Hurry!! The Woman Behind the Mirror–99 Cents, only for a short time!!

The Woman Behind the Mirror by Jan Selbourne

For the next three days (April 16-18), award-winning historical fiction writer, Jan Selbourne, is offering her newest book. The Woman Behind the Mirror for 99 cents on Amazon! That’s a real bargain for a book you’re sure to love! In fact, it’s my current favorite Jan book. 😉

You might know, Jan’s Lies of Gold won Coffee Pot Book Club’s Silver Award for 2019. With The Woman Behind the Mirror, I see more awards in her future. At any rate, that’s the future and Jan writes about history. The Woman Behind the Mirror starts in 1775 England, but quickly shifts to Boston where the American Revolution is rumbling into being. What happens to Sarah Forsythe has to be read to be believed!

The Woman Behind the Mirror by Jan Selbourne


Betrothed by her father to a man twice her age, Sarah Forsythe does the unthinkable—she escapes her arranged marriage and runs away with the son of a Methodist minister. Not to Gretna Green, to colonial America—the New World. For Sarah, a “new world” of broken promises, abandonment, poverty and shame. Around her, the American Revolution is quickly developing and the siege of Boston worsens by the day. As British soldiers seek out traitors and treason, a desperate Sarah breaks open a safe looking for cash. Instead, she finds a box holding Bank of England documents. Through willpower, bitter determination, and lying through her teeth, Sarah manages to make her way home to England. What she doesn’t know is that two men follow, and they will do anything to claim those documents.

Bank investigator Neil McAlister faces an almost impossible task—to determine the true owner of the documents by deciding who is lying. Most of all, as danger creeps ever closer, he needs to know who wants the secretive, beautiful Sarah dead.

The Woman Behind the Mirror by Jan Selbourne


Legs shaking, Sarah walked downstairs to face her furious father and white-faced mother.

“I cannot believe your wilfulness, your complete lack of propriety,” her father said icily. “You deliberately encouraged”—he frowned at her mother—“what was his name?”

“David Langford.”

“You encouraged this penniless nobody behind my back, knowing I have approved and accepted Mr Gerald Whitehead’s offer of marriage.”

“Papa, Mr Whitehead is over forty years old!”

“A mature man of independent means with homes in Norfolk and London. Now sadly widowed, he needs the comfort of a wife and mother to his children.”

Sarah’s fingers clenched. “His children are almost my age.”

Her mother spoke. “Albert dear, I do think Sarah and Mr Whitehead should be given more time to become better acquainted.”

Her father pointed his finger at her mother. “I hold you responsible for giving the girl far too much freedom. I can only pray Mr Whitehead does not hear of this shameful cavorting while he’s attending to business affairs.”

“I was not cavorting with David,” Sarah said hotly. “We met at the church fair when mama presented prizes for the best puddings. We were never alone, not even when Eliza and I showed David and Freddie the country dances because the Methodists don’t approve.”

Her father’s eyes had turned slate grey, filling her with fear.

“I am sorry papa. I will do whatever you bid.” She held her breath waiting for a hand across her face or worse.

“You will not leave this house until the banns are read.” Albert Forsythe strode from the room, slamming the door behind him.

Her mother touched her arm. “You have made papa very angry.”

Sarah’s eyes met her mothers. “If he beats me again, I will leave, David or no David.”

“Sarah! You are under-age and cannot defy papa. You know it is his fervent wish to see you and your brothers well set up.”

“You mean Peter’s commission and Robert’s year in London will cost papa a lot of money. Mr Whitehead’s offer of marriage relieves him of more financial burden.”

Her mother’s mouth fell open. “That is a dreadful thing to say.”

“Mama, please, Mr Whitehead is ugly, and I cannot bear him near me.”

“Your father will provide a generous dowry,” her mother said quietly. “Do not defy him or we all suffer.”

“Yes mama, excuse me mama,” Sarah’s eyes blurred as she climbed the stairs again to her bedchamber. Closing the door, she sat at her dressing table and as she stared at her reflection her resolve grew. A glance at the closed door and she sharpened a quill and began to write. Signing the note S, she rang for her maid.

“Go to the Methodist manse. This letter must be handed to Mr David Langford and no one else.”

“Yes miss. I will, miss.”

Sarah put two shillings in her hand. “Not a word to anyone and you may have the rest of the day off.”

The maid blinked at half a week’s pay in her hand. “Thank you miss.”

