Charity Sunday: 1 Jar Foundation

How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

For two years Jack and I lived just outside Chicago and his brother and sister-in-law still live in the city. It breaks our hearts to see the state the city is in and hear about the violence that kills so many, especially the innocents like Janari. To help a bit, we’d like to donate this Christmas season to 1 Jar Foundation ( so some little kids can receive gifts. 1 Jar’s mission is: “Protecting and securing a purposeful future for our kids and all youth!” Working to ensure a safe environment for Chicago kids to grow and develop into productive adults, Janari’s mom and family have moved from tragedy to a giving, loving resource for children of all walks of life. We’re happy to give to such a worthy cause for a city we love. Please comment and help us!

Finding a Christmas Miracle by Jan Selbourne and Anne Krist

Two exceptional novellas featuring two men engulfed in a war no one understands or wants—Vietnam. They’re both hoping for a miracle with little expectation of finding it.

Jan Selbourne lends her award-winning writing talent to A Miracle in the Outback. Nick Saunders is in a hurry to escape a family argument and also to return to his Army base in Wagga Wagga. He doesn’t need another complication. Rachel Garth is a woman with a broken down car, a small girl, a deadly snake, and a baby on the way. She needs Nick’s help. He doesn’t know it, but he needs hers, too.

In award-winning author Anne Krist’s The Miracle of Coming Home, Army PFC Tom Stabler wins a trip to his parents’ Nebraska farm for Christmas. He needs the time away from the war. Lately, he’s been feeling lost and too alone. Trouble is, being home is almost as bad. Then Susan Swensen arrives, just as sweet and pretty as he remembers. Can Susan help him find himself again, or will it take a miracle?

This December, Finding a Christmas Miracle will be released in paperback.

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Miracle in the Outback

Noelle’s face turned red as she let out another loud wail.

Ellie pointed to the crib. “Mum, Noelle’s crying.”

“I know, I know.” Rachel closed the sliding glass doors and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

 Another louder squeal.

 “Mummy, Noelle.”

“I can hear her, Ellie,” Rachel snapped, and went to the sink to wash her hands. “The whole bloody street can hear her.” She picked up the little noise machine and felt the wet clothing. Pulling off the soaked nappy, she reached for a clean one to wrap around the squirming baby.

“Scream, feed, and pee,” she muttered as she opened her blouse. Like an alarm clock, every three and half hours, day and night. So different from quiet, placid Ellie and she was so tired. As soon as the little piranha finished feeding, she’d give Ellie colouring pencils and toys and try to snatch an hour’s sleep.

Rachel rested her head against the back of the sofa and reached over to Ellie. “You are such a good girl, come sit next to me. When we go shopping tomorrow, I’ll buy you a present for helping me with this noisy baby.”

Twice a week, she pushed the pram, with Ellie sitting on the toddler’s seat, to the shopping centre. Always early to avoid the heat and between feeds so Noelle would, hopefully, sleep. Then wash the pile of baby clothes and nappies. She’d take a few more dollars from her stash and buy more disposables.

Fifteen minutes later, Noelle had fallen asleep against her breast. She gently laid her in the crib, turned on the fan, and lay on the sofa.

 A shrill noise jerked her awake. Blinking, she sat up and rubbed her eyes as the front doorbell shrilled again. No way was she climbing the stairs to see who it is. They can come back later when her mother was home. Probably the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Last week it was the Mormons and she’d told them where to go in very blunt language.

She lay back down and felt herself drifting off when footsteps on the side path made her sit up. Two men in suits were walking towards the sliding glass doors. They looked around the back garden before knocking.

Now alarmed, Rachel hesitated before opening the door a couple of inches. The two men produced ID badges.

“Rachel Garth?” The tall man with piercing eyes asked.


 “Detective Thomas and”—his hand flicked to the man beside him—“Detective Jones. Sydney City Police. We’d like to talk to you.”

The Miracle of Coming Home

Susan Swensen flew into the small three-bedroom house she shared with Carol Buley and Mildred Hammersmith. “I won!” she shouted. “I won, I won, I won!!

Carol stepped out of her bedroom and into the hallway, brushing her hair and already In her blue flannel pajamas. “Won what?”

Susan dropped an envelope on the scarred coffee table and threw off her wool cape, tossing it onto the used couch dressed up in a winter slipcover. A Christmas tree displayed prominently over the center cushion. Brightly wrapped gifts beneath a midnight-blue sky scattered with stars filled out the rest of the space. This was the second year the women had used it to hide the worn arms and cushions of the sofa, and it saddened Susan somewhat that it would be the last. The three would graduate from nursing school in June and go their separate ways.

She reached to remove the pins that secured her white cap to her blonde curls and then slid the bobby pins onto the edge of the cap before placing it carefully on the table. Then she picked up the envelope and removed the letter she’d read three times already.

“Susan Swensen. This is to inform you that your submission to the Home for Christmas contest sponsored by WCHI Radio Chicago has won one of seven prizes. WCHI has confirmed that PFC Thomas J. Stabler will be transferred from Saigon, South Vietnam to Norfolk, Nebraska (via Omaha, Nebraska) on or about December 16, 1970 until December 27, 1970. The Department of Defense is relaying this information to PFC Stabler’s commanding officers and to him. WCHI is happy to be a part of this Christmas homecoming. Thank you for your heartfelt submission. Merry Christmas! John Marbury, President, WCHI Radio.”

Susan looked up at Carol with a smile that felt like it might split her face. “Tom is going to be able to come home for Christmas.”

“Both stories grab your attention quickly and carry you along with the fast moving plot lines! Both main characters are flawed perhaps due to the service to their country! One saves a young mother about to deliver her second baby alone in the outback. The other brings the Vietnam war home! Kudos to both ladies for their exemplary stories!” 5-star

“Two fabulous reads with relatable characters and heartwarming emotion. Both stories dealt with war but we saw the personal side of it and the way the horror impacts normal people. … I was rooting for both couples to find their Happily Ever After.

“Both novellas are stirringly heartwarming holiday romances.” 5 Stars”

“Well done, both ladies.” 5 stars

“For heart-warming Christmas romance, the two novellas in Finding a Christmas Miracle certainly fit the bill.” 5 stars

“Two wonderful books. … I enjoyed every turn of the pages. So good to feel the love Always in awe of this wonderful talent Of putting words to paper. Looking forward to the next novellas.” 5 Stars


Author Jan Selbourne:
Jan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

Author Anne Krist:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website ( Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! Once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.

Jan author links:

Anne author links:
Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas

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Charity Sunday: Tunnel to Towers

How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

There are events in our lives that we always remember where we were when we heard it happened. For me, some of those events were when John Kennedy was shot, when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, when Captain Jeremiah Denton arrived home from his imprisonment in Vietnam, and, of course, when the towers and Pentagon were struck and the folks on United 93 made the ultimate sacrifice. On this Memorial Day weekend, the time is appropriate to remember all those who died on September 11, 2001, as well as those who died in service of the fall of the towers and the events that resulted afterward.

On the morning on 9/11/2001, Jack and I were living in San Francisco. Jack had a conference in San Diego the next day and we were on the road, making the drive. We had called his mom in Virginia before we left and she said a plane ran into the trade towers in New York, but gave no further details. I think, like most, she was in shock from what she had been watching on TV. We were in a hurry. We expressed some semblance of horror that such a thing could happen, but we still had a vision of a small plane glancing off the iconic buildings. We had no idea at all that the world had just shifted.

While driving down I-5 we found a radio station, and finally the sheer panic and awfulness of what had happened on the east coast began to sink in. We had gone a couple hundred miles when we turned around and went home, only to huddle in front of the TV, trying to understand how such a thing could happen—like the rest of the nation.

One of the good things to come from that miserable day was the Tunnels to Towers Foundation. The foundation helps families of first responders and military personnel who have fallen. These families not only have to deal with the loss of a loved one but also their income. Tunnel to Towers pays the mortgage on their houses—in full! The relief this must bring is a gift for the soul as much as the benefit of a physical structure. I am honored to gift them this Charity Sunday.

Please comment. Do you know about this organization?

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Mystic Desire

Mystic Desire is a collection of short paranormal romance stories. This is a chance to read and discover the work of a diverse group of very talented authors.

The themes in this book are varied, as are the collection of characters and artifacts, including Native American dream catchers, mystical jewelry, and characters such as lustful vampires, hot warlocks, a grumpy leprechaun, a ghostly terrier, a zombie apocalypse and things that go bump in the night.

