New release! When Your Time Is Up: Thoughts from Stephen Paul Tolmie

When Your Time Is Up by Paul TolmieNA: Hi Paul, it’s nice to have you back with us again.

NA: Your new book, When Is Your Time Up has been released, would you like to tell us about it, and what inspired you to write this book?
SPT: I felt I needed to put a lot of my previous thoughts and written material, all together as one complete book. This was to cover all the topics I previously wrote about. Also, as well, as exploring new aspects of escaping death, coming back from death, and the concept of guardian angels. The main reason was to explore my concept of being given a number at birth, when you descend from heaven, and that you will not die till that number comes up?

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
SPT: The main thing I want people to take from reading this book, is that you have so little precious time on this earth (as you have been given a specific number, to have time on this earth). Not to waste it but to make sure you leave your footprint in the sand, that you were in fact here, and left a lasting impression. You only get one chance at leaving a lasting impression, so make it count!!

NA: What was the hardest part of writing?
SPT: The hardest part of writing this book was to come up with appropriate poems. I totally wrote these poems to capture the moment on the subject, I was dealing with at the time. I wanted the poetry to reflect what I felt as the author and what message I was trying to get across with my poetry. I wanted to make an impact or lasting impression on the reader to feel or at least think, he or she got the message I was sending out. Hopefully some of the poetry was felt by the reader to reflect back on lost loved ones and their emotions at that time, and now on how they felt after reading the poetry?

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
SPT: I guess what started me on the path of writing a book was two things. The most important was after my wife’s death to write a book as a tribute to her called “Now You Have Her…Now You Don’t”. This was to explain her fight with cancer and to showcase her strength and her love for me doing this fight.

The second reason was that it was something on my bucket list that I always thought that I wanted to do. The thing that amazed me, was that I am 7 books later and still enjoying writing as a hobby. I truly hope that I am having some impact on my readers, of my thoughts, convictions and purpose in writing, as a “SELF HELP” type book that people could connect with.

NA: The biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer
SPT: I guess the biggest surprise as an author/writer of books is how enjoyable a hobby it is, as it keeps your mind active, and making you plan a new book idea. Also, your plan on how you are going to approach that particular topic.

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
SPT: Compliments on my writing. How in some cases it was just the right book for them to read at that particular moment in time? This book writing game to me is not about selling books as I mostly give my books away to friends and family. My sole purpose is to get the feedback of their opinions, and expression, of their inner feeling, that is worth much more than money to me. Knowing my idea of writing a book on a certain topic is well received and appreciated for its content, and that to me is what writing is all about.

NA: A pet peeve.
SPT: A pet peeve for me is not the writing of the book but all the frustrations and problems from the publisher. They are so intense about every word and saying in the book that they go over it with a fine-tooth comb. I realize that they have to do this, so there is no slander or lawsuits pending but it goes further than this. You have to go through so many people to finally get to the publication process. You have to have all your ducks in a row as permission from your graphic designer, to use his work even though it was your idea and only his skill in creating your idea.

NA: What are you working on now?
SPT: I am taking a break from writing any more books at the moment and just taking time to smell the roses and enjoy a less stressful time in my life.

NA: What is any question we didn’t ask that you would like to answer?
SPT: I guess in closing is that I would like to say to any potential writers/authors out there to write from your heart and on what you know and feel about the subject .You’re going into a period of the unknown, into your mind’s zone to find your inner feeling on the subject, to look at the both good and bad possibly on the issue, so be true to yourself!

Buy links:
Barnes and Noble
Author House

Stephen Paul TomieFind out more about Paul through his social media links. And read more about his first book, The Quest, here.

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On a planet far, far away #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

The Triple S Bride by Dee S. KnightBlurb:
For most women, one husband is more than enough to handle. But Sabina Volt has three mates. Gosh, that would have been nice to know before she’d left Earth in the dust. Being a mail-order bride on a planet far, far away might be more of a challenge than she’d anticipated.

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MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
“Do you need help with your bags, ma’am?”

Sabina Volt looked up into the earnest young face of the transporter steward. He set her two duffel bags beside the seat, retrieved from the storage closet assigned her. Once petrified of stepping aboard a plane or shuttle, Sabina now wished she could hide in the cabin and avoid disembarking. She no longer had that option—she had to get off.

She shoved to her feet. “No thanks. These are all I have.” A glance up the aisle showed an empty cabin. Though the young man’s face didn’t show impatience, he probably wished she’d get her sorry ass in gear so he could leave.

The steward politely stood aside so she could follow the flashing green lights embedded in the floor leading to the hatch. Dragging her feet as much as possible, dread building with each step, she made her way.

How had she ended up here? It had been sheer madness, signing a contract as a mail-order bride to a man she didn’t know in order to escape a man she knew all too well. But the remaining ache from nearly-healed broken ribs proved that most any action would be better than staying on Earth as Kevin Groman’s punching bag.

“Thank you for flying with us,” said another steward at the hatch.

“Sure,” Sabina muttered. Hopefully she wouldn’t soon fly with them or anyone else. Not back to Earth at least, or anywhere near her former fiancé.

She took a deep breath, eyeing the length of insulated portable structure connecting the shuttle to the terminal. You’ve come this far. Don’t turn coward now. “It’s going to be all right,” she muttered. “Buck up.”

The lights in the terminal stung her eyes, and after the quiet of the shuttle the noise struck her like a living thing. Comm sets dotted the walls every fifty feet or so, all sending out the latest news from Earth at top decibels. Dozens of people, mostly men and shuttle crews, stood around watching the sets or holding shouted conversations over the din. She blinked and stood a moment, adjusting to the new environment.

Then she saw him. Or at least, the cowboy with crossed arms who leaned insolently against the check-in desk sure looked like Walter Sheridan. She’d stared at his hologram often enough to have his features memorized, yet the man watching her wasn’t exactly what she expected.

His face looked sculpted from stone, with a squared chin and sharp cheekbones. Wives’ tales claimed smiling caused wrinkles, but no tell-tale lines marred this man’s face. He had the coloring of someone with brown hair, but she couldn’t tell the color because a sweat-stained, dusty cowboy hat covered his head. When their gazes met, his eyes gave her pause. Green as late spring fields depicted in laser paintings, they were also penetrating and unforgiving. This man wouldn’t trust easily or give any quarter. Like Kevin.

Oh, God. She couldn’t breathe. For a panicky moment she thought she might pass out. Turn around! Get back on that shuttle. Make them pry you out if need be. She swung back toward the door only to find it locked. Fanning her face with her hand, she had no choice but to find someplace to hide. Coming here had been a mistake, a horrible mistake. Run! Anywhere would be better than—

“Are you okay?”

She didn’t look but knew instinctively who stood beside her and took her elbow. He firmly guided her to a chair. When she sat, he forced her head down between her knees.

“Breathe,” he ordered.

“I’m fine,” Sabina said at last, and she did feel better, though a little silly. Kevin was a long way off. It might have taken her half a year and two beatings, but she finally regained her mind, took back her life and escaped him. The method might prove cowardly and impulsive, but she didn’t care. As long as coming here didn’t mean jumping from the solar roaster into the core generator.

