No time like the present #MFRWauthor

Writing romanceWhile I have dipped my toe into the future and the past with my writing, I feel most comfortable writing in present, contemporary time. Maybe it’s because I’m lazy? I don’t know. But writing historical fiction takes a fair amount of research if your books come out sounding true. And there’s a lot to keep up with if you build future worlds. (Same is true if you create series in contemporary time, I’ve discovered!) But because of our trucking years, we traveled over a lot of the country and I feel pretty happy drawing on our experiences to write about all kinds of locations.

And it is important to write truthfully about locations—unless you make up your city or town. I know someone who couldn’t get beyond the first few pages of Fifty Shades of Gray because she said it was so obvious the author knew nothing about Seattle! A reader recently pointed out that I had a horse eating straw instead of hay. Oops! Those kinds of mistakes are always on the author, and whatever time period you write, it’s vital to get details correct.

The biggest thing to remember about writing, no matter the time period,How to write is that we are telling a story. Make it a good one. Show, don’t tell, Engage the reader’s emotions. Have a great beginning, middle, and end. Mind your craft (grammar, punctuation, POV, etc.). Pay attention to details. If you do these things, you will be read (which is what we all want) regardless of the time period you choose.

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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

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Writing time—Jan Selbourne #MFRWauthor

Week 35: Plots: what period in history and why

Historical romance authorEvery period in history is fascinating. The Greeks, the Romans, Genghis Khan, William the Conqueror, Robin Hood, they all have stories to tell. However, I believe the Tudor period and the Regency period are the most popular for authors and readers.

The Tudor period was dominated by Henry VIII creating the Church of England, divorcing wife number one and removing the heads of wives two and five as the years went on. Bloody Mary lit fires under the heretics, and her sister Elizabeth brought peace and power to England, although Elizabeth did remove the head of her plotting Scottish cousin. Those larger than life Tudors and William Shakespeare have given inspiration to authors and playwrights around the world.

The Regency period was more romantic and prettier. It was a renaissanceRegency romance couple of art, literature, architecture, fashion and music – and stiff class distinctions. We’d be lost without Jane Austen’s window into the times in which she lived, and Georgette Heyer’s wealth of historical detail in her books. Of Heyer’s fifty-five novels published during her lifetime, twenty-six are set specifically within the English Regency period and, incredibly, no one took their clothes off. I’m no prude, far from it, I am in awe this brilliant author, whose books are still in print, can still capture millions of readers and take them back to that romantic period.

World War One changed our history and our world in ways that nobody could have imagined. Empires crumbled, royal dynasties wiped out, massive social change – and women got the vote. I’ll sneak in my “Good on ya Kiwis,” to New Zealand, the first country to give women the vote.

BVS sale: Perilous Love Jan SelbourneIn Perilous Love, Adrian and Gabrielle Bryce are thrown head-first into this huge upheaval when the Germans invade Belgium, sparking World War One. Their privileged lives disappear when they are betrayed, forcing them to run for their lives, suffering injury and witnessing death and atrocities. They reach safety as two very different people, to face charges of treason and a woman who’ll stop at nothing to see Adrian dead.

What do you think?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.


Perilous Love
The Proposition
The Woman Behind the Mirror
Lies of Gold—Silver Historical for 2019: Coffee Pot Book Club

The story behind the woman #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

The Woman Behind the Mirror by Jan SelbourneThe Woman Behind the Mirror

Betrothed by her father to a man twice her age, Sarah Forsythe runs away with the son of a Methodist minister. Not to Gretna Green, to colonial America—the New World. For Sarah, a new world of broken promises poverty and shame. Around her, the American Revolution is simmering, and the siege of Boston worsens by the day. As British soldiers seek out traitors and treason, a desperate Sarah breaks open a safe looking for cash. Instead, she finds a box holding Bank of England documents. Through willpower, bitter determination, and lying through her teeth, Sarah manages to make her way home to England. What she doesn’t know is that two men follow, and they will do anything to claim those documents.

Bank investigator Neil McAlister faces an almost impossible task—to determine the true owner of the documents by deciding who is lying. Most of all, as danger creeps ever closer, he needs to know who wants the secretive, beautiful Sarah dead.

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Available in Kindle Unlimited

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
Sarah watched the door open and her heart almost stopped beating when Neil McAlister and a tall muscular man with a trim goatee beard walked into the room.

