mom lived with her.

“That’s what you’re doing, running your dad’s store? Do you like it?”

She felt more than saw Tom’s shrug. “Not especially. But Dad needed to work less and Joey won’t graduate from State until next spring. He and Dad have always been closer than Dad and I, and I think the plan had always been for him and Joey to work the store together. As far as I know, that’s still the plan. I’ll be able to change course then, though God knows what I’ll do. What do you do in this small town where you live?”

“I teach second grade. Of all the careers I considered growing up, teaching was way far down on the list. But I’ve found I love it.” She might have said that teaching was bottom of the list, but she’d since discovered that there were far worse jobs.

She snuck a glance at Tom and found his grin facing her. “What?” she asked.

“I couldn’t be more surprised if you’d said stripper.”

Sandy lurched forward, her feet hitting the decking as her drink fell from her hands, shattering the glass Tea spattered across her bare feet and up her shins.

“Oh! I hope I didn’t get any of it on you,” she exclaimed. “Darn glass got slippery.” She started to stand when Tom slapped his hand across her forearm.

“Stay where you are. With the light out you won’t see the glass. Where’s the broom?”

“Behind the back door. My sneakers are back there, too. Can you bring them?”

“Sure. Stay here.” He disappeared into the house.

Sandy took a shuddering breath. She would stay there, and give her heart a chance to stop racing.

Desire Me Again anthologyAuthor Dee S. Knight:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.









Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:

New! Mastering Maya–a BDSM erotic romance by Lisabet Sarai

Mastering Maya by Lisabet SaraiHow much heat will it take to melt the Ice Queen?

Mistress Maya’s precise discipline and unshakable self-possession are legendary in the Boston kink community. Newcomer Dom Shark is fascinated by her beauty and power from the moment he sees her flogging a sub at Club Inferno. Behind the Ice Queen’s mask of perfect control, he senses a spirit aching to submit. He’s determined to break through her defenses and bring her the same release she grants to the lucky slaves she tops.

When Maya dismisses Master Shark as young and inexperienced, he offers her a challenge: a night together, during which he’ll show her what it means to be mastered. If he fails to bring her to new heights of bliss, he agrees to become her slave.

Can he make Maya trust him enough to surrender? Or will the flawless, untouchable dominatrix take possession of his body as well as his heart?

Note: This book was previously published by Totally Bound. It has been revised, expanded and re-edited for this release.

Mastering Maya by Lisabet Sarai

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Mastering Maya by Lisabet Sarai

PG Excerpt:
“Maya! I’m glad you’re still here. I want to introduce you to my old friend Shark. He’s just arrived in Boston.”

Tom’s booming voice matched his burly form. He dwarfed the wiry young stranger.

Calm. Calm. She flashed back to the pinnacles of ice for an instant. Then she accepted the new Dom’s outstretched hand. “Master Shark?” Her eyebrows arched and she allowed a hint of laughter into her voice. “A pleasure. Welcome to Club Inferno.”

“Please, call me Stephen.” He kept hold of her hand several seconds longer than protocol demanded. She noted that he stood only a few inches taller than she, that he smelled of female musk and cured leather, and that he was somewhat older than she’d guessed from a distance—closer to thirty than twenty. “I’m only Shark to my subs.”

“I can see how you earned the name.” Maya gestured toward the schoolroom door, where clots of Doms and subs were now emerging. “You’re as voracious and implacable as your namesake.” Her hand still tingled from his grip. She ignored the sensation.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” The stranger chuckled. “You’re no fount of mercy yourself—if I may say so.” He raked her with his eyes, deliberately assessing her physical charms. Maya kept her face impassive, even as her pussy moistened. “Your caning—well, it was magnificent!”

Genuine admiration rang in his voice, though his bold stare suggested there were limits to his respect.

“Long years of training, Master Shark—as well as skilled teachers.” She skewered him with what she hoped was an intimidating look. “And who taught you, young man?” The emphasis on ‘young’ was subtle but unmistakable. “Where are you from?”

“San Francisco. I studied with Mistress Sylvia and Master Blade.”

“Ah, I know them well.” That partially explained his expertise. Sylvia and Blade both enjoyed stellar reputations in the kink community. “Though I haven’t played on the West Coast for many years.”

“I’m sure I would have noticed you if you had.” He looked as though he wanted to say more, but Maya cut him short.

“Nice to meet you, Stephen. But I’ve got to get home.”

