POV Quandary #MFRWauthor

When I first started writing I was told point blank, no first person!! I was told that if I wanted to write in first person I might as well make up my mind not Writing a bestseller--in third person.to be published because no editor wanted first person point of view. Now of course, that’s not the case—lots of erotic romances are in first person, and a good many other genre books are, too. Times change, opinions change.

I always liked reading first person because it gives a much greater insight into each primary person’s feelings. As a writer, I think first person forcesMe, me, me! First person. us to stretch since another character’s emotions have to be revealed through the POV of the focus character. That’s not always easy.

In a writing class once, all of us were having trouble with the assignment until the teacher said to switch to first person. Wow! My writing flowed like water off a cliff. Dialogue was sharper, feelings exploded off the page, and I could barely get words written fast enough. So why do I write in third person…?

Heck if I know. Maybe I should give first person a try.

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Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

4 thoughts on “POV Quandary #MFRWauthor”

  1. First person can be really entertaining–e.g., Robert B. Parker’s Spenser series or the mysteries by Dick Francis–but it tends to become too narrow and restrictive in the hands of an insufficiently skilled writer.

  2. I started writing a book in 1st person POV, until I felt I wasn’t being fair to the hero. I tried slipping his POV into the story, via 3rd person, but wasn’t sure it really ‘worked’. Finally, when I began pursuing publishing, it was advised that I change the entire POV to 3rd, since the other books in the series were also in 3rd.

    1. Ah, well, if the book is part of a series and the others are in 3rd person, I think I’d agree. It seems like the trick is to give the other characters dialogue that cues the reader into their thoughts. Not so easy though. Did you like 1st person for your draft? Thanks for your comment, Molly!

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