Secrets that change a lifetime #MFRWHooks

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 Desire Me Again anthologyBlurb:
Second Chance in Desire Me Again
Sandy Henderson had been a sweet, wholesome girl in her first year of college, sure of herself and totally in love with her high school sweetheart, Tom Pritchard. Then something happened that shattered her dreams, her confidence, her will to live. When she meets Tom again many years later, she resists taking a chance on love because of her secret, but Tom won’t give up on her. On them. Or will he, once she tells him about her past?

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MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
“Sandy Henderson, as I live and breathe. Can that be you?”

Sandy looked up and up, into the richest, deepest brown eyes she’d ever known. They affected her just as they had since she was fifteen, sending tingles and warmth all through her. Fifteen had been fifteen years ago, but two lifetimes. When she first fell in love with Thomas Pritchard she’d enjoyed an age of innocence she barely remembered, but one he brought home now with just one look, one smile.

“Tom. Gosh, it’s so good to see you.” Sandy didn’t really mean that, but it was the polite thing to say. In reality, she’d hoped she could slip into town, take care of her dad’s estate and pack up her mother’s things for the move back to Idaho without meeting anyone from her former life.

Still, of everyone she hadn’t wanted to run into, Tom Pritchard. Her stupid heart skipped a beat. It was hard seeing him, remembering him. Remembering herself.

“You, too. I could hardly believe it was you. What’s it been? Since graduation?”

“Yes, I think so. Hard to believe, huh?” So hard to believe she’d ever been that happy, naïve girl who’d graduated top in their 300-student class and skipped off to college in Florida, thinking life would always be so free and simple.

“It is hard to believe.” Tom’s eyes studied her face. He hadn’t looked at her as so many men had for years, that up and down leer, like a hungry lion scoping out where he planned to start eating the gazelle. No, his gaze sought out her depths, her secrets.

“Are you back in town for a while?”

“No,” she said, subtly moving the grocery cart between them. It served as a shield from his examination and also as a layer of protection. The years had taught her that men—all men, even those who seemed friendly and safe—were not to be trusted.

“Dad died last year—”

“I remember. I’m really sorry.”

“Thanks. Mom isn’t really able to stay alone anymore, and she’s agreed to move closer to me. I came ho—back to move her.” She’d almost said that she’d come home. Whitley, North Carolina hadn’t been home for a very long time. Sometimes life here seemed like a dream.

“Ah. I’m going to miss your mom. Not that I saw her all that often.”

“She told me that you would come by every now and again to see if she needed anything. That was nice. She appreciated it, and so do I.”

Tom shrugged. “It wasn’t anything.” He looked into her cart. “You don’t have anything that needs to be refrigerated”—he held up his handbasket—“and neither do I. Want to grab a cup of coffee and catch up? The Whitley Diner is just a couple of doors down and has the best coffee in town. My treat.” He smiled. Sandy had to grab a breath at the sight.

“I really can’t,” she said. “I told Mom I’d be home for lunch. But thanks. Let’s get together before I leave.”

Holding her hand up in the way country people have of saying hello or goodbye, she spun around and headed for the checkout. She hadn’t finished shopping, but she’d come back later. Or maybe she’d head to the Piggly Wiggly over in Petersburg, a few towns over, in order to avoid running into Tom again. Or anyone she knew from her previous life.

Whitley had grown to a town of over forty thousand. How could she have met up with someone she knew in the first week she’d been back? And Tom, of all people.

Getting her mother packed and on the road to Idaho couldn’t happen soon enough

Second Chance by Dee S. Knight

Author Dee S. Knight:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.









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Review of Desire Me Again, BVS’s newest anthology!

Desire Me Again anthology

I adored this book! I’m giving Desire Me Again a 5-star rating. It’s sometimes hard to put together a great anthology collection, but overall, the stories in Desire Me Again are superb! I am, of course, not reviewing my own story, but I hope readers like it!

Renewing Forever
Virginia Wallace
David, all human, is married to Jillian, all wolf-shifter, but lately he’s been unsettled. He moved from his home in upstate New York thinking Virginia would be sunnier in the winter, he gave up his beloved Camara for a station wagon when they started a family, and now Jillian seems to be moody all the time. He’s pretty convinced she’s going to leave him. He hopes she and her family don’t eat him in the process. I really liked this story. It’s about a human/shifter marriage but it’s really a treatise on marriage itself—especially a blended or mix-marriage. Insecurity, doubts, fears, they all play a part in this story. As they do in real life. Kudos, Virginia, for this second chance between a married couple who find what it means to love forever!

Gibby Campbell
Dominant Pete took a chance with his tarot-reading submissive, Lexie, years before and lost her. Now, long after she’d given up on seeing Pete again, the King of Swords keeps popping out of her tarot deck. The card symbolizes change. Sure enough, like the card, Pete pops back into her life. He’s successful—as is she—and seems to have matured. But can Lexie trust that a second chance will mean Pete will take better care of her heart? I loved the slight paranormal aspect of this story and the twist that using tarot cards adds. Gibby knows her stuff—both in reading the cards and writing a wonderful story that explores the D/s world.

Desire Me Again anthology

Lost and Found: A Soldier’s Return
R.M. Olivia
Kasey is a wife who’s unsure if she wants her husband to come home from Afghanistan. Oh, she wants him alive and well, but maybe not at home with her and their two daughters. He’s been gone two years on his deployment, and part of that time he was MIA. Before he left the last time, he’d displayed horrifying behavior of PTSD—locking himself in their bedroom with his pistol. But he refused to get help. She doesn’t know now who might be coming home. Add to it, their daughters are young and demanding (as children are), and her mother-in-law has been living with them to help out with the girls. It’s no wonder Kasey needs a time-out. This tender story struck home with me as a Navy brat who saw first-hand the trials military families often face with long separations and then the coming home, which always changes things. Add the horrors of war, and a second chance at a loving relationship is harder. Well done, R.M.!