Frozen with shock she could only stare at Samuel Fenton. But it wasn’t Samuel Fenton.

Her strangled, “You aren’t,” was cut off when Neil began his introductions and Robert stepped in front of her to shake the man’s hand. She heard her brother’s hearty, “Mr Westfield, I am delighted to meet you. May I introduce my wife Hannah?”

The man put his handkerchief to his mouth and coughed. “Forgive my frog like voice. This wretched cold will not leave me.” He bowed to Hannah. “I am honoured to meet you, Mrs Forsythe.”

Robert took Sarah’s hand and drew her forward “And my sister, Sarah Langford.”

A low bow. “Mrs Langford, I understand you endured much hardship before returning to England. To be told you found and brought my personal papers with you left me speechless. It’s nothing short of a miracle and I cannot adequately express my gratitude.”

Sarah murmured a greeting and lowered her eyes.

Robert cleared his throat. “Mr Westfield, before we begin, allow me to thank you for your generous hospitality.”

“My dear, Mr Forsythe,” the man responded before coughing again into his handkerchief. “It was the very least I could do after such trial and distress.”

Robert picked up the decanter again. “I was about to enjoy your hospitality, sir. May I pour us a glass of wine or perhaps whisky?

“Thank you, a small whisky would be most welcome.” the man replied.


Neil inclined his head. “I cannot say no. Then if you don’t mind, we will finalise the transaction as discussed.”

“Of course.” No one spoke while Robert poured whisky and handed glasses of wine to Hannah and Sarah. He then held up his glass to the room. “I am very relieved this has been settled amicably.”

“I am extremely relieved.” The man lifted his glass to Sarah. “My compliments.”

Sarah felt the blood pounding through her veins but did not move. Her stomach churned when polite conversation began on London’s expanding population, the dangerous highwaymen robbing innocent travelers, and the sudden sad death of a minor royal.

When the glasses were emptied, Robert stood up and handed the leather folder to the man called Westfield. “A very satisfactory conclusion. My sister has signed the necessary agreement.”

“Thank you, and if I may, I’d like to say a few words.” The man turned to Sarah. “It is indeed a small world, Mrs Langford. I did not think we would meet again after such a tumultuous time in Boston.”

Robert’s brow creased. “Pardon?”

“Mrs Langford and I were acquainted at Griffins club,” the man said smoothly.

Look him directly in the face and do not quail. “I am afraid you are mistaken sir. I do not know you,” Sarah said evenly.

The man inclined his head. “We do look very different in the light of day, but I remember you well in those crowded smoky rooms.”

“What are you talking about?” Robert said sharply.

“I was part owner of Griffins gentlemen’s club. Mrs Langford, known there as Adele, worked as a”—he gestured eloquently—“for want of a better word, hostess.”

Hannah had risen and was staring at her. All of them were staring at her. “Mr Westfield, I am afraid you have me confused with someone else.”

The man’s hard hazel eyes glittered into hers. “No, I’m not confused. Your husband David Langford disappeared leaving a mountain of debts and you destitute. I was with Fenton when he paid the turnkey a shilling to release you from the cells. It was work for him or die on the streets. You were one of three women employed to pour drinks and keep our clients gambling and satisfied in the clubrooms and”—he paused—“upstairs.”

A pin dropping would have sounded like gunpowder exploding.

Sarah did not move. “Mr McAlister, I am appalled you willingly brought this man here to insult me.”

As if snapping out of a trance Neil stepped forward. “I am at a loss, Westfield. Not once in our discussions at the bank did you say you knew Mrs Langford.”

Claude’s eyes never left Sarah’s. “You didn’t ask, and the purpose of this meeting was for me to collect my personal papers.” He sighed. “While it pains me to reward a whore for stealing, I will honour the agreement.”

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Ménage a many #MFRWHooks

Bride of the Pryde by Dee S. KnightThis is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

DAT agent Susan McAllister escapes Earth with killers in hot pursuit. She normally runs toward danger not away, and she likes controlling her own fate, not relying on three strange men and an irreverent cyberbot. Skilled and experienced, she doesn’t believe there’s any way the three crewmen of the cargo ship Erik’s Pryde can help her.

Captain John Erik thinks the sexy, headstrong passenger is nothing but trouble, but he also knows she needs help. And not being men to shrink from adventure, he’s convinced that he and his crew are the ones to provide it. When they’re infected by an illegal drug that releases inhibitions, the crew of the Pryde shows they are men who not only can fight, but can satisfy a woman’s every fantasy.