From soft and tender love to hot passionate, kinky sex, there is something for everyone in this anthology.

The Sweetest Magic of All – Alice Renaud
When a sexy apprentice witch and a hot warlock go back in time to locate a magical amulet, they find more than they bargained for. It’s May Eve, the most magical night of the year, and normal rules don’t apply…

An Awareness of Evil – Dee S. Knight
Only two things stand between evil and a small girl: the visions of Amanda McMasters and Detective Brendan Gilchrist. Neither can afford to be wrong.

Bewitching the Wolf – Zia Westfield
The Witch, Alice Humphreys has poured her heart and soul into creating a magical B&B where guests experience the fantasy vacation of their dreams!  Brodie MacEwan has been sent to investigate the mysterious death of his uncle. He never expected to discover his soul mate in his dreams. But is the illusion real? Alice knows that there is something all too predatory about the Scotsman and he makes her body tingle in places it shouldn’t!

Calling All Angels – Lora Logan
Elijah Baker, an immortal tasked with fighting against demons that exist on earth, finds peace when he meets his new neighbor, Celeste. But when he realizes that their love comes with a cost, he is faced with choosing between his calling and a chance at true love.

Dream Catcher – Callie Carmen
Long ago, a medicine man had made a matched set of dream catchers as a wedding gift to protect the Chief’s daughter and her warrior husband. He had called upon the benevolent spirits to keep the two soul mates safe and in a loving, healthy marriage. It was foretold that if the two dream catchers were ever divided the new owners would be drawn together as soul mates. Was that possible?

Life Saving – Anne Krist
Saving lives isn’t just for adults. Sometimes the innocent magic of a child can do the job better.

Love from the Mist – Patricia Elliott
When Jace Warden learns that his brother plans to announce his engagement at a family get together, he flees to the other side of the world to escape the joyous celebration.

Or at least attempts to…  His plane never makes it, and he winds up trapped on an island. Little does he realize, he’s not alone; there’s a mischievous little entity milling about, and she wants to play.

Love Knows No Apocalypse – Patricia Elliott
Getting stranded in the middle of a storm was not Samantha Wheeler’s idea of an ideal situation, especially in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. But fighting zombies was the easy part; her heart, though, was a whole other matter. Thanks to a man named Steve Jones.

When they find themselves in danger, she has to decide what’s more important – dying for someone she loves or surviving.

Love that Binds – Carol Schoenig
On the outskirts of a small town where nothing grows, a young girl, Ianthee, is being bullied and accused of being a witch. Young Caleb, inexplicably drawn to Ianthee, comes to her rescue. Before they can explore their feelings, Caleb and his family disappear. What happened to him, and what part does a long-ago legend play in their lives?

Love’s Ghost – R.M. Olivia
“Sorry, babe. I know it hurts to hear.” John frowned.  I’ll make this brief. I spoke to the man in charge and he is giving me one last chance.”

“Come again?”

“I’m allowed to make love to my wife one last time before I have to cross over. So, are you ready for your husband? Are you ready for me, Ingrid?” He lifted my chin up and ran his thumb along my lips.  I felt a chill go down my spine. How could this be real? How could this be happening?

The Anniversary – Richard Savage
A cruel twist of fate wrenched Evelyn and Peter apart on their wedding anniversary. Evelyn’s life descends into darkness.  James enters her life giving her a chance of happiness. Evelyn discovers a piece of jewelry, that has the power to grant her time with Peter on their anniversary. She adores James, but needs Peter.  Can she ever really let Peter go, while there’s still a chance they can be together?

The Mortal Vampire – Suzanne Smith
Remy enjoys life as a vampire, never giving a thought to sucking every last drop of tasty blood out of his unfortunate victims and leaving them door nail dead. But his cold and carefree existence changes the day he crosses paths with the beautiful and mysterious mortal Angela.

Through the Veil – Jan Selbourne
A beautiful March day in 1875 ends in tragedy when the wagon carrying Helen and Marcus plunges down the mountainside. Generations pass before Rachel Finlay finds an old sepia photo of a man and woman. She knows them but she’s never met them and now, for the peace of mind she desperately craves, she goes back to where it began. In time, through the veil, knowing she may never return.

Unconditional Lust – Breanna Hayes
The massive, hideous merrow leader, Muruch, craves the taste of human flesh. Confined to the ocean, he feeds his horde with sailors from ships pulled into the maw of the Bermuda Triangle. When US Army Captain, Nurys Shaye, puts her life on the line to save him after being captured, his hunger for human flesh is shadowed by the desire for her body and her love. Will she be able to see past his appearance and trust him to break down her walls and teach her to feel?

Author Dee S. Knight:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website ( Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! Once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.

Author links:






Amazon Author Page:



Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas

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New! Mystery, history, and prizes! Jan Selbourne and Anne Krist

Evil Lives in the Night
Two historical, suspense, noir novellas

Out now! From award-winning authors Jan Selbourne and Anne Krist, two mysteries written to keep you guessing.

Check out our contest below!


In Jan Selbourne’s The Next Stop Is Dead, a woman boards a city train one night and finds herself alone in the car with four strangers, all men. When she discovers one of them is dead, she has to find a way to exit the train and get help. Will she escape, or will the next stop be her final one?

In Anne Krist’s Missing, sisters Audra and Daina communicate using “twin language.” But how much difference will that make when Daina disappears? Can Audra find her sister before her abductor ends Daina’s life? Even with the help of an over-protective detective, saving her missing twin might not happen in time.

Buy links:

U.S. Amazon Kindle Unlimited

Australia Kindle Unlimited


From The Next Stop Is Dead

Alison buttoned her coat against the cold wind blowing along the platform. Melbourne might be dull and staid, but we hosted the 1956 Olympic Games, we are known for our theatres and culture and Flinders Street Station was once the busiest in the world. Something the bragging Sydneysiders hadn’t achieved.

She looked at the ticket in her hand and up at the train timetable. The next train would go express from Richmond to Caulfield then stopping all stations to Dandenong. You can’t sit here all night.

Wheels on the tracks and the train pulled into the platform. Not one of the new blue trains but an old red rattler that should have been pensioned off years ago. Three young, laughing women wearing Footscray Tennis Club jackets got out of the end carriage and hurried down the exit ramp. Feeling miserable, Alison got in hoping she’d be on her own. Empty except for three men sitting together on the last row of seats. She walked to the other end of the carriage and sat down. The whistle blew and the train moved away from the platform and into the tunnel.

The train increased its pace through Jolimont Yard and without meaning to, Alison glanced at the three men at the other end of the carriage. They hadn’t moved, just sitting there reading newspapers without speaking. The man next to the window looked at her, lit a cigarette and after blowing a cloud of smoke into the air lifted his newspaper closer to his face. She turned to the window again as they passed the huge Melbourne Cricket Ground, holy ground for cricket fanatics and home of Australian Rules Football. Watching grass grow was more interesting than watching cricket.

The train was slowing down to stop at Richmond station. The door opened and she looked up as a man with a newspaper tucked under his arm got in. He walked past her and took a seat on the other side of the aisle. The train began to move out of the station.

Four men and one woman and they’d express through the next five stations before stopping at Caulfield. Feeling very uncomfortable she held her overnight bag closer and gazed through the window as the train gathered speed. Except for the clattering train wheels it was quiet, creepy quiet. They’d just passed South Yarra station and the reflection in the grimy window moved. That man was looking at her. Oh hell, he was standing up. Her chest thumped when he crossed the aisle and sat beside her.

A wide smile. “What are you like with crossword puzzles?”

Alison felt the blood drain from her face. Should she get up and go closer to the three men? It struck her then they hadn’t spoken or moved since she got on the train.

He lifted his newspaper. “The crossword is very hard today. Can you help me?”

Her throat went dry. “Pardon?”

“Two heads are better than one,” he said brightly and pointed to the top of the page. For a few seconds her eyes refused to absorb the words in thick capital letters. DO NOT LOOK UP. GET OUT AT THE NEXT STOP. THE MAN IN THE MIDDLE IS DEAD.

From Missing:

Something woke her. She moved and the magazine fell to the floor. Groggy, she scraped her hair back from her face and then rubbed her eyes. She didn’t need to look to see that Daina’s bed remained empty—she’d feel her sister if she were there.

The room was dark, the door closed. But she’d left the light on in the living room and the bedroom door open. Hadn’t she?

She’d forgotten to wind the alarm clock and it had stopped at two-oh-five. She clicked on the lamp on the table between their beds and got up to check her watch on the dresser. Three o’clock. Her heart raced and her mouth dried. Where in the world was her sister?