Please don’t let Walter be like Kevin!

With her head down she couldn’t help but notice the dust covering his boots and the hems of his worn jeans. This was the way he came to meet his new bride? The lack of care on his part didn’t bode well. She chose this planet for its distance from Earth and Kevin, thinking her former fiancé would never find her here, or think it not worth the trouble and expense to come for her. She had to stay, she had to. Yet if Walter took so little care when coming to meet his new bride, what did it say about his wanting a wife? “I’m fine,” she repeated, then added, “Thanks.”

Then she had no choice. She looked up. And up. Warm pools of emerald colored eyes stared back with a hint of worry. His shirt wasn’t in much better shape than his jeans and boots. A threadbare collar topped a dull khaki colored shirt almost completely faded. Spots of rust-red plaid marked the fabric here and there. He’d rolled up his sleeves, showing muscled, tanned forearms sprinkled with light-colored hair.

“Are you Sabina Volt?”

She nodded.

He stared a moment longer, examining her face. He must have agreed that she was better because he said, “I’d about given up on you bein’ on the transport. Everyone else who got off is long gone. Let’s get out of here.” He scooped up her bags and took a few steps away before stopping to turn around and look. His gaze softened. “You comin’, or do you need another minute?”

In that instant she knew this man was nothing like Kevin. Kevin wouldn’t have given her a moment’s thought. Sabina’s stomach stopped its loop-de-loops, and her head quit spinning. Standing, she said, “Before we go, I’d just like to be sure of who you are.”

He took in a breath and huffed it out. “We don’t have time to waste pulling out papers. You have my hologram. You should know I’m Walt Sheridan. Your future husband.” He stared and waited, as though letting that sink in. “Now hurry. My truck’s parked outside and the sooner we get going the better.”

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Sealing the deal #MFRWsteam

The Triple S Bride by Dee S. KnightThe Triple S Bride

Sabina Volt signs on to be a futuristic mail order bride in an effort to escape her abusive fiancé on Earth. And oh, yeah, the attempted murder charge he trumped up to bring her back from wherever she escaped. She flew off into the universe to marry rancher Walt Sheridan on C8282, but she is in for a surprise. She thinks she’s marrying Walt. Instead, she’s marrying the Sheridans: Walt and his two brothers, Charlie and Dan. C8282 holds all kinds of new dangers—versas and grenetts and more—but it also holds a whole lot a lovin’.

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Barnes and Noble

MFRW SteamExcerpt:
Walt nearly lost control. He found Sabrina’s lips and kissed her with all the pent up longing of a man who’d been without sex far too long. In the eight years he and his brothers had lived on C8282, he mostly worked off sexual tension on the ranch.

His trips to Harken City proved unsatisfactory and now he knew why. Being with a whore in no way compared to having Sabina touch him, or ride his cock, even through their clothes. He’d wanted her with something akin to pain since she stepped off the shuttle and now—Lord have mercy, she was his. As soon as they sealed the contract by consummating the marriage, he could have her any time he wanted. In his mind’s eye he saw nights stretching out to eternity filled with wanting Sabina.

She moaned into his mouth and he took charge, slipping his tongue between her lips and past her teeth into the hot, wet recess of her mouth. His brain ran through all the reasons why they should wait. They didn’t know each other, didn’t know if things would work. She was vulnerable and alone in a strange place.

And then there was the small matter of her arrest warrant on Earth. Quickly, he rejected every objection. On C8282, folks lived life by different standards than on Earth. He had no proof, but he thought there was more to the attempted murder claim than had been portrayed on the Comm.

Right now he couldn’t concentrate on that. With her hot twat mere inches from his dick, he didn’t give a flying fuck about what some guy light years away said about his bride.

Yeah, oh God, yeah. He thrust his tongue and pulled out, thrust and pulled back, which seemed to please her. She rubbed his cock harder, sending shockwaves through his body. In moments he’d be mindless with need. He kneaded her firm, round ass through her jeans, then pushed up her bra and palmed her nipple, already beaded and hard. If he could press his finger against her clit and into her pussy, he knew he’d find her wet and ready. She was all woman. All for him. God, he wanted her.

“I thought you were dead,” she blurted.

Her hands roamed over him, alternately rubbing and caressing. Which pleased him more he couldn’t say, the almost innocent brushing of her fingers or the bold grip as she traveled up and down his length. His close call with the versa didn’t even rank in the top ten things on his mind.

“Versa,” he managed to say. “Dead.” God, her breast felt good. So heavy in his hand. He stroked her nipple with his thumb. She arched her back, pressing into him. More than anything he wanted to lose himself in her. He pushed her away far enough to pull her blouse over her head, still buttoned. “Get you out of those clothes,” he mumbled, seeing her breast at last. He cupped it, testing its weight, admiring its full roundness, softer than a grenett’s coat. She trembled at his touch and he about lost it.

“What’s a versa?”

Her fingers furrowed through his hair sending shivers down his back. He lifted her, fitting his mouth over her nipple and sucking. A fragrance struck his nostrils. Lilacs. She must have dabbed perfume in the deep dip between her breasts. For me? He liked the possibility.

The scent knocked him off kilter, throwing him into memories of Earth, where he’d grown up. Sweet God, making love to Sabina would be like—

He almost thought heaven on Earth, but long ago he’d left the notion of both places behind. A sense of rightness, of wholeness settled over him.

“What’s a versa?” she repeated.

“What?” Walt fought the haze of lust to focus on her question. “Oh. They roam wild here. Mostly at night.” He dropped kisses along her jawline. “Very dangerous. But don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.”

“I believe you.”

She said the words softly, but her tone showed she meant it. A place deep inside warmed with something other than lust, other than want and need. C8282 was dangerous in a way Earth wasn’t. He knew that a stranger to the planet would need his care, expertise and experience, and he’d been prepared to provide it to Sabina as he would to any newcomer. This was far greater. His overwhelming desire to protect her surprised him.

He’d pulled the versa carcass to the side of the road, and others would be coming to investigate, following the scent of blood. Instead of fucking, he should be keeping watch and making sure Sabina stayed safe inside the truck.

Too bad about that. Making her truly his sealed his role, made her part of his family. He wanted that more than he imagined he would.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “nothing will hurt you.”

“I wasn’t worried.” She ran her thumb across his bottom lip. “Not now.”

He took her thumb inside his mouth and sucked, all the while fumbling to unzip her slacks.

Staring at his mouth she licked her lips. “Let me,” she said, eyes glazed. She slipped off his lap.

Walt heard a zipper and the rustle of clothes coming off while he ripped off his T-shirt and pushed his jeans to his knees. His cock pulsed, aching for relief.

Seconds later, Sabina straddled him again. Immediately she guided his throbbing cock to her pussy and sank onto it.

When she would have risen to her knees, Walt gripped her hips. It was keep her from moving or shooting off like an inexperienced kid with his first girl. Instead, he took a moment to appreciate what he held. Her blue eyes shone with desire. Back arched, her firm, round tits offered themselves to him and he took a sweet lick. Her body was perfect, absolutely perfect.

