The Summoning–Contest and Excerpt–from Linda Nightingale

Nomad Authors is proud to host Linda Nightingale and her book The Summoning! Read an excerpt and then find out about Linda and the fantastic giveaway she has going below!!

Summoning: Paranormal Romance

Heather Morique is a witch. The problem is she doesn’t know it. Her husband Jahill was a refugee from an obscure branch of the Arawak Indians. After his death, mysterious whispers lure her to his homeland of Jamaica. Soon, she finds herself in a web of secrets, lies and illusions.

Jahill’s people worship Eyrael, the God of Wind and Sea, and his brother Sofiel, the God of Fire and Earth. The new Shaman has pitted brother against brother, and these two powerful spirits from an alternate universe fight to become the tribe’s ruling deity. Will light or darkness reign?

When Heather unwittingly summons Eyrael, these two unlikely soul mates face a dangerous fate.  The chemistry between them is more disturbing than the long-buried secrets.

Buy The Summoning here.

Research for The Summoning
In The Summoning, I played fast and loose with the religion of a group of people almost destroyed by the Spanish in the 1400s. Here, I claim poetic license. There is a small number of Arawak Indians surviving in Guyana, only about 15,000, but they do represent one-third of the Indian population in that country.

The tribe of the past were agriculturists who lived in villages of sometime 3,000 and more. I was more concerned with their religion. Their religious beliefs centered on a hieracy of nature spirits and ancestors, somewhat paralleling the hierarchies of chiefs. Bingo! Nature spirits – 

The Arawaks were an indigenous people in South America but some of the tribe had migrated to the Caribbean centuries ago. The Summoning is set in Jamaica –

Eyrael, the hero, is the God of Wind and Sea to this obscure, isolated branch of the tribe. Their Shaman, a young and arrogant man, is one of the villains. I named him Taino after the Indians who migrated to the Caribbean. First villain done. –

The other villain in the story is Sofiel, the God of Fire and Earth. In the other dimension from which they have been summoned, he is Eyrael’s brother.

The Shaman prefers Sofiel to Eyrael and is working to eliminate Eyrael from worship by the people. Second villain –

The book required little research, except Jamaica. I’ve never been there. I needed the color, the sights and sounds—namely the feel of the place. So, off to the internet I went in search of Jamaica. I think I succeeded because one reviewer said, “The author’s descriptions of Jamaica and of the horse into which Eyrael shifts are detailed and lovely. You hear the hoof beats and feel the heat of the tropics.”

With all my checkmarks, you can easily see that very little research was needed. Usually, I find that research will deliver much more than I need, and I’ll find myself using sometimes a few sentences. BUT it does give me the feel of the place or whatever I’m researching and that’s all important to me.

Excerpt for The Summoning:
Eyrael, the shape shifter in the form of the perfect man, sank cross-legged on the floor and held her gaze. “We sat on that sofa. You lay back your head and closed your eyes. I asked how long you had ridden and what breed was your favorite horse. You did not answer. You had fallen asleep. I carried you to bed.”

“Carried me to bed?” She frowned, trying to remember. “Oh. When I woke up, I was naked. What happened to my dress?”

“The ceremonial dress in which they had robed you was soaked, thick with salt and sand,” he said, matter-of-factly. “If you actually want it, you will find it in the bath.”

His arrogance amazed her, but Heather was glad he hadn’t thrown her into bed in a wet dress. “They robed me? I—I don’t remember.”

“You were under some sort of spell, I believe.”

She nodded, recalling the dreamlike state. Was she shocked that this stranger—stranger than fiction—who’d saved her life had undressed her? Ask anyone who’d read her love scenes, Heather McClain was no prude. Was her alter-ego, Heather Morique?

A warm hand brushed the top of her cold foot. “You are silent. Is something wrong?”

Again, that electric trill at a mere touch! “No, no. I—thank you. I’d be dead now if you hadn’t rescued me.”

“Yes, you would. If you are ready now, you can repay me.”

“Repay you?” Why should she be surprised? No one did anything anymore for free, but what need had a spirit of money? “If you want cash, we’ll have to find an ATM.”

He leaned back against the coffee table, regarding her with amusement. “I do not need your money, beautiful witch. I seek only Pleasure, and I am certain you can exceed even my high expectations.”

Heather’s jaw dropped. “Pleasure? Do you mean you want me to…”

The God of Wind and Sea grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. “Yes, Heather.” He sobered, shaking his head. “Not sex only. I want to make love to you.”

How could this creature simply assume she’d have sex with him? Shocked, yet flattered in an odd way, she arched her brows. “No.”

He straightened, staring at her as if she’d sprouted wings. “But I saved your life.”

Oh, dear God, she’d heard in certain cultures if you saved a life, that life belonged to you.

“Eyrael, I’m very, very grateful.” She folded trembling hands and met his gaze squarely. “I don’t intend to f-word you, however.”

Liar! When that’s exactly what I want. What am I saying? I’m recently widowed… Right…by a man who betrayed me. Why not pay my debt? Pleasant repayment.

Who was she kidding? Tempted or not, she couldn’t have sex with a total stranger.

He laughed, the melody this time with a touch of bitterness—or surprise that anyone would refuse him. “So be it.” He rose, beautiful, graceful as his sea. “Then I shall take my leave.”

Buy link

About Linda Nightingale:
Linda Nightingale paranormal authorLinda has lived a fascinating life and won some prestigious awards for her writing. Find out more about her on her website and various social media, and she’d love to hear from you via email.

Web Site – Visit and look around. There’s a free continuing vampire story.
Blog – Lots of interesting guests & prizes

Books, by Linda Nightingale:
Love For Sale
Gambler’s Choice
Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody
Gylded Wings
Her General in Gray
The Summoning
Sinner’s Obsession
Cardinal Desires

Fantastic giveaway:
Linda will be giving away a $15 Gift Card through Rafflecopter! Winner will be announced 8/30.  Follow her on tour for more fun and chances to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Brute and I blog tour

Suzanne Smith’s The Brute and I was not what I expected. I thought I would get a Beauty and the Beast kind of story, I guess because of the title. What I didn’t expect was The Brute and Ia tale of hope, forgiveness, love, and redemption, but that’s what I found. Well written and well developed, the story of Marco and Alex shows the way back for a love that lasts.

The Brute and I tackles three important issues in a sensitive way: relationship abuse, alcoholism, and the lack of self-esteem that can bring both on. That she talks about these things in a way that feels painless and yet engrosses the reader is a testament to her skill as a writer. I really enjoyed the book—it was every bit as surprising as it was good, and I mean both of those things in the very best way.

Please join Sassy Brit on Wednesday. And don’t forget to check out how to win the Amazon gift voucher and free eBooks! Or check out the information on the BVS site.

When Marco struts into Gigi’s grill, Alex wonders if she has found the one. When he takes the seat next to her and strikes up a conversation, She is immediately aroused by the heat of his animal magnetism. There is something she sees in his vulnerable, piercing green eyes that touches her heart. She realizes that she wants this handsome man to be more than just her bedmate. She wants him to be her soulmate.

Marco was instantly smitten the moment he fixed his eyes on Alex. There was something about her warm, sympathetic gaze that filled him with hope. Maybe he had a chance to overcome the bitterness and despair that had blighted his life. Perhaps finally some measure of happiness is within his grasp.

The love between them quickly blossoms, but there is a dark cloud on the horizon. For no reason Marco can see, Alex suddenly becomes sullen and withdrawn. He worries that she is slipping away from him. The idea of losing her affection and being forced to retreat back into the cold, black, pit of despair, is more than he can stand. He only knows one way to deal with the pain he is feeling.

Can their love survive the turmoil and grow into something good once more?

Buy links:
Barnes and Noble

Author Suzanne SmithSuzanne grew up in Bucktown, a bustling community on the Northwest side of Chicago. She attended North Park College and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts.

Currently, she works full time as the manager of a dental office located in the Gold Coast area of Chicago. When she’s not working, she lieks to curl up on the sofa and watch a good movie or read a good book with her two rescue cats.

Her debut novel, The Brute and I, is a gritty romance that gives the reader a glimpse into the dark and volatile side of new love.


Black Velvet Seductions:

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Sizzling Summer Reveal

While the summer nights might be slipping by, they are still sizzling hot
If you love heat like we do, you’ll love the fantastic romantic fiction that can be found on the blogs of this hop. 
From sweet to downright sizzling, you’ll be sure to find something that you will fall in love with!
Thank you to the authors who are in the hop, and a special thank you to our two main sponsors, Books & More and Sensuous Promos!
Now go on…. get your hop on!


Naval Maneuvers by Dee S. KnightDuty, honor, service aren’t just words. Apply them to loving a woman, and see how hot Naval Maneuvers can get!

Naval Maneuvers is a book dedicated to the good men an women of the military, and specifically the U.S. Navy. They protect the seas and our country. But that’s not all they protect. They also watch over the hearts and souls of the ones they love.

Please leave a comment and mention Naval Maneuvers before you go on to the next blog in the blog hop. Thanks for participating!