It’s no surprise when Susan discovers that being a member of the Pryde’s crew has unexpected, lasting benefits.

This is a futuristic space romp!

Buy link:

Barnes & Noble

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:

The smell hit Susan McAllister first. The sharp scent of iron, immediately recognizable, stung her nostrils and madeher gag. Then she noticed the door, normally locked at all times, hung open a crack.

She’d been ready to call out that she’d brought back French pastries from the restaurant where she enjoyed an early lunch but instead dropped the white bakery bag on the back steps. Removing her Renthaur X-89 laser pistol from her oversized shoulder bag, she inched forward and released the safety. She eased open the door and stepped inside and then pushed it nearly closed. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust from sunlight to the dim interior.

The office fronted as a real estate agency but actually served as Centre District’s Domestic Anti-Terrorism headquarters. Susan had arrived that morning from the global headquarters in Mt. Saussat. In fact, if not for the fact that she never ate while flying and wanted an early lunch upon arrival, she would have been here for whatever shit had gone down.

Hugging the wall, she edged toward the workroom where her close friend and office manager, Lisle Hamilton, had set up the hologram generator, coffeepot, and storage shelving that helped form their cover of handling real estate. Behind an encrypted-lock vault door and out of sight, secure phones and code-deciphering, sub-particle computers were used for the real business of the storefront.

The Centre City office took a lot of ribbing in the Agency because of their cover. The joke was, what’s more boring than a DAT agent on desk duty? A realtor. What’s deadly boring? A DAT gent on desk duty posing as a realtor.

Deadly boring? The overwhelming scent of blood seemed to prove it. Criminy. What in hell happened?

Susan dropped to a crouch at the corner where the back hall entered the workroom. Pistol aimed up and grasped with two hands in classic shooter pose, she slowly leaned forward and peeked into the workroom.

Blood had begun to congeal where it covered the floor. Mark Nichols, who she’d just met that morning, lay on his back, his right hand inside his jacket pocket as though reaching for his weapon. Anne Barnewell lay face down. The size of the hole in the back of her head indicated a Succher 380, the weapon of choice for big-time drug dealers.

Also for cops’ personal weapons. The thought ran quickly through her mind and left just as fast.

The workroom connected to the main office by a swinging door of louvered wood, reminiscent of mid-twentieth-century architecture. From under the door she saw the body of Kyle Angustino, the son of one of Lisle’s friends and an actual real estate intern who had nothing to do with the DAT. Six people worked in the office, including Kyle, five of whom were DAT agents. Susan had no hope any of them were alive unless, like her, they’d been out of the office when hell struck.

The place appeared to be empty, but Susan didn’t change her position. Instead, she examined everything in her line of sight and listened with an intensity that had her shoulders tight with tension. Peering along the wall to the left she scrunched her brows in worry. The vault door stood ajar.

The only person in the office who had the combination was Lisle. A woman’s foot extended out the door, her burgundy shoe half-off. Lisle!

Her friend had bragged about the “killer burgundy pumps with little gold bows” when Susan had called to make arrangements to use one of the office cubicles for the week she would be in Centre City. They’d gone through Agency training together, and their paths crossed regularly. Later she would grieve for Lisle, but right now she needed to keep her wits about her and her emotions in check.

The bell over the front door tinkled, indicating someone entering from the street. A woman said, “Here’s a box for—Oh, dear God, what is this? What’s going on here?” There was no answer. Then, “No, please, no! Oh—”

Susan heard the unmistakable sound of the Succher firing and then a loud noise as something fell to the floor.

“What the hell?” A man pushed the vault door farther open. All that showed was a cuff-linked, white-shirted arm and a hand with long fingers. “What’s going on out there?”

“Nothing,” came a male voice from the front. “I didn’t have the keys to lock the door. I thought pulling the blinds would be enough to make people think we were closed. Forgot about delivery people.”

“Goddamn it. Go through Hamilton’s purse, for Christ’s sake, and find the keys.”

“Okay,” the guy in the front grumbled.

“Jesus, I have to do everything,” Vault Man said.

Susan pulled back. The lead guy knew Lisle’s name. Because he knew her or because of information gleaned while there? And how did he know about the vault room? Had he come to the office because of it, or had he and his buddy happened into the office and thought the heavy door hid more than it did? She dismissed that idea right away because really, who in the world robbed a realtor’s office? So, assuming they already knew about the vault and Lisle, the conclusion was ominous—the murderers were associated with DAT.

