Seeing stories as a journey: Amber Polo

Every Story Is a Journey

The Pharaoh and the Librarian by Amber PoloAfter writing for twenty years and publishing eight books, I finally figured out my brand—journeys. A road trip across country, a trip back in time, or a peek into a character’s mind, words take us on journeys. We don’t always know where we’ll end up, but sometimes we sit back and enjoy the journey.

The Pharaoh and the Librarian started as a prequel to a series. I rewrote. And rewrote. Along the way I asked for critiques. Editors said many nice things and some things I ignored. I sent the last version to my dream editor through Reedsy. She told me the same things. And finally I listened. She said the manuscript had an intriguing theme and series of events with an episodic life story kind of feel. And that it wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

I told her that her comments mirrored my life as well as my writing and, if I hadn’t been so shocked at the revelation, it would be funny. Yes! Intriguing theme? Series of events? Check. If I drew a map of my life it would be a maze of cross country travels. Yet episodic worked for me. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

Looking back, I see each of my books as a journey. I even included some maps to help the reader follow along. Recovered, the third in my shapeshifter librarian series, my favorite and the most episodic, featured villains chasing my protagonists across the country. Looking even further back, my first romance novel “Hearts in the Vortex,” had a traveling-around-Sedona episodic feel.

So what’s next? It’s time for me to pull out a manuscript that’s as close to autobiographical as I’ll ever write. And, no surprise, my protagonists jump all over the country living episodic lives. Over a 20 year period they stop at many of the places I loved on my own cross country adventures, not knowing the other is also there. (Yes, I do believe in coincidences.)

What’s most fun about a journey? Sharing the beloved places with friends and readers. Hope readers will join my two Egyptian girls and their journeys to a new world.

The Pharaoh and the Librarian by Amber PoloBlurb:

What if Cleopatra faked her death and escaped on a pirate ship? While her sister sailed for Wales with the most valuable ancient books from her Library of Alexandria? And they both landed in an imagined new world filled with crypto-creatures and historical humans?

Trekking to the desert of 1st century New Mexico, Cleo from the Yucatan and Alex from Nova Scotia, they’d need bravery and help from friends and lovers to evade inner demons and determined villains across an uncharted wilderness.

Alternate history- Fantasy-Romance – Adventure!

Map: The Pharaoh and the Librarian by Amber PoloExcerpt:

When Alex emerged from her hut the next morning, Dylan lay in wait. She looked up into his glowering countenance. “What do you want?”

“My sister told me you plan to accompany your books on the voyage? She must be mistaken.”

“She is correct. That is my plan.”

“Are you mad?”

She shrugged and walked on, facing forward, ignoring the giant Druid at her heels. “Perhaps.”

“Alexandria, wait. The journey is long and dangerous. And very cold.”

“So be it.” She kept walking.

He grasped her arm and made her stop and face him. “I’m not talking about ordinary danger. Entire ships do not survive the three-month ocean journey. The crossing is treacherous. Filled with hardships. A ship is no place for a woman.”

Her body stiffened. “No place for a woman! You told me Viking women captain ships.”

“You are no Viking.” He stepped back and rubbed his head.

Her face reddened. “I am Alexandria Ptolemy of Egypt. I will accompany the most valuable library in the world to its new home. If you refuse to go, then stay.” Alex turned on her heel and marched to the caves to continue preparations for the journey. She might not be as courageous as Cleo, but she could be as stubborn.


Months later, Alex furrowed her brows against the bitter cold wind. If this was what Vikings called spring, they were truly mad. The ships she’d purchased with Egyptian gold had arrived. Her library, now well-protected inside shells and sealed in skins, was packed into their holds. And, with word that the ice had cleared from their chosen route, Dylan and the Viking captain Skrymir, a giant man with a mustache curled like the horns of a wild mountain sheep, were ready to sail.

Gwynne led them, blue cape furling, to the standing stones for a Druid ceremony. Alex smiled, for the Druid queen no longer appeared ferocious. Her friend’s blue-stained face was lined with kindness and concern.