A Convict’s Prayer
Jan Selbourne
This story will blow you away, especially since it’s based on one of Jan’s ancestors!
In 1841, Eleanor Craddock is transported from Ireland to Van Dieman’s Land (now Tasmania) for the crime of stealing 10 sovereigns. Her children were starving and what’s a desperate mother who can’t find work to do? For that, she was stripped from her family and home. For some, transportation was a death sentence. For others, it’s a second chance. Which will it be for Eleanor? Jan brings this tale to life with her great writing and attention to historical accuracy. It’s a touching story that shows how hope can change one’s life. I loved it!

The Hand-cuff Proposal
Patricia Elliott
Long-time friends Jason and Cora share a house. Well, it’s actually Jason’s house. He’s a cop and can better afford to offer Cora a place to stay. Cora waitresses—normally. Just that day she lost her job. Then she came home to find that Jason had eaten her last ice cream drumstick (yum! I like them, too!). Bad things come in threes, so what else is about to happen? Jason and Cora have both developed feelings for the other way beyond BFFs, but neither is willing to take the chance of losing their friendship to bring up the matter. Until Cora lands on a plan. When looking for work, she finds an ad for a local strip joint. She can take a job there, wait for Jason to stop by on his rounds, be swept home in a wave of male protective traits and then swept into bed. It’s a great plan, right? What was that about bad things coming in threes…? This second chance will take a bit of work. Patricia really brings these characters to life. I couldn’t help but feel for them while they tried to feel their way to each other. And watching Cora work through her plan? I just wanted to nudge her around the strip joint and to some nice, family diner.

Desire Me AgainFlight to the Stars
Zia Westfield
Talon is a man under a curse. He has a connection to a falcon, but is unable to shift, something that tears at his soul. Plus, his family is under a curse. For the last five generations, the oldest son has died on his 30th birthday. Talon’s birthday is that weekend. An emergency among the paranormal entities has brought Talon back together with his former love, Vega. With her talents, Talon hopes to find the source of the trouble and end it. Trouble is, nine years ago, Talon turned his back on her and walked away. He didn’t want her to have to face the consequences of his curse. Now, however, with only a day left, he wants a second chance to spend every moment in her arms. I loved this story! With the combination of a crisis and mystery, and the clock ticking, plus some nice comedic moments, this is a fine tale and great writing.

Together at Last
Carol Schoenig
Seconds after she hears barking, Grace is pushed into the freezing lake by a huge dog. Fortunately, the dog’s owner jumps in to save her. Battling hypothermia, they both nearly drown before Joe drags Grace from the lake and breathes life back into her. Not knowing what else to do, he carries Grace to his truck and takes her to his grandfather’s house, where he warms her before the fire and then hands her over to the care of his grandfather. When Grace opens her eyes, she thinks she’s seeing a ghost. Ian stars back—the first time she’d seen him in years. She’d been in high school and he in college when they broke up in a violent encounter. Since then, they’d married others and raised children. Are there too many years between them to find a second chance? This is a sweet and warm story that proves that where’s there’s true love, there’s always a way.

Annabel Allen
I liked this title because it represents two things in the story: Xposé as the swinger club’s dungeon and exposé as a reporter.
Arianna is a member of a swingers’ club but we find out at the beginning that she has a reason for it beyond the erotic adventure. When Arianna is invited to join Master K in the dungeon, she thinks she’s going to find the answer to why several women have disappeared from the club and make her bones as a reporter. Instead, she gets the shock of her life when Master K turns out to be her high school love, Koran. He sure didn’t have all those defined abs in high school, or really the ability to make her want to climb him like an animal longing to have wild monkey sex. She also didn’t expect to be one of the women being snatched from the club! If something good doesn’t happen soon, she and Koran will miss their second chance! I liked that Annabel had Ava Goode and Reichen make cameo appearances in this story. Well done, well-written story with mystery and a bit of BDSM!

The Holiday Mermaid
Alice Renaud
Adam is stunned when a gorgeous, bikini-clad wonder comes up to him on the beach and invites him to take her for a drink. That moment leads to a month of heaven, and then he wakes one morning to find her gone. Now, at Christmas, Rowena has returned. She hasn’t been able to forget him, despite knowing that love between a mermaid and a human can’t be. When Adam finds her, she’s injured. He cares for her and they rediscover their love. But let’s face it, love is hard enough to negotiate without throwing in the complication of a different species! She has to return to the Morvann Islands once more, to ask for advice and help, but then she hopes to come back to Adam for good. Can they find their way to a second chance? This delightful story is the end to Alice’s Sea of Love series. I’ve enjoyed each and every book, and this story of a mermaid finding love while on holiday is a fitting tribute and great ending!

As I said at the beginning, I enjoyed all of the stories in this 5-star collection, Desire Me Again. BVS puts together wonderful anthologies, from the fabulous covers (by Jessica Greeley) to the compilations themselves. I’m proud and honored to be among the authors selected for these books.

OUT NOW IN AUDIO—Multi-Orgasmic Vol 3 by Lucy Felthouse

Multi-orgasmic by Lucy Felthouse

Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985) and Narrated by Frankie Holland (@voiceoffholland)

Love erotic short stories? Then check out this third collection of sexy short fiction from the pen of award-winning erotica author Lucy Felthouse.