Suddenly, the front door closing sounded like a shot. She slid into her slippers and tightened the sash on her robe. “Daina!” She threw open the bedroom door and rushed to the apartment door.

Automatically grabbing her key from the dish by the door, she rushed out into the hallway and down the stairs. She hadn’t reached the bottom step when she saw a man halfway out the door. He turned to look at her and she gasped. His face was rough. Stubble made it dark. A jagged, angry scar ran from his left temple to his jaw line. There was no smile, no lightening of expression. With a scowl, he pulled a black, flat cap low and then left.

The door hardly made a sound but his presence in her building set off an explosion in Audra’s mind. Who was he? How had he gained entrance? What was he doing at three o’clock in the morning skulking around her building?

Fear gave way to panic. Her knees nearly gave out when the thought occurred that he might have been in their apartment, that it had been he who she heard closing their front door. Then the thought that screamed in her mind. Did he have anything to do with Daina’s disappearance?

On shaky lags, she climbed the stairs. She’d make a pot of coffee and then wait until daylight made it safe to walk to the bus stop to start the trek downtown to the police department. She’d think later about calling her parents but first thing this morning she’d have to file a missing person report for her sister. Her twin. The other half of her soul.


Take a chance on winning an Amazon gift card! After you’ve read our novellas, read the question. Then click the appropriate email link (Anne if you live in the U.S. and Jan if you live in Australia) and send us your answer, your name, and email address. Contest begins June 30 and ends July 20. Winners will be selected on July 21. More details are on our website, Nomad Authors.

It’s way too cold if you’re heading into winter in Oz!

Author Anne Krist:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website ( Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! Once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.

Where to find Anne:






Amazon Author Page:



Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas

Author Jan Selbourne:

Jan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

Where to find Jan

New release from Jan Selbourne!! Full Circle

An historical novel of mystery, intrigue, revenge, and love

Some women are just stubborn, as Lloyd Harrington discovers when he drags Carey Stafford back to London. Maybe the feel of a noose around her pretty neck will dispel the sweetness of her revenge.

As you can tell from these two comments, Jan Selbourne’s new book, Full Circle , is not all sweetness and light. But it is a fantastic model of intrigue, characters who masquerade as one thing and then another, murder and mystery, spanning two continents. And I musn’t forget revenge–lots of revenge! I loved it! I think you will, too.

Full Circle is available for 99 cents until February 1, when the price will increase (although not too much!) Really, with Jan’s attention to detail, her faithfulness to historical accuracy, and her amazing storytelling, her books are bargains at any price. If you’re a fan of Jan’s, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re new to her, do you ever have a treat in store!

Please enjoy this remarkable book!


According to Dr. Arthur Sanders, a terrible miscarriage of justice has taken place. His entire fortune and that of his partner, Mr. Frank Owens, has disappeared along with Owen’s secretary/accountant and the secretary’s assistant. Owens himself is visiting the Australian colony. Is he, like Sanders, a victim or the perpetrator? That is what Sanders wants Lloyd Harrington to find out and as swiftly as possible.

Harrington is recovering from an injury received while on the job in the Metropolitan Police as well as guilt from a personal loss. He’s bored from forced inactivity and the chance to use his skills to track down Owens interests him. Sanders agrees to pay all expenses, and so Harrington sets off for Australia. Before he leaves, a body is discovered—the secretary. And the assistant holds a ticket on a ship bound for Australia. It seems the action is all set to take place Down Under.

Miss Carey Stafford arrives at the home of Owens’ host just as Harrington does and announces to the stunned Owens that he is bankrupt, along with his partner, Dr. Sanders. How does she know this, Harrington wonders. His tingly detective senses warn him that something very wrong is going on here, and he arrests the lovely Carey for theft and possible participant in the murder of Owen’s secretary. He has no way of knowing then that she holds secrets upon secrets upon secrets. They will either provide the answers to everything or will drag Lloyd into a morass of trouble with his former comrades at the Met.

Full Circle is a complex tale of mystery, intrigue, and revenge. How the tale and its principals actually come full circle will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Buy link:

Amazon Kindle


Lloyd and Frank Owens followed William into the hall and were about to enter the room opposite when the dogs outside set up a chorus of barking. Hooves and coach wheels grew louder and halted outside.

            “Who the devil is this?” William fumed as a housemaid hurried to the entrance. A murmur of voices and as the maid stood aside, Lloyd stared in disbelief at the woman walking in. The same woman from the coach in the mud and the White Hart Inn but now her red hair was hanging in ringlets on both sides of her heavily made-up face, and she was wearing spectacles. He really was at the local playhouse or very soon he’d wake up.

            “How dare you walk in here uninvited,” William said angrily and pointed at Lloyd. “Do you know this woman?”

            “I don’t.”

            William swung back to her. “This man has just walked in without a by your leave and now you! What next, half the town?”

            The woman’s eyes widened with surprise seeing Lloyd, then ignoring William Parker, walked up to Frank Owens, standing in the doorway of the study.

            “I have news for you,” she said softly.

            “You know this woman?” William demanded.

Her eyes never wavered from Owens. “Mr Owens, you and Doctor Sanders are now penniless.”

Owens’ mouth dropped open. “What did you say?”

            “The financial portfolio you shared with Arthur Sanders is no more. The lease on your London home was terminated on 31st March. Your home in Berkshire was sold. Your bank account is empty. Arthur Sanders has lost everything but his clothes.”

            A pin dropping would be louder than a pistol shot.

            It took several seconds before Owens found his voice. “Who are you?”

            When the woman didn’t reply he began spluttering, “What on earth are you talking about?” His face was now a sickly white. “You know nothing of my business affairs.”

            The woman shrugged eloquently. “You have no business affairs, you are ruined. Destroy and you will be destroyed.”

            Frank glanced at Lloyd and back to the woman. “This is ridiculous. I don’t know what you are talking about.”

            Soft footsteps and the attractive middle-aged woman walked across the hall. Her cold eyes glared at the woman. “I am Amelia Parker and I demand you explain this outrageous intrusion.”

 “I don’t have to explain anything to you,” was the icy reply. Her attention returned to Frank. “I almost forgot. Your letter of credit. It’s obvious you haven’t presented it to a bank otherwise you’d know it is not worth the paper it’s printed on.”

            Lloyd snapped out of his trance. “Don’t take another step. How did you know about this and what is your connection with Mr Owens and Dr Sanders?”

            Ignoring him, she brushed past Williams and his wife and walked to the front entrance. Lloyd followed and put his hand on her shoulder. “I said, not another step.”

            Her dark eyes flashed angrily. “Take your hand off me.”

            Lloyd’s grip tightened on her shoulder. “Who are you and where or from whom did you learn of this crime?”

            “None of your business.”

            “It is very much my business. I am investigating a crime committed in London and the police are investigating a death connected with that crime.”

            Her eyebrows rose. “Your business has nothing to do with me, so I suggest you solve your crime in London, not here.” Pulling herself away from his hand she walked out onto the porch.

            Stunned he’d let her pull away, Lloyd followed and grasped her arm. “I haven’t finished. While on leave from the Metropolitan Police I was retained by Arthur Sanders to find Frank Owens. Now, answer my questions.”

            “A London policeman here in the middle of New South Wales? Surely you can do better than that. A duke from a small European principality would impress those country upstarts in there a lot more.”

            Despite himself, Lloyd felt admiration for her standing up to him. His grasp on her arm tightened and he pulled her back into the drawing room. “Slorrach, I’d be obliged if you’d bring me a length of rope.”

            Slorrach glanced at William who nodded. Lloyd waited until he left the room, then pushed the woman into a chair and spoke to the three dumbfounded people staring at him.

            “Last March, Arthur Sanders asked me to find the person or persons responsible for embezzling money from his business partnership with Frank Owens.” He told them what had transpired and about Henry Todd’s death. “The police believe it was a vicious robbery. However, I am sure they have discovered more since I left England. That’s not all. Mark Davis’s reference was forged, and a snooping servant found his ship’s passage to this colony.”

            Frank’s eyes bulged. “Henry is dead and Mark Davis here?”

            Lloyd glanced at the young woman whose face was as white as Frank’s.

            William Parker’s face was red with anger. “What the devil is going on Frank?”

Author Jan Selbourne:

Jan Selbourne

Jan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

Author links:


New Release and in the spirit of Christmas…

Finding a Christmas Miracle by Jan Selbourne and Anne Krist

Just in time for Christmas–but with two stories that are good to read all year long–Jan and Anne Krist send your way, Finding a Christmas Miracle.