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New shifter release! Augustina Van Hoven’s The Curse

The Curse by Augustina Van HofenThe Curse

Juliet Cooper never thought that inheriting a piece of forest land from her great uncle could cost her life. There’s something located on her property that members of the hidden community would kill for. Can she trust the handsome stranger she met on her land and can he protect her from what is coming?

Prince Laren is still suffering under a curse, in daylight he’s a man but at night he’s transformed into a cat. The battle lines are being drawn in the hidden community and threaten to engulf the world of humans as well. Can he get the curse removed and reacquire his powers in time to save the beautiful woman with the violet eyes?

Buy links:
Barnes & Noble

Read about Augustina’s The Hidden

Author bio and links:
Augustina Van HofenAugustina Van Hoven was born in The Netherlands and currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, dog and two cats.   She is an avid reader of romance, science fiction and fantasy.  When she’s not writing she likes to work in her garden or in the winter months crochet and knit on her knitting machines.

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Working with character disabilities #MFRWauthor

We all write characters with all kinds of characteristics. But have you written characters with disabilities?

I’ve been thinking back, and I don’t think I’ve written any characters with disabilities except for Frank in Awards night (in Your Desire). I don’t know why that is. I have a disability myself, so you’d think I would lean into that topic with my characters, but I haven’t. Maybe that’s because my mom pounded into me that I didn’t have a disability—that I could and should strive to do whatever I wanted. Good mom! I love her. Think I’ll keep her. 😉

There’s no formula for writing characters. No magic equation that helps us come up with believable heroes or heroines. In my novella Awards Night, Allison comes home to find a car crashed through her fence and plowed into a tree. The man who’d been driving is not injured much—except he’s blinded by damage to his head. Allison doesn’t know the man. He says his name is Frank, and as you might guess, he’s pretty cranky. Some might even say nasty. But really, he’s scared half to death. In reality, though he doesn’t share this with Allison, Frank is the CEO and founder of a major international electronics firm. He’s not used to taking orders or feeling helpless. But now he does (to a certain extent) and he is. How he adjusts is quite interesting (I hope!).

Frank’s wound in Awards Night was not due to a war but to an accident. However, in the years since 9/11, we’ve all had too much exposure to the damage war can do to our warriors. And the internal wounds, the ones no one sees, are as bad as the missing limbs. Maybe worse, since they’re hidden from sight. We have a whole generation who have seen the ravages of war. It’s up to us as a nation, as humans, to respect those who have suffered in our service, and to help as best we can.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.


Burning Bridges by Anne Krist: old letters put the lie to Sara’s life. Now, mending her past mistakes while crossing burning bridges will be the hardest thing she’s ever done.

One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

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Characters and how you wound them #MFRWauthor

Your characters: made them have disabilities?

I didn’t consciously set out to give Adrian Bryce, Perilous Love, a disability until he and Gabrielle were hiding from German soldiers in a hay loft.

Adrian’s life of wealth and beautiful women came to an abrupt end when the British Secret Service ordered him to accompany his estranged wife Gabrielle to Belgium. They wanted evidence her uncle was supporting the German Empire. What Adrian found, as the Germans crossed the Belgian border sparking World War One, had them running for their lives. It’s in this loft, that Gabrielle learns of Adrian’s infidelities, his lies and his secret life. Then, when it’s safe to climb down, he falls breaking bones in his foot. This injury is a great leveller, not only is there a price on his head, he can’t walk and must rely on the woman he’d shamefully neglected to get them to safety.

Not many people survive a war without physical or emotional injuries.

Harry Connelly, The Proposition, was one of the ‘what the hell’ soldiers.  He enlisted to escape arrest and a wife who despised him. On the eve of the Battle of Amiens, he meets Andrew Conroy, a man with no family. In the thick of that huge battle a bayonet slices through Harry’s leg and he collapses beside the body of Andrew Conroy. Could he? It’s a huge risk, it’s his only hope.  Harry swaps identity discs. Now Andrew Conroy, he’s one of the thousands of casualties and injuries in overcrowded hospitals, and eventually discharged as medically unfit with a leg that leaves him lame. Months later, the impact of this deception hits home when an unknown cousin of the dead man finds him. What follows pushes Andrew into a nightmare of murder and deception. His disability will be his alibi and almost his downfall when he meets Lacey, with secrets of her own. The only way to get to the truth is tell her the truth.