“I’ll come with you.”

The suggestion was so unexpected that Maya, at first, barely noticed its rudeness.

“What? What do you mean?” Even she recognized the shock in her voice.

“I’d really like to get to know you better. You fascinate me.”

His frankness unnerved her. “Sorry, but I never take anyone home with me.” Maya tilted her head in Tom’s direction. “I’m surprised Master Thomas didn’t tell you.”

“Oh, I did!” Her long-time associate grinned at his companion. “He’s just the stubborn type. Won’t take no for an answer.”

“Not a desirable trait in a dominant,” Maya observed, covering her discomfort with disapproval. “When someone – even a bottom – says no, that means no.” She shook her head, edging away from the pair. “But, then, you’re still young and inexperienced.”

Shark’s arm shot out. He seized her wrist, preventing her from leaving. “I’m not that young.” The dark edge in his voice sent a scary thrill straight to her sex. “I just know what I want. And I’m used to getting it.”

About Lisabet:Lisabet Sarai
Lisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – over one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, GLBT, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website (, along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (, she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads, Pinterest, and  Twitter. Join her VIP email list here:

2020 was a HECK of a year! What did I learn? Alice Renaud

Welcome back, Alice Renaud, author of the wonderful (and award-winning Sea of Love series! Also, we love her contributions to Mystic Desire and the fourth installment in the Sea of Love series found in Desire Me Again.

Things I learnt in 2020

1. Anxiety shortens my attention span
I thought, with all this time in lockdown, I’ll get a lot of writing done! Yes? Er, no. I struggled to focus on my WIP, the first book in my new series Conjuring Love, about time-travelling warlocks and witches. A month ago, between our second and third lockdown, I reread what I had written in March and April. Oh dear. I hated my characters. They were just doing and saying such silly things. I ended up scrapping three chapters and rewriting them.

A Merman's Choice by Alice Renaud

2. Dreams are a great source of inspiration… when they make sense
On the other hand, the first lockdown gifted me a dream which I used to write my first ever sci-fi romance story. “Space Cowboy Blues” will be included in the new BVS anthology “Cowboy Desire,” which will be out soon. It features a cowboy, a beautiful alien, and space blue unicorns. I found it easier to write short stories than full length novellas in 2020. Of course dreams only work as a source when they make some sort of sense. I once had a dream where I was moving through dimensions by taking my clothes off and jumping through a guitar… I haven’t managed to fit that into a story yet.

Music for a Merman by Alice Renaud

3. I quite like people really
Before Covid, I thought I needed more time on my own. Now I know that you can have too much of a good thing. I will always need some time alone… but I miss my family very much (I haven’t been able to see my mother or my aunt since last summer). I even miss the office, and chats with work colleagues. So during 2020 my online friendships have been a lifeline, particularly with the other BVS authors like Dee S Knight, Jan Selbourne and Callie Carmen. Chatting about books and interacting with readers and other authors on social media has also proved a boon. And writing is not as solitary a pursuit as it sometimes looks. Some of the best ideas for my characters and books were given to me by my editor, publisher, or fellow authors.

4. It’s good to stretch
Literally, if like me you spend most of your time sitting at a computer. But 2020 has also been the year when I experimented with different styles and genres and stretched myself as a writer. Short stories are a great way to do that. As well as the sci-fi cowboy tale, I have written my first ever gay/menage romance, a F/F/M tale set in Vegas with a mermaid, a witch and a warlock! It will hopefully be out in another BVS anthology soon. The idea came from my fellow author Callie Carmen. I wrote this story during our second lockdown in November, and it really helped me to pass the time and take my mind off things.

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

5. We are made of stories
Stories shape us and make us who we are. The stories we tell ourselves drive how we see ourselves and others. Stories colour the world around us and it’s much better to fill one’s head with stories than with dark thoughts. I’m not normally one for New Year’s resolutions, but I have made one this year – to keep creating stories, and making them positive, sunny stories. At least until the sun shines again.

About Alice Renaud:
Alice lives in London, UK, with her husband and son. By day she’s a compliance manager for a pharmaceutical company. By night she writes fantasy romance about shape shifting mermen, water monsters and time-travelling witches. Her first book, “A Merman’s Choice,” was published in January 2019 by Black Velvet Seductions. It is the first book in a fantasy romance trilogy inspired by the landscapes and legends of Brittany and Wales. The second book, “Music for a Merman,” is out now and the third, “Mermaids Marry in Green,” will be released on 1 November. It is on pre order now at the discount price of $0.99! Alice has also written a short story, “The Sweetest Magic of All,” included in the BVS “Mystic Desire” anthology, out now. Alice loves reading and writing stories, and sharing them with anyone who’s interested!