“It’s a little late, but are you sure? This binds us, you know. If you’ve changed your mind, I’ll put this moment aside.” He had to say it just in case, but he hoped like hell she wanted this as much as he did.

She didn’t speak with words. She rolled her hips over his, seating his cock and scraping her sex across his thatch of hair. Nothing she could have said would have made him any happier.

I love humidity…NOT! #MFRWauthor

Summer in VirginiaFor most of my adult life I lived in the South. That is, Virginia (mostly), North and South Carolina. While the winters in those places can be described as mild—not too much snow, but ice instead (yikes!)—even winter has its problems. When it does turn cold and the wind blows, the humidity in the air causes it to to cut right through you. Still, it’s better than having feet of snow to dig through. When we do have ice and snow, it doesn’t usually last too long.

Summers, however, can be downright awful. The temperatures climb well into the 90s F (nto the 30s for you Celsius people 😉) for a good part of July and August. Heat can be hard to take, but heat merged with humidity can drain you of all energy. You sweat more and can easily get dehydrated. Honestly, some days, it’s like breathing water. Humidity + heat is an all-around awful thing!

As I write this, in Greenwood, SC (one place we used to live) it’s 91 degrees FCardinal in the snow (32 C) with a humidity (the amount of moisture in the air) of 57%. That means that the heat index (the temperature it feels like) is 100 degrees (38 C). In Orlando, FL (another place I used to live), the temperature is 93 F (34 C) with humidity of 54%. The heat index is 103 F (40 C). Glad I’m not there today!

Now, Jack and I live in lovely Idaho, and a very dry climate. When we were trucking, we used to say that in Arizona, at 115 F, dry heat doesn’t matter—hot is hot. But we have a dry climate here, too. Some days in August the temperature might get above 100 F for a few days, but the humidity is so low it doesn’t feel too bad. Right now our temperature is 80 F (26.8 C) but the humidity is 32%. The heat index is right at 79 F (36 C). Since we also almost always have a breeze, this is a great climate. Another thing about where we live now, in the evening, as the sun goes down, our temperatures will drop 20-30 degrees. In Virginia, I can’t tell you the number of nights the temperature dropped only 15 degrees until well into the late night/early morning, meaning we slept in uncomfortable conditions.

In the winter, our temperatures can plummet below freezing, but they don’t as a rule, stay that low for very long. The only place we have enjoyed temperatures so much was in San Francisco. Even when the days were hot, the fog would literally roll down the streets from the ocean (like in a scary movie) and the temperatures would drop immediately.

We love where we live now, and a lot of that has to do with the lovely climate!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.


Burning Bridges by Anne Krist

One Woman Only

Only a Good Man Will Do

Naval Maneuvers

NSW Climate—Jan Selbourne #MFRWauthor

What do you like/dislike about the climate where you live?

Winter in AustraliaThe official version of the climate in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, is mild and characterised by four very distinct seasons. The tourism people say much the same when advertising the coastal areas and wineries. They are diplomatically referring to three of the four seasons.

My favourite season is autumn, mainly because it’s a welcome relief after summer. We don’t have the lovely autumnal colours of the norther hemisphere, but the pleasant days and cool nights are, for me, the best.
Winter begins in June but it’s not until July and August that we begin to shiver. However, snow occasionally falls on the Barrington Tops and I’m convinced the icy winds aim straight for my house.

Late July into August we see the first wattle which means spring isn’t far Wattle floweraway, and it is nice. This year the change from winter to spring happened virtually overnight. Last week we were shivering from awful cold August winds and today, 2nd September, it’s a lovely 23 degrees and a warm breeze. After the drought breaking rains fell last February, and continued through autumn and winter, the spring countryside is looking fabulous. Green everywhere, daisies popping up all over and my climbing rose is covered in yellow blooms.

I left summer until last because it’s my dislike. The climate and tourism people tell us the Hunter Valley average maximum temperatures between December and February range from about 27 degrees C (81F) along the coastline to 30 degrees C inland (86F) The climate and tourism people were sitting inside a fridge when they penned those figures. December’s temperatures, between high 20s and mid 30s are just warm-ups for what’s to come in January and February. Humid 30s to 40’s without much relief.

Last summer, during the worst fires in living memory, the Hunter Valley turned on a few 45 degrees days, just to remind us who was boss. The sun might have gone down at night, but I don’t think the temperature followed. You can see why autumn is my favourite season.

I’m three likes and one dislike, so I guess I am very fortunate – as long as I get can through summer.

What do you think?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Jan Selbourne

Perilous Love
The Proposition
The Woman Behind the Mirror
Lies of Gold—Silver Historical for 2019: Coffee Pot Book Club

Charity Sunday: Gi Go Fund

Charity Sunday: Dee S. Knight

How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

To often, when our troops return home from duty, they have a hard time adjusting. Veterans sometimes need help beyond what their families can provide, or maybe they don’t have a family. In those cases, the Gi Go Fund can help. Their mission: To assist “veterans, active-duty personnel, their family members, veteran supporters, and all members of the military community with finding employment, connecting to their benefits, and accessing housing opportunities.”

“GI Go Fund was first founded to show veterans gratitude and support. Originally designed as a small community effort to provide veterans with days of relaxation, the organization quickly expanded to serve as a one-stop place for veterans to receive. Since the organization’s founding, they have helped tens of thousands of veterans with unique and innovative services, gaining nationwide recognition and changing the way people think of supporting our veterans.”

What a worthwhile cause! I hope you will comment and allow me to support this group as best I can. Thank you!

Ihope you enjoy this excerpt from a novella, Perfect to the Corps.

Perfect to the Corps by Dee S. KnightBlurb:
The powerful attraction between Lisa and Bran is like a lightning strike, sizzling hot, heart-stoppingly fast, incredibly right—until she discovers the truth behind their chemistry, and his deception.

“He’s still looking at you.”

“He, who?” Lisa Adamson feigned ignorance of her friend Donna Parker’s reference. In fact, she had been trying to keep from staring back at the drop-dead gorgeous man sitting at the end of the bar for the past half hour. What she had gleaned from the corner of her eye was that he wasn’t making the same effort to hide his interest in her. When she turned her head once to catch a peek, he’d caught her eye and smiled, and for a brief, heated moment, she had wanted to smile back. She’d had the urge to pretend she was twenty-five again, unworried, unmarried. Unwidowed.

“Yeah, right,” Donna said before taking a sip of her mai-tai. “I wish I could even imagine he was staring at me like that.”

“You’re married.”

“Don’t I know it.” Donna huffed a laugh and then sighed. “I’d give a lot to be lusted after by a guy like him. Hell, I’d love it if Sam would just look at me like that now and then. Unfortunately, my body not only feels like I’ve had three kids, it looks it.”

Grinning, Lisa said, “Such Is the curse of an English teacher who has thousands of papers to grade while sitting at her desk. You should have gone in for phys. ed., like I did.”

“Don’t be smug.” Donna grumbled.

“I have reason. Phys. ed. has few tests that have to be graded and no essays,” Lisa said, laughing. “And don’t give me that hang-dog look. You’re only a size larger than you were in college, and you know it. Are you sure the Hot Hunk isn’t staring at you?”