Felthouse is back with a third volume of her popular short stories. Heating you up this time are tales of tattooed bad boys, unusual bondage, female domination, women taking matters into their own hands, outdoor encounters with strangers, indoor encounters with husbands, spanking, and even a Valentine’s Day surprise.

Enjoy sixteen titillating tales, over 54,000 words of naughtiness packed into one steamy read.

Please note: The stories in this book have been previously published in anthologies, as standalones, and online, but have been re-edited and updated for this book.

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Excerpt: Passing Out Passion
As we filed into the mess, I glanced to my left and caught my mother’s eye. We shared a smile. From my other side, my dad grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze before letting go. It had been a tough twelve weeks, but now my younger brother Shane had successfully completed his basic training for the British Army, we were overwhelmed with pride. We’d just watched him and his colleagues at their passing out parade, complete with the pomp and ceremony Brits are famous for, and were heading indoors for some food, drink and celebrations.

I could hardly wait to see Shane and tell him how proud of him I was, but I knew that the recruits had some stuff they had to do before they could head into the mess and be with us. Hopefully they wouldn’t take too long.

Throughout the parade, I’d barely taken my eyes off the spectacle before me. The band and the recruits had mesmerised me with their well rehearsed routines, and when I’d finally spotted Shane, I’d welled up. My little brother. Though, of course, he’s not all that little. He’s four years younger than me, yet when we stand side by side I barely come up to his shoulder.

Now, though, I looked around at the other families and friends who’d also come to celebrate their loved one’s achievement. There were lots of hugging women, and men shaking hands and slapping backs. There were people closer to my age, too, the brothers and sisters of the recruits, and also girlfriends and boyfriends.


My mother’s voice tugged me out of my thoughts, and I turned to face her with a smile.

“Come on, sweetheart, your father’s gone over there to get us a table.”

I fell into step behind her as she walked towards the table she’d indicated. But the room was filling rapidly, and I quickly lost her in the squeeze of bodies.

I wasn’t concerned. I continued to slip between people with a polite smile and the occasional “excuse me” if they hadn’t seen me. Soon, though, I got to a group of people so tightly packed together and laughing so raucously that I was going to have to resort to shoulder tapping, I just knew it.

After my increasingly loud pleas went unheard, I reached up to tap one of the group on the shoulder. The guy spun round faster than I’d expected, almost knocking me over in the process. He reached out and grabbed my elbow to steady me, then our eyes met and a gasp escaped my mouth before I could stop it. He was obviously just as surprised as I, as his blue eyes widened and his grip on my arm tightened. My resultant frown obviously made him realise what he was doing, as he let go of me and finally opened his mouth.

“Hey!” His previous shock forgotten, his face transformed from surprised to delighted. “What are you doing here?”

Author Bio:

Lucy Felthouse is the award-winning author of erotic romance novels Stately Pleasures (named in the top 5 of’s 100 Modern Erotic Classics That You’ve Never Heard Of), Eyes Wide Open (winner of the Love Romances Café’s Best Ménage Book 2015 award), The Persecution of the Wolves, Hiding in Plain Sight, and The Heiress’s Harem and The Dreadnoughts series. Including novels, short stories and novellas, she has over 170 publications to her name. Find out more about her writing at, or on Twitter or Facebook. Join her Facebook group for exclusive cover reveals, sneak peeks and more! Sign up for automatic updates on Amazon or BookBub. Subscribe to her newsletter here:

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Charity Sunday: Hire Heroes USA

Charity Sunday: Dee S. Knight

How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

Hire Heroes USA

This month I’d like to highlight Hire Heroes USA, an organization that helps military separated from the service find jobs. Wounded warriors often worry about how they will support their families as much as their getting well. And members who retire from the service sometimes find what they were trained for and excel at, are skills not suited for civilian needs.

One of the things I really like is that they also help military spouses find work. I remember the years when my mom was unable to find a decent job as we moved from base to base because in military areas it’s well-known that the service member will be transferred after 2-3 years. It’s hard to blame employers because who wants to train someone who has a good chance of leaving in a short time. Yet, often the military spouse is the one left at home during deployments with the responsibility of being main support for the family. It’s hard to do that without a job.

The mission of Hire Heroes USA is this: “Hire Heroes USA empowers U.S. military members, veterans and military spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce.” The story of how Hire Heroes USA started is inspiring. This charity has earned a four-star rating from Charity Navigator four years in a row, so I know it’s a safe bet that our donation will reach the intended people. Please comment and help send me send the best donation!

My feature book is Burning Bridges (Anne Krist). In it, Paul Steinert left the Navy but he didn’t need a job—he returned to the family farm when his dad got sick. He didn’t regret going home, but he did love the Navy, and he can hardly be farther from the sea and ships than in Iowa! In this excerpt, Paul has discovered he has a gown daughter he never knew in South Carolina and he’s decided to move there in order to get to know her. He’s just told his brother and his wife.

Burning Bridges by Anne KristThe moment Paul dreaded most had just passed, explaining to Mark and Becca why he had to leave. Mark had been shocked speechless. Becca had surprised Paul with her calm acceptance, almost as though she’d expected him to come home with such news.

“Are you sure about this? I thought you just needed a break to clear the air between you and Sara, get the past out of your system. I didn’t really think…” Mark looked confused.

Paul knew how he felt. The last couple of days had proven to be life changing and he hadn’t been prepared, himself. Taking the farm responsibility fully onto his shoulders would certainly be as life altering for Mark.

“The restlessness you noticed in me wasn’t just Sara’s visit, although that’s what set it off. Seeing her made me remember being young and having dreams. I was never cut out to be a farmer, Mark, never wanted to be one. You know that.”