“Are you determined to make this voyage, dear daughter of the pyramids?”

Alex nodded. “I must go with my books to see them to a safe land.”

“Dylan is an adventurer, but a good sailor and navigator. Many have trusted their lives to him.”

“My library is more important than my life.”

Gwynne embraced Alex. “I have enjoyed your company and wished for you to stay here in Wales, but I understand your dedication. I, along with my librarians, will fight off the Roman wolves as long as we can, so none will know you have left. We have our swords, shields, and magic caldrons. My second, Boudicca, is most formidable. And Y Draid Goch, our Red Dragon, defends Wales.”

Alex held her friend tight. She would miss the Druid Ovate. She’d learned much from her and spent many days with books and tea of lemon balm and peppermint, and many evenings with mead and stories.

Gwynne’s eyes closed. “I have seen a vision. Your books safe in a valley where you will build a new library.”

“Thank you. I will do my best to make that happen.” As comforting as Gwynne’s vision had been, fear of the unknown filled Alex’s heart. Cleo had often called Alex an obsessive introvert who shunned life. Now she must prove Cleo’s words wrong.

Gwynne stepped to Alex and removed Alex’s cape. Then with a flourish took off her own blue cape and placed it over Alex’s shoulders. “May this keep you warm and safe with Druid magic.”

Alex felt the weight of the cape like a comfort and her eyes teared with gratitude. Through the blur she saw Gwynne point to the sky. She looked up and saw a crimson flash soar over the standing stones, then circle back. Flames burst from the dragon’s jaws. It flapped its sharp forked tail. The people below cheered.

“There is one more gift.” Gwynne waved Dylan to her side. “Come to the Circle.”

Alex and Dylan followed Gwynne to the center of the standing stones.

Gwynne’s eyes shone with tears as she took Alex’s left hand and placed it in Dylan’s right. “Alexandria of Alexandria, daughter of Pharaohs, I give you my most precious gift, my brother Dylan, Prince of the Anglesey Druids, and Lord of Ynys Môn.”

Alex’s mouth opened letting in a gulp of frigid air. “What do you mean?”

Dylan squeezed her hand. “My sister is giving me to you.”

Gwynne smiled. “My brother understands it will be a long and dangerous voyage. With Dylan as your husband, you will have protection.”

“No,” Alex protested, attempting to pull her hand back from Dylan’s warm grasp. “This cannot be. I have vowed never to wed.” She looked into Dylan’s sea-blue eyes. “Tell your sister she is mad.”

Dylan held Alex’s hand fast. “I bow to the authority of my Druid queen. Gwynne, make haste with the ritual. My bride and I sail with the tide.”

Alex opened her mouth to protest but only a very un-royal sputter escaped.

With that, Gwynne spoke quickly in the dialect Alex had not yet mastered, and in minutes Dylan had transferred a gold ring from his finger to hers and clasped her in a warm embrace. She stood stunned when Gwynne ordered, “Now circle the stones. Then all will be complete.”

Dylan’s voice was gentle. “Come with me three times around the stone circle and it shall be done. I promise you shall not regret what my sister has decreed.”

 Available: Amazon print and ebook


Amber PoloAmber Polo, constantly asking “What if…?” has a hard time writing in one genre. Best known for The Shapeshifters’ Library urban fantasy series which asked what if librarian dog-shifters faced book-burning werewolves, she shares her love of libraries and fascination with creatures and places, real and not-so-real, in The Pharaoh and the Librarian.

Author of award-winning fantasies and Arizona romances, Amber relaxes stressed writers and readers. Her book, Relaxing the Writer offers a catalog of suggestions and simple exercises while her calming CDs help almost anyone relax and find restful sleep.  Heads in the Clouds won Best Romance in the New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards and her essay “Trick or Treat” won the national Story Circle Network Susan Wittig Albert LifeWriting Competition.