When the door closed, Sarah’s knees turned to water. They’d talked about it, they’d held hands while declaring their love for each other, and now it was a frightening reality. She sat by the window as the minutes turned into one hour, then another hour and then her heart thudded in her chest. David, wearing a cloak and hat pulled low over his forehead rode past the front gates and placed a small sprig of leaves on the railing. He’d received her message.

Escape with a Jan Selbourne book!Jan

Jan SelbourneJan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

Author links:

Amazon Author Page:

Now! 99 Cents! Romances on the Range: A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot by Lorelei Confer

We welcome Lorelei Confer back to Nomad Authors! Her previous interview for her book A Deadly Gamble is hereRomances on the Range anthology: Lorelei Confer

A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot by Lorelei Confer is part of the anthology: Romances on the Range.

Blurb for A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot:
Janelle Franklin arrives in Saddle Creek, WY for a relaxing visit with her childhood friend and new mother. She also wants to fine-tune a secret passion, baking. But when she meets ranch manager, Carter Weaver, passion takes on a whole new meaning.

Carter excels at horse breeding but has a dark past that haunts him. When he meets Janelle, a woman he‘s comfortable with, sparks fly. But his past thwarts their future together and after a heated debate, Janelle leaves without a word taking his heart with her.

When she calls him out of the blue, he rushes to meet her. But will she accept him with his past? Or will they both have to sacrifice a loveless future?

Blurb for Romances on the Range:
Rough, rugged, and ready to ride.

There’s no denying it. Cowboys have a certain swagger about them. The way they move. Their walk. Their tough as nails way of life.

No matter how you like your cowboys, one thing’s for certain. They can sweep you off your feet and steal your heart quicker than you can say, “Yee-Haw”.

If you love the charming cowboys of Diana Palmer’s stories and can’t get enough of men on the range, then this collection is exactly what you need in your library.

Including stories from:
Desiree Holt
Nicole Morgan
Lorelei Confer
Milan Watson
Dawn Luedecke
RaeAnne Hadley
Taylor Porter
K.L. Humphreys
Krista Ames
Abby Gordon
Ava Bari
Breanna Hayse

Available now on preorder exclusive to Amazon for $.99 in KU/Amazon.

Lorelei, welcome back! Tell us about A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot.
A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot is kind of a spin off from the Saddle Creek series.

The premise for the Saddle creek series is based on a relationship my oldest son has with his longtime friends: four male friends grow up together in the small town of Saddle Creek, WY, located in the shadows of the Grand Tetons. They consider themselves brothers from another mother, sharing and helping each other through the growing pains of adulting after high school. They remain loyal to each other throughout, although they go their separate ways: one goes to college, another buys the horse ranch he’s worked/lived on since a young age, one joins the military, and the fourth becomes the local Sheriff.

Moonlight Kisses and Mug Shots is the fourth in the series, the story of Sheriff Mitch Rogers and his new Deputy Veronica “Ronnie” Travis, who is also the new owner of Travis B&B, located in Saddle Creek and where the Sheriff resides. And how or why did Ronnie from Miami, Florida become the owner of the B&B in Saddle Creek, WY? This book will be released early 2020.

Did you have to do much research for this short story, and the series?
I love the Jackson Hole, WY area. It is beautiful and I’d live there if winter wasn’t eight-nine months of the year. I’ve lived in Florida for forty years and it’s not gonna happen. But I can visit throughout the year and share scenes in my books.

I love Jackson Hole, too! What would you like readers to take away from your contribution to Romances on the Range?
There’s always a happy ever after, no matter what’s happened in your life, no matter how low you’re right now, your soul mate is out there. Be patient. He/she is out there.

Meet Lorelei:
Lorelei ConferLorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with her high school sweetheart, now husband, and AJ, her long-haired Chihuahua.

In the fourth grade, she wrote her first story—something about getting a shot at the doctors—that was produced by the teacher for parents and students in an assembly. When she was older, she spilled her guts in a journal every night and wrote long newsy love letters to Viet Nam.

She is a multi-published author of romantic suspense with two series: The Deadly series and the Saddle Creek series. She also has written numerous novellas and short stories. She loves to hear from her readers so if you want to stay “in the know” visit her website, sign up for her newsletters and contact her.