What do you think?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Jan Selbourne

Perilous Love
The Proposition
The Woman Behind the Mirror
Lies of Gold—Silver Historical for 2019: Coffee Pot Book Club

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My first series: historical ménage romance #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

Regan by Jenna StewartRegan: the Sisters O’Ryan series by Jenna Stewart
Historical ménage romance
In 1872 Oregon, two unusual men show widow Regan O’Ryan Stone the promise of the far West—where dreams and fantasies can flourish.

Joining in the westward migration, Davey and Regan O’Ryan Stone bought an Oregon farm sight unseen, hungering for adventure. Davey regretted the impulse far past the point of no return, and then he died. Now, unskilled and alone on her farm, Regan fears going home a failure—as a daughter, a wife and a farmer. With money quickly running out, she gladly accepts the offer of help from Seth Pratt, an acquaintance from the wagon train, and his friend Haywood Lawrence.

One-armed Seth seeks work at the remote farm at the end of an Oregon trail with low expectations. When he finds Regan, alone and widowed, he tamps down desire. She deserves better than a man handicapped in war, searching for his soul. She’s worthy of someone like his Shakespeare-spouting, best friend, Hay. Nothing could have prepared Seth for Regan’s simple solution—that both men stay. On the farm and in her bed.

Buy links:
Barnes & Noble

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
“I might not have recognized her right off, but I sure haven’t ever forgotten her, Koda,” he whispered. “She’s alone out here, and she needs help.” The horse nodded his head and then whinnied. “You’re right,” Seth conceded. “It’s too much to think there’s a place for me here.”

Koda stomped his front left hoof and shook his mane, before calmly munching on another mouthful of straw.

Seth clicked his tongue. “I know. There’s no need my arguing with the notion.”

“So you do carry on conversations with your horse, Mr. Pratt.”

Seth spun around, dropping the brush. “Mrs. Stone. I didn’t hear you.”

She smiled. “I only came down to make sure you found everything to your satisfaction.”

“The bunkroom is nice, and Koda is very happy with his stall.”

She stepped forward and stroked the Appaloosa’s nose. “He’s beautiful. What does Koda mean?”

“It’s Sioux for friend.”

“Well named.” Regan took a carrot from her pocket and fed it to the horse. She gestured toward the pinto in the neighboring stall. “That’s Twinkle. It’s Carolinian for she makes my eyes shine. At least according to my daddy. He says when he gave her to me for my fifteenth birthday, my eyes lit up. He named the horse on the spot.” She strolled over to feed Twinkle a carrot, too.

Hay came around the stall and leaned on the post. Seth didn’t care at all for the familiar way his eyes followed Regan Stone’s every movement. Then Seth leaned against Koda and gave in, watching her graceful walk. Her voice fell on his ears like a melody. Auburn tendrils escaped from a loose bun and framed her small, round face. Her father had named the horse aptly. Her eyes did twinkle, but not just when she looked at the pinto. Her height lent her a regal air. He longed to hold her against him. With her slender frame and unusual height, they would fit perfectly.

Don’t think about it. It will never happen.

Meet Dee/Anne/Jenna:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.

Where to find her (them):








Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:

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Spies, lies, and lovely gold #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

Lies of Gold by Jan Selbourne

Lies of Gold–Winner of Silver for Best Historical Book 2019 (Coffee Pot Book Club)

Silent, ruthless, protected by an unknown ally in Whitehall, he smuggles gold across the Channel to Napoleon Bonaparte. When flimsy evidence points to the Essex coast, three men are given secret orders to find the traitor. One of those men, Julian Ashford, has his life transformed into debts and disgrace and sent back to Halton Hall, and Katherine the woman he loved and lost. What Julian discovers within the walls of his ancestral home is much deeper and more sinister than he thought possible, but nothing could prepare him for the betrayal when he finally faces the mastermind behind this sordid operation.

Best Historical Book Silver medalBuy links:

Barnes & Noble


MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
Major Julian Ashford’ looked up at the yellowing plaster ceiling and down to the clock above the mantelpiece. Thirty minutes ago, he’d entered the cluster of buildings under the control of The Secretary of State for War and walked up one flight of stairs to the office of Brigadier Sir Ian MacDonald. A corporal had pointed to a wooden bench and the clock continued to tick. Julian drew a deep breath and studied his boots.