To learn more about Amber and her books, find her at:

Website and Blog

Facebook Author Page

Amazon Author Page


Wrong place, wrong time, right woman #MFRWsteam

This is a blog hop! Please see the end of the post for the link to other
steamy excerpts!

Only a Good Man Will Do by Dee S. KnightBlurb for Only a Good Man Will Do:
Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!
Daniel Goodman is a man on a mission. He aims to become headmaster of Westover Academy. For that he needs a particular, special woman to help him set high standards. Into his cut and dried life of moral and upright behavior, comes Eve Star, formerly one of Europe’s foremost exotic dancers. Her life is anything but cut and dried, black and white. Daniel is drawn to her like a kid to chocolate. Nothing good can come of this attraction. Or can it? He is after all, a good man.

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Daniel couldn’t wait to get Eve to the bedroom. When he heard the click of MFRW Steamthe lock, it was as though they’d pushed the world away and existed alone in that island of an apartment.

What are you doing? Are you out of your fucking mind? He was where he shouldn’t be and with a woman he shouldn’t be. And he didn’t give a damn.

He backed her against the door. “Take off your clothes.”

Locking onto his eyes, she started unbuttoning her blouse. She must be as crazy as he. If he said the wrong word at the Academy, her son would be out, yet she—

“Wait a minute. Swear you aren’t doing this to keep your son in school.”

Eve’s eyes narrowed then widened. “Are you using his position at Westover as a threat?”

“Hell, no.”

“I want you as much as you want me. That’s the only reason I let you in this apartment.”

Satisfied, he nodded. She loosened the last button and let her blouse fall to the floor. Still watching his eyes, she reached behind and unhooked her bra. Her breasts were large, but not overly so. He cupped one. The stiffened peak of her nipple scraped his palm as he massaged her. He removed his hand and raised his eyes back to hers.

She unzipped and unsnapped her jeans. He crowded her but in a great stripper move, she slithered down the door, pushing her jeans and panties with her. On her haunches in front of him, she unbuckled his belt. He reached in his pocket for the rubber he’d brought and let her free his cock as she pulled down his trousers and briefs.

Her breath was hot on him, and her tongue like a branding iron striking across the crown, licking up his pre-cum and dipping into the tiny slit as though digging for more. Her mouth surrounded the head of his cock, hot and wet and so inviting. He closed his eyes and pushed forward, letting the heat envelope him, burn him. He withdrew and the cold air on his tender flesh sent a shiver through him, a shiver she sensed because she surged forward, covering him in heat again. When she pulled back, she wrapped her warm hand around his exposed rod. His cock twitched, gliding like a snake into the recesses of her mouth, sliding ever so slightly past the mouth of her throat. His balls tightened, so ready to let go. Daniel pulled back.

“Here,” he said, handing her the condom. It took her no time to apply it, then, unbelievably, she stood in the tiny space he allowed.

This time, Daniel crouched before her, removing her shoes and slipping the jeans over her feet. He parted her legs and licked his way from ankle to thigh. Her skin smoothed over his cheek, a length of silk leading to the apex, an amazing thatch of soft curls. He nuzzled and her aroma overtook him, the warm, musk scent making his dick pulse with need. With a groan, she widened her stance. He parted her lower lips and studied her. Already, dew drops of her essence glistened along her lips and the entrance to her pussy. His tongue lapped it up, stroking a path to her clit.

“Oh, God!” She slapped her hands against the door.

She was wet enough, especially after his brief exploration. Another time he’d take more care. Right now, he only wanted to feel her around him, to be lost in her touch, her scent, her woman’s heat that could bring the strongest man to his knees.

He stood and lifted her over him. “Are you ready?” His voice was hoarse, the taste of her still on his tongue spurring his desire and emptying him of all reason.

“More than ready.”

In a single stroke he drove into her. She cried out.

“Did I hurt you?”

She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he could get. His hands kneaded her ass. Her hips undulated, grinding into him.

“Harder,” she whispered in his ear.