Connect with Lorelei:
Amazon Author Page

Cover Reveal: Not You Again by Patricia Elliott

Not You Again by Patricia Elliott. I bought my copy–can’t wait to read it!

Not You Again by Patricia Elliott

Hot Pre-order Deal 99 cents ebook until pub date 11/20

Emma Praught has everything a woman could wish for: a house, a husband, and a teen daughter who she wouldn’t trade for the world. But when she receives that fateful call, everything falls apart.

Her husband is dead. The life she knew is over. And before she has a chance to make sense of it all, death threats roll in and so does a man from her past. One she never expected to see again.

Devon Matthews, in the stupidity of his youth, broke the heart of the only woman he ever loved. Something he has never gotten over. Now he has a chance to make it up to her by protecting them. And maybe, just maybe, she’ll find it in her heart to forgive him. If he can keep her alive, that is.
Will they make it through this unscathed or will Emma’s stubborn nature make the way difficult for them both?

One way or another, he’s not giving her up this time.

Not You Again by Patricia Elliott

[Wonderful!] Cover by Jessica Greeley

Slaves to Desire by Eli Gilić

Slaves to Desire by Eli Gilic

Slaves to Desire by Eli Gilić (@GilicEli)
Published by Sinful Press (@SinfulPress)
Just 99c/p Throughout October!

Slaves to Desire by Eli Gilić is a unique, beautifully written erotic short story collection that deftly weaves fact and fiction. Originally published in Serbian, Sinful Press is over the moon to present the English language version of this amazing collection in both digital and print. To celebrate, we are making the ebook version available for just 99p/99c throughout October.


Charles Baudelaire, Rasputin, Anna Karenina, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Ophelia, Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Sand, Frederic Chopin, Vincent Van Gogh, Antonin Artaud, Maria Izquierdo, James Joyce, Federico Garcia Lorka, Salvador Dali.

Can Rasputin find redemption through the sins of others? What awaits Anna Karenina on the other side? Does passion still flow through the veins of the lovers from Verona? Can Hamlet and Ophelia escape their fate? Is Van Gogh’s loneliness a blessing or a curse? And can Dali dispel Lorca’s fear.

Eli Gilić deftly weaves fact and fiction to bring some of the world’s great writers, literary characters, artists and composers to life as they reach the heights of passion and the depths of despair in this mesmerising erotic short story collection.

Sales links:
Google Play
Barnes and Noble

Excerpt from ‘Lovers in the Land of Peyote’ (María Izquierdo and Antonin Artaud), Slaves to Desire:

They brought him half-dead on a donkey, took him to his room, laid his feverish body on the bed and left me alone with him. I was terror-stricken as I listened to his frantic screams and incoherent ravings about virgins and donkeys. I wiped his burning forehead for hours and tried to reach him. He writhed, flailed his arms and legs, and I had to avoid blows carefully.

My strength was dissolving when Antonin suddenly stilled. I feared the worst, but he opened his eyes. Delirium had passed. His eyes were bright and curious. Such relief overcame me that I kissed him without thinking. I poured all the love that was burning in my heart into that kiss. I realised what I had done only when he returned my kiss. But there was no reason for anxiety because Antonin was overcome by desire just like me. He kissed me feverishly, as if to compensate for all the months of restraint. A surge of happiness flooded me. I quickly took off my robe and pulled Antonin’s pants down his legs.

Antonin just looked at me with mild disbelief. Fearing that he would pull away and say that we shouldn’t, I quickly settled above him before he had a chance to object. I had to feel him at least once. I think my heart would have broken if I didn’t manoeuvre him into me.

I looked him in the eye as I slowly descended on his hard manhood, choking from inexplicable joy. It seemed like I was becoming whole because he was filling me. I lacked something essential before Antonin entered my life just as my body had missed something vital before I felt him inside me. When I came down completely, I stilled to interpret his look. But I saw nothing except great love and total abandonment. As if to encourage me, Antonin grabbed me by the hips and began lifting and lowering me. I started moving and together we found the rhythm of lovers. Our bodies moved as if of their own will, as if saying something to each other with those feverish movements. Movements as old as the world, yet completely new, full of mysterious meaning known only to us. Faster, feverishly, marvellously coordinated as if our bodies had already done that in another world and time and we were only repeating what was carved in our hearts and bodies.