When MacDonald finally turned around, the full force of the old soldier’s legendary temper hit him like a brick. The furious tirade continued until MacDonald stopped for breath and picked up a sheet of paper.

“Now this,” the offending item was flapped in Julian’s face. “You were drunk at a respectable gaming establishment and damn near killed a Spanish diplomat, a Spanish nobleman no less. With Napoleon Bonaparte mobilizing again and Europe on edge I cannot believe your utter stupidity.”

Julian glared at the man who had always reminded him of a powerful lion. Large and muscular with a mane of iron grey hair and fierce eyes that never wavered from their prey.

“Who claimed I nearly killed a Spanish diplomat?”

“His aide, you threatened him as well.”

Julian shrugged and looked at the floor. “The Spaniard was cheating at cards.  I demanded to see his hand, he refused so I challenged him to go outside for satisfaction.”

“You broke his nose and three ribs and knocked him senseless,” MacDonald’s fist slammed into the desk. “I am thoroughly ashamed of you. Your debts go back over twelve months and now the Jews refuse you credit. One damned scandal after the other. I’m told you had sex with Rutherford’s wife in her sitting room while he was upstairs playing cards!”

“Rutherford’s wife was more than willing. What would you have done? Refuse the lady?” Julian scowled at the Brigadier. “Who fed that juicy snippet into your waiting ears?”

“I will not tolerate your insolence, sir! You are a disgrace to your regiment.”

“I’m no longer in the regiment,” Julian snapped. “Don’t prose on about it.”

MacDonald’s face turned dark red. “You deserve to rot in a cell,” he picked up a thick folder. “Your service records. The only reason I am begging their Lordships’ indulgence to keep you out of Newgate. I have decided you will return to Halton Hall and remain there until the Spaniard recovers and your string of scandals die down,” he glowered at Julian. “For your sake, I hope the Spaniard recovers.”

Julian thumped his fist on MacDonald’s desk. “I will not return to Halton Hall.”

“It is your ancestral home and nobody else would want you.”

“I don’t care if it’s the home of my ancestors nor do I care if the late Earl of Ballingford and the moronic Honourable Martin Ashford are my cousins, I will not return there. Nor can you make me.”

MacDonald’s cold eyes met Julian’s. “I can and I am. Your family name and my influence stand between you and a long stretch behind bars or seven years in the New South Wales penal colony.” MacDonald’s eyebrows rose. “Why so reluctant?  Ballingford’s dead. His brother is now in residence as guardian of the children and estates until the young Earl reaches his majority. I have dispatched a letter to Martin Ashford, I don’t expect him to refuse me.”

“You’ve already told Martin?” Julian exploded. “Have I no choice in this matter?”

“No, unless you want me to personally deliver you to the prison’s welcoming arms.” MacDonald glared irritably at the corporal and clerk behind him. “Why are you still here? Don’t you have anything better to do?”

Their eyes darted between MacDonald and Julian. “You told us to wait, Brigadier,” the corporal stammered.

“Well, get out.”

“Yes, off you go gentlemen,” Julian sneered. “I am having a small wager with myself on how long it will take for you to spread this new morsel around Town. Forty-eight hours? You’ll put the gossipy washerwomen to shame.”

MacDonald returned to his desk. “Get out of my sight, Major Ashford. I’ve washed my hands of you.” He waited until they were alone before speaking softly “Take great care, Julian. Don’t let your guard down for a minute.”

About Jan:
Jan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

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New paranormal release!! Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice RenaudMermaids Marry in Green, book 3 of the Sea of Love series

Caltha Dooran is the toughest, fiercest shape-shifting mermaid in the western seas. She has three Clans to rule, and no time for romance. But when a warlock, Jonty, turns up and asks her to come with him to London to capture a water monster, she can’t say no. In London, away from her duties, her attraction for Jonty grows… and they soon fall under each other’s spell. But will his past and her responsibilities pull them apart, or can they find the only true magic, the one that binds two souls together?

Buy links:
A Merman’s Choice $1.99
Music for a Merman $1.99
Mermaids Marry in Green PRE-ORDER SALE only $0.99 until release date 1 November

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice RenaudExcerpt (Rated R):
She was so close to him they were almost touching. She took a step back, but three teenagers squeezed in through the doors just before they closed and pushed her against Jonty. Her head was now level with his neck, and her entire body was pressed against his.

“I’m sorry about the crush,” he said. But he didn’t sound sorry.