“Oh, God,” he moaned. Feeling like a man of iron, he pounded her back against the door. Someone had started another song in the bar below and the steady bass beat a feral rhythm to which he stroked. Steel sheathed in liquid fire, he drove in and pulled out. In and out, in and out, to the beat from below, to the pounding of his heart, to the grunts of pleasure Eve made while he hammered her to the door.

And then his balls clenched against her butt and he came, hard, strong, for what felt like forever. At the same moment, Eve moaned, holding him tight while her muscles clamped, seeking to trap him deep within. No problem there. He was deep and long and right where he wanted to be. She was tight and strong and hard around him.

They stood there until he had nothing left to give and the ripples of her orgasm died away. His mouth sought hers, drinking and sipping and nuzzling. For the first time, he noticed her hands tangled in his hair. Her tongue invaded his mouth, taking command in a way he found arousing. Incredibly, his heart sped and his breathing quickened. Damn, he couldn’t wait to have her again.

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A crazy Fourth

July 4th--Happy Birthday, America!This is unquestionably a crazy time in the U.S. and around the world. But today is also our country’s birthday. I’d like to forget the weirdness and just say “Happy birthday, USA!”

I’d also like to thank all of those who kept us free and who continue to do so—our military and military families. Your sacrifice is much appreciated. Also, thanks to all who keep us safe here at home, our first responders who rush to us when we call for help. Because of all of you, our country is better, our lives are better, and considering all America does around the world, the world is better, too.

Have a safe and happy Fourth!July Fourth

Raising children #MFRWauthor

Values to teach childrenI can’t think of any job in the world more important but harder to do well than parenting. When you think of the million of things a parent can do wrong, it boggles the mind. And even if you do most everything right, the kid can decide to screw it all up and leave parents wondering where they went wrong. The good news is, no one does it perfectly, and most kids turn out okay and grow up to have their own kids so they can worry about doing things wrong. It’s a beautiful circle.

So, when we think of the most important value to teach a child, it’s impossible to narrow it to one. We want our children to be honest, self-sufficient, loving, hard-working, trustworthy, etc. Sigh. But if I have to pick one, I’ll say that teaching your child to love is the most important.

When parents teach their children to love—not just others, but themselves—they are also teaching respect for life. Loving means they don’t hurt others purposefully and that they learn to say “I’m sorry” when they do it accidentally. It means they learn to share and give to help those who can’t help themselves. It means they grow up trying to do the right thing and not to cause harm.

How do we teach kids to be loving? One way—the best way, I think—is by Parents and childrenexample. If parents show love for each other as well as for their children, they demonstrate what a good relationship is. It builds a web of love that can’t help but extend to outside the family structure.

Perhaps I make it all sound easy. It isn’t. As a parent, loving means being consistent, so the child learns. It means correcting behavior that doesn’t show caring, even when correcting is hard to do. It means taking time to be loving, even when it seems there is no time. It means doing your regular job, but never forgetting that parenting is the real job.

We’re going through a crazy, topsy-turvy world right now, and we could use a lot more love. If we teach our kids to love themselves and each other, I think the ideal will spread from generation to generation, keeping everyone’s little corner of the world a better place.

What do you think is the best value to teach?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Burning Bridges by Anne Krist: old letters put the lie to Sara’s life. Now, mending her past mistakes while crossing burning bridges will be the hardest thing she’s ever done.

One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

Who knows what a woman can do? Jan Selbourne #MFRWHooks

The Woman Behind the Mirror

Blurb –
The Woman Behind the Mirror by Jan SelbourneBetrothed by her father to a man twice her age, Sarah Forsythe does the unthinkable—she runs away with the son of a Methodist minister. Not to Gretna Green, to colonial America—the New World. For Sarah, a “new world” of broken promises, abandonment, poverty and shame. Around her, the American Revolution is simmering, and the siege of Boston worsens by the day. As British soldiers seek out traitors and treason, a desperate Sarah breaks open a safe looking for cash. Instead, she finds a box holding Bank of England documents. Through willpower, bitter determination, and lying through her teeth, Sarah manages to make her way home to England. What she doesn’t know is that two men follow, and they will do anything to claim those documents.