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A Merman’s Choice $1.99

Music for a Merman $1.99

Mermaids Marry in Green PRE ORDER SALE only $0.99 until release date 1 November

The tables are turned—Baer is looking for a goldilocks who’s “just right” #MFRWHooks

Baer and the Three Goldilocks by Dee S. KnightThis is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

Fairy tales now can be as much fun as they were back in your childhood—especially brought into the present day and with an adult twist. Beware! Things are hotter now!

Another erotic fairy tale with Princess Katherine and Prince Cole.

Susan Baer, founder of Baer Hugs, health centers for women, longs to find her special someone. Sadly, there are no prospects in sight. Suddenly, three men come into her life. All successful, all gorgeous, all blond. And posing their own unique problems. One is too rough and hard in his treatment, one is too soft and wants her to take charge. The last is…well, let’s just say he’s unavailable. *sigh* Can any of them turn out to be “just right?”

Buy links:
On Kindle Unlimited”
Baer and the Three Goldilocks

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
It was five minutes before nine o’clock in the morning at Baer Hugs, a health club for women. No need to check the big Seth Thomas clock on the wall for confirmation, Susan could set her watch by them. At the same time each weekday morning, every trainer, aerobics instructor and nutritionist, who wasn’t involved in a class, found a way to observe the parking lot and front entrance. That’s when Duncan Morrison arrived for work.

Not that she blamed them for wanting to stare. He was gorgeous. Over six feet of rippling muscle, the smooth grace of a ballet dancer and shoulders broad enough to carry the weight of the world. Make that two worlds. They were broad. She knew because she saw them flex and settle each day when he took off his suit jacket. It did such things to her insides that she almost missed the dimples deep enough to swim in or the way the slightest amusement could make his lips turn up in a smile and light the deep, rich blue of his eyes.

Yes, his shoulders were a distraction. Almost distraction enough to keep her mind off the way his blond hair tipped his ears and had started to curl against his nape.

The difference was Susan Baer didn’t have to stand around and watch Duncan make his way in from the parking lot in order to quench the lust in her heart. He was her assistant. She could gaze at him all day. Nonetheless, this morning she stood where the hall gave way to the lobby of the building and watched, right along with everyone else.

Sighing, she gave in for a moment to the natural tug on her emotions, the strong need to share her life with someone, to end the loneliness she’d always felt. She wanted to love and be loved, and now, at this point in life, she was ready and able.

In the business world, all she’d wanted to prove, she’d proven. A good portion of what she’d wanted to accomplish, she’d successfully completed. But when it came to personal goals, she hadn’t even begun.

So, considering where she’d started and where she was now, it was grossly unfair that she wanted to do more than gaze at Duncan. It was harder and harder to ignore the tingle that radiated through her each time they touched. Almost impossible to keep the longing out of her voice when they talked about anything non-business related. And she wondered how he missed the fact that she wandered into his office to ask questions she already knew the answers to. Undeniably, the attraction was driving her crazy. Yet she had to remember that he was an employee.

And, of course, there was the annoying fact of his being gay.

Author Dee S. Knight:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.









Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:

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The Last Dragon review (Daryl Devore)

Last month Daryl Devore told us about her book The Last Dragon. This month I’d like to share my review for the book. I genuinely enjoyed it! Plus, I love that cover!

The Last Dragon by Daryl DevoreIn The Last Dragon, we have good and evil fighting (in the form of dragons, of course), a young man learning what courage is as he grows into a man, a young woman who discovers love as she discovers secrets in her own life, and a prince who sets the ideal for love of family and country. It’s a fabulous story—and a wonderful twist ending.

An epic adventure!

In the age of dragons, villages, towns, and even kingdoms are at risk of being decimated. In legend, three dragons ruled supreme: Ayrradex was said to steal people’s souls, leaving them heartless and half dead. Yidithe is Ayrradex’s opposite and brings protection from his fiery wrath. Demora ruled thought, but he had been lost to memory and time.