Two exceptional novellas featuring two men engulfed in a war no one understands or wants—Vietnam. They’re both hoping for a miracle with little expectation of finding it.

Jan Selbourne lends her award-winning writing talent to A Miracle in the Outback. Nick Saunders is in a hurry to escape a family argument and also to return to his Army base in Wagga Wagga. He doesn’t need another complication. Rachel Garth is a woman with a broken down car, a small girl, a deadly snake, and a baby on the way. She needs Nick’s help. He doesn’t know it, but he needs hers, too.

In award-winning author Anne Krist’s The Miracle of Coming Home, Army PFC Tom Stabler wins a trip to his parents’ Nebraska farm for Christmas. He needs the time away from the war. Lately, he’s been feeling lost and too alone. Trouble is, being home is almost as bad. Then Susan Swensen arrives, just as sweet and pretty as he remembers. Can Susan help him find himself again, or will it take a miracle?

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Finding a Christmas MiracleA Miracle in the Outback
Noelle’s face turned red as she let out another loud wail.

Ellie pointed to the crib. “Mum, Noelle’s crying.”

“I know, I know.” Rachel closed the sliding glass doors and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

Another louder squeal.

“Mummy, Noelle.”

“I can hear her, Ellie,” Rachel snapped, and went to the sink to wash her hands. “The whole bloody street can hear her.” She picked up the little noise machine and felt the wet clothing. Pulling off the soaked nappy, she reached for a clean one to wrap around the squirming baby.

“Scream, feed, and pee,” she muttered as she opened her blouse. Like an alarm clock, every three and half hours, day and night. So different from quiet, placid Ellie and she was so tired. As soon as the little piranha finished feeding, she’d give Ellie colouring pencils and toys and try to snatch an hour’s sleep.

Rachel rested her head against the back of the sofa and reached over to Ellie. “You are such a good girl, come sit next to me. When we go shopping tomorrow, I’ll buy you a present for helping me with this noisy baby.”

Twice a week, she pushed the pram, with Ellie sitting on the toddler’s seat, to the shopping centre. Always early to avoid the heat and between feeds so Noelle would, hopefully, sleep. Then wash the pile of baby clothes and nappies. She’d take a few more dollars from her stash and buy more disposables.

Fifteen minutes later, Noelle had fallen asleep against her breast. She gently laid her in the crib, turned on the fan, and lay on the sofa.

A shrill noise jerked her awake. Blinking, she sat up and rubbed her eyes as the front doorbell shrilled again. No way was she climbing the stairs to see who it is. They can come back later when her mother was home. Probably the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Last week it was the Mormons and she’d told them where to go in very blunt language.

She lay back down and felt herself drifting off when footsteps on the side path made her sit up. Two men in suits were walking towards the sliding glass doors. They looked around the back garden before knocking.

Now alarmed, Rachel hesitated before opening the door a couple of inches. The two men produced ID badges.

“Rachel Garth?” The tall man with piercing eyes asked.


“Detective Thomas and”—his hand flicked to the man beside him—“Detective Jones. Sydney City Police. We’d like to talk to you.”

 Finding a Christmas Miracle

The Miracle of Coming Home
Susan Swensen flew into the small three-bedroom house she shared with Carol Buley and Mildred Hammersmith. “I won!” she shouted. “I won, I won, I won!!”

Carol stepped out of her bedroom and into the hallway, brushing her hair and already In her blue flannel pajamas. “Won what?”

Susan dropped an envelope on the scarred coffee table and threw off her wool cape, tossing it onto the used couch dressed up in a winter slipcover. A Christmas tree displayed prominently over the center cushion. Brightly wrapped gifts beneath a midnight-blue sky scattered with stars filled out the rest of the space. This was the second year the women had used it to hide the worn arms and cushions of the sofa, and it saddened Susan somewhat that it would be the last. The three would graduate from nursing school in June and go their separate ways.

She reached to remove the pins that secured her white cap to her blonde curls and then slid the bobby pins onto the edge of the cap before placing it carefully on the table. Then she picked up the envelope and removed the letter she’d read three times already.

“Susan Swensen. This is to inform you that your submission to the Home for Christmas contest sponsored by WCHI Radio Chicago has won one of seven prizes. WCHI has confirmed that PFC Thomas J. Stabler will be transferred from Saigon, South Vietnam to Norfolk, Nebraska (via Omaha, Nebraska) on or about December 16, 1970 until December 27, 1970. The Department of Defense is relaying this information to PFC Stabler’s commanding officers and to him. WCHI is happy to be a part of this Christmas homecoming. Thank you for your heartfelt submission. Merry Christmas! John Marbury, President, WCHI Radio.”

Susan looked up at Carol with a smile that felt like it might split her face. “Tom is going to be able to come home for Christmas.”

A little about us:
Author Jan Selbourne:
Jan SelbourneJan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

 Author Dee S. Knight:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website ( Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! Once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.

Contact Jan:

 Author links:
Amazon Author Page
Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas

New! The Moon Crossing a writing partnership

The Moon CrossingWhat do a scifi/fantasy romance writer and historical romance writer have in common?

Well for Jan Selbourne and me it was a mutual love of writing.

After reading Perilous Love, I became a fan of her writing. In Perilous Love, Jan dragged me through a gambit of emotions including being very annoyed I had to go to sleep and wouldn’t get back to her book until much later the next day.

Jan and I talked writing and went back and forth a bit. I’m not sure how the conversation started but I said we should write a book together. I love her style and her attention to detail, so I thought we could work together to create a story.

It started more in fun – well, what could we write together. I don’t know how we settled on alternate history but it seemed to work. History was involved which hit on Jan’s strengths and it being tweaked and a bit different.. well that describes me I think.

Both Jan and I write as we go. There’s no grand plan or outline. We sit down and write. How in the world were we going to write a story together? So we talked through ideas. Some were rubbish and others were brilliant. Once we had a rough idea of where we thought we were going, we started writing. We started this in 2020 so with all the COVID and political unrest and difficulties, we tapped into the conspiracies of government and big business. Corruption is one of the themes in the book but also coverups.

Jan picked the names. I hate picking character names. In my head they are character 1 or character 2 or something similar until they coalesce into something more. One thing we did discuss was Susan needed to be strong. Moments of stress didn’t result in her breaking down in tears or falling apart. We tapped into her fears and let the reader see them. At one point, she’s walking through a dark tunnel. She feels like the walls are closing in and her fear climbs. Tapping into those feelings are key for the development of the character and progression of the story.

We opted to swap chapters. I’d write one then she’d write one. When it was her turn to write, I had to force myself to not go in and read behind her. I loved reading where she took us and our characters. After reading her chapters, I had to catch my breath. I tapped into the characters and thought okay, what’s next?

There were moments when I thought ‘huh, hadn’t planned to go there’ but as I read what she wrote, I was amazed and thrilled. Her writing inspired my writing. I hope mine did the same for her.

There were times she said – I’m writing this scene – I was perfectly okay with that because there were scenes I knew I wanted to write. I think our styles complimented each other nicely. By tapping into our strengths, I think it gave our story more depth and breadth. I also think it strengthened our friendship.

USA Today Bestselling Author Eileen Troemel and 2019 winner of Coffee Pot Book Club Book of the year silver medal for Historical Fiction Jan Selbourne present an alternate history, sweet romance of life after the Moon Landing in 1969.

In 2030, World Correction Center – the Earth’s most secure prison – is a miserable place to land. Since it’s on the moon, it’s inescapable. It contains the worst criminals Earth has ever seen. So why are the brilliant minds across the globe being sent to this black hole of the justice system?

When world-renowned archeologist Micky Cooper is charged with embezzling, his sister Susan knows it’s a set up. It’s up to her to prove his innocence. Susan thinks she might be paranoid but she swears she’s being followed and should she trust the nice man whose cousin has disappeared as well? Was it just a chance meeting or is he against her too?

Teaming up with Greg Tanner, a man equally resolved to prove the innocence of his cousin, Samantha Tanner – a world leading linguist. Susan and Greg seek clues wherever they can find them but they’re barely keeping one step ahead of those who want them to stop.

They begin to unravel the web of lies, fraud and cover up. Just when they start to put the pieces together, Susan and Greg are forced to run for their lives. With a nudge from Samantha, they find someone to help. Is this woman an ally? Or simply part of a greater conspiracy to hide the truth? What exactly is on the moon and why are the Earth’s greatest minds being sent there to serve time?