Bank investigator Neil McAlister faces an almost impossible task—to determine the true owner of the documents by deciding who is lying. Most of all, as danger creeps ever closer, he needs to know who wants the secretive, beautiful Sarah dead.

Buy link
Kindle Unlimited

MFRW Book Hooks

Excerpt –
When the early dusk gave way to night, she cut her hair to above her shoulders. Dressed in grubby men’s breeches, a thick quilted coat and cloak she’d bought from a street hawker, her cropped hair pushed under a black hat and a knife in her pocket, she walked past the front entrance, looked around and hurried down the lane to the rear of the building. Stepping over rubble and filth she moved closer to the back door and almost sagged with relief. The cover over the coal chute had not been sealed. Crouching down, she pulled the metal ring and pulled again but it wouldn’t budge. Forcing down the urge to scream and kick, she pulled again. With a harsh scraping of wood against wood it lifted, and she dropped into the black hole. Hitting the pile of coal with a thud, she lay still listening, then crept into the empty kitchen and the hall. A glance behind her and she sprinted up the staircase to Samuel Fenton’s private quarters.

It was as she expected, dark and stripped of all furniture, so she felt her way along the wall until a hand covered her mouth. Her heart thudded with shock then she bit down hard. The grip loosened and she kicked back behind her. Two strong hands swung her around and jammed her face into the wall.

“Move and I’ll cut your throat,” a muffled voice hissed in her ear.

Sarah tried to kick back again but he dodged to one side and threw her to the floor. Winded and terrified she flinched when his knife pressed against her throat.

“Who are you? Answer me!”

“Please,” she begged. “Let me go and I’ll not look back.”

A sharp intake of air. “A woman?”

Sarah was pulled up to face a man shrouded in black and with a scarf covering the lower part of his face.

“Let me go!” she yelled but his grip tightened and now frightened for her life she fought back. Her fingernails clawed at his eyes and when he jerked away her boot lashed into his shin bone. Swearing furiously, he kicked her feet from under her and she landed heavily on the floor.

“Bitch,” he snarled. “If you were a man, you’d be dead.” Within seconds he was gone.

Shaking uncontrollably, Sarah backed into a corner and curled into a ball until the cold and the terrible silence became unbearable. You are so close, and you can’t lie here forever.

Lifting her head, she peered into the dark room before crawling to the alcove where the mahogany desk had stood. Inch by inch, she felt along the floorboards until she found the join. Her fingers moved forward until they found the second join and pushed down. It didn’t move. Stifling a sob, she willed herself to remember the night two men had challenged each other to a duel. She’d burst into this room to find Samuel Fenton on his knees placing a box into the hole. He’d swiftly covered it, spluttering something about dropping his snuff box. She hadn’t so much as glanced at the floor, instead she’d pointed to the salon shouting, “Quick, they’ll kill each other.” Now, she had no idea how to open the hidey-hole.

God, it was so dark she couldn’t see a damn thing. Gritting her teeth, Sarah felt the floorboards again. No keyhole. Her eyes closed in despair, why didn’t she bring a hatpin or… Her eyes flew open. Idiot, the knife!

Keeping one finger on the join, she fumbled for the knife in her pocket and pushed it into the crack. Nothing. “Please, please,” she begged silently and dug the knife into the other join. A soft click. Now what do I do? Her fingers gently pushed again, and the other end lifted. Every nerve in her body was screaming to get out now as she lifted the box from its hiding place. Something else was beneath it.

Her fingers probed and picked up a slim leather folder when a noise outside made her freeze. Dear God, he was coming back. Then it went silent. Most likely an alley cat. She pushed the folder into the pocket of her cloak, clutched the box to her chest and, heart pounding loud enough to hear a mile away, she crept down the stairs and into the kitchen. Across the flagstones to the coal chute. “Oh no,” she whispered. There was nothing to help her climb out. Defeated, she slumped down to the floor and put her head in her hands.