Mark nodded. “You always had an over-defined sense of duty. We needed you when Dad got sick and you came.” He looked down to smooth his thumb across a worn spot on the table, evidence of all the years that same place had been rubbed. “I’ve always been grateful to you. I know you gave up a lot, and I don’t know what would have happened otherwise. I guess I just thought you stayed because you wanted to.”

“I never resented being here, never. But when you and Becca got married—” he smiled at his sister-in-law, “—I should have left. I always found some excuse not to, but it’s time now. It won’t be long before Luke brings home a girl and starts the next generation of Steinerts. I don’t want to wait until it’s too late and I have no choice but to hang on here.”

“If I’d known you were unhappy—”

“I wasn’t, not at all. I was too damn lazy, or too much a coward maybe, to do what I knew I should have. Now I’ve been pushed into making a decision, and there’s only one right choice.”

He stared hard at Mark. “I don’t want you to think I went to bed every night thinking about Sara or woke up every day wishing I was someplace else. That’s not the way it was at all. I haven’t been unhappy, not like you mean. I’ve loved the years working with you and Luke. I really have. And I think we’ve done Dad proud.”

Without a word, Becca got up and went to the living room.

Paul spoke to his brother in a low voice. “You said that I had a sense of duty. That’s not true, Mark. I probably should have stayed home instead of joining the Navy. You were too young to handle much, and I knew Dad wanted me here. But I wanted to go and I found a way that no one could get too angry about. I used duty to country as a way to escape duty to family.”

“Paul, that’s not the way Dad or any of us saw it, you know that. He hated that you went to Vietnam, but he was proud of you. God, you should have seen his face whenever a letter came.”

Tears filled Paul’s eyes, but he quickly blinked them away. “I tried to make up for it by coming home when he asked. Tried to clean up the mess I’d made of my life for him, when I wouldn’t do it for myself. But Mark, I failed the woman I said I loved. I had an obligation to Sara and myself to find out what happened, to make sure she was all right. Because I didn’t, Paula grew up without knowing who I am, who she is. I can’t let her live the rest of her life like that. But I hate like hell leaving you with everything so suddenly.”

Mark’s face filled with determination. “Don’t worry about it. Luke and I can handle things, and that Lintz boy has been asking about whether we have any work. Maybe he’ll hire on when we need extra hands.” He gave a soft chuckle. “On the bright side, Luke’ll miss you like hell, but he’ll love moving out of the house and into your place. It’s just out back, but to him it’ll be like living in town.”

Paul laughed too, then studied his hands, folded on the table. When he looked up, it was to find his brother silently examining him.

“You might not have been unhappy exactly, but you were lonely, weren’t you?”

“What kind of question is that to ask?” Paul squirmed in his seat, his face flushed with embarrassment. “I’ll tell you this. If I was lonely, it was for something I didn’t even realize. I want you to know, Mark, I’ve never envied you, except maybe in the general sense. That you had a good wife and family, sure, but I never begrudged you Becca or Luke.”

He snorted a soft laugh. “In fact, I never truly understood what you must have felt, having a child, holding him, seeing his features change to resemble your own, being proud. No one on the outside can understand it. But when I looked up and saw Paula—”

His voice broke and it took a beat for him to continue. “It’s irrational, but true. I didn’t even know her and I loved her. For one moment, my heart broke. I was a father, and finally I knew some small part of what you must feel when you look at Luke. Except I’d missed it all, her whole life. I have so much lost time to make up for. So much of her to learn.”

“While you’re getting to know your daughter, you might remember that you once loved her mother. Maybe she hasn’t changed so much as you think. You’re not old, Paul. There’s no reason on God’s green earth for you to be alone.”

Paul nodded. “I know, but I think too much time has passed. Sara’s a bridge I’ve already burned. This move isn’t about the two of us.”

He recalled the night they’d shared, when he thought he’d grabbed a piece of the past and things could be worked out. When what mattered in life could be found in her arms.

Maybe two nights were all he’d ever have with her. One night to create a daughter and another to discover her. Two nights weren’t much, but they’d been more than enough to set the world spinning in new directions.

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New Release! Fin d’Espoir A Bisexual Vampire Romance by Lisabet Sarai

Fin d'Espoir by Lisabet Sarai

Their love may be his last hope for redemption.

MMF Vampire Erotic Romance, HFN ending
22,000 words, 81 pages
Smashwords and Amazon KDP

The ruins loomed close. The scent of burnt wood still lingered in the night air, though the plantation had obviously been destroyed years before. Chunks of blackened plaster and shards of glass lay strewn along their path. The moon, struggling through the dispersing storm clouds, turned the glass into sparks of cold fire. The shadows clinging to the building grew denser, congealing into impenetrable pools of dark. Malevolence hung over the place like a fog.

Maddy knew she should try to escape. This was her last chance. She sensed that once she entered this forbidding dwelling, she would be lost. Fin d’Espoir, he had called it—the end of hope. Or perhaps, the last hope. She stirred feebly in the black giant’s arms, but she was too exhausted to do more.

“Hush,” he crooned. “Just a moment now.”

Bitter and alone, Etienne de Rémorcy haunts the forest around the ruined plantation of Fin d’Espoir. He has sworn to never again taste human blood. Then a fierce storm and a runaway horse bring a slender, raven-haired beauty to his lair. When she begs him to take her, he cannot resist.

Madeleine and Troy hope that a carefree vacation in tropical Jamaica will reignite their faded passion. On a mountain trail ride, Maddy’s horse bolts, carrying her deep into the jungle. Injured and lost, she is saved by a giant of a man whose mere presence kindles unbearable desire. By the time she understands his dark nature, it is far too late for her to escape.