She tried to make a joke of it but found that her mouth had dried up. He smelled so damn good. A spicy aftershave, mixed with leather and coffee, with the enticing scent of male sweat underneath. Deep inside her, something responded to the unfamiliar perfume. A part of her, long buried, was waking up … and reaching out to him.

The train jolted into life. The people behind her lurched, squashing them together. Her breasts flattened against his chest. He was rock-hard under his leathers, and as warm as a stone heated by the sun. A thrill ran through her, so strong that it felt almost tangible, like a golden snake twisting around her … curling around her breasts … sliding between her legs. She was trapped and helpless.

Worse, she was enjoying it.

Shame nibbled at her. She’d never been this close to a male before. Plenty of mermen on the islands would have loved to become her mate and govern the Clans with her. Plenty had tried their luck, during the long summer nights when they sat around the fire on the beach, drinking whisky and singing. But she’d never let any of them kiss her, or even hold her hand. She’d been a good mermaid all these years. Just as her mother had wanted her to be. Her mother had been very firm on the topic of boys. She’d drummed into Caltha’s head that she should save herself for a husband worthy of her, and of the Dooran Clan.

And here she was glued to a stranger she’d met less than twenty-four hours ago. A human. Her mother’s voice swam up in her memory. Choose your mate carefully, Caltha. He must be able to guide our people, and rule alongside you. He must be wise, strong, and…

Caltha tried to remember the other qualities that her future husband should possess, but Jonty’s belt buckle was imprinting itself on her stomach, distracting her. Her mind wanted to remember her mother’s words, but her fingers were itching to touch that belt … and slide upwards … under the leather jacket … to find out what his skin felt like … and whether his stomach was as taut as she imagined.

Jonty bent his head, and for one mad moment she thought he was going to kiss her. She was disappointed when he said in her ear, “It’s rush hour, that’s why it’s so crammed. It won’t be long.”

She didn’t look at him, in case her face betrayed her body’s embarrassing, pleasurable reaction. “It’s fine.”

But it wasn’t fine, not by a mile. She had to get away from him before her hormones hijacked her brain and made her do something stupid. Like grab him. Or kiss him.

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

Let’s find out more about Mermaids Marry in Green:
NA: First of all, Alice, thanks for being with us again.
AR: Thank you for having me!

NA: Tell us a little about the series in general. Is each book standalone? Is it vital that they be read in sequence? Are they novel length or longer novellas? Are they erotic romance, sweet romance, or somewhere in between?
AR: My fantasy romance Sea of Love series is made up of three novellas plus one short story. Each novella is about 120 pages in length, and each is a standalone story featuring a different couple. The books are in chronological order but do not need to be read in sequence, they can be read independently. The stories all take place in the same world and the characters are interconnected. I would say the heat level is medium – they are sensual, and there are a couple of explicit love scenes in each book, but I wouldn’t call them erotic romance. The short story, “The Holiday Mermaid,” completes the series and is a standalone tale set in the same universe as the Sea of Love novellas. It will be out this October in the “second chance at love” romance anthology by BVS, “Desire Me Again.”

NA: You’ve just launched your latest book, the third in the Sea of Love series, Mermaids Marry in Green. Will you give us a summary of the book, please?
AR: The heroine of the book is the red-headed shape shifting mermaid Caltha Dooran, who appears as a secondary character in the first two books of the Sea of Love series, both “A Merman’s Choice” and “Music for a Merman.” Caltha is the toughest, fiercest mermaid in the Morvann Islands. She has three mermen Clans to rule, and no time for romance. But when a warlock, Jonty, turns up and asks her to come with him to London to capture a water monster, she can’t say no. In London, away from her duties, her attraction for Jonty grows… and they soon fall under each other’s spell. But will his past and her responsibilities pull them apart, or can they find the only true magic, the one that binds two souls together?

NA: How will this book tie in to the previous books, A Merman’s Choice and Music for a Merman?
AR: Caltha is a close friend of Yann, the hero of A Merman’s Choice, and as the leader of the mermen Clans she also appears in the second book, Music for a Merman. She helps Yann and Rob, the hero of the second book, to achieve their happily ever after, so I always wanted to write her story and see her find love.