It was a scraping noise that roused her. Most likely a tree branch against a window, but wait, how did that brute get in and out? Gripping the knife, she walked beside the walls, touching each boarded window and door and then stopped to listen. Back to the privy where chamber pots were emptied into the sewer outside. The small door was open, its rusty hinges squeaking. Dropping to the floor she crawled through the gap, stepped over the foul-smelling drain and was about to run when a figure loomed in front of her.

Hard hands grabbed her shoulders. “What were you doing in there?”

“Nothing, get away, get away from me!” Jerking away, the box slipped from her grasp and hit the ground with a clatter.

The man grabbed her again. “Slut, answer me or I’ll break your fucking neck.”

Blindly Sarah lashed out at him and her breath caught in her throat when he gave a sickening whoop and staggered backwards to collapse onto the cobblestones.

Oh, dear God. In her panic to get out she’d forgotten the knife in her hand. Her legs were turning to water, she couldn’t move, then a shout from the road.

“What goes on there?” Two night watchmen with lanterns were turning into the lane. Dragging air into her lungs, she picked up the box and fled.

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Making her engine purr #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

One Woman Only by Dee S. KnightOne Woman Only, Book 2 of the Good Man series

As one of a set of triplets, Jonah Goodman has always stood out as the least academic—and the last one to take the world, or commitment, seriously. Thing is, that’s not really who he is. But who can he convince of that? Not his family, who see him as they always have. And maybe not his one love, the sweetheart he left behind in high school but with whom he is now sharing an erotic holiday. Will he get his second chance to prove to Kelly that he is a loving man who wants more than a sensual few days, but a real relationship with the woman he lost once and doesn’t want to lose again? With that chance and Kelly’s love, Jonah knows that a “good man” can become a better man.

Buy link:
Kindle Unlimited

“A burger and fries, please.” Jonah had said the words, but in synch with someone else. Someone whose voice was slightly higher and a lot more feminine. He turned his head to the left and met the green gaze of the last person he wanted to see tonight. For an instant, the spit dried in his mouth and his eyes widened as his past slammed headfirst into his present. She was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and his body responded with an immediate and aching erection.

Then she opened her mouth.

“Oh hell,” Kelly said. “It’s you.”

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New! Let Sleeping Dogs Lie by Cynthia Terelst

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie by Cynthia TerelseLet Sleeping Dogs Lie


Will one of the treasures they find be each other’s heart?

It’s been five years since Tara walked out of Shepherd’s life without a word. Since then he’s spiralled through drugs, alcohol and empty relationships, with Tara on his mind the whole time. Now he wants to win her back, and what better way to do it than by creating a fake scavenger hunt? He knows she won’t be able to resist.

Tara’s lost enough loved ones and she didn’t want to see Shepherd added to that count. So, when she saw him high at graduation, she did the only thing she could – she walked away. When she’s teamed up with him for a million dollar scavenger hunt, the feelings reignite. For a second chance at love to work, she needs to be brave enough to open up to him, to tell him everything she withheld the first time around.

Shepherd didn’t realise how much winning would mean to Tara. He now needs to come up with $3 million for her foundation before the hunt is over. If he can’t he will need to tell her it’s all fake, and he doesn’t know if he can risk that.

Will secrets destroy them a second time around?

Shepherd and I sat on the couch side by side and watched The Martian while we ate dinner. The warmth from where our arms touched seeped through me. I should have moved away, but I didn’t want to. The spices from the tacos radiated off him. What would they taste like when mixed with the sweetness of him? My eyes were drawn to his lips, the curve of them. I could practically feel their softness.

Shepherd turned his face to mine. My eyes lingered for a moment as I imagined his soft breath brushing my face as he bent his head toward me. My breathing shallowed to the point that it was nearly non-existent, as if I were a starfish. I turned my face away and resumed watching the movie, making sure my hands kept to themselves and my thoughts remained on the man saving his own life on the screen. Matt Damon may have been the most attractive astronaut I’d ever seen, but he was nothing compared to Shepherd.