When Maddy returns, Troy finds her greatly changed : ravenous in bed, restless and disturbed otherwise. The elegant stranger he meets on the beach holds the key to her transformation – and soon has seduced Troy as well.

Tortured by his conscience, Etienne is determined to set the young couple free. But their love may be his last hope for redemption.

Note: This book was previously published by Totally Bound under the title Fire in the Blood. It has been edited and updated for this release.

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Fin d'Espoir by Lisabet Sarai

The horse lurched and shuddered, plunging down a sudden slope. Maddy barely escaped tumbling over his head. A broken branch ripped through her shorts and gashed her thigh. Lightning bloomed overhead. In the brief instant of brightness, she glimpsed ragged cliffs towering above them and a lush valley below. Thunder and profound darkness descended together.

The horse continued his downward rush. Desperate, Maddy clung to the saddle, her legs aching with the effort. It was all too easy to imagine herself broken and trampled on that rocky ground.

Impossible brilliance dawned, followed by a crash that left her ears ringing. Maddy smelled ozone and charred wood. An orange tongue flared on a nearby ridge, silhouetting towering trees before it was quenched by the downpour.

The ground became more level. Her mount picked up speed, splashing through a stream that crossed his route and showering her legs with water far colder than the rain. The underbrush thinned. They raced along through a natural tunnel formed by the branches arching overhead. Another lightning bolt crackled through the forest. It illumined what looked like a man-made structure, a few hundred yards ahead.

“Hello!” she yelled, trying to make herself heard above the din of the storm. “Anyone—please—help…!” She peered into the grey-green shadows. Had she been mistaken? The rain eased slightly. The damp breeze was redolent of smoke and growing things.

She must have loosened her grip. Lightning arced through the sky, followed by a crack of thunder that rattled her bones. The stallion froze, screaming its terror to the freshening wind. It rose on its hind legs, beating the air with its front hooves and dashing Maddy to the ground.

Lightning snaked across the clouds. Like its twin, fiery pain forked in Maddy’s ankle. The horse reared above her prone body, ready in its mad fear to crush her into the muddy earth. Grimacing with the effort, she tried to roll out of the way, though she knew she was too late.

“Whoa now, my pretty. Du calme, du calme.”

A man’s voice, deep and resonant, full of power. The stallion responded immediately, dropping back to all fours and hanging its head. A tall figure stepped out from behind a tree and grasped the bridle. “Good boy,” he murmured in the horse’s ear, gently stroking its muzzle all the while. “No need to fear now. Calm down.”

The transformation from a crazed beast to a docile pet was close to instantaneous. The man’s voice had a similar effect on Maddy, slowing her racing heart, even easing the throbbing in her ankle.

The stranger loomed over her, a huge man-shaped shadow. Full night had arrived, and Maddy could see nothing of the man’s features. She shivered and felt her heartbeat quicken once again. She was lost and alone, crippled by an ankle that was sprained if not broken. What could she do to protect herself?

He sank on his haunches next to her aching, muddy body. “Are you hurt, Miss?” he asked, his vowels rounded by the traces of French. Maddy’s fear melted in the warmth of that rich voice. The scent of roses tickled her nostrils. The pain in her ankle dwindled to an occasional annoying twinge.

The man’s skin reminded her of the Blue Mountain coffee she and Troy had enjoyed at breakfast, a brown so dark it was almost black. Raindrops gleamed on his smooth cheeks and pooled in the hollow of his throat. Looking at him made her thirsty. He was powerfully built, with massive shoulders swelling out from his worn denim vest. Underneath, his muscled chest was bare. A tight frizz of black hair grew in the furrow between his breasts.

As he crouched at her side, his jeans stretched taut over his thighs but hung loosely around his narrow hips. Another line of kinky curls ran down from his navel to disappear under his waistband.

His face was the visage of a Nubian king, prominent cheekbones and a fleshy nose with elegant, flared nostrils. His liquid-brown eyes were set wide apart, in deep sockets protected by the fine arch of his brows. His proud forehead rose above them, up to the tight-knit black frizz that covered his skull.

And his mouth… Maddy couldn’t stop herself from staring at those full lips, mahogany-red against his rosewood-dark face. They were parted in a half-smile that revealed the pearly white of perfect teeth.

Meet Lisabet:
Lisabet SaraiLisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – over one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, GLBT, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website (, along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (, she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads, Pinterest, and  Twitter. Join her VIP email list here:


Ebook or “real” book? #MFRWauthor

There was a time, in the long ago, when our only choice was to read “real” books. That is to hold an actual thing bound as a hardback or paperback. We had to hold the book open—sometimes to press it to keep it open—and keep it at the proper reading height. Sometimes those tomes were heavy. Sometimes the binding was such that it took real effort to keep the book open and we creased the spines. If we dropped the book, we lost our place. We couldn’t easily prop it open to read while we ate, or we had to hold the book open one-handed if we wanted to drink a cup of coffee. Those days ended for me when hubby bought me an ebook reader for Christmas. I’ve hardly had a better gift!

The reader was made by RCA. It had a handle for easy handling and a backlit screen. I’ll admit, I sometimes get new technology and I think about it for awhile before I start using it. Not this ebook reader! I had it up and running and looking for places to buy ebooks right away. Back then, Powell’s in Portland was just about the only place, other then through RCA itself. Since then I’ve bought another reader like that one when the company sold it, and two Kindles.