The devil dragon Ayrradex has destroyed the kingdom Prince Hawkyns’ father rules. Worse, the dragon killed his pregnant wife, destroyed his mother’s wits, and brought his father to his knees. Hawkyns’ two brothers have been killed while trying to find and kill Ayrradex. Now the task falls to Hawkyns. Through his many trials and travels, Hawkyns meets a strange but wonderful woman named Derry who can miraculously heal and a brave young man named Pariset. On an epic journey, the three set out to find the lair of Ayrradex. Will the three of them live through the fight? Are there more surprises in their futures? Will Hawkyns return home to acclaim and honor? So many questions in this great quest!

What a great story! Hawkyns has quite the adventure with dragons, magick, and mayhem, and he changes as his quest advances. This is a story of acceptance, trust, and good over evil. Ms. Devore draws us through the journey and brings us to the other side through her writing skill for suspense, characterization, and description. I especially liked how she handled the character of Derry, who has to accept herself and all she is, plus be willing to give everything for love before the little group can succeed. All of the characters were great, which made this a wonderful book to read and enjoy. Ms. Devore has the knack for epics and adventure. I hope she does more of it!

Buy links:
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 Surrender Her Touch by Kari Thomas

If you enjoy fantasy (and especially dragons), and great adventure, you won’t go wrong with The Last Dragon!

Meet Daryl:
Two writers in one. Daryl Devoré writes hot romances with sexy heroes and strong heroines and sweet romances with little to no heat. She has several published books available on Amazon in ebook or print book and available at other book retailers via Books2Read.

Daryl (@daryldevore) lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and 2 cats. Daryl loves to take long walks on her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth, and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter, and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.

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A questionable feast #MFRWsteam

Baer and the Three Goldilocks

Baer and the Three Goldilocks by Dee S. KnightBlurb:
Another erotic fairy tale with Princess Katherine and Prince Cole.

Susan Baer, founder of Baer Hugs, health centers for women, longs to find her special someone. Sadly, there are no prospects in sight. Suddenly, three men come into her life. All successful, all gorgeous, all blond. And posing their own unique problems. One is too rough and hard in his treatment, one is too soft and wants her to take charge. The last is…well, let’s just say he’s unavailable. *sigh* Can any of them turn out to be “just right?”

Buy link:

Amazon Kindle Unlimited

MFRW SteamExcerpt:
She frowned as Toby nudged her into the dining room. In the back of her mind, something niggled at her. A concern, a problem… Whatever it was seemed inconsequential now and she stopped trying to remember what it was.

A long table centered in the room drew a large crowd. She and Toby edged to the front where she saw two naked women reclining on the tabletop, feet to feet. Various fruit and crudités covered and surrounded them, with dipping sauces in small glass containers between their breasts, at their belly buttons and at their shaven pussies.

Toby leaned around her and picked up a ripe strawberry. He dipped it into the light colored sauce between one woman’s legs and fed it to Susan.

“Hmm.” She used her tongue to capture a tiny drop at the corner of her mouth.

His eyes flamed with interest. “What’s the flavor of the sauce?”


“How very appropriate.” He fed her another.

Across the table, she watched a man dip his finger into the sauce then lift it, dripping, to his companion’s lips. The woman watched the man’s eyes; he watched her mouth as she sucked and licked the sauce from him. Susan practically groaned at the sight.

“Are you truly hungry? Because I am, though not for what’s here.”

Susan didn’t answer. Her body leaned toward the other side of the table as she watched the scene being played out. The man had bared the woman’s breast and now tongued drops of sauce from it. Susan licked her lips, tasting the sweetness of the cream while the man swirled his tongue around the woman’s nipple.

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Dragons! Surrender Her Touch by Kari Thomas

Surrender Her Touch by Kari ThomasBlurb:
A magical healer finds herself a pawn in a dragon-shifter war.

Summer Slade’s family was destroyed by dragon shapeshifters. Now, she’s faced with giving her healing powers to those very dragons. Will she choose her own life over the lives of her enemies when surrendering her healing touch could be fatal?

What about the too-sexy-for-his-own-good dragon shifter who’s stolen her heart and soul—the man who will not let Summer say “No” to her deadly destiny? Will surrendering cost her more, than just her heart and soul? Will the shifter she loves stand by and let her sacrifice everything?

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Surrender Her Touch by Kari Thomas

Summer refused to believe last night’s oh-so-hot and erotic dreams featuring that too-sexy detective had any meaning–beyond the fact she’d been unwillingly attracted to Slade. Yeah, that was her story and she was sticking to it.