The movie ended and I sat there while the credits rolled. Our closeness suddenly made me feel like we were in a flux capacitor. Time—five years of it—had been starved, and now it was swallowing me whole. Everything about Shepherd felt like home. Everything. And if I allowed it to, this feeling wouldn’t just swallow me, it would become me.

I jerked away from him, my heart racing, my skin cold, while I broke into a sweat. I couldn’t allow this to happen. Shepherd was no longer my solace. He never truly was because he never knew my grief. My grief over my brother. The feelings of loss at my parent’s death.

No, Shepherd was not my solace. Not then. Not now.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie by Cynthia Terelse

Cynthia Terelst and Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
CT: Ideas come in the most mysterious ways. My daughter had just moved to a new town for work. She told me about how there was a top pub and a bottom pub and at bottom pub people remembered your name. I made a random post about it and one of my friends said it sounded like a puzzle. So I thought, why not write a book revolving around a scavenger hunt.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?
CT: You can’t have a scavenger hunt without places where to find the treasure. So after I decided where I would set the book I needed to figure out where the treasure was going to be hidden. Then I needed to come up with clues to direct the players to that place. It sounds easy. But trust me it’s not. You need to provide enough detail for them to get to the answer but still be vague enough so that can not guess straight away.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.
CT: Many of the places mentioned in the book I have visited personally, and the ghostly encounter was real!

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
CT: I don’t write full time, yet. My aim is to be a full-time author at the end of 2023. That is when the project at my day job is scheduled to complete. I intend to write two books a year and build up a loyal fan base in between.

NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
CT: I have very supportive friends and family who like to say they know a published author. They might get sick of me talking about my launch, the book that I’m working on, but the never say so. And I appreciate that.

NA: The biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer
CT: The support in the writing community. People are open in sharing what works for them and what hasn’t. Many are there to extend a helping hand to you and share their infinite wisdom.

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
CT: I know where my books starts, what I want to happen in the middle and what the ending is. My planning does not go much beyond that. For this book I wrote out index cards for each scene but I only looked at the first few and then my writing just went on its own merry little way.

NA: Do you have quirky writing habits?
CT: Not really. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I don’t. I hand write my first draft and then type. I guess that is something not all writers do. It helps me think clearer.

NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
CT: I don’t have much spare time. I usually just veg out in front of the TV at the end of the night for an hour or so.

NA: Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
CT: Because it was clean and it fits. I’ve put on a bit of weight and not all of my clothes fit at present.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning?
CT: How much longer I can stay in bed for because I MUST get up.

NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most?
CT: Cleaning is not my thing. When I got a pay rise the first thing I did was get a cleaner.

NA: What are you working on now?
CT: My next novel is a royal romance, with a smattering of polo, rambunctious kids and I’ll throw in a spider and snake, because Australia. Lol.


“You’ve got ketchup—” His thumb reached the side of my mouth and wiped across my lips, leaving them heated. It was such a Shepherd thing to do, so natural, I thought nothing of it at first. But we weren’t Shepherd and Tara anymore. We were no longer a consist that couldn’t be separated, that would be useless apart. We were separated, and for good reason. Just because my lips yearned for his in that moment, it didn’t mean I needed to act on it.


I looked up at Shepherd. I wanted him to kiss me. My lust was a coiled snake, lifting its head, stretching out towards him. I knew what his lips felt like. I knew what he tasted like. I’d remembered it for five years and now I yearned for it more than ever. Musk from his cologne was sexy as hell. My skin tingled as I breathed it in deeper, drawing it deep into my lungs.
I took a step toward him. As he reached out and curled his hand around the back of my neck, heat surged through my body.


So, as much as I wanted to stay away from Shepherd, I couldn’t. The chance of winning three million outweighed my wants. How much I once loved him did not matter. I couldn’t afford to think about it. And I needed to rein in any residual feelings…for eighteen more days.

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Author Bio

Cynthia TerelstCynthia Terelst is a project officer by day and a writer by night. She is a contemporary romance writer who likes to share a little