We used to move a lot. I remember times when we had boxes upon boxes ofOne Woman Only by Dee S. Knight on tablet books to lug around. Then you need places to put them. Now I can carry the equivalent of those boxes on one Kindle. Granted, actual books won’t run out of power in the middle of a chapter and have to be recharged, but the convenience of my Kindle outweighs the inconvenience.

People say they like to hold a book in their hands. That they love the smell of the paper. (They’ve obviously never “smelled” the paper when the basement floods and boxes of books stored there have gotten soaked.) I say, more power to them. I’m glad there are still real books available. Using a Kindle cookbook isn’t to my liking, so even I see a need for the real thing now and then. But for the most part? I’ll love and cherish my electronic book reader!

How about you?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.


Burning Bridges by Anne Krist
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

New Second Chance anthology! Desire Me Again

The hopeless romantic believes that a soulmate exists for each of us. That there is one person who makes us feel how good it is to love them. For some couples, things trigger them to push that love away. They find out too late they’ve lost true-love. Sometimes genuine love deserves a second-chance at the happy ending that eluded them the first time.
Desire Me Again is an eclectic assortment of short stories exploring a second-chance at love. The collection is as diverse as the authors who wrote them. Here’s a chance to read the work of talented writers you may not have read before. Within these pages, there are blends of tender, often moving and thought-provoking stories.
Be sure to join the book launch party on October 25th to get to know the authors and have some fun! It’s from 2 pm to 8:30 pm Eastern time on the BVS Facebook page.
Desire Me Again is available on Amazon and other online retailers

Lost and Found- A Soldier’s Return – R.M. Olivia
When Isiah Johnson returns home after being M.I.A for two years, his wife Kasey doesn’t know just what to expect. After a night of lovemaking, she is feeling satisfied that they are being offered a second chance to correct all that was wrong in their marriage. But is that reality?

Isiah is the walking wounded after witnessing his best friend getting killed. In the midst of his devastation, he decides to take his own life. Luckily, the gun barrel is empty and he survives. Mrs. Johnson, Isiah’s mother has been living with Kasey and the twins while her son was away. Kasey appreciates her mother-in-law’s help; she also resents her intrusive manner.

Her husband may now be with them physically yet emotionally he is gone. With the change in his circumstances, he is no longer battling an outside enemy. He is battling himself. Can his wife help him find the man he once was?

The Holiday Mermaid – Alice Renaud
Adam fell for surfer girl Rowena the second he saw her. But just as their summer fling was becoming serious, she left him without any explanation. Now, with Christmas just a few days away, she’s back… and Adam discovers that she’s a shape-shifting mermaid, from a Clan that hates humans. Can he love her as she is? Can she brave her family to be with Adam for good, not just for Christmas?

Second Chance by Dee S. KnightSecond Chance – Dee S. Knight
Sandy Henderson had been a sweet, wholesome girl in her first year of college, sure of herself and totally in love with her high school sweetheart, Tom Pritchard. Then something happened that shattered her dreams, her confidence, her will to live. When she meets Tom again many years later, she resists taking a chance on love because of her secret, but Tom won’t give up on her. On them. Or will he, once she tells him about her past?

Temperance – Gibby Campbell
Doms aren’t perfect. Sometimes they screw up. When it’s true love, though, they deserve a second chance. Even the tarot cards think so in this erotic short story.

Desire Me Again

The Handcuff Proposal – Patricia Elliott
Cora Kegan’s day doesn’t end well, and she finds herself fired from her waitressing job. When she returns home, she learns that her roommate ate the last drumstick, which makes her day even worse. Who doesn’t like to drown their sorrows with ice cream?

Especially when that sorrow includes still having the hots for your ex-boyfriend, who just so happens to be your roommate…

What kind of trouble does she find when she visits a strip club to get his attention?

Xposé – Annabel Allan
Arianna Pierson is an up-and-coming journalist with the Toronto Star. Being a newbie, she mainly writes fluff pieces, like baby or bridal showers. Then she gets wind of a story that could break her into the mainstream—the recent disappearance of three girls from the sex club Xposed.

Arianna takes it upon herself to investigate, going undercover as a regular at the club. While there, she runs into Koran Conley, her first kiss and first love from high school. She tries to keep her focus on the story rather than her growing obsession for a man she had thought walked out of her life so long ago. Her lust is a wonderful distraction…until it becomes her life on the line.

Desire Me Again anthology

Together at Last – Carol Schoenig
Grace Burrows and Ian Hobbs were high school sweethearts. After three years together, they parted with broken dreams and little hope for the future.

Years later Grace visits the lake where she and Ian had spent many a day. It was to say a final good-bye to her lost dreams before moving on with her life. Lost in the memories, she turns to watch a barking dog running toward her. She loses her balance and falls in the lake. A turn of events brings her face to face with Ian. Is it a reunion filled with hope or is it dead in the water?

Flight to the Stars – Zia Westfield
Nine years ago, Talon LaRue left Vega Cosmos without a word. Now he’s back in her life with an offer she can’t refuse. Help him find a stolen database of supernatural beings and she’ll not only establish her business, she’ll also be protecting her family. But Vega discovers there’s much more at stake. Talon’s life hangs in the balance. Is she willing to let go of old hurts to grasp a second chance at love?

A Convict’s Prayer – Jan SelbourneA Convict's Prayer by Jan Selbourne
Famine, disease, poverty and crime dominates 19th century Ireland, and Eleanor Craddock is just one of the thousands convicted of stealing to survive. However, it is her brother Thomas’s treachery that sentences her to transportation to Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania, Australia) for fourteen years. The only thing that keeps Eleanor going is her prayer that one day she will earn her ticket of leave, because only then can she apply for her two children to join her on the free emigration scheme. This prayer is sorely tested during the long 13,000-mile journey on the convict ship Hope, the brutal Hobart Cascades Female Factory and her years as an assigned servant to the wealthy Ian Franks. Richard Barnett, horse trainer for Franks finds it almost impossible to break through Eleanor’s hard defensive wall until a theft of important documents. This is a true story of two people finding love again.