Two sizes, and let’s just test that theory, shall we?” Donna turned to face the man fully, smiled like the beauty queen she used to be and held up her mai-tai in a welcoming salute.

“Oh, god,” Lisa groaned, closing her eyes and slumping down in her seat. But she cracked open one eye enough to see him fix his gaze on her. Her heart stopped. For a moment—for one breath-taking moment—she thought Mark sat at the bar, sending that cocky, sure smile her way. She used to melt under the power of that smile and then do anything he asked to make him happy.

And she had. Or rather, they made each other happy, for six years and five months, through one rough deployment to Iraq and a second even rougher one, when he didn’t come back.

“He’s coming over. And yes, I’m sure he’s not staring at me.”

Lisa snapped out of her daydream. “What?” Sure enough, tall, dark and handsome ambled their way, balancing another mai-tai for Donna and two beers. “What have you done?”

“Something we should have done twenty-seven minutes ago. He’ll liven up this dreary, rainy day. Good thing we decided to stay inside instead of going to the outlet mall.”

His walk seemed casual but he was controlled, very controlled. Lisa watched carefully. He appeared to be totally focused on her, but with a small turn of his head he took in everything and everyone in the bar. Something about the way he managed to know what went on around him and yet made her feel the center of attention was sexy and flattering. Her pulse pounded. Who was this man, and why was he headed straight for her?

“Oh. My. God,” Donna whispered. “He’s even more gorgeous up close.”

Lisa concentrated on nothing but biceps bulging beneath a light blue tee, broad shoulders, jeans hugging narrow hips. He must have been six feet at least, and all of him, from slightly shaggy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes to well-worn sneakers was nothing short of perfection.

“Ladies,” he said. “I took the liberty of bringing refills.”

“And not a moment too soon,” Donna said, pushing aside her empty glass as she accepted a fresh mai-tai.

“And an indy brew for you.” He placed a brown bottle in front of Lisa.

“How did you know this is what I like?”

Before answering, he raised his brows and pointed his own bottle toward one of the empty chairs.

“Please, join us,” Donna said. “Any god who brings drinks to thirsty ladies is welcome.”

“Thanks.” He slid into the chair nearest Lisa. “I don’t want this to sound spooky, but I have been sitting over there for quite a while. I saw when you got your last two orders.”

“And you paid attention,” Lisa said.

“I did.”

He smiled, a crooked little smile that showed one deep dimple. It washed over her like sunshine, pushing the darkness of the last two years away. Lost, she blinked, trying to remember Mark and how he’d filled her life, indeed how they’d started filling each other’s lives right here on this beach, in the hotel room up the hall from the one she and Donna shared this week.

But right here, right now, she couldn’t tear her gaze from this man.

“You two are making me horny,” Donna said, taking a healthy gulp of fruity rum.

“Donna!” Lisa gasped out on a laugh. Perfect Stranger laughed, too.
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Charity Sunday: Hurricane’s Heroes

Charity Sunday: Dee S. KnightHow Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

What happens to military and law enforcement dogs who are retired? Some of the lucky ones are adopted, maybe by their previous partners. But due to the services they provided when on duty, they often need specialized care. Hurricane’s Heroes help with that. Hurricane’s Heroes “…provides ‘retired law enforcement and military dogs’ with subsidized veterinary care so they can live a long and healthy life. Often these incredible dogs are the unsung heroes behind the operations put in place to keep us safe.”
Dog handlers and the rest of the team depend on the skills of these remarkable animals. I’m looking forward to contributing to their chance to retire and be “just dogs.”

I can’t think right off of a book I’ve written that has a dog, but I have one that features a horse, so that’s what I’m featuring today.
Regan, Book 1 of the Sisters O’Ryan series

Regan by Jenna StewartBlurb:
Joining in the westward migration, Davey and Regan O’Ryan Stone bought an Oregon farm sight unseen, hungering for adventure. Davey regretted the impulse far past the point of no return, and then he died. Now, unskilled and alone on her farm, Regan fears going home a failure—as a daughter, a wife and a farmer. With money quickly running out, she gladly accepts the offer of help from Seth Pratt, an acquaintance from the wagon train, and his friend Haywood Lawrence.

One-armed Seth seeks work at the remote farm at the end of an Oregon trail with low expectations. When he finds Regan, alone and widowed, he tamps down desire. She deserves better than a man handicapped in war, searching for his soul. She’s worthy of someone like his Shakespeare-spouting, best friend, Hay. Nothing could have prepared Seth for Regan’s simple solution—that both men stay. On the farm and in her bed.
“I might not have recognized her right off, but I sure haven’t ever forgotten her, Koda,” he whispered. “She’s alone out here, and she needs help.” The horse nodded his head and then whinnied. “You’re right,” Seth conceded. “It’s too much to think there’s a place for me here.”

Book links:

Koda stomped his front left hoof and shook his mane, before calmly munching on another mouthful of hay.

Seth clicked his tongue. “I know. There’s no need my arguing with the notion.”

“So you do carry on conversations with your horse, Mr. Pratt.”

Seth spun around, dropping the brush. “Mrs. Stone. I didn’t hear you.”

She smiled. “I only came down to make sure you found everything to your satisfaction.”

“The bunkroom is nice, and Koda is very happy with his stall.”

She stepped forward and stroked the Appaloosa’s nose. “He’s beautiful. What does Koda mean?”

“It’s Sioux for friend.”

“Well named.” Regan took a carrot from her pocket and fed it to the horse. She gestured toward the pinto in the neighboring stall. “That’s Twinkle. It’s Carolinian for she makes my eyes shine. At least according to my daddy. He says when he gave her to me for my fifteenth birthday, my eyes lit up. He named the horse on the spot.” She strolled over to feed Twinkle a carrot, too.

Hay came around the stall and leaned on the post. Seth didn’t care at all for the familiar way his eyes followed Regan Stone’s every movement. Then Seth leaned against Koda and gave in, watching her graceful walk. Her voice fell on his ears like a melody. Auburn tendrils escaped from a loose bun and framed her small, round face. Her father had named the horse aptly. Her eyes did twinkle, but not just when she looked at the pinto. Her height lent her a regal air. He longed to hold her against him. With her slender frame and unusual height, they would fit perfectly.

Don’t think about it. It will never happen. Daydreams aside, the differences in their social stature and culture leapt out at him. Still, arousal struck just watching her stroke her horse’s nose. He imagined her stroking him and gasped at the flame of desire that struck. When she swung back toward him he thought she must have heard.

“I almost forgot!” She smiled over Seth’s shoulder to the next stall. “Here’s a carrot for your horse, too, Hay.” Then she walked to the end stall where another horse stood quietly. “And one for you, Jethro.”

Seth didn’t think to wonder about the fourth horse in the barn. His conscious thought stopped when she called Hay Hay. Seth knew her first, or knew of her, more accurately, and that scoundrel had worked his charm on her to the point she already used his nickname. Good thing he was leaving. The knowledge that Hay would soon be far from Regan took the sting out of the fact that he, too, had to go now that there was no job.