Though all she had to do was recall one tiny detail, and her body flushed with heat and desire and tingled all over–as if Slade’s dream touch had been real and her body was remembering his caresses.

There was something about the man that instinctively called to her. It was as though he was somehow a part of a memory long buried deep inside her. Although she’d been furious with him she still felt an undeniable pull to him. As though their souls recognized in each other a kindred spirit.

Stop it right there. Summer sat up in bed and leaned back against the pillows and headboard. Going there would only bring back painful memories. Try as hard as she could, she wasn’t able to stop the flow of thoughts.

The Fabrizio Gypsy Clan had been preternatural Healers. Blessed at birth with abnormally long life spans and a healing power beyond modern comprehension, each member knew his or her life’s destiny was to be in the service of the Shamara Dragon Clans as their Healers.

Centuries ago, the two Clans commingled, sharing the island with others. Circumstances too old to remember, had forced the Clans to form a life-and-death pact. The Shamara dragons would be their protectors, their guardians, and the Fabrizio gypsies would be their Healers. They had lived that way in peace for centuries. Until…

Too young to remember the events leading up to that night, she was scarred forever by the memory.

Somehow, she had survived the horrific slaughter of her entire Clan and family. Her grandmother, Rawnie—ancient even in gypsy years—had hid her in a veil of magic. Although no one could see the tiny child, Summer could see all that happened. She had watched in horrified shock as her family was cruelly slaughtered by the horde of Air Dragons.

The very dragons sworn to protect them.

After the massacre Rawnie fled with Summer to the mainland. Fearing she wouldn’t live long enough to raise the child, Rawnie taught her everything she needed to know of her history, her Clan’s laws, and her healing powers. Highly intelligent for her age, Summer soaked up the valuable information and stored it away in her memories.

When she turned five, Rawnie told her it was time for her to go to another home. Summer could vaguely recall her grandmother being tense and worried during that time. Then, one day a man came, and her whole life changed. Reed Bowen claimed he was a distant relative and. Rawnie handed Summer over to him.

Summer could still hear Rawnie’s last words: “Be brave, child. Stay hidden. Never let anyone know of your heritage. Never. Learn to live this new life you’re going to. Be safe. And always remember I love you.”

Reed never mentioned Summer’s past and she never discussed it with him. Rawnie had told her that Reed was human and wouldn’t understand. He only knew she was an orphan and her family had all been killed in one night.

Summer grew up keeping a precious life-or-death secret from Reed and from the world.

That secret had kept her isolated from everyone around her.  It was no wonder she was having too-vivid sex dreams about a man she’d just met. Slade was the first man she’d ever felt physically attracted to. She’d dated in college, but never had a serious relationship. Once home and set up as a child psychiatrist, she’d devoted her life to helping children and had used work as an excuse not to date. She was always too busy. Yeah, right. Too scared is more truthful.

If she didn’t date, she wouldn’t be drawn into a relationship, and she wouldn’t have to keep a secret from a man she cared about. Ha! What sane man would believe the story any- way? Oh, by the way, I’m the last survivor of an ancient gypsy clan that once lived with a clan of dragons. Yes, dear, I said dragons. And did I mention I have supernatural healing powers

Kari Thomas is an award-winning author of paranormal romance. A pirate great-great-grandfather, several psychics, shamans, and a wiccan or two in her family tree provide her with a lot of inspiration.

Kari loves delving into the worlds of the paranormal where, as in the world of romance, anything is possible. Her books feature witches, sorcerers, demons, amazon author central—even dragons. Reviewers love her dialog, humor, imagination, and paranormal worlds. And happy endings.

A professed bookaholic, Kari is a Florida girl who somehow found her way to the mountains and deserts of Arizona.

Happily, besides Surrender Her Touch, more of Kari’s books are again available:

  •  Her Demon His Angel Can a human woman find love with an Angel-Demon?
  • Temptation UnleashedA practicing Wiccan tries to protect her niece from her Sedona shapeshifting family
  • Prey for the WolfBethany needs to infiltrate dangerous wolf shifters to save her brother (novella)
  • Seducing the Hero – A kitchen witch needs a hero—a protector-from a crazed stalker. (humorous romance novella)

 Find her books at

New romance! Delicious Heat by Sadira Stone

Delicious Heat by Sadira StoneBangers Tavern chef Diego meets a woman who makes his heart sing. Trouble is, she’s pregnant with another man’s child. To win her, he’ll have to convince her and both their interfering families that he’s in it for keeps.