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Finally at the front, she saw the little line on the sidewalk. The signs said no matter what, stay behind the line. Why? Did they think her powerful enough to break through a steel cage and bullet proof window? She forced a smile on her face as she fought her own rebellious nature. Putting her toes on the line, she raised her eyes to meet those of the officer.

The officer behind the window glanced her way. She flashed a sweet almost innocent smile to charm him. He paused momentarily, “State the name of the prisoner.”

“Micky… Michael James Cooper,” Susan heard the whir of the computer through the thick walls as the officer typed in her brother’s name. Biting her lip, she waited.

The officer stared at the screen, an eerie green reflection on his face. He glanced at her, frowned, and glanced back to his screen. “He’s not assigned,” the officer said.

“Can you tell me when he will be assigned,” Susan asked stepping closer to the window. She stepped over the line, but no one burst out of the doors to drag her away.

With his Adam’s apple bobbing, the officer looked into her pretty blue eyes. He licked his lips as he took in her tight sweater and her curves. Pencil skirts highlighted her narrow waist and flat stomach. Susan saw the desire she endured from men since she got breasts at ten. Men. She tried to keep the disgust she felt hidden.

“He’s been assigned,” the officer said reluctantly shifting his eyes back to the screen. “There’s no backlog of prisoners. They either get a prison in the US, or they go off to WCC.”

“What’s WCC?”

“World Correctional Center,” he informed.

“Sergeant Brady,” she read off his name from the tag on his gray uniform, “I know you get a lot of flak from people all day long, I don’t want to cause trouble. I want to send my brother some food and other creature comforts.”

Sergeant Brady adjusted his belt as he stood behind the glass and metal counter. “Most likely they sent him to the moon,” he said. “Those designations always take longer to get in the system.”

“May I ask you a simple question,” Susan said putting on her ‘I’m a dumb girl act’.

“Anything I can do to help,” Officer Brady said, grinning when she gave him a half smile.

“I thought they only sent the worst criminals there,” she said leaning forward to give him a better view of her cleavage. “I know Son of Sam and Charles Manson were sent to the dark side of the moon. Why would they send my brother who… well he did something with the computer, and they said he stole money.”

“It’s all up to the International Department of Justice,” Officer Brady said leaning towards the glass. “They assign the prisoners to the prison.”

“You’re so kind,” Susan beamed at him. “Who can I contact…”

“You can’t and you are beyond the line,” snapped an officer behind Brady, who jumped to attention.

“Oh, forgive me,” Susan said stepping back. This man was not swayed by her helpless girl act. “Thank you for your assistance.”

Turning away from the head of the line, Susan felt a flush rush across her face. How dare they? The dark side of the moon. Why send her brother? They convicted him of embezzlement. Murders, mass murderers, traitors were all sent to the dark side of the moon.

Meet the Authors:

Eileen TroemelEileen Troemel:
USA Today Bestseller Author Eileen Troemel writes action packed and emotionally powerful fantasy, scifi, romance. She’s versatile and writes in many genres.  She’ll try almost any genre if it means she can tell a good story.  In addition to her writing, she loves to read, crochet, and research genealogy.  Her best days are spent with her family of three adult daughters and her husband or writing. 


Jan SelbourneJan Selbourne:
Jan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales

Amazon Author Page:


Charity Sunday: Shriners Hospitals for Children

How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

This month’s charity is one near and dear to my heart: the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Charity Navigator has awarded Shriners Hospitals “with its prestigious Four Star Charity award. Such distinction recognizes Shriners Hospitals for Children for its sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.”

When I was ten-months-old, a polio epidemic struck Sioux City, Iowa and the surrounding area. Polio was not at all uncommon in the early 1050s, but this epidemic was horrible. I had been walking at nine-months. Then one morning I was crying in my crib and when Mom came to get me, I couldn’t stand. We have never figured out why I contracted the disease. Lots of public places—like swimming pools—were closed, and I wasn’t going to school or day care yet. Another strange thing is, Mom didn’t get it. No one has ever been able to explain it, but I have my opinion. All things really do happen for a reason. God knew that I would need a strong, loving mother to see me through the recovery I had ahead, and He kept Mom well.

Mom tells me that they announced the people who had died on the radio and also those who were admitted to the hospitals. In fact, hearing my name on the radio is how my grandparents found out I’d been admitted. The city needed so much help that the Navy sent in corpsmen from Great Lakes Naval Station, hundreds of miles away. For nine days, my fever was so high the doctors didn’t encourage Mom to believe I would live, and if I did, the odds that I might have brain damage was a real possibility. In other words, things were grim.

But I did survive (duh!). The damage wasn’t all that severe, either. My left side was weakened. Muscles in my left leg stopped growing as fast as those on my right and some didn’t work at all. In my first year, my godfather sponsored me to attend the Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children (now the Shriners Hospitals for Children). They did a lot of work with victims of polio back then. Fortunately, Dr. Salk and his colleagues developed the polio vaccine in 1953 and the number of cases dropped dramatically until it’s practically unheard of today. (Years ago, a young girl asked why I was limping. I told her that I’d had polio and that the limp was something I’d had all my life. “Polio?” Her eyes got big and round. “You must be really old!”)

The Shriners Hospitals never charge a family for any medical care. When I went into the hospital for surgery, I was generally there for a a month or even two. During that time, they housed me, fed me, schooled me, entertained me, and provided all medical care, before and after surgery—all for free. Our only responsibility was to get to the hospital and home. I received the very best of care in a safe and clean environment, with the best medical staff, and I will be forever grateful. If not for the Shriners, I might not have been able to walk—or to run, to dance, to drive a truck, to live a life I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and loved.

Please leave a comment and I will make a donation to an organization for which I have lasting gratitude. Thank you!

Mystic Desire--Paranormal anthologyHalloween is right around the corner. Just in time, might I recommend the anthology Mystic Desire?

Mystic Desire is a collection of short paranormal romance stories. This is a chance to read and discover the work of a diverse group of very talented authors.

The themes in this book are varied, as are the collection of characters and artifacts, including Native American dream catchers, mystical jewelry, and characters such as lustful vampires, hot warlocks, a grumpy leprechaun, a ghostly terrier, a zombie apocalypse and things that go bump in the night.

From soft and tender love to hot passionate, kinky sex, there is something for everyone in this anthology.

Mystic Desire--Paranormal anthologyThe Sweetest Magic of All – Alice Renaud
When a sexy apprentice witch and a hot warlock go back in time to locate a magical amulet, they find more than they bargained for. It’s May Eve, the most magical night of the year, and normal rules don’t apply…

An Awareness of Evil – Dee S. Knight
Only two things stand between evil and a small girl: the visions of Amanda McMasters and Detective Brendan Gilchrist. Neither can afford to be wrong.

Bewitching the Wolf – Zia Westfield
The Witch, Alice Humphreys has poured her heart and soul into creating a magical B&B where guests experience the fantasy vacation of their dreams! Brodie MacEwan has been sent to investigate the mysterious death of his uncle. He never expected to discover his soul mate in his dreams. But is the illusion real? Alice knows that there is something all too predatory about the Scotsman and he makes her body tingle in places it shouldn’t!

Calling All Angels – Lora Logan
Elijah Baker, an immortal tasked with fighting against demons that exist on earth, finds peace when he meets his new neighbor, Celeste. But when he realizes that their love comes with a cost, he is faced with choosing between his calling and a chance at true love.

Dream Catcher – Callie Carmen
Long ago, a medicine man had made a matched set of dream catchers as a wedding gift to protect the Chief’s daughter and her warrior husband. He had called upon the benevolent spirits to keep the two soul mates safe and in a loving, healthy marriage. It was foretold that if the two dream catchers were ever divided the new owners would be drawn together as soul mates. Was that possible?

Life Saving – Anne Krist
Saving lives isn’t just for adults. Sometimes the innocent magic of a child can do the job better.

Love from the Mist – Patricia Elliott
When Jace Warden learns that his brother plans to announce his engagement at a family get together, he flees to the other side of the world to escape the joyous celebration.

Or at least attempts to… His plane never makes it, and he winds up trapped on an island. Little does he realize, he’s not alone; there’s a mischievous little entity milling about, and she wants to play.

Love Knows No Apocalypse – Patricia Elliott
Getting stranded in the middle of a storm was not Samantha Wheeler’s idea of an ideal situation, especially in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. But fighting zombies was the easy part; her heart, though, was a whole other matter. Thanks to a man named Steve Jones.

When they find themselves in danger, she has to decide what’s more important – dying for someone she loves or surviving.