“…I’ll see you then,” she said.

What had she said? His indignation over her use of Hay had waylaid his mind. “All right,” he replied, hoping he wouldn’t end up making a damn fool of himself.

With another smile, she strode from the barn leaving Seth in more emotional turmoil than he’d known in years.

“Now there’s a nice lady,” Hay said.

“She’s awright.” Seth vigorously set to work on Koda’s coat, not wanting to talk to Hay about anything right now, but especially not about Regan.

“All right? Bullshit, my taciturn friend. Too bad there’s no job after all. I might have considered staying on for awhile myself.”

“Right, too bad.”

Hay’s laugh came through the wooden slats. “I think she likes you.”

“Sure. Talk about bullshit.” Since coming home from the war, Seth made a habit of not meeting people’s eyes. Pity filled others’ expressions all too often and he didn’t like dealing with it. His heart had stuttered when he took a good look at the woman standing at the foot of the porch steps. Regan Stone had made an impression that one, brief time they’d met, but he’d kept his distance after that.

“She remembered you. She didn’t remember me. We were on that wagon train together, weren’t we?”

She had remembered him, hadn’t she? “Not hard to recollect a man with one arm. As for you, too bad you’re so damn forgettable.”

Hay laughed again. His laughter was one reason Seth enjoyed his company so much. Though he rarely engaged in the activity, he couldn’t help thinking his soul benefitted from the sound.

“You and I both know too many ladies along our path who disprove that theory,” Hay taunted.

“You have left quite an impression on the women of the west. Not all of it favorable, I might add.”

“Still, I wouldn’t mind rolling around the bed with our lovely widow. I wonder if she would consider—”

Before he could utter another word, Seth had Hay pinned to the stall. “You will not touch her in a frivolous manner. She’s no light skirt, you bastard.”

Hay’s face split into a wide grin. “I knew it. You like her, too.”

“She’s a widda, for God’s sake. Not even out of mournin’.”

“I know,” Hay said softly. “I was only shittin’ you.”

Seth huffed and let Hay go. “Yeah, well, go to hell.”

Hay slapped Seth’s back. “I think you have a touch of lovesickness, man. Maybe you should give up this idea of settling down and come with me to the coast. There’s bound to be something exciting for a couple of troublemakers like us that will take your mind off the beautiful widow.”

“I think I’ll stick it out around here for a while. Maybe look in town for a job.”

Hay shook his head. “She has you flustered, I can tell.”

Seth went back to finish Koda. “How?”

“You rarely talk to a person this much.” Hay chuckled and picked up his jacket.

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Relaunch! The Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

This is so exciting! Eileen Troemel is relaunching her fabulous Wayfarer series. What an opportunity to binge read–and no waiting for the next book to be published. I’m pumped!


Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

Wayfarer Aegis (prequel)  (Pages: 75)
Pilot Adara Stone boarded the Aegis, an explorer class ship, to make a journey into unknown space.

Adara Stone – pilot for the Interstellar Planets Union services.

She’s half Wayfarer and half human and Captain James’ last choice as a pilot.  Excited for her first long contract and explorer class ship, Adara knows she’ll spend seven years flying a ship in unknown space. She can’t wait to see what’s out there.

By the book, Captain Alden James does not want anyone varying from his flight plan.  He quickly loses patience with Adara breaking protocol.

Adara craves a family but finds only recrimination and punishment.  She taps into the skills dismissed by her captain and the services in order to be the best pilot she can be.  When Fate intervenes, will her Wayfarer skills be enough?

Wayfarer  (Pages: 184)
“Just sign your contract and be there by 1700,” Decker said.  He knew he just hired trouble.

Recovered from the disaster of the Aegis, Adara longs to fly in space again.

Emotionally and physically battered, she applies to every piloting position but her heart and soul long to fly the Pritchard.  The Manu investigatory ship requires all types of flying from chasing raiders, rescuing ships in danger, and getting investigators on site.

Captain Decker Flannery gets to hire his entire crew for the first time.  He doesn’t want some damaged pilot to mess with the balance of his crew.  When one of his pilots takes a better offer, he has no choice but to hire Adara Stone, highest ranking survivor from the Aegis.  He doesn’t want her on his ship, he thinks she’s trouble.

Can Decker see through Adara’s quiet and discover more than he bargained for?

Wayfarer Clans  (Pages: 175)
Estranged from her family at ten, Adara Stone finds herself embroiled in a crime wave where the Pritchard might be hunting her family.

Are Wayfarer Clans kidnapping children, teen girls, and scientists?

A rash of kidnappings lead Adara to suggest a Wayfarer clan is adding to their clan. Chasing down a stolen Science Corp vessel, Adara Stone beats the pilot and rescues the ship and all its occupants.  The pilot of the ship shocks Adara.

Decker and Adara struggle to cope with her family relations as the crew dives deeper into the kidnapping cases.  Friction arises between the two.

Will her family put a wall between Decker and Adara?

Wayfarer Immemorial  (Pages: 195)
Hailed as Hero of the Aegis, Adara Stone confronts her fears while her enemies in the Barion race target her and her maite saol Decker Flannery.

The Barions are back!

Decker wants Adara nowhere near the memorial but she insists on helping the survivors and the families of those lost on the Aegis.

With her plate full as a new clan leader, Adara leaves security up to Decker, Franklin, and Paul.  Her only requirement – she must attend the memorial service.

Barion battlecruisers invade the Services space while a rogue Barion attempts to meet privately with Adara.

Will Decker and Adara survive this encounter with the Barions?

The Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

Wayfarer Negotiator  (Pages: 266)
Chaos reigns – until Adara negotiates a settlement.

A riot on a space station throws Adara Stone into a new role.

When Wayfarers clash with shopkeepers, Adara’s asked to step in to settle the dispute.

Decker’s parents are visiting but he doesn’t want her to meet them.  He leaves her on the ship while he spends time with his family.  Until Avin’s, the Etienne hunter, murder case interrupts with an important break.

Negotiating, Decker and Adara clash over her continued health issues.

Can they come together to negotiate a peaceful settlement?

Wayfarer Wedding  (Pages: 198)
A demanding future mother-in-law, a secret mission, and a thousand guests, Adara’s on edge and ready to elope.

Adara and Decker’s big day fast approaches!

Before they can wed, her family is sent on a covert mission to collect information on a hostile race.

Decker’s mother makes demands on how the wedding should be causes tension in an already stressful situation.

Will Adara and Decker be able to protect her family and return in time to have their wedding?

Wayfarer Trials  (Pages: 230)
Her senses on overload, Adara discovers more skills as she faces one hazard after another.

Humans only!

Returning from their honeymoon, Adara and Decker with their crew face a rash of attacks on non-human females.

New trainees bring a sense of danger.  Decker and Paul try to protect Adara through a series of explosive events.

Can Adara protect her people with her skills?

The Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

Wayfarer Destruction  (Pages:  215)
Everything Adara loves is threatened.  Will she be able to save the Pritchard and her crew or will she lose all she loves again?

Someone wants Adara dead – again.