Cupid has lousy timing.

After kicking her cheating husband to the curb, nurse Anna Khoury discovers she’s pregnant. When Bangers Tavern’s hunky chef makes heart eyes at her, she dismisses that delicious thrill as the last thing she needs. Single motherhood will take all her strength and focus. Anna’s battered heart can’t take another blow.

Chef Diego Vargas is aiming higher than burgers and tater tots. His dream—his own food truck, the Empanada Angel, but he’ll need his family’s support to pull it off. Meeting Anna leaves him thunderstruck, even though his attraction to her threatens all his plans. Call it fate, call him crazy, but he’s determined to prove he’s in it for keeps.

With a belligerent ex-husband and two overprotective families set on breaking them up, Anna and Diego will need more than red-hot passion to pull them through. His career and her baby’s future are on the line.

Come back to Bangers Tavern for a spicy tale of forbidden love that will warm your heart…and other parts…and make you hungry for empanadas!

Delicious Heat by Sadira StoneBuy links:
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Delicious Heat by Sadira StoneExcerpt:
Diego spread his arms wider. “You just gonna leave me hanging?”

Damn it, she could no more resist his embrace than she could defy gravity. His arms closed around her, warm and comforting. For a long, sweet moment, they rested there, nestled together, quiet and safe.

Maybe all those guardian angels were trying to tell her something.

Rocking her slowly, Diego murmured into her hair, “Anna, I want you. But I realize this is a weird situation, and I’ll wait until you feel comfortable trusting me. Or until you tell me to get lost.” Pulling back, he cupped her cheek in his broad, warm hand. “I hope it’s the first one.”

His bottomless dark eyes held her pinned. With exquisite slowness, they came together, lips brushing feather light. And then the sexiest moan in the history of moans rumbled from his chest, as his embrace tightened.

“Mmmf!” Breathless, she slid her fingers into his soft, thick hair.

He teased her lips with gentle nips until she opened to him. His tongue stroked hers in languid slides, unhurried, gentle…but her body responded with a rush of heat and a growing pressure between her thighs. She needed more. Now.

Gripping the front of his down jacket, she tugged until the snaps opened with firecracker pops, then yanked her own coat open and pressed her body against his. Another rough moan vibrated through his chest, teasing her nipples to stiff peaks. When he clutched her hips, the pressure of his erection against her belly unleashed an avalanche of lust that short-circuited her brain and lit up her nerves like the Northern lights.

I should stop. He’s kissing away my sanity. But her body demanded just a moment more, and another, and another…

Sadira Stone:
Sadira StoneAward-winning contemporary romance author Sadira Stone spins steamy, smoochy tales set in small businesses—a quirky bookstore, a neighborhood bar, a vintage boutique… Her stories highlight found family, friendship, and the sizzling chemistry that pulls unlikely partners together. When she emerges from her writing cave in Las Vegas, Nevada (which she seldom does), she can be found in belly dance class, or strumming her ukulele, perhaps exploring the West with her charming husband, or cooking up a storm, and always gobbling all the romance books. For a guaranteed HEA (and no cliffhangers!) visit Sadira at

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First meeting…again #MFRWHooks

One Woman Only by Dee S. KnightThis is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

As one of a set of triplets, Jonah Goodman has always stood out as the least academic—and the last one to take the world, or commitment, seriously. Thing is, that’s not really who he is. But who can he convince of that? Not his family, who see him as they always have. And maybe not his one love, the sweetheart he left behind in high school but with whom he is now sharing an erotic holiday. Will he get his second chance to prove to Kelly that he is a loving man who wants more than a sensual few days, but a real relationship with the woman he lost once and doesn’t want to lose again? With that chance and Kelly’s love, Jonah knows that a “good man” can become a better man.

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MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
He left the car under the cover in front of the door and strode into the lobby. A petite brunette stood at the registration desk. “May I help you?”

“Yes, I’d like a room.”

“For tonight?”

“Yes.” Jonah dug his wallet out of his back pocket and removed his VISA.

“One king or two queens?”

“One king.”

The girl typed furiously and then looked up. “We only have two queen rooms.”

“Then that will do.” He didn’t give a flying fuck how many beds were in the room as long as it had one as a minimum.