Renewing Forever – Virginia Wallace
Most of us wander blissfully throughout our daily lives. We pass in and out of crowds on a daily basis, willfully oblivious to those around us. Anonymity is comforting; it simplifies life. But anonymity is a double-edged sword because it can also provide a mask for monsters, allowing them to walk un-detected among us.

But even monsters often seek a sense of normalcy. They run errands, hold down ordinary jobs, and sometimes they even get married. It is in marriage that the difference between plebeian and monster disappears, for all marriages suffer friction. Conflicts can be caused by issues such as children, money, careers, and cultural differences.

David Wollstonecroft has always tried to be a good husband to his wife, Jillian. Jillian was born into a world of shadows, and secrets; she comes from a society quite different from David’s, and thus their marriage occasionally falters. Lately, it almost seems destined to fail.
David, however, is determined to repair the damage…
Because if he can’t, Jillian might literally tear him to pieces.

What’s one to do with a renegade daughter #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

One Woman Only by Dee S. KnightBlurb:
As one of a set of triplets, Jonah Goodman has always stood out as the least academic—and the last one to take the world, or commitment, seriously. Thing is, that’s not really who he is. But who can he convince of that? Not his family, who see him as they always have. And maybe not his one love, the sweetheart he left behind in high school but with whom he is now sharing an erotic holiday. Will he get his second chance to prove to Kelly that he is a loving man who wants more than a sensual few days, but a real relationship with the woman he lost once and doesn’t want to lose again? With that chance and Kelly’s love, Jonah knows that a “good man” can become a better man.

Buy link:

Kindle Unlimited

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:

Kelly’s father cleared his throat again. “Could we get back on topic, please?” Both women shifted their gazes to him. “That’s better. Now Kelly, I want to talk to you about taking your place in the company.”

She blinked. “My place? I don’t have a place in the company.”

“You most certainly do. You’ll take over management. With a proper trial and training period, of course.” Picking up his knife and fork, he speared a piece of onion and casually ate, as if he hadn’t dropped another bombshell.

“Father, don’t you remember when I was about thirteen and wanted to come to the office with you, you said that girls had no place in business? That was for Robbie, even though he was two years younger than me and had no interest in the factory. After a year or so of learning all I could about the embroidery business and even interning for a summer in college, I finally got the point. Even so, I went on to get my MBA, on the outside chance that would convince you to ask me into the business.”

Her dad at least had the grace to look contrite.

“And now, I have no interest. If you’re retiring, it’s Robbie you should talk to. I already have a job.”

“It has to be you. Robbie left the company three months ago and refuses to come back. Ungrateful sonofa—”


“Yes, sorry, dear.” Once more with the throat clearing. “That’s why it has to be you to take over. We’ve been in the embroidery business for three generations. The Shepherd Embroidery plant has been here in Lucky Strike for forty-five years. I won’t sell it. But managing the company will kill me as it did your grandfather if I stick with it. So, you will have to move back and do your duty.”

Her duty. Right. She hadn’t even been home six hours and for the first time she was hearing that her father was sick, he was retiring and expected her to drop her life to help out, and her brother had up and run off to God only knew where. Her stomach roiled in anger. She tightened the grip on her knife and fork to keep from tossing them onto the table like a child having a tantrum. She was an adult, damn it, and she’d handle this like an adult.

“Like hell I will. You expect me to drop everything and rush back here? Forget it. Fifteen years ago—hell, ten years ago, when Brad and I divorced—I might have jumped to do your bidding. But not now.”

Well, maybe she wouldn’t act totally like an adult.

Looking down at her plate, she saw that the gravy had begun to congeal, like the lump in her stomach. The meal that had looked and smelled so delicious a short time ago she now wanted nothing to do with. Was it too much to ask that she be able to have one meal with her parents and not get upset over something?

Except this wasn’t “something.” This was a demand that she change everything in her life, and she wouldn’t do it.

Would. Not.

“I don’t appreciate your attitude,” her mother said.

Fuck it, Mother. I don’t appreciate your attitude much, either.

Author Dee S. Knight:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.









Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:

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The paranormal takes charge! Janelle Barker

Encounters with the Unknown by Janelle BarkerEncounters with The Unknown.
Heightening your senses to the paranormal world. Experience what others have experienced in their waking life. Rocking you to the core, embedding you with goosebumps from head to toe. Delve into the darkness of Ghost and Demonic behaviors. Some of the stories in this psychological book still affects the people that have gone through these experiences. Available now on all Amazon sites and my website

From Annabelle

Last year I met my now ex-boyfriend through a ghost hunt we were both on which was great to share the mutual interest. He had a collection of dolls, which I was not too fond of to begin with however they did soon grow on me. When we started getting more serious, he wanted me to pick a doll which would them become mine. One of these dolls were supposedly haunted which he pointed out to me and although it scared me a little, I was compelled to choose her and gave her the name Willow.

I was told this doll was hexed by a Roman Gypsy family and he came into possession with it from a girl he went to school with as they felt he’d be more respectful towards her. I was told as long as she was on show and acknowledged everyday then she wouldn’t be any trouble.