Love that Binds – Carol Schoenig
On the outskirts of a small town where nothing grows, a young girl, Ianthee, is being bullied and accused of being a witch. Young Caleb, inexplicably drawn to Ianthee, comes to her rescue. Before they can explore their feelings, Caleb and his family disappear. What happened to him, and what part does a long-ago legend play in their lives?

Love’s Ghost – R.M. Olivia
“Sorry, babe. I know it hurts to hear.” John frowned. I’ll make this brief. I spoke to the man in charge and he is giving me one last chance.”

“Come again?”

“I’m allowed to make love to my wife one last time before I have to cross over. So, are you ready for your husband? Are you ready for me, Ingrid?” He lifted my chin up and ran his thumb along my lips. I felt a chill go down my spine. How could this be real? How could this be happening?

The Anniversary – Richard Savage
A cruel twist of fate wrenched Evelyn and Peter apart on their wedding anniversary. Evelyn’s life descends into darkness. James enters her life giving her a chance of happiness. Evelyn discovers a piece of jewelry, that has the power to grant her time with Peter on their anniversary. She adores James, but needs Peter. Can she ever really let Peter go, while there’s still a chance they can be together?

The Mortal Vampire – Suzanne Smith
Remy enjoys life as a vampire, never giving a thought to sucking every last drop of tasty blood out of his unfortunate victims and leaving them door nail dead. But his cold and carefree existence changes the day he crosses paths with the beautiful and mysterious mortal Angela.

Through the Veil – Jan Selbourne
A beautiful March day in 1875 ends in tragedy when the wagon carrying Helen and Marcus plunges down the mountainside. Generations pass before Rachel Finlay finds an old sepia photo of a man and woman. She knows them but she’s never met them and now, for the peace of mind she desperately craves, she goes back to where it began. In time, through the veil, knowing she may never return.

Unconditional Lust – Breanna Hayes
The massive, hideous merrow leader, Muruch, craves the taste of human flesh. Confined to the ocean, he feeds his horde with sailors from ships pulled into the maw of the Bermuda Triangle. When US Army Captain, Nurys Shaye, puts her life on the line to save him after being captured, his hunger for human flesh is shadowed by the desire for her body and her love. Will she be able to see past his appearance and trust him to break down her walls and teach her to feel?

Mystic Desire--Paranormal anthology

About me:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity. Be sure to check out Jan Selbourne’s and Dee’s newsletter where you can find exclusive free stuff to read.

Where to find her (them):








Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:

New! Sci-Fi pre-order: The Moon Crossing by Eileen Troemel and Jan Selbourne

The Moon Crossing: Troemel and Selbourne

USA Today Bestselling Author Eileen Troemel and 2019 Coffee Pot Book Club Historical Book of the Year Silver Medal winner Jan Selbourne present an alternate history, sweet romance of life after the Moon Landing in 1969. Release date: November 13.


In 2030, World Correction Center – the Earth’s most secure prison – is a miserable place to land. Since it’s on the moon, it’s inescapable. It contains the worst criminals Earth has ever seen. So why are the brilliant minds across the globe being sent to this black hole of the justice system. When renown archaeologist Micky Cooper is charged with embezzling, his sister Susan knows it’s a set up.  It’s up to her to prove his innocence. Susan thinks she might be paranoid but she swears she’s being followed and should she trust the nice man whose cousin has disappeared as well? Was it a chance meeting or is he against her too? Teaming up with Greg Tanner, a man equally resolved to prove the innocence of his cousin, Samantha Tanner – a word leading linguist – Susan and Greg seek clues wherever they can find them, but they’re barely keeping one step ahead of those who want them to stop.  They begin to unravel the web of lies, fraud and cover up. Just when they start to put pieces together, Susan and Greg are forced to run for their lives.  With a nudge from Samantha they find someone to help. Is this woman an ally? Or simply part of a greater conspiracy to hide the truth? What exactly is on the moon and why are the Earth’s greatest minds being sent there to serve time?

Pre-order link Get your copy now for 99¢:
Amazon US

The Moon Crossing: Troemel and SelbourneExcerpt:
Could the government really make someone disappear? The little voice in her head replied, ‘yes they could. Taking a step back into the alley, she watched Greg enter the coffee shop. “Okay. Do I trust his or not?” she muttered. “What if I just listen? Would it hurt to listen?

“Shit, I’m nutso standing in a dark alley talking to myself,” Susan said. Closing her eyes, she tried to consider her gut instinct. She didn’t know. At five minutes past, she raised her chin and opted to trust – for now.

Looking both ways, she crossed the street. She deliberately wore practical clothes, tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a tank top. Over the top, she wore a hooded sweatshirt. Seeing herself reflected in the glass door, she wondered if she dressed too casual. Too late to change now.

He sat in the back facing the door. A smile lit his face as soon as he saw her. Is he faking it?  It looks like a real smile.  He stood, sort of old fashioned but Susan liked it. He seems sincere. Feeling awkward for analysing his every expression, she approached the table. “Hi.”

“I wasn’t sure you’d come,” he said.

“Me neither,” she slid into the booth. He sat opposite her as the waitress brought their coffee. “They have a good peach pie here.

“It’s really good today,” the waitress said

“Give us two pieces,” Greg said.

Waiting for the waitress to leave, Susan assessed him. She liked what she saw but this was not a date. “Did you find out more about your cousin,” she asked as she sipped her coffee

“A colleague of hers said she worked day and night on a project. It’s who my appointment was with yesterday,” he said. “I know how she gets. She has a puzzle, and she won’t stop until she solves it.”

“Do you think she got sent to the moon as well,” Susan reached out to touch his hand. It felt warm and strong.

“I don’t know,” he said. He gripped her hand. “They said a secured facility. The moon is for the worst of the worst… or so their website says.”

“The prisoners are only allowed visitors once a month,” she said. “I get they’re bad people but they still deserve to have visits. Do you know how much it costs to get to the moon?”

“You’d go,” Greg said. “I watched a few of the first launches.”

“They have the shuttle now,” Susan said. “I saw a video of a recent launch.”

“From their site,” Greg asked.

“No this was on the internet,” Susan said. “It was in one of the chat rooms.”

“You’re a bit of a computer geek,” Greg grinned.

She liked his smile, firm lips surrounding white teeth, a light in his eyes indicated laughter even though he hadn’t laughed yet. “A bit,” she said. “I tinker a bit with it.”

“If we believe our loved ones are innocent,” Greg said.

“We do,” Susan said.

“Then how were they both falsely accused and convicted of crimes they didn’t commit,” he asked.

“It’s more than that,” Susan said. “Not only were they convicted but they were sent to the worst prison. Why? How does it serve them? What could they have been working on to annoy someone so much they wanted them out of the picture? They timed it well.  I was out of the country.”

“Wait, so was I,” Greg interrupted.

“See, it’s no coincidence you and I, their closest relatives, were out of the country. That’s what we’re talking about isn’t it?”

Greg sat back and rubbed a hand through his hair. “What if it wasn’t they wanted them out of the picture but rather, they needed them on the moon for some purpose,” Greg asked.

“Why wouldn’t they just ask them to work for them or with them,” Susan countered.

“Maybe they did but they turned them down,” Greg leaned forward again gripping her hands.

Susan glanced at their hands. “This is crazy. You know what this sounds like?”

“We’re a couple of conspiracy theorists,” Greg shook his head.

She couldn’t look at him, staring at their hands she considered all they discussed. Could the government kidnap scientists?

“I… I’m staying at my brother’s house,” she said slowly. “I’ll have a look through his things.”

“Want help,” Greg asked.

She stared into his warm caramel eyes. Did she trust him? Was this too convenient? She hadn’t a clue how to help Micky, but could she rely on this man? With a deep breath, she said, “Sure.”

The waitress returned with two plates of pie. Greg asked, “I’m really sorry. Can we get those to go?’

“Sure,” she said. They rose and followed her to the counter.

Susan paid, she insisted on it. As they stepped out of the coffee shop, Susan saw a flash of light. Across the street, a black SUV parked in the line of mid-sized cars. It looked out of place. She couldn’t see the plates. Were they watching her, following her?

“Everything all right,” Greg asked.

“No, it’s not,” Susan said walking away from the street. “Have you ever felt like you were being followed?”

“Yeah,” he scanned the street. “More often recently.”

She stepped close to him, pulled him close to her. She brushed her lips across his. His arms slowly closed around her. “I think we’re being watched,” she murmured as she made it look like they flirted and had an assignation rather than plotting… whatever they were plotting.