NA: Is this the last book of the series? If so, why did you decide to stop here? If not, which of your Merpeople can we expect to see next?
AR: The heroine of the short story “The Holiday Mermaid” is Rowena Regor. She is a cousin of Rob Regor, the hero of the second book, Music for a Merman. Her story is a Christmas second chance romance and will be out, as I mentioned, in the BVS anthology “Desire Me Again” this fall. I am not planning to write any more books focused on the merpeople for now, but I may write some more short stories that feature them. I have this idea about a mermaid who goes to Las Vegas… [NA: LOL!] I had always conceived the Sea of Love series as four stories, each set in a different season – spring for A Merman’s Choice, summer for Music for a Merman, fall for Mermaids Marry in Green, and Christmas for “The Holiday Mermaid.”

NA: Why did you decide to write about Merpeople for your first series? You also write great witches, based on your story in the Mystic Desire anthology (“The Sweetest Magic of All”).
AR: It started with a dream. An aquatic vampire was chasing a girl underwater. She was terrified. She was close to drowning, and she thought that the creature would kill her. But instead, he saved her life. When I decided one day to write a paranormal romance book, I remembered the vampire. He didn’t quite fit the story I wanted to write though, so I took away his fangs and bloodthirsty nature. He became Yann, a young shape shifting merman. I was also inspired by seeing young men come out of the sea wearing black wetsuits, with palms on their feet. That gave me the idea of shape shifting mermen, who in their aquatic shape have webbed hands and feet, but no fish tail. Yes, I love witches too! My next series, “Conjuring Love”, will feature time travelling warlocks and witches.

NA: I’m fascinated by your upbringing in Brittany, which seems kind of magical to me, and your time in Wales as a child and finally England as an adult. I know you take your inspiration from all of it. Will you share how your background influences your writing?
AR: I am half-French and half-British, I grew up in Brittany, western France, in a village by the sea. I always loved stories, especially myths, legends, fantasy… anything with adventure and monsters! I spent my childhood holidays at my grandparents’ in Wales, and absorbed all the Welsh stories about mermen and mermaids, King Arthur, the giant cat of Anglesey, the Water Horse and torrent spectres. After reading The Lord of the Rings aged 12, I decided I wanted to write my own stories! I moved to London in 1997 and still live there with my husband and son. Brittany, Wales and London are a big source of inspiration for me. Mermaids Marry in Green, the third book in the Sea of Love series, is my first book based in London. I think my city has its own kind of magic, as you will find out if you read the story!

NA: Your series, Sea of Love, won an award from the Paranormal Romance Guild for 2019 for Novellas and Shorts–Series. What was that like for you?
AR: It was a complete surprise, in fact I so little expected to be even nominated I hadn’t checked the results, and only discovered that both my series and A Merman’s Choice had been nominated when you, dear Dee, told me! It was a delightful surprise, and came at just the right time. I was beginning to feel discouraged, thinking I would never sell any books, and my writing wasn’t good enough. It meant a lot to me, as the award is given by independent reviewers who select the books that they have liked the best.

NA: What are you working on now?
AR: I have started work on the first book of my next series, Conjuring Love. This book, How to Win a Sea Witch, is based on my short story “The Sweetest Magic of All”, which is included in the BVS Mystic Desire paranormal romance anthology. The series Conjuring Love follows three warlocks: Ariel, the half-fae leader of the London warlocks, and his brothers Aaron and Auric. Aaron is the hero of the first book How to Win a Sea Witch. Ariel features in Mermaids Marry in Green, as he is both the friend and leader of the hero, Jonty. You could say that Mermaids Marry in Green is both the last book in the mermen & mermaids series, and the first book in the new series. The Conjuring Love series will feature time travelling warlocks, sea witches, torrent spectres, evil fairies, a shape shifting unicorn… and more!

NA: Can’t wait, Alice!

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

Alice Renaud bio and social media links:
Alice lives in London, UK, with her husband and son. By day she’s a compliance manager for a pharmaceutical company. By night she writes fantasy romance about shape shifting mermen, water monsters and time-travelling witches. Her first book, A Merman’s Choice, was published in January 2019 by Black Velvet Seductions. It is the first book in a fantasy romance trilogy inspired by the landscapes and legends of Brittany and Wales. The second book, Music for a Merman, is out now and the third, Mermaids Marry in Green, will be released on 1 November. It is on pre-order now at the discount price of $0.99! Alice has also written a short story, “The Sweetest Magic of All,” included in the BVS book, Mystic Desire anthology, out now. Alice loves reading and writing stories, and sharing them with anyone who’s interested!

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