A disastrous first flight leads Franklin to expose sabotage and industrial espionage threatening Adara’s life.  Orders come down, Adara and Decker are to seek out and meet with the Hettians. They are to return the Hettian prisoners to their home world.

Dr. Nukpana is on the loose, trying to recruit Wayfarers and testing his formula on humans.  The bodies pile up while Adara and Decker cope with an arrogant and foolish diplomat.

Everything Adara loves is threatened. Many she holds dear are at risk. Will she be able to save the Pritchard and her crew? Or will she lose all she loves again?

Wayfarer Freedom  (Pages: 267)
Decker sustains an injury while protecting Adara.  Will the forces against Adara and the Wayfarer succeed in eliminating her?

Adara can’t shake her grief.

Without a ship and home, she feels untethered. Adara is pulled in many directions with her negotiations, training, and consulting. In the chaos of all her responsibilities, her life is threatened.  Is it because of the crimes she’s helped solve, the enemies she’s made at Command or with Nukpana?  Who is after her?  She struggles to find her balance as Decker is injured protecting her.

Wayfarer independence comes before the legislature.  The clan leaders decide Adara is the best woman for addressing the large assembly.  Adara would like anyone else to do it but agrees because her people need her to.

Will she be able to persuade them to give Wayfarer their independent status?

Wayfarer Salvation  (Pages: 252)
Adara, Decker and the Command staff fumble their way through a crime wave, a pregnancy, and the growing pains of a new ship.

Adara’s pregnant!

Adara and Decker experience the fears and joys of expecting their child.  Fears remain from the previous miscarriage.  Decker wants to protect her, shelter her.

With twists and turns of crime fighting, pregnancy issues, and growing pains, the crew of the Phoenix fumble their way through the first days of their contracts with Decker, Hal, Adara, and all the command staff trying to guide them.

Will they succeed on the new ship?

The Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

Wayfarer Expansion  (Pages: 232)
First contact with a new race, Adara’s assistants get in a bar fight, and Decker tries to restrict her.

Friend or foe?

Mostly over her morning sickness, Adara juggles Decker being over protective, a new relationship for her niece Jolen, and meeting a new race.  While escorting settlers to a new planet, Adara and Decker meet the Tuscalain people.

Will they be as dangerous as the Hettians or an ally?

Wayfarer Acceptance  (Pages: 204)
Giving birth in a shuttle, Adara and Decker escape kidnappers as they discover who has been behind all the threats.

Adara gives birth!

Their daughter arrives early and under less than ideal circumstances.

Finally they learn why so many attempts have been made on Adara’s life. While Adara and Decker get used to being parents, Jolen and Tillie take on a hacker. Rhia and Bas work on a murder case.

Adara meets thirteen year old Bethania from the Holy Cross. The Holy Cross is an old private vessel carrying too many people.

It spells disaster.

Wayfarer Convictions  (Pages: 283)
Raiders, Tuscalains, a Services efficiency expert, and a firebug amounts to just another day on the job for Adara and Decker.

Raiders, Tuscalains, and cold cases!

Walter Farento, a services efficiency expert observes the Phoenix. Rhia fumbles for leads in her cold case, while the hacker eludes Jolen. Avin hunts a firebug. Sabotage threatens the assembly of a new station. A breakthrough in the cold case points to something deeper and more sinister.

It all amounts to just another day on the job for Adara and Decker

The Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

Wayfarer Limits  (Pages: 193)
Racial unrest ripples across the human territory, hitting close to home with Adara’s family.

Command changes the rules.

Disagreeing without fighting, Adara and Decker face the new challenges as Command issues new mandates restricting how all members do their jobs.  Tension rises on the ship and across the human territory.  Diplomatic relations with the Tuscalains goes poorly for the humans but not for the Wayfarers. Racial unrest ripples across the human territory, hitting close to home with Adara’s family.

Will Decker and Adara get on the same page?

Wayfarer Contentious  (Pages: 199)
Command mandates, racial tensions, complaints from trainees lead to Command issuing an ultimatum to Adara.

More Mandates!

Escalating conflicts plague the command staff and Decker and Adara.  New trainees arrive with an unexpected addition.

Racial tensions rise with many attacks on other races. Allies are attacked, humans only is on the rise.

Have they reached a tipping point?

Wayfarer Home  (Pages: 225)
A saboteur dogs Adara’s new leadership as she builds a new society.

It’s time to leave!

Adara and Decker gather up the Wayfarers, Humans, Briskans, and a variety of other races to leave.  Friends, Georgette, Luke, and Drake, join them bringing needed skills.

Building a new society, Adara struggles with all the responsibilities on her shoulders.  An uncomfortable ship, seven months pregnant and a saboteur create an intolerable situation.  Teamwork and drawing on all resources, including the children, helps get all the tasks done and sets a precedent on how they move forward as they travel to their new home.

Will they survive the saboteur?

The Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

Wayfarer War  (Pages: 292)
In the wake of the Hettians invasion of human space, Adara, Decker, and the Wayfarers gather information and resources to aid the few survivors.

The Hettians attack!

Rushing through Human territory, Command does not respond to the attack leaving the outer stations, planets and settlements undefended. Death and destruction follow the Hettians.

Pregnant with twins, Adara fears for her family and her people.  She wants to fight, to protect but doesn’t have the fire power to take on the Hettians.  Short staffed and short on supplies, she questions every decision.

The Lux becomes a way station for those escaping the Hettian invasion.  With assistance from the Etiennes, Adara works to rescue survivors but also tries to let the unsuspecting stations and settlements know what is headed their way.

Will the Hettians annihilate the Humans?  Will any race be safe from them?

Wayfarer Evolution  (Pages: 220)
Unrest with the Humans only group causes conflict and violence on the newly established home world of the Wayfarers.

Humans only survives

Old prejudices haunt the Wayfarers as they make room for the survivors of the human race.  Little incidents of vandalism and bigotry pile up.  Adara and Decker face the day to day running of the Wayfarers both on planet and off.  With Oakes’ reassurance and Decker’s support, she plans to take the new ship and explore their sectors.

Before they can go, humans only make an attempt to harm their children and family. Taking a hands off approach, the investigation is handled by people outside the family.  Violence against the family and Adara’s assistants lead to the Wayfarers first trial.

Back in space, Adara settles into running the Wayfarers and exploring space.  She finds comfort and excitement in learning how to delegate and balance her life.  But the conflict isn’t resolved and follows her.

Will the Wayfarers and Humans come together?

Wayfarer Resolve  (Pages: 233)
The family is threatened by the people Adara rescued. Can they find a way to peace or will the prejudice tear apart the connections Adara and the Wayfarers are making?

Bigotry haunts Adara.

Adara and Decker set out in their new ship to take workers to Monroe and find a new planet for the Etiennes.  While they address violent riots on Homeworld, their children are attacked.  Adara must be Mathair Naclan – mother of the clans.  She learns to take control and stand firm behind her decisions which follow beliefs from a range of races including her own heritage of human and Wayfarer. The bigotry threatens the most vulnerable of her family.

Bias within the Wayfarers and against the Wayfarers frustrates Adara as she and her admin council defend against the Humans only group.  The family is threatened by the people Adara rescued.