Meet the authors:

Eileen TroemelUSA Today Bestseller Author Eileen Troemel writes action packed and emotionally powerful fantasy, scifi, romance. She’s versatile and writes in many genres.  She’ll try almost any genre if it means she can tell a good story.  In addition to her writing, she loves to read, crochet, and research genealogy. Her best days are spent with her family of three adult daughters and her husband or writing.  


Jan SelbourneJan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired, Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live-in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

Amazon Author Page:

New! Cowboy Desire anthology from BVS

Cowboy Desire anthology

For me, Cowboy Desire is the best BVS anthology yet—the stories are all compelling and very different. Damn good writing!

Of course I didn’t review my own story in the anthology (paranormal Bird That Sings) but I do hope you’ll read and enjoy it!

Wild Thunder—Zia Westfield
Loved this old-fashioned cowboy type story. It starts with Gabe and Emmaline waking up next to each other. Emmaline wonders how she got there, in (she assumes) Gabe’s hotel room when suddenly a flashbulb startles them. The resulting photo gets Em fired and Gabe in hot water in a custody battle for his nephew. How the animosity and ager are settled is all about Em’s effect on two families and a large black horse. I loved the role Colton’s nephew played in the story. Zia, a really fine story, ma’am. (Tipping hat)

Ava—Callie Carmen
In this short story sequel to Callie’s romance novel Joshua (another 5-star!), she features Ava, the artist who lost Joshua, her childhood friend and first love. Now she’s back home in Kentucky and seriously focusing on her art—and Colton Maples, a successful rodeo cowboy who’s taking time out to help his dad in his art gallery. Colton has a reputation and sponsors to keep up, so even though he’s helping out at home, his mind is on the circuit. And speaking of reputations, rodeo cowboys have them in spades. Can Ava trust Colton to remain hers when he’s surrounded by rowdy colleagues and Buckle Bunnies? They discover in a strange and sweet way that love is met with Thunder and Lightning. Two great characters in a great story!

Cowboy Desire anthology

Orion—Virginia Wallace
What a great ad unexpected story! I don’t want to give too much away here because I want you to discover the story for yourself, but I’ll say that Daisy is a rancher’s daughter who’s trying hard to keep their ranch going when her father can no longer carry on as he used to. One night, while out riding, a strange light brightens on the horizon and then disappears. The next day, from nowhere and just when they’re desperate, a man arrives to help. Who is this Orion fellow? No one she knows. But he’s hired on anyway and soon proves to be their salvation. More than that, he seems to read Daisy’s mind…and her heart. They fall in love. Daisy expects Orion might ask her to marry him when he vanishes. Uh-oh. Virginia’s storytelling excited me when I read her story in Desire Me Again. In Orion she’s shown another wonderful example of appealing characters with an unusual take.

The Long Paddock—Jan Selbourne
This is one of my favorite stories in the book. Jan delivers a real taste of Australia and wonderful romance! Shelley and David—ex husband and wife—meet accidentally on a storied sheep and cattle trail/road known as the Long Paddock two years after their divorce. David had a drinking problem and Shelley finally gave up on his ever working on their marriage rather than spending hours at the pub with his friends. Now she’s dating someone and taking a much-needed time away to see her oldest friend. Traffic is held up by sheep being driven south and David is one of the herders. As fate would have it, they run into each other a couple more times and Shelley senses a difference in David. He claims to have changed. He claims never to have stopped loving her. He claims he’s ready to make a life. But is any of that true? How can she trust him, ever again? But as I mentioned, there is that pesky thing called Fate… This is a remarkable love story!

Space Cowboy Blues—Alice Renaud
Even a universe isn’t wide enough to keep love at bay! When Melynas escorts Jack, a cowboy from Earth who travels from planet to planet studying local “farm animals” for scientific reports, she longs to get close to him. But her planet and even her touch is deadly to him. Jack is a true gentleman and he shows that by acting respectfully toward Melynas, something other humans don’t do. Only when Jack is embroiled in a fight to protect Melynas do the two discover something fantastic. Alice usually captures us with her writings of Mer-people. This futuristic space romp is new from her but I hope it won’t be the end of her explorations—this story is worthy of a trip across the universe. I loved it!

Cowboy Desire anthology

Loving Jack—Estelle Pettersen
What a cool story! Olivia Bertrand married Angus Wilson directly after high school graduation. They had been going together but in no small part because her very best friend, Jack McCullen was already dating someone seriously. On their wedding night, Liv discovered Angus with another woman. What??! Furious, Jack beat Angus up and then screamed at Liv that she should have married him. That’s a fine time to tell her. After a quick escape from her marriage Liv goes off to London to work and stays away five years. When she finally returns home, she finds Jack is single—he never married. Is there any hope for the two of them, or has it been too long with too many misunderstandings? I really enjoyed this story of second-chance love.

Mail Order Mate—Eileen Troemel
Jack (short for Jackleen) and her niece are all that’s left of a family of nine after a pandemic sweeps across her planet. In an effort to solve two problems at once, the local government brings in human-like aliens from an over-crowded planet to form new family units and keep the planet’s agricultural base from total collapse. Jack agrees to accept a male (Ido) and his brother and wife to their station where they raise jumbos—kinda sheep on steroids. Jack missed the sounds and comfort of having people around, but will these aliens ever fill that void? And will she ever come to love Ido as a wife should? I was charmed by this story of family, no matter who or what makes up that group. Eileen makes you feel you’re there on the planet Loved it!

The Wyoming Way—Nancy Golinski
Spencer Campbell runs a ranch in Wyoming with his brother Paul. He’s married to a woman from Boston, a social butterfly named Charlotte. They have two daughters in college, so they’re living in that stage of life where empty-nesters struggle to find common ground after the kids have left home. Trouble is, Charlotte always seems to make it clear that she’s unhappy in Wyoming. The adjacent ranch is owned by Joey and his sister Jess—who left years ago for veterinary school and never returned. Joey has PTSD issues and really can’t maintain the ranch as it should be. Now Jess is returning home to pursue her career and help get the ranch back into shape. It’s so easy to be with Jess again. Spence has someone to talk to, someone who understands him and what he does. When they’re trapped away from home in a blizzard, they found they had more than common interests between them—know what I mean? What Charlotte does next sets off changes in both their lives. Complications in love are never good things. Can Spence and Jess find their way through them? What a great story, and unusual, too. I know you’ll love it as I did.

Cowboy Desire anthology

The Cowboy’s Heritage—Patricia Elliott
Magic strikes in this sci-fi story. On their island ranch, Reid McCloud goes searching for a lost lamb. It’s a prize-winner and Reid’s folks will kill him if the lamb is lost for good—or worse—when they return from their cruise. He chases a trail down a narrow, rocky path to the beach where he discovers not a lamb but (can he believe his eyes?) a mermaid. Before his eyes she shimmered and changed into a woman. Had he seen her correctly? Couldn’t have! Everyone knew there were no such things as mermaids. Regardless, she was injured. With the help of his friend, he got her back to the house. When she comes to, she tells Reid to call her Nerina. Meanwhile, far under the sea, a young mermaid who was caught up in s storm while trying to escape an unwanted marriage, is being searched for. Could she and Nerina be one and the same? And while she and Reid begin to fall in love, what will they do when she is found, as she inevitably will be? This is a very different love story with a surprise ending, and I loved it!

Craving Her Cowboys—R.M. Olivia
At the beginning of this ménage tale, Riva is a woman in a very bad situation, living with an abusive man. She making her escape as he returns home, and just in the nick of time…she’s free. Taking the back roads to Dallas so as not to be tracked easily, she breaks down not all that far down the road. Fortunately for her, she is stopped in the parking lot of a repair shop run by two brothers. Unfortunately, her car troubles are even worse than her personal ones. It will be days before she can get underway again. With no money and no where to stay, she reluctantly accepts the offer of the brothers for her to stay with them. They might not be able to fix her car right away but she has their engines roaring! The next day they take her home to pick up all the things she had to leave, and also give her worthless boyfriend what-for. Is it any wonder she doesn’t resist their offer to stay longer? Another hot tale from R.M. Oliver! Air conditioning required.

