The Three Heroines of Naval Maneuvers

Naval Maneuvers is a book in three parts. In each, the heroines show off their talents in very individual ways. In Weighing Anchor, Dr. Melissa Crandall is a woman raised in the Marine Corps and who developed a real distaste for military life. What is she to do when she falls in love with a Navy man?

In the back seat, Mel reached for him immediately and he embraced her. “You must think I’m pretty fast,” she said.

“You’re perfect. I think this taxi is too damn slow, though.” He nipped at her neck until he reached her ear. “I want you, Melissa.”

“I hope so,” she whispered against his neck. “I think tonight is a pretty sure thing.”

In Anchor Home, Patricia Wells meets her first love again after thirteen years, heartfelt secrets, and a deep distrust lay betNaval Maneuvers by Dee S. Knightween them.

Pat Welles stopped dead as she entered the elevator. An instrumental rendition of “The Way You Look Tonight” played on the Musak. She hadn’t heard the song in years, and immediately she went back in time, back to her senior prom and the boy who’d held her close.

“Excuse me,” a voice said from behind her, and she gave herself a mental shake to bring her back to the present. But as she moved to the corner and plastered herself to the elevator’s mirrored wall, her heart took on a staccato beat and she drifted again. Sam Turner. Lord, she hadn’t thought of him in years. But the magic of music—of that song in particular—led her to feel his arms around her once more, if only virtually.

My favorite heroine in the book, Carissa Walker, is a JAG lawyer in Dropping Anchor. Unbeknownst to her, the man she meets up with and falls in love with is also a Navy man, but not an officer. Developing a relationship goes against military regulations–regs she is duty bound to uphold. She’s a strong, very sexy woman and when she finds Todd Baxter in the North Carolina woods (or rather, when he finds her!) her fate is decided.

Sighing, she dragged herself to her feet and started up the five yards of hillside that looked more like a mountain. When she was close to the top, he extended his hand. She took it and another spark sizzled up her arm, across her shoulder, ran circles around her nipples and zipped right to her core. Good God! He was like a sexual magnetic pole. If she pointed her compass at him, the needle would snap right to S-E-X.

Come and meet Carissa and learn some of her secrets on the Romance Lives Forever blog. I hope once you visit with her for a few minutes you’ll want to learn more about her–and about Mel and Pat, too!


Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Best Thing EVER–Cosplay with Nik and Bringer of Chaos!!

I’d like to share some exciting news: this September, a cosplay on Instagram will feature Kayelle Allen’s Bringer of Chaos!! How exciting for Kayelle and great news for the rest of us. Congrats, Kayelle!!

Photo shoot live on Instagram with Nik as Pietas

The first weekend in September 2018, Nik will portray Pietas, the immortal king from the Bringer of Chaos series by Kayelle Allen. The cosplay will be performed in a live feed from Russia. To take part, follow Nik on Instagram. Exact date is September 1, 2018 at 7 a.m. Eastern (2 p.m. Moscow). Meet the immortal king Pietas live on Instagram #SpaceOpera #Cosplay @kayelleallen @nitsvetov



About Nik

Nik Nitsvetov is a photographer and award-winning cosplayer. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.

Instagram – Nik Cosplay

Twitter – Nik

About Kayelle Allen

Kayelle Allen writes Sci Fi with misbehaving robots, mythic heroes, role playing immortal gamers, and warriors who purr. She’s a US Navy veteran who’s been married so long she’s tenured.

Author of the Bringer of Chaos series ~
Find a new book every day

Irrational Fears and Why They Aren’t Irrational #MFRWauthor

I mean really, is there such a thing as an irrational fear for a writer? Aren’t we known for having overactive imaginations? And if so, can’t we justify any fear as being rational? My imaginings include an open-minded approach to reincarnation, and with that I can rationalize anything.

Choppy seasSo my biggest fear is water. I don’t like it. It’s okay to bathe in or drink, and I don’t break out into hives or anything when I’m near it, but all things being equal, I’d just as soon stay away at a distance from any large bodies of it. When I was growing up in Virginia Beach I used to go to the beach and even went out into the ocean—up to my waist, maybe—and cousins and I used to “swim” in the James River, but would I ever willingly go out to where I couldn’t see land? Um…no. All of those cruise ships you see advertised on TV? They are safe from ever having me as a passenger. My dad made me take swimming in college, and I was not even a happy camper in a pool. So when those same commercials show a cruise ship at sea and people frolicking in a pool, it’s like a double whammy for me.