Can they find a way to peace or will the prejudice tear apart the connections Adara and the Wayfarers are making?

Excerpt from Wayfarer book one

Hair sprawled out over her pillows, Adara lay naked on her bed. She returned to her quarters after the fighter vessel detained the long hauler. Lolli was returned to her father frightened but relatively unharmed. The other victims of the human traffickers weren’t as lucky. Adara scrambled on hearing a knock at her door. She grabbed the first shirt in her drawer. “Just a minute,” she called rushing to find jeans.

The t-shirt hung to her mid-thighs, she gave up on trying to grab pants and answered her door, hoping it would be Lisa. Captain Flannery stood at her door. “Sir,” she said. She backed into her quarters.

Decker stepped into Adara’s quarters, noted the heap her uniform lay in on the floor. The t-shirt she wore was inside out. “Did I wake you?” he asked remembering she slept nude. He felt a tightening in his groin at the thought of her warm and naked in bed.

“No, sir,” she blushed.

“I see,” he said.

“I wasn’t up yet,” she tried to explain.

He paced around her small quarters. Seeing a basket with her crocheting in it, he noted the yarn was something he and Hal bought her. She still had no pictures or decorations in her quarters. He came to tell her she did a good job. The Etiennes certainly thought she had. Patr had scooped her up into another hug, kissed her forehead as she left the bridge. Frall had even hugged her warmly. What was with these other men touching her? He felt fire and rage in him as he thought of her being with them.

“What’s your relationship with Patr,” Decker demanded completely forgetting why he was there.

“I told you. He’s a brother to me.”

“The way the two of you fondled each other on the bridge didn’t seem very sibling like,” Decker accused.

“He… he put his hand,” she stumbled over her words.

“Yes. That’s my point. His hands were all over you,” Decker growled at her.

“His hands weren’t all over me. He took my hair down and he put his hands on my shoulder to offer support. I’d hardly call that fondling,” anger came to her defense.

“He certainly seemed to consider you his property,” Decker said.

“He did not,” she said. “Etiennes would never mate outside their species. The life span is too different.”

“Sex doesn’t have to mean mating,” Decker said. “I’ve heard Wayfarer women are quite amorous and promiscuous.”

“Hang on just a minute,” Adara’s temper flared. “What right do you have to question my relationship with someone? I’ve not reported any nor is it required I do unless it’s with someone in the services. Patr isn’t in the services so even if I were having sex with him, it would be none of your damn business.”

“I don’t like people man handling my crew,” he growled at her.

“He was hardly man handling me. If he was, it’s up to me to complain about it not you. It’s my body. You have no say in what happens to me in that way,” she said stepping so close their bodies almost touched.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her on tiptoe. He looked down at her breasts pushing against him, “Don’t push me, Adara.”

She put her hands on his chest. His heart thudded quickly under her hands. She caught her breath as he dragged her against him. She felt his arousal and felt an answering need in her own body. “You’ve overstepped your authority, captain,” she said. His mouth was so close, she wanted it on hers.

The Wayfarer series by Eileen Troemel

Let’s meet this amazing author!
NA: Eileen, before we get into the actual interview, I’d like to thank you for all you do to support and work with other authors. Will you tell us a bit about your blogs, the work you do with authors and publishers, your writing and philosophy? We all appreciate you!
ET: Thank you, I hope what I do helps the authors who are featured.  I have four categories which specifically pertain to authors. Tips for Authors (  This is a series of blog posts which I hope will help writers who think they are ready to step from final draft to editing and hopefully publishing.  As I think of more topics I plan to add to this.  Editor Interviews ( which asks editors key questions.  This gives authors a chance to get to know editors and how they think. Book Tour ( which I get book information from companies who offer book tours.  However, I also post for any author who asks.  All they have to do is provide me with the information.  I’ve worked with a lot of authors and I’m now starting to get requests from publisher.  Author Interviews ( In this section, I send out 10 questions to authors who want to be interviewed and they provide me answers and pictures and graphics to post.  These all get posted on my web site and then they go out to my social media.

One last thing – though this isn’t on my blog but in my group on Facebook – I’ve been doing live (typed) interviews.  I create a post about the author and the book we’re talking about.  Then in the comments I ask question and the author answers.  Others are invited to ask as well.

One thing I want to say – I don’t charge for any of this.  Yes, it takes time and effort but I’m not out any money.  I’ve gotten to know some great authors and learned about genres I don’t write in.

My philosophy – hmmm well I’d like to have some lofty esoteric response here but the answer is simple.  I’m an author.  Almost daily, I get requests to advertise with some group or someone wants to do a review – but of course there’s a charge for it. Being an author is expensive.  Most of us in this field are saving for expensive items like editing and book covers.  While we put out a lot for these ($300+ for editing and anywhere from $50 up for covers) we make very little in royalties – even as a self published author a lot of people take their share first.  I don’t have the money to help in most situations but I can say – hey come put your stuff on my site and I’ll post them. One post – if it’s sent to me in an organized fashion – takes very little time and effort on my part.  If it takes very little effort and it helps people, then why not do it? So I do.

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
ET: For a long time, I tried to be traditionally published.  I finally gave up on publishers and decided to leap into the deep end of the pool.  Once I started, I published all my backlog which included a meditation book, romance novel, and three poetry books.  Then I sat back and said – ‘What’s next?’  During a discussion with my daughter, she told me to write her a scifi romance with a woman who wasn’t all that strong to begin with but by the end of the … book but in this case series as well, she was strong and confident.  So Wayfarer came to be.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?
ET: I’m not big on research.  First I write off the cuff.  So as the story comes to me, I write it.  If I need to know something, I use my phone and google it.  But prior to starting Wayfarer, I did a lot of things.  Science fiction for me put it squarely in the space arena.  I knew I wanted to focus on a woman.  I started thinking about her being different and how did she stand out.  This led me to well if she’s in space maybe she’s not fully human.  When I thought of an alien race, I considered what we here on earth didn’t like.  Prejudices… now this is a big topic and no I’m not diving into politics… but I grew up watching westerns and remember a lot of derogatory comments about people with mixed races – so part Native American and part white typically in those stories.  I also considered groups of people who are disliked.  Being partly Irish, I considered the Travelers – they have a bad reputation along with Gypsies or Romani – not trying to insult anyone here – just thinking of groups who’ve been disliked on sight.  Put all of this into a pot and stir and I came up with Adara, half human and half Wayfarer, pilot for spaceships who has skills because of her genetics but also because of her genetics people distrusted her.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.
ET: Fun fact… well this was supposed to be a stand alone, one and done book.  I finished the first book, sent it to my readers, and started thinking about what next.  Then all of my readers came back and said – what’s next?  I said – no.  Her story is done.  Again my daughter who wanted the story in the first place said – but you left things incomplete.  Now I hate that in books so I panicked.  She said – well what about her family?  What happened with the Barions are they going to let go or will they come after her again? This started me thinking and the next thing I knew – book 2 happened – Wayfarer Clans

NA: Do you have a day job?
ET: Yes, I do have a day job.

