Now! 99 Cents! Romances on the Range: A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot by Lorelei Confer

We welcome Lorelei Confer back to Nomad Authors! Her previous interview for her book A Deadly Gamble is hereRomances on the Range anthology: Lorelei Confer

A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot by Lorelei Confer is part of the anthology: Romances on the Range.

Blurb for A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot:
Janelle Franklin arrives in Saddle Creek, WY for a relaxing visit with her childhood friend and new mother. She also wants to fine-tune a secret passion, baking. But when she meets ranch manager, Carter Weaver, passion takes on a whole new meaning.

Carter excels at horse breeding but has a dark past that haunts him. When he meets Janelle, a woman he‘s comfortable with, sparks fly. But his past thwarts their future together and after a heated debate, Janelle leaves without a word taking his heart with her.

When she calls him out of the blue, he rushes to meet her. But will she accept him with his past? Or will they both have to sacrifice a loveless future?

Blurb for Romances on the Range:
Rough, rugged, and ready to ride.

There’s no denying it. Cowboys have a certain swagger about them. The way they move. Their walk. Their tough as nails way of life.

No matter how you like your cowboys, one thing’s for certain. They can sweep you off your feet and steal your heart quicker than you can say, “Yee-Haw”.

If you love the charming cowboys of Diana Palmer’s stories and can’t get enough of men on the range, then this collection is exactly what you need in your library.

Including stories from:
Desiree Holt
Nicole Morgan
Lorelei Confer
Milan Watson
Dawn Luedecke
RaeAnne Hadley
Taylor Porter
K.L. Humphreys
Krista Ames
Abby Gordon
Ava Bari
Breanna Hayse

Available now on preorder exclusive to Amazon for $.99 in KU/Amazon.

Lorelei, welcome back! Tell us about A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot.
A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot is kind of a spin off from the Saddle Creek series.

The premise for the Saddle creek series is based on a relationship my oldest son has with his longtime friends: four male friends grow up together in the small town of Saddle Creek, WY, located in the shadows of the Grand Tetons. They consider themselves brothers from another mother, sharing and helping each other through the growing pains of adulting after high school. They remain loyal to each other throughout, although they go their separate ways: one goes to college, another buys the horse ranch he’s worked/lived on since a young age, one joins the military, and the fourth becomes the local Sheriff.

Moonlight Kisses and Mug Shots is the fourth in the series, the story of Sheriff Mitch Rogers and his new Deputy Veronica “Ronnie” Travis, who is also the new owner of Travis B&B, located in Saddle Creek and where the Sheriff resides. And how or why did Ronnie from Miami, Florida become the owner of the B&B in Saddle Creek, WY? This book will be released early 2020.

Did you have to do much research for this short story, and the series?
I love the Jackson Hole, WY area. It is beautiful and I’d live there if winter wasn’t eight-nine months of the year. I’ve lived in Florida for forty years and it’s not gonna happen. But I can visit throughout the year and share scenes in my books.

I love Jackson Hole, too! What would you like readers to take away from your contribution to Romances on the Range?
There’s always a happy ever after, no matter what’s happened in your life, no matter how low you’re right now, your soul mate is out there. Be patient. He/she is out there.

Meet Lorelei:
Lorelei ConferLorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with her high school sweetheart, now husband, and AJ, her long-haired Chihuahua.

In the fourth grade, she wrote her first story—something about getting a shot at the doctors—that was produced by the teacher for parents and students in an assembly. When she was older, she spilled her guts in a journal every night and wrote long newsy love letters to Viet Nam.

She is a multi-published author of romantic suspense with two series: The Deadly series and the Saddle Creek series. She also has written numerous novellas and short stories. She loves to hear from her readers so if you want to stay “in the know” visit her website, sign up for her newsletters and contact her.

Connect with Lorelei:
Amazon Author Page