It’s difficult to think of having an odd or useless talent when some days I wonder if I have any talent at all, useless or otherwise. ;( But after thinking about it, I realize I can do a few useless things with great success, and I share them with you here as I share them with family and friends.
- I can sing the first verse of “Edelweiss” in German. Yes indeed. That’s a talent called upon often (NOT!). I learned the song in my high school German class and somehow never forgot it. It comes in handy at any sing-along of The Sound of Music, which I’m happy to say hardly ever happens.
- I can repeat conversations word for word. So if someone asks me if Susie said that she likes her birthday present of an argyle sweater and
matching socks, I can relay Susie’s whole impression, what was said to her and what she replied. This often puts the questioner to sleep with TMI, but hey! It’s a talent, right?
- I can parallel park. This used to be a valuable skill but not so much anymore. I used to admire my dad (and most guys I know) that he could place his arm on the back of the seat, turn around and one-handed, slide a car into a space that looked far too small. I can’t do
that, but give me any normal space and stand back for the sight of your life as I park almost like a guy with the back-up gene. Of course, I pull into a space whenever possible. No need to wear a talent out with too much practice.
So that’s it. The sum total of my useless talents. They aren’t much but I share them whenever possible. You never know when someone might require “Edelweiss” to be sung in German—I want them to know I’m available!
Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.
Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!
Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!
Edelweiss in German? Das ist wirklich beeindruckend! I didn’t know that was an authentic German song, even after living over there for a long time. I’ll bet your talent for remembering conversations verbatim comes in very handy. You’d make an excellent spy.
Darn! I should have applied to the CIA when I was younger. I WOULD have made a goods spy. 😉 I don’t think Edelweiss is a real German song. I think Rogers and Hammerstein made it up for the play. But it sounds like it should be a real song! Thanks for commenting Sadira!
I disagree: parallel parking is still useful and valuable. Unfortunately, it’s not a skill I can claim. I can’t drive a stick shift either.
Thankfully, I don’t live where I have to park parallel as a normal thing. But I do know that in the city it would be a good skill to have. Holy! You should learn a stick shift! It’s so much fun.
You’ve got some interesting talents there. Depending on where you are, parallel parking can be quite useful.
That’s true. And even in our small town I still have to use it now and then–if I can’t pull through two spaces, lol. Thanks for your comment!
Useless talents. I can sing Silent Night in German. Did we have the same teacher? lol
LOL!. Maybe. I might have learned Silent Night in German but if so, it didn’t stick with me.
Being able to recall conversations means you should be good with dialogue in writing, in my humble opinion:) There are conversations I still remember all the way back to my elementary years, and when I began writing, I realized my dialogue was waaaay better than my descriptions!
It does help, actually. I can write details in dialogue that I get from remembering how things were in an actual conversation. Thanks for your comment, Molly!