NA: What was your job before you started writing full time?
ET: I work at a University as an administrative assistant.

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
ET: This is easy – my 3rd grade teacher when I was 8 assigned us a short story to write.  It’s the first time I realized I could create stories from my imagination.

NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
ET: I have a ridiculously large family between my family and my husband’s.  Some – well I’m not sure if they even know I write.  I’ve not had any negative reactions from them.  My mom even knew I write erotica (under a pen name) and she shrugged.  She never read it but she never said anything negative about it to me.  She loved my poetry books and any book with no sex in it.  She even read Wayfarer.  I said, you know there’s sex in there.  She said she skipped over it.  Many of my friends have been asked odd questions when I know they’re experts in something.  Some people have asked to be put in my books.  On occasion I’ve done that.  And yes, I’ve even killed off people in my story who annoy me.  But I’m not telling you who and why.

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
ET: I write as I go. If the characters aren’t talking, I’m not writing.  I have almost 30 WIPs (works in progress).  I also write from start to finish.  If I write out of sequence, I struggle to make it all fit.

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
ET: This is easy – when a reader says – I love your books.  I feel such a sense of relief that my stories aren’t complete crap (yes on my bad days I think they are) and that someone actually likes them.

NA: Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write? Action, dialogue, sex?
ET: This varies for each story.  I think the first time I wrote an action scene where I had to describe in detail what happens to the human body when you stab it or slam a hammer into it – that was hard finding the right balance between me gagging because I hated the scene and still being descriptive enough that the reader wasn’t disappointed.  As for sex scenes, these are really technical.  You want the soft words and the sensual feeling but gauging the level of heat in them is crucial.  Additionally, you don’t want extra arms or readers saying – If they’re doing this, how can they be doing that?  So it’s technical.  Plus coming up with words which aren’t the anatomical words can be tricky because you don’t want them to sound completely ridiculous.  I actually find these scene particularly fun to write – not for the sexual content but because they make me think and work at writing.

NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
ET: Aside from writing, I love to crochet.  I’ve been crocheting since I was 12.  I’ve had patterns published in magazines and have even published my own patterns.  I also have a large family.  In my own family, I have a husband and three daughters but our expanded family is ridiculously large.

NA: A pet peeve.
ET: Let me preface this by saying I’ve been in customer service for most of my adult life.  I do not like rude people.  If you have a problem, state it politely and clearly.  Accept that sometimes the answer is no.  I’ve been in stores and other places where people are trying to get their way and they can’t – usually it’s against policy.  I remember standing in line at the DMV (department of motor vehicles) and this woman was complaining because the person behind the counter wouldn’t allow her to do what she wanted.  Now, I worked at the DMV phone line, and KNEW state statutes.  This woman got louder and louder.  I could see the person behind the counter getting more and more nervous.  I spoke up and said, you’re asking her to break state law.  She cannot do that.  She’ll lose her job.  The person didn’t like it but I think the people around me were happy the argument ended.  It probably helped the line moved forward too.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning?
ET: Fair warning – this is not a polite answer …. SHUT THE FUCK UP!  I don’t like mornings. [NA: LOL!]

NA: What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
ET: They aren’t famous but I’d like to gather my mother and aunts, grandmothers, great grandmothers, and so on going back in my family.  I’d like to listen to all their stories and learn about their lives.  Of course it would need to be recorded so I get every word.    

NA: What are you working on now?
ET: Well typing this out is going to make me tired but just for you.  I’ve got two short stories I’m writing for two different anthologies. I’m working on a co-write with another author for a children’s book which is probably going to morph into three books.  I’m doing refreshes on a number of my early books.  I’m working on the third Wild Magic book.  I’ve got two finished books which need editing and prep for publishing. I’ve got three crochet pattern books to do final touches on.  Other authors have asked me to edit their books – we’re trading services – so two full length novels to edit. I’m helping someone hone their editing skills.  Did I mention the 30 or so WIPs that tug at me?

NA: What is any question we didn’t ask that you would like to answer?
When I first started writing I said I wanted to write at least one book in every genre.  I know that will never happen because there are genres I won’t touch.  I typically write scifi fantasy romance.  I’m stretching out into paranormal and others.  I won’t write in horror, dark anything, and probably not historical – too much research is needed.  Fantasy is probably my favorite genre to read and write because I love seeing the different worlds and societies that come from people’s minds.  I get to make all the rules.  Who wouldn’t want ultimate control like that?

Author bio and links:
Author of Moon Affirmations as well as poetry, novels, and short stories, Eileen enjoys telling a good story or expressing a heartfelt emotion.  She’s been published in The American Tarot Association’s Quarterly Journal, What’s Cooking America, Children, Churches and Daddies, and many other publications.  In addition to her writing, she loves to read, crochet, crafting, research genealogy, and spend time with family.  She has three adult daughters and has been married to her husband for 38 years.



N.N. Light’s Backlist Bonanza: Jenna Stewart

Some of you might not know, but I write under three pen name: Dee S. Knight (mostly), Anne Krist, and Jenna Stewart. Jenna writes steamy menage romance–some historical and some shifters. Explore her books on

For the Backlist Bonanza, I’m offering the first in a series of menage historical books, Regan. I hope you enjoy the backlist bonanza! There are lots of fine authors gathered under this umbrella, and one lucky winner will win a copy of each of our books! I will featured on August 28!

N.N. Light's Backlist Bonanza

Looking to fill your e-readers? I’ve teamed up with over 30 authors to give you 66 must-read backlist reads. Check it out as well as the giveaway:

Regan by Jenna StewartJoining in the westward migration, Davey and Regan O’Ryan Stone bought an Oregon farm sight unseen, hungering for adventure. Davey regretted the impulse far past the point of no return, and then he died. Now, unskilled and alone on her farm, Regan fears going home a failure—as a daughter, a wife and a farmer. With money quickly running out, she gladly accepts the offer of help from Seth Pratt, an acquaintance from the wagon train, and his friend Haywood Lawrence.

One-armed Seth seeks work at the remote farm at the end of an Oregon trail with low expectations. When he finds Regan, alone and widowed, he tamps down desire. She deserves better than a man handicapped in war, searching for his soul. She’s worthy of someone like his Shakespeare-spouting, best friend, Hay. Nothing could have prepared Seth for Regan’s simple solution—that both men stay. On the farm and in her bed.

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Binge-Worthy Book Festival: One Woman Only!

I’m always excited to be part of N.N. Light’s promotions! They’re the best–because there’s not only author and book information, but the chance to win prizes!!

N.N. Light Binge-worthy book festivalCalling all readers! Feed your book addiction with N. N. Light’s Book Heaven Binge-Worthy Book Festival. 68 books featured plus a chance to win one of the following:

Enter to win a $50 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Enter to win a $50 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Enter to win a $25 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Enter to win a $15 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Enter to win a $10 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

I’m thrilled to be a part of this event. My book, One Woman Only, is featured today, [August 28]. I even talk about my first binge-worthy book I read. You won’t want to miss it.

Bookmark this get-together and tell your friends:

N. N. Light’s Book Heaven Binge-Worthy Book Festival