Jonah tapped his card on the counter and then walked to the door to look out at Kelly sitting in the car. He wasn’t dreaming. That really was Kelly Shepherd sitting in his car and they really were checking into the Family Inn.

“Just one person?”

Oh yeah. He hadn’t actually checked in yet. “Two.”

“Oh.” What the fuck? Did that sweet young thing just frown in judgement?


“No.” There was that frown again. He glanced down at his clothing, looking a little wilted now after the wedding and imagined what it looked like, his checking in with someone, obviously coming from a party of some sort. But again, what the fuck? She worked in a no-tell motel. Lots of people probably checked in here in for a quickie.

That thought shocked him. Kelly Shepherd was no quickie. If anything, she was the love of his life, the one he’d never forgotten but never felt he deserved. The rich girl whose daddy owned more than half the town and rented most of the rest. And he was…

For the first time, he saw himself as Daniel had seen the three of them since childhood. Well-loved and well cared for bastards. Yeah, no kids had ever had better parents but that didn’t change his parentage. Who was he to hold Kelly Shepherd in his arms?

Just as he started to turn toward the door to leave, the desk clerk asked, “First floor or second?”

“Look, I don’t mean to be rude but just pick out a vacant room, tell me how much it is, run my credit card, and give me the key. My bride has been waiting in the car long enough.”

Her eyes widened. “Your…your bride? Why didn’t you say so?” Her fingers flew across the keyboard. She took his VISA and gave it back after a few seconds. “Park right out there in front of the light pole and you can come in through the front doors. Take the elevators to the third floor and go all the way to the end. That whole wing is empty so you and your wife can have some privacy.”

“Thank you, uh”—Jonah looked at her nametag—”Ms. Clark. I appreciate it.” Without waiting for more conversation, He dashed back to the car. Minutes later, holding Kelly’s hand tightly, he walked quickly back through the lobby.

“Congratu— Oh!” Little Miss Desk Clerk exclaimed. “You didn’t wear white.”

“What?” Kelly asked, slowing Jonah down with a tug on his hand.

“I said, you didn’t wear white. To the wedding.”

Shit. After almost talking himself out of taking Kelly up to the room, now interfering Ms. Clark was going to do the trick for him.

“No. That would have been inappropriate.”

Jonah saw Ms. Clark’s eyes widen again as he realized the spin her mind put on Kelly’s words. Then that damn frown returned. Jonah wrapped his arm around Kelly’s shoulders. “Come on, sweetheart. Our room is ready.”

“Okay,” Kelly said, gazing into his eyes with the love a real bride would have for her new husband. No, wait. That was a look of confusion. No matter. He pulled Kelly to the elevators and punched the button with his index finger. Once inside, he took her in his arms and kissed her with all the heat that had been building in him all night. To his relief, Kelly responded in kind, pushing her fingers through his hair and holding his head to hers.

When the elevator slowed and then stopped, they stepped into the hallway. Jonah checked the room number on the key card holder and turned them to the left. In her heels, Kelly had a hard time keeping up, so he swept her into his arms.

At their room, she took the key card from him and opened the door. Once inside, Jonah was certain his heart would burst from needing, from wanting, from years of unfulfilled dreams, all about to come true.

“What did that girl mean?”

“What girl?” Jonah took he shawl from her shoulders and folded it loosely on the dresser.

“The girl at the front desk. What did she mean about my not wearing white?”

“Oh, that.” He emptied his pockets onto the dresser, and deftly removed a condom from his wallet. “I told her we’d just been married.”

What? Why would you do that?” Kelly moved away from his fingers that were trying to find how to unwrap her wraparound dress.

“Because she kept making judgmental noises and frowning. She made me feel guilty for bringing you here.”

“So, when she noted that I wasn’t wearing white she assumed that I wasn’t a virgin?”

“Probably.” Jonah took a step back and gazed at her. “Does that bother you? Because it damn sure bothers me that she dared make any assumptions about us.”

Kelly smiled. “You of all people know that I’m not a virgin.”

Jonah groaned. “Can we please not talk about that night again? And especially not now?”

Kelly smiled. “Sure, we can do that. And do I care what that little girl downstairs thinks? Not a whit. I just care what you think, Jonah. Here and now.” With a flick of her wrist, the tie came loose and the dress flowed to the floor. There, standing before him in all her glory wearing only a lacy bra and little satin short-short things, was the woman of his desires.

Author Dee S. Knight:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.









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