Antonin was moaning uncontrollably while rapidly raising his pelvis to meet my frenzied descents. Strangled sounds were escaping my throat, my insides were tightening from pleasure. The pressure was becoming unbearable, almost agonising. And then a miraculous burst, spasms that brought immense delight. The relief was so strong that I collapsed on him. Antonin hugged me tightly and jerked a few more times before freezing and crying out.

I sat up and showered his face with kisses, crying and laughing at the same time, mad from the rush of giddy joy.

Author Bio:
Eli Gilić is a writer and translator from Serbia who has spent much of her career translating best-selling novels for the Serbian market. She has also penned an erotic cookbook called Eat, Tease and Please.

Eli lives near a forest in Serbia with her three four-legged friends, and she spends her free time growing organic food, climbing mountains and jumping from waterfalls.

Slaves to Desire is her first short story collection, and it was originally published by Laguna, the biggest publisher in Serbia, before being translated into English for Sinful Press.

Writer Marketing ServicesSale blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.

Deadly Encounters series: Zia Westfield

Killer Secrets
Deadly Encounters Book 1
by Zia Westfield
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Thriller
With bills to pay, an orphaned niece to raise and her job on the line,
Gemma Fitzgibbons needs a front-page story in order to keep her job.
A serial killer and a corrupt detective, whose father was accused of
corruption, offer headline possibilities, but when she confronts Jack
Donahue, the detective is nothing like she expected.
Jack considers reporters to be bottom-feeders, and deep into the
investigation of a series of murders in which the victim is posed
with a wedding veil, he doesn’t have the time or inclination to
delve into the scandal that ruined his father’s career. But Gemma
won’t take no for an answer. Neither will she stop investigating
the Wedding Veil Killer. When she attracts the attention of the
killer, Jack is assigned to keep her safe. But Gemma isn’t about to
hide away. She intends to use the leads she’s developed to help him
track down the person responsible for the gruesome murders.
Torn between his dislike of reporters and his admiration for the smart,
sexy, reporter he’s drawn deeper into the scandal in his father’s
past–a scandal that someone will kill to keep hidden.
But, when Gemma uncovers secrets about the scandal, and her life is
threatened, Jack is determined to protect her. It’s also time to
make a choice–leave the past buried or fight for the future.
**Only 99 cents!! **
Killer Lies
Deadly Encounters Book 2
Kelsey Tremayne’s life unraveled in the summer of her 16th year when she
and a friend were abducted. She came out of the experience alive, but
without memories of her abduction and her friend was never found.
Rumors that she’d killed her friend in jealousy, and that she was
mentally unstable, started and eventually her parents moved her away
from Carville. Now, she’s back in Carville to settle her aunt’s
estate. However, someone is watching her, playing with her mind.
Could it even escalate to murder?
One man is willing to stand by her, protect her, and breach the barriers
that have guarded her heart for so long.
Sam Carmichael stays focused on the job and keeps his personal
interactions limited. The emotional instability of his wife and her
subsequent suicide have made him leery of getting deeply involved
with anyone. Even so, someone is targeting Kelsey Tremayne and the
roots go back twelve years to an abduction that was never solved. As
Sam is drawn deeper into the case, he can’t help admiring Kelsey’s
strength and compassion and he vows to do everything he can to find
the truth and bring her kidnapper to justice.
Can two people hurt by their pasts survive a criminal’s web to find a
future together?
**Only 99 cents!! **
Killer Deceptions
Deadly Encounters Book 3
Angie Rossi is a first grade teacher with a large Italian family that is
about to celebrate her grandparents’ fiftieth anniversary at a
resort in the snowy Catskill Mountains of New York. She’s wrangled
her neighbor into playing her date for the weekend. Only, when she
opens the door she finds Joe Vanetti, a nemesis from her childhood,
ready to be her escort.
Joe Vanetti is a cop intent on tracking down a jewel thief from his past.
He’s gotten word that his suspect will be at the hotel where
Angie’s grandparents are holding their celebration and where a
famous violinist with an equally famous emerald necklace is set to
perform. Joe persuades Angie to let him be her date. This Christmas
will be one neither will forget, assuming they live to see the day.
**Only 99 cents!! **
Zia Westfield creates suspenseful, exciting stories with romance at the
heart of them. There is nothing more thrilling than watching two
people fall in love despite the odds and the danger surrounding their
every move.
She makes her home in Tokyo with her husband and three sons. She holds a
full-time job, volunteers too much because she doesn’t know how to
say “no,” and generally finds peace.
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