One night we decided to do a mini investigation at home as I wanted to try and contact Willow on the Ouija board and sure enough, she came through. The energy was the strongest I had ever felt on the board, it was as if she knew how to work the board. She proceeded to tell us that my partner and I were together in a past life and she was our child, that we had hexed her into the doll, so she could wait for us to be all together again. Willow told us the year and our names along with other personal information that my partner could not possibly know. We were both so blown away as it was all so surreal. After this we decided to leave a cat ball on her at all times in case, she wanted to communicate with us throughout the day. At random times she would make the cat ball flash for about 15-20 minutes at a time and then there would be nothing for a long time.

Sadly, my partner and I broke up and I am still in possession of Willow. She now sits up in my bedroom, on my bedside table still with a cat ball on her, which she will set off once in a while, it tends to be when I need guidance. I continue to do Ouija board sessions and without fail she will always come through to me for a little chat and when I am about to close the board I ask ”Do you have any other messages?” she will respond with “I love you mum”. As crazy as this sounds, it warms my heart and I genuinely feel the love from her and towards her as if once upon a time I was her mother, like she told me.

Available on Kindle Unlimited
My website

Meet Janelle:
NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
JB: I was watching a series on Netflix of people’s ghost experiences made into little clips and I thought I could start a book and give the people a voice to tell what they experienced without judgement.

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
JB: To be open minded to what people have gone through in their waking life, they cannot explain why it happened to them. I believe unless you experience some sort of paranormal activity you will always be skeptical, but you should always be open minded that there maybe something other than us that does exist.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.
JB: I believe that everyone loves to read about other people’s experiences in life, well I do. The fun for me was reading and writing this book alone excited me, that people were willing to tell their stories, for me it’s more fascination than fun – per say.

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?|My day job now is promoting and continual writing of more books. Before I started writing, I was a cleaner in Aged Care.

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
I was at a crossroads in my life and did not know what direction to take. Something told me to look at my old diary with poems in it, as I looked at it I wrote more and more then I decided to submit it to a publisher to see if my work was acceptable and they took it on straight away and the rest is history as they say.

NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
JB: Oh gosh! At first they thought I was kidding, its sounds bad but nobody thought I could write books, not even myself at the time, but with perseverance and learning more and more as I write and developing myself and always will be I achieved the impossible in my eyes.

NA: The biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer
JB: Learning to have patience. Hahaha. I did not have patience prior to writing, when I want something done, I want it done now. Well I soon learnt that in the publishing industry nothing goes fast it all takes time and I am still adjust to the lengthy process of it all, but I handle it better now. To hear feedback that people connect with what you write is the best surprise of all, also that I can write Poetry, fiction and non-fiction books ( a variety of Genres is a big surprise ) to me also.  

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
JB: My Poetry has been in international Poetry Digests x 2 worldwide, my work also came in the top 100 Poems digest worldwide, I have had a actor read one of my Poems, my work has been promoted on several platforms. To receive the book in finished product form is the most rewarding experience.

NA: Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write? Action, dialogue, sex?
JB: I cannot write romance or comedy it is just not my expertise.

NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
JB: When I am not writing I am out in nature, camping, fishing, boating, being a mum, wife and nana, and shopping on the internet. Haha.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning.
JB: Thank you, Jesus, for another day.

NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most?
JB: Peeling potatoes and vacuuming.

NA: What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
JB: Oprah Winfrey. She got me through a lot when I was a young single mum, watching her show was inspirational.

NA: What are you working on now?
JB: I am marketing all my 7 books I have authored; soon I will do a volume 2 of the ENCOUNTERS WITH THE UNKNOWN – Ghost stories, and maybe more. I would also like to do another fiction thriller; I will never stop writing I do not think.

NA: What is any question we did not ask that you would like to answer?
JB: The names of my books that are published now are:

Emotives volumes 1 and 2 – volume 2 will be for sale on 22/10/2020

Sounds of the World volumes 1 and 2 both PUBLISHED

Encounters with The Unknown – ghost stories – PUBLISHED

A Biography of Jason King, Ghost Hunter – PUBLISHED

No One Is Safe at Night – Fiction Thriller – WILL BE PUBLISHED in couple weeks.

Amazon Australia
EMOTIVES COLLECTION can also be purchased at Shawline Publishing Group

Janelle BarkerJanelle’s Website

How did I get so attached?? #MFRWauthor

Using smart phonesWhen Jack and I lived in a small town in Virginia, we routinely drove in and out of Richmond and Charlottesville (50 miles and 35 miles respectively) for grocery shopping, plays, dinner, work, etc. and never gave a thought that we were driving those distances on two-lane country roads WITHOUT A DARN CELL PHONE. In fact, there weren’t any cell phones back then. Sure, the thought of breaking down crossed my mind, but houses weren’t spaced out too far, and I just figured I’d walk to one of them and call for help. Now that I have a cell phone? I can’t drive half a mile from home without panicking if I discover I’ve forgotten the phone. I’ve turned into a phone wuss, and I’m not proud of it.

For the longest time, I had a flip phone, long after Goggling on smart phonesmart phones were out. “You have the oldest phone of anyone I know,” a friend once told me. I smacked the lid down on the screen and said, “I use my phone for making calls. I don’t need all that stuff that comes on smart phones.” Sigh. Or for the naivete! Of course, as soon as I got a smart phone I set up weather, Google, a news app, and Solitaire. I am picking the phone up a hundred times a day to do something on it that doesn’t involve making a call.

I am happy to say that I don’t keep my phone with

me all the time. I’m not stuck to it. But every time I’m in one room and an alarm goes off or I receive a call on the phone in a different room, I curse the fact that I don’t have it stuck to me. My, how the mighty have fallen.

What about you? Are you a slave to your phone?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.


Burning Bridges by Anne Krist
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers