QVC, Woman Within, Amazon, I love them all! #MFRWauthor

Shopping in a mallWhen the question arises of whether I prefer to drive to a mall to shop (or even down to my quaint little town) or let my fingers do the walking, there’s no doubt that I prefer to shop from home. It could be that I’m lazy but I don’t think that’s the whole answer. The fact is, I never really enjoyed going shopping, mostly because walking and standing have always given me trouble thanks to Mr. Polio. But I am kind of lazy, too.

Still, finding a place to park close to where I want to be is usually a pain—even in my small town. If I go to a mall, there are the crowds. The anchor stores are (duh!) at opposite ends of the mall, which can feel like miles by the end of the day. However, I get to try things on in a store. I can feel the fabric and find accessories easily. I used to enjoy shopping—when I was twenty. But now…?

In the time it takes to go to 2 stores and try on clothes, I can search 20 Shopping onlineonline. Of course, I admit that there are difficulties with shopping from a computer screen. The colors are not always true. The clothes don’t always fit and have to be sent back. Orders don’t always arrive and then there is the hassle with refunds. But for the most part, I’ve been pretty happy over the years, plugging my credit card into the slot on the side of the computer. (That is how it works, isn’t it?) And as stores continue to add online to their shopping options, I get happier and happier.

What is your preference for shopping?

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6 thoughts on “QVC, Woman Within, Amazon, I love them all! #MFRWauthor”

  1. I agree with you. I have never been a big shopping fan. Though some things you just have to go out for. If they online grocery delivered in my town I would rarely venture out. Stay safe!

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