Now, nothing happened to me that I know of to instill the fear of water. So I think something must have happened in a previous life. Maybe I was a British subject on my way to the Colonies when the ship was lost at sea. OrKraken perhaps I was a Roman galley slave, lost in a sea battle. Or maybe I was a Norse child who stepped foot in the north Atlantic and was taken by the Kraken. Who knows? I only see the result of those events.

Fortunately, not all fears are debilitating. So while I don’t care to take a cruise around the Ship at seaMediterranean, I did enjoy going out whale watching a few years ago in San Diego—within sight of the shore, of course. I absolutely cannot imagine my dad’s life, standing watch on board ship with nothing around him but water. That’s too much “Water, water, everywhere/Nor any drop to drink.” (Coleridge) Imagining that actually does give me hives!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

More than a Ghost of a Chance!

Join us in welcoming McKenna Dean and her new book, Ghost of a Chance!

Ghost of a Chance 
Redclaw Security Book 2
by McKenna Dean

McKenna has put together some really awesome Prizes giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here

About Ghost of a Chance by McKenna Dean:

At sixteen, Sarah Atwell walked away from her love of horses and a promising career as a competitive rider after discovering she’d inherited the family curse. Years later, her grandmother stunned everyone by leaving Sarah her horse farm—worth millions—but with conditions Sarah might not be able to meet.

A former Redclaw agent, Casey Barnes retired when a security assignment went bad, killing his partner and leaving him as a partial amputee. His inner wolf is in hiding. He’s been living quietly as a horse trainer, but June Atwell’s death now pits him against her granddaughter for rights to the stable.

With both of them snowed in at the farm, a series of increasingly serious accidents draws Sarah and Casey closer together, but they both harbor secrets that might tear them apart.

Ghost of a Chance is a paranormal romance story.

Amazon Buy Link:


For some reason, he glanced back at Sarah where she waited by the door. The backlight of falling snow through the glass in the shadowed hallway created the suggestion of a black-and-white photograph. The only spot of color was the bright red scarf at the collar of her coat and the wine-dark lipstick she wore. She leaned against the wall with her eyes closed. Something inside him clicked, as though recognizing a scene from a movie. His heart stopped a beat, flipped over, and thudded again with increased intensity.

No. It couldn’t be. Not her.

He hurried away, head still reeling at his reaction.

When he returned with an armload of clothing, she was nowhere to be seen. Her laptop sat by her shoes, one pretty little pump turned over on its side. As expected, he discovered her in the living room, staring at the pictures on the wall. “There you are.”

She jumped at the sound of his voice.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He adjusted the heap of clothing piled over one arm and held out a pair of snow boots.

“She had so many photographs of me.” Sarah took the boots almost automatically, and indicated the walls covered with pictures, ones Casey had seen many times.

That had to be it. Why she felt so familiar. Why she seemed to be the one. Relief washed over him. Obviously he’d spent too much time alone if he thought Sarah Atwell was his destined mate.

The Panther’s Lost Princess
Redclaw Security Book 1
Amazon Buy Link:

About McKenna Dean:

McKenna Dean has been an actress, a vet tech, a singer, a teacher, a biologist, and a dog trainer. She’s worked in a genetics lab, at the stockyard, behind the scenes as a props manager, and at a pizza parlor slinging dough. Finally she realized all these jobs were just a preparation for what she really wanted to be: a writer.

She lives on a small farm in North Carolina with her family, as well as the assorted dogs, cats, and various livestock.

She likes putting her characters in hot water to see how strong they are. Like tea bags, only sexier.

McKenna Dean’s Social Media Links:
Facebook Author Page:

5 Reasons Why “Moon River” is My Theme Song #MFRWauthor

Moon River in Savannah, GAEver since I first heard “Moon River” by Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer, I’ve been in love with it. It’s definitely my theme song and here’s why.

