Ah! Winning the lottery Who doesn’t dream of this happening? I’ve dreamed of it so often, for years I considered it my Retirement Plan. No. Really.
But then again, I’m already retired and have I won the lottery? Heck no. Good thing I kept my day job.
Still, it’s fun to play “What if…?” I know a few things I would do, for sure.
- Take the money in a lump sum. None of this doling out the funds year by year. No one knows how much time they have left, and if I get called to heaven sooner than I think I will, I want to have enjoyed every single cent I can before I go.
- Pay off all my debts. Not that there are all that many, but I’d like not to have to worry about owing anyone. That way I can lay on that beach with nothing niggling at the back of my mind. “Did I pay the mortgage this month?” “Do I have anything left on the student loan?” “Have I paid the pool boy his monthly stipend?” Nope. Don’t want any of that on my mind.
- Gift those I love and who have loved me all these years. I’d give my mom and aunt anything their little heart’s desire. Ditto for my wonderful in-laws. And my friends—I have a few who could really use some help. One dear friend has a son with autism, and another has a brother in the same boat. I’d like for them not to have to worry about their loved one’s futures.
- Donate to my favorite charities. Shriners Hospitals would get a big donation, as would several other places. If I have it, I want to share it.
- Go back to Scotland. It’s one of the places I’d like to visit again and
show it off to Jack. Scotland is one of my favorite places on earth.
- Buy books. If I have anything left after all that, I’d buy as many books as I want.Yippee!
When we buy lottery tickets—which is not all that often—we buy only one. Don’t have particular numbers, don’t say a prayer beforehand or go through any special rituals. I figure if God wants me to win the lottery, one ticket will be enough, and it won’t matter which numbers I choose. If God doesn’t want me to win (and so far, not that I doubt His wisdom, but I do think it’s an oversight on His part), it won’t matter if I buy a thousand tickets or use the birth date of the Archangel Michael for the numbers. So far, God has seen fit to keep me humble…and poor. Oh well. Life is still good.
What would you do with lottery winnings?
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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist: old letters put the lie to Sara’s life. Now, mending her past mistakes while crossing burning bridges will be the hardest thing she’s ever done.
Great post. I too would take the lump sum. But I guess to win I would need to buy a ticket and I don’t. LOL
Yes, to win you must first buy the ticket, lol. Sad but true. We almost never buy a ticket, either.