Cowboy Desire anthology

E-mail Ordered Groom—Starla Kaye
Gwenie (Gwendolyn) was a farrier—a most unusual career for a woman but she was damn good at it—and part owner of her family’s ranch. Her brother Thad has a surprise for her, something he says is the answer to her dreams. Who should climb out of a black SUV just arrived, but Drake Walters, her brother’s best friend, her old, secret crush, and a former football player. A serious injury spelled his exit from the NFL, and now he’s there, on her ranch, talking to his brother like they’re still the best friends they had been fourteen years ago. To Gwenie’s shame, Thad reveals that he’d emailed Drake that he worried about her. She was too much woman (meaning capable, stubborn, and not terribly feminine) for the men in their area, but that he knew she wanted a home and babies. Oh, and a husband, and that she’d been scribbling Drake’s name in the margins of the ranch’s records, over and over. Drake wanted to discuss a business question with Thad, so he came home to see about both issues. But once he’d seen Gwenie, could he remember that when he left she’d been just his friend’s kid sister? Did he want to? What a great story with two very likeable, engaging characters!

Pearl, Ben and REO—Alan Souter
This is perhaps my favorite story in the book. It’s so different, so sweet, so unexpected. Ben, a rodeo champion in 1909 Wyoming, and his Sioux Indian wife, Pearl, live on a little farm. When Ben arrives home after winning another calf roping event, the love between the two is so evident. “I’ve been thinkin’,” he said. “Every time I’ve heard that our lives have made a big swing from the well-traveled road.” And what Ben’s been thinking is that he’s getting a mite too old to rodeo for many more years. His horse is getting a hair slower and deserves a more fitting life. What he has in mind is indeed a big swing from the life they’re used to. The change is…REO, a brand new automobile. Pearl is not quite ready to jump on board with whatever this new change means. The thing takes two people to start, and then breaks down fairly often. They live in Wyoming, where the primary mode of transportation is a horse, not horsepower. But she sees Ben’s dilemma and never doubts that he needs this change but only if they can move forward together The question is how. Once you read this story you’ll treasure it as much as I do. It’s true love in under 10,000 words!

Bullets and Bustles—Suzanne Smith
Emma Tombs is a bounty hunter, and one of the very best. But she’s not happy doing it, not anymore. She confesses as such to the local sheriff when he pays the bounty for the latest man she’s gunned down. He tells her that the man she wants the worst, Johnny Romma, is in the area. She wants Johnny so badly because he killed her husband. Her husband had been no prize but killing him left her penniless and at a loss for a way to support herself except with a gun. Reluctantly, she gives up the chance to bring him in—dead or alive—and leaves town, her old life, and her reputation behind. She sets up a café in a distant part of the state. She’s a pretty women, which is the only reason the café hasn’t closed because she’s a horrible cook. One day, a gorgeous man wonders in for breakfast. They chat. He comes back and they chat some more. JD he says his name is. Emma is completely taken with him. He says he invested in a ranch outside town, though, he admits with a grin, he knows as much about ranching as she does about cooking. Says he’ll read a book to find out what to do. It’s practically love at first sight for the two—until Emma discovers JD’s secret. Suzanne’s skill at storytelling is on full-on display. This is a wonderful story of two unlikely lovers that leaves you feeling happy!

The beginning of a war, the ending of a marriage? #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!
Perilous Love Jan SelbournePerilous Love
Adrian Bryce’s world of wealth and beautiful women comes to an end when he’s ordered to accompany his estranged wife to Belgium. The British government want proof Gabrielle’s uncle is supporting the German Empire. What Adrian discovers will plunge him and Gabrielle into a nightmare of betrayal, forcing them to run for their lives as the Germans cross the border. Facing danger, brutality and injury, and painful truths about themselves, they reach safety as two different people. Waiting for them are charges of treason and a woman who’ll stop at nothing to see Adrian dead.

Buy links:
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MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
  “What was she like?”

“What are you talking about?” He scowled, dreading what was coming.

“Sigrid, Maryanne, whatever her name was,” she snapped back.

“What the hell are you trying to do, Gaby?  Force an argument?”

“No, I’m not forcing an argument.  I really want to know!  You preferred that woman’s company to mine and your children’s and, because of her and my uncle and your unbelievable stupidity, two innocent people have died, and we are forced to rely on each other to stay alive.  Are you proud of yourself?  And was her beauty and obvious bedroom expertise worth all of this?”

Adrian clenched his jaw and turned his head away.

“I’m waiting,” she persisted.  “I presume you also showered her with gifts and expensive baubles while we would be lucky to see you on our birthdays.”

Something snapped inside him.  His face was tight with fury as he turned back to face her.  “If I could get up and walk away, I would.  Just what are you trying to achieve?  We’ve avoided capture by the skin of our teeth, we have no idea how to get away, the Germans are pouring into Belgium, thousands will be killed, and you want to know if I showered her with gifts.  Why don’t we concentrate on getting out of here and then you will be free of me?  Now, for Christ’s sake, leave it alone.”

“You want to get up and walk away?” her voice dripped scorn. “Did I walk away from that lonely, empty life, in that big, lonely house?  Making excuses to your children, visiting neighbours on my own.  Did I show such contempt for my marriage vows?”

“You forgot to mention entertaining Charlton in my home,” he snarled, and then flinched as Gabrielle’s hand slapped his face.

“Yes, your home.”  she yelled.  “I may have lived there and given birth to your children there, but it was always your home.  I pray to God we will return to England and you can enjoy your home with your expensive, treacherous harlots!”  Her hands clenched into fists.  “Yes! Brian did share my bed.   You were never there; you couldn’t care less about me or our children.  You were so besotted with that German harlot’s devious charms you had no idea what was going on.  She was exceptionally clever, and you were exceptionally stupid.”

Adrian rubbed his cheek and pointed his finger at her.  “If you hit me again, you will be sorry.  You want to know what she was like.  I’ll tell you… She had long wavy auburn hair, a figure that made men’s eyes water and, yes, she had expertise in the bedroom.  She could drink me under the table, and she could discuss politics like a man.  She was exceptionally clever and, yes, you are right, I was exceptionally stupid, because I hadn’t a clue she was German or she’d bedded a cabinet minister or she’d been on other assignments for your uncle. I hope I’ve answered all your questions and I don’t give a damn whether you believe me or not, but I’m bloody ashamed of myself.  And I hope to God we’ll get back to England, so you can do whatever you want, and I won’t have to listen to your harping sarcastic tongue.  Are you happy now?”

“Oh yes, very happy, thank you.  Who wouldn’t be, sitting with you on the damp ground beside a canal without food or clean clothes,” her eyes glittered with contempt. “How does it feel that you, a cabinet minister and my uncle shared her?  I wonder if she kept an inventory of her jewellery and gifts to remember who gave her what.”

He pulled his feet from the water and stood up.  “I’m not listening to your ranting anymore, nor am I waiting here for them to find me.”

“You can’t face the truth, can you?” she shouted at him.  “Well, unpleasant as it is, you need me and I need you to survive. When we reach safety, you can go back to the life you enjoyed with your sophisticated women without the inconvenience of an unwanted wife.  And if we get out of here, I don’t want anything from you.  Not even a Christmas card.”  Her lip curled.  “A gentleman never breaks a business contract, but it’s of no consequence to break your marriage vows.”

Adrian reached down and roughly pulled her up to face him, his eyes black with fury. “I can’t face the truth?  It’s a pity you didn’t meet and marry that useless fop Charlton eight years ago, because he’d have been the target for your sainted uncle’s lunacy instead of me!  Christ, you haven’t shut up about your miserable marriage, but look where it’s got me!  Stitched up like a bloody weaver’s loom, set up as a traitor, hiding like a fugitive.  And why?  Because I had the temerity to marry you!”  He turned his back and hobbled over to the grazing horse.  “I’m leaving; are you coming with me or staying here?”

Gabrielle’s face mirrored the shock she felt at Adrian’s words.  Her foot lashed out sending a small log into the water and she walked up to Adrian, her fists clenched, then without warning she burst into tears. “I have no choice.” Her voice was raw with emotion. “All I want is to get out of Belgium and go back to my children and never see you again!”

Adrian gripped her arms, his fingers digging into her flesh.  “You’ll get your bloody freedom one way or the other.  If we get out of this, I’ll gladly give it.  If I’m shot, you can play the grieving widow for a day or two.  Now shut up and help me get this horse into the shafts.”

He heaved himself into the driving seat, knowing damn well they were suffering reaction to what they’d witnessed. His insides were ripped apart enough without her rubbing his face in it. How could he have been so bloody naïve? His mistress had wheedled far too much information out of him and a senior government minister named Edmund. Good God! Sir Edmund Charters! Close to the PM and related to the Foreign Minister. The old fool must be seventy, and you Bryce, are the biggest fool of all.

About Jan:
Jan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.


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