  1. I’ve always had wander lust. Hubby and I at one time had six addresses in two years. Every two years now I’m ready to pack up and move somewhere new. “Moon River” defines wanderlust to me—but only with the one I love.
  2. Mancini’s melody evokes a kind of laid back slow lifestyle where summer is long and the days are lazy. Just the kind of life a Southern girl appreciates.
  3. Johnny Mercer’s genius lyrics lead one to think of dreams and the longing to complete them. Andy Williams, my all time favorite singer, brought the words and melody to life.
  4. I requested that “Moon River” be played at our wedding to denote the kindDreaming couple of life hubby and I planned. We’ve lived the life we wanted (and still are!), and no song represents us more than this one.
  5. The song never fails to make me a little melancholy, a little wistful, a lot happy.

Have you never heard “Moon River”? Here’s a link to one of the best voices in music singing one of the best songs. Enjoy!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Besotted with Madison Michael’s Besotted!

Nomad Authors is very happy to host Madison Michael and her book, Besotted. Find out more about Besotted and Madison’s amazing prize package below.

Beguiling Bachelors Series Book 5
By Madison Michael

Madison has put together some really awesome Prize Packages to giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here

About Besotted:

Time is Running Out…For Both of Them

Regan Howe, won her coveted CEO position through hard work and a willingness to buck family tradition. Now, Brandon Hockney, a handsome US Senator with his eye on the White House, wants her to give it up, along with her home, friends and family for a move to DC and marriage to him.

Regan wants marriage and family but this choice will require she leave everything she loves, including the alluring Tyler Winthrop. Regan has waited twenty years for Tyler to commit. He once promised her forever, then destroyed her trust and her hopes for a future together. Still, she cannot break the ties between them. Regan is besotted.

Tyler’s moment to win Regan is slipping through his fingers. He has remained on the outskirts of Regan’s life, reluctant to reveal his true past and expose her to danger. Despite their obvious attraction, Tyler has remained her friend and protector, keeping Regan at arm’s length for her own safety, When Regan determines to test the waters with Brandon, Tyler is tapped as acting CEO, throwing the pair together for one last chance at love.

Can Tyler shake off the thugs threatening to expose his past mistakes? Can he earn Regan’s trust and woo her away from Washington? Battling overwhelming odds and a racing clock, will Tyler be forced to release his one true love to find happiness with another man? How can he when he’s besotted?

Join Tyler and Regan as they seek their happily ever after in the conclusion of the steamy, contemporary Beguiling Bachelor romance series.

Besotted is a contemporary erotic romantic suspense story.

Amazon Buy Link:


Excerpt from Besotted:

Regan was just too damn alluring in that dress for him to accept that he couldn’t have her if he wanted her.

He was an idiot. He should have told her years ago. He should have told everyone. Despite the tongue- lashing he was silently giving himself, Tyler was certainly no fool. “The professor” to his friends, he was generally serious and professional. He had the smarts necessary to obtain both an MBA and a law degree, and he was now CEO of LHRE and on hiatus from one of the fastest growing tech companies in the country. He kept his cool in general, but again and again he behaved like an idiot around Regan.

Since that damn frog almost thirty years ago, he had loved no one but Regan. Sometimes they made it work together, like in high school, but most times not. His feelings were unchanged, but something always stopped him from declaring his love and asking her to do the same. This time it was something insurmountable.
And yet Tyler couldn’t stay away. He was the proverbial moth to the flame, flirting with disaster every time he flirted with her. He had promised to stay away, to keep her safe,but the attraction was undeniable. Yep, prize idiot.

Returning to the ballroom after the latest threats, Tyler briefly considered sharing the conversation, coming clean with Regan and perhaps moving their relationship forward. He was at a fork in the road but remained silent, Tyler knew he was on the wrong path but couldn’t summon the will to fix it. Not only were his problems unsolveable, but she was involved with Brandon. Tyler felt hopeless.

He was preoccupied just as Regan accused, but Tyler tried to give Regan the attention she deserved. He failed miserably until Regan suggested they just leave. That got his attention. Who knew when he would hold her in his arms again.
“Come dance with me again. It would be a crime to waste that dress.”

Encircling Regan in his arms, his body responded to her nearness, even as his mind worried over the earlier texts. He was unaware of his hand stroking her back, fingers lightly skimming over her bare skin. He wasn’t thinking clearly when he pulled her close or when he dropped kisses on her hair. He wasn’t paying attention, just acting on instinct, Regan was responding, her breath growing uneven, her hands clinging to his shoulders.

Other Books in the Beguiling Bachelors Series:
Bedazzled (Book 1)
Amazon Buy Link:
Bedazzled is now on Kindle Unlimited 
Beholden (Book 2)
Amazon Buy Link:
Beholden is now on Kindle Unlimited 
Bedeviled (Book 3)
Amazon Buy Link:
Bedeviled is now on Kindle Unlimited 
BeWildered (Prequel)
Amazon Buy Link:
Bewildered is now on Kindle Unlimited 
About Madison:

Madison Michael traded 28 years in Fortune 500 tech and management positions for a chance to spend her days with sassy heroines, sexy, rich heroes and nothing but happy endings. Growing up the daughter of a librarian, she learned to love books, especially classics and romances, and spent winters cuddled under blankets losing herself in books.

Madison is the author of three novels in the Beguiling Bachelor series, as well as several short stories. She is a member of Romance Writers of America.

After living in the northeast, southeast and the west, Maddy returned to her Midwest roots. She lives in Evanston, IL with two feline editorial assistants and great views of Chicago’s famous skyline.

Social Links:
Madison’s Blog:
Maddy’s Romance Madness:
Maddy’s Tours and Treats:
Amazon Author Page:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Merry Contest by Meredith Bond!

Merry Men Contest

Meredith Bond is sponsoring a contest for the week of August 20! Check it out here!

Meredith "Merry" BondAbout Meredith:

Merry has won numerous awards for her work but truly made a name for herself in writing after a couple of previous jobs–one teaching history. In order to keep her sanity while raising her children, Merry began living in a fantasy world filled with dashing, noble heroes and beautiful heroines. Desperately searching for an excuse to put the children into daycare, Merry decided to write down her fantasies and call it “working”. She was amazed when someone other than her husband actually liked her writing. Now Merry combines her love of history with another love, writing. She has also extended a helping hand to other writers with her knowledge of writing and publishing.

Formatting for Indie-Authors

Want Some Unforgettable, Bloomin’ Reads? Join us!

What a compilation of great reading this looks like! Nomad Authors invites you to stop and smell the flowers while enjoying Unforgettable Reads Blooming in Mary’s Garden.


Unforgettable Reads Blooming in Mary’s Garden
Mary Martinez 

Mary is giving away 2 $20 Amazon GC’s and an ebook of Disappear during this tour. Mary’s Cover designer, is giving away one cover design for one lucky author. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember there is a chance for you to enter the giveaway every day. So join us all through the tour for fun posts, interviews, and prizes. You may find the locations to all the tour stops here.

Four Sisters

It was the 60’s, she found love…
but started a war.

The early sixties was a time of making love, not war. Kathleen finds love and starts a war with her family.
Four Sisters is a story rich in the relationships of Kathleen Williams’ life. Kathleen discovers her sexuality in the sixties. She’s different from other girls her age and afraid her sisters, especially her closest sister, Deborah, will never understand.
When Kathleen reveals her love for a woman, her worst fears are realized—she’s banished from her home and family.
Forty odd years later, Kathleen is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Susan, her lifelong partner, encourages her to make peace with her family. Kathleen’s journey, now, includes rebuilding her relationship with her sisters and parents, as well as the battle of her life. Her only chance for peace is to find acceptance.

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Amazon Buy Link:


The Beckett Series:

The Beckett’s have a strong sense of family and honor.
When one of their own is threatened, their bond is as strong as a badge of steel.

The Beckett Series Trailer:
The Beckett Series Website:

The Beckett Series Book 1:

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:

The Beckett Series Book 2

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:

The Beckett Series Book 3

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:

The Beckett Series Book 4

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:

The Beckett Series Book 5

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:

The Beckett Series Book 6

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:


Watching Jenny

Hot on Jenny’s trail, Dan soon learns ‘Runner’ is not one of the usual suspects.

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:


Classic Murder: Mr. Romance

Making a date with a billionaire can be murder.

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link:


Chick Magnet

He’s recuperating from a devastating wreck.
She’s recuperating from a broken heart.

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Web Site:
Amazon Buy Link:


Romance and Misconceptions

Twin sisters. Two Billionaire Boyfriends. One big Misunderstanding

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Amazon Buy Link:


Three Brides and A Dress

My journey is more of a zig zag than a top stitch along a straight seam as I search for the perfect bride who is my soul mate.

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Amazon Buy Link:

Mary’s new covers were designed by


About the Author:

Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. And most recently she discovered she was Irish and Scottish, of course they had to visit Ireland and Scotland. Mary fell in love with both, but the green hills of Ireland felt like home. With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters. One of her favorite US destinations is New York/Brooklyn, where her beloved Beckett’s live. When she visits, she can wander their neighborhoods, favorite parks, and visit their favorite pub, Putnum’s.

They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible.

Mary writes mostly romantic suspense, romance, women’s fiction, and she has just begun to dabble in young adult mystery. She is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA). During her writing career she has been a conference coordinator, workshop presenter, and chapter president for the Utah Chapter of RWA. In 2007 she was presented with the Utah RWA service award in acknowledgment and appreciation for outstanding service. Mary has also participated in numerous library panels on writing and co-presented a workshop on writing a series at the League of Utah Writers conference.

Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.
Mary’s Social Media Links:Amazon Author Page:
Mary’s Garden Blog:
The After Work Cook:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Welcome Barbara Monajem!

Nomad Authors is proud and happy to host Barbara Monajem and her new book The Redemption of the Shrew!

The Redemption of the Shrew
Scandalous Kisses Book 4
By Barbara Monajem

Barbara has some wonderful prizes to giveaway during the tour. Please be sure to enter with the Rafflecopter below. There is an opportunity every day to enter for your chance to win one of the fabulous prizes. So join us for a fun blog tour journey and be sure to enter every day for your chance to win. You may find all the blog tour locations here

About The Redemption of the Shrew:

Nothing is more painful than rejection—particularly when completely naked!

Gloriana Warren doesn’t want to wait for marriage. Beneath her shrewish exterior is a kindhearted woman who uses her fortune for good. It doesn’t matter that the man she’s set her sights on claims impoverishment. She’s in love and determined to marry him. But her attempt at a moonlight seduction ends in disaster.

French marquis Philippe de Bellechasse has had it up to his gorgeous dark eyes with being pursued by lusty ladies. His escape to England from the violence of the French Revolution took a toll on his finances as well. Gloriana may be gloriously naked, but he’s just not ready to submit to her seduction.

But when a precious family artifact is stolen, Philippe must convince Gloriana he’s not the guilty party. He’ll steal it back for her, but on his terms. Gloriana, believing he despises her, has plans of her own. Working at odds is dangerous, but working together can be more so. Is Philippe willing to risk his heart again for a deliciously tempting shrew?

Amazon Buy Link


A clandestine meeting, particularly where nakedness is involved, is best arranged for a moonless night.
Or so Gloriana Warren told herself, for her mother would never have uttered such a scandalous dictum. Unfortunately, it was tonight or never. Tomorrow, the man she had sworn to love forever would leave Lancashire and return to London—without her. They wouldn’t be able to marry for years because of his stupid scruples about money.
Men and their tedious pride! She and the Marquis de Bellechasse loved one another. They shared the same lofty ideals. She had a substantial dowry. Marrying now made sense. Not only that, her mother would die happy.
So Gloriana was taking matters into her own hands. She had planned the upcoming encounter in glorious detail—every word, every gesture. As she emerged from the summerhouse to greet him, he would stand and stare at her, transfixed by her beauty.
“Darling Philippe,” she would say, reaching for him, offering herself without reserve. “Love is eternal. It cannot, must not be denied!”
“Ah, ma belle,” he would respond, his hand on his heart, his voice throbbing with desire. “I adore you. What a fool I was to think we could wait for years. Even another minute is too long. Tonight, I shall make you mine!”
She would fling herself into his waiting arms, swept away on the tide of his passion.
She wasn’t sure exactly how it would go after that, apart from plenty of kissing, but judging by her previous experience of Philippe’s kisses, it would be the most thrilling experience of her life.
She sneaked out the French doors, arms full of blankets, and glanced back up at Garrison House. Not a glimmer of candlelight showed in the windows. She hurried through the rose garden and skirted the lawn, keeping to the bushes and out of the moonlight. In the secret room under the summerhouse, she and her darling Philippe would be safe. Tomorrow they would announce their engagement to Mama. They would send for a special license and be married within a week.
Ten minutes later, she had set up a makeshift bed under the summerhouse and removed all her clothes. Shivering more from excitement than from the chilly night air, she waited for Philippe to arrive.
Tonight would be the most perfect night of her life.
The Marquis de Bellechasse left his horse in a convenient copse and made his careful way forward, pausing at the edge of the trees. Garrison House was reassuringly dark, but moonlight reflected off the ripples on the lake. The summerhouse gleamed white on its little knoll, exposed on all sides. He paused, listening. No sound disturbed the darkness except a nightjar complaining from a nearby oak. He hoped and prayed no one else was up and about tonight. He couldn’t afford to get caught with Gloriana Warren, but nor could he bring himself to ignore her passionate plea to see him once more before they parted.
He loved her—to the point of folly, judging by his current behavior. He had already said farewell, and yet here he was, trespassing on her brother’s estate at midnight to say it again. He dreaded her inevitable tears.
The door to the summerhouse stood wide open, which meant Gloriana was here already. Fine. Best to get it over with now. He took a deep breath and set out across the lawn.
He had almost reached the doorway when she came into view, rising from out of nowhere, her face pale, her hair loose around her bare shoulders. He halted, staring, his heart thundering. She continued to rise, her breasts round and luscious in the light of the moon. His eyes slid helplessly down the curve of her hips to the darker patch at the apex of her thighs . . .
Mordieu. He shook his head and began to back away. “No, chérie. We must not do this.”
She set her feet on the floor—she must have emerged from a trapdoor—and beckoned with those sweet arms, smiled with those lush lips. “Philippe, my darling, please come to me. I love you so much.”
“No, ma belle, I cannot.”
“But love—” She faltered, then continued toward him, arms wide. “Love is eternal. It must not be denied.”
Sacrebleu, she was declaiming like a shoddy actress on the stage. The thought revolted him. Surely his idealistic Gloriana could not cheapen herself so. Anguished, he put up his hands to fend her off. “It is not possible, Gloriana. Not yet. It would not be right.”
She hurried forward, her breasts jiggling enticingly. “Truly, we mustn’t delay. My mother may not have long to live, and seeing me married well is her dearest wish.”
He didn’t care in the least about old Lady Garrison, who was the worst sort of snob. He shook his head. “No. To wait is best.”
“Philippe, I cannot wait. I need you now.” She reached for him, her nakedness inches away.
He gritted his teeth and took another step backwards. His imbecile cock was reacting to her, but he had long ago gained control over its demands. “I am sorry, but I must go.” He turned away.
She wailed, a sharp, keening sound, and immediately a shout came from nearby. Her brother? No, he was in London. A gamekeeper?
Whoever the man might be, he was lurking here on purpose. So much for love, Philippe thought. Gloriana was just another lust-crazed woman trying to trap him into marriage. He turned and ran. Pursued by shouts and then shots, he reached his horse and galloped away.

About the Author:

Winner of the Holt Medallion, Maggie, Daphne du Maurier, Reviewer’s Choice and Epic awards, Barbara Monajem wrote her first story at eight years old about apple tree gnomes. She published a middle-grade fantasy when her children were young, then moved on to paranormal mysteries and Regency romances with intrepid heroines and long-suffering heroes (or vice versa).

Barbara loves to cook, especially soups. She used to have two items on her bucket list: to make asparagus pudding and succeed at knitting socks. Asparagus pudding proved to be pretty horrible, and she is too fumble-fingered to make socks. Now she just sticks with writing books. She lives near Atlanta, Georgia with an ever-shifting population of relatives, friends, and feline strays.

Social Links: 

POV Quandary #MFRWauthor

When I first started writing I was told point blank, no first person!! I was told that if I wanted to write in first person I might as well make up my mind not Writing a bestseller--in third be published because no editor wanted first person point of view. Now of course, that’s not the case—lots of erotic romances are in first person, and a good many other genre books are, too. Times change, opinions change.

I always liked reading first person because it gives a much greater insight into each primary person’s feelings. As a writer, I think first person forcesMe, me, me! First person. us to stretch since another character’s emotions have to be revealed through the POV of the focus character. That’s not always easy.

In a writing class once, all of us were having trouble with the assignment until the teacher said to switch to first person. Wow! My writing flowed like water off a cliff. Dialogue was sharper, feelings exploded off the page, and I could barely get words written fast enough. So why do I write in third person…?

Heck if I know. Maybe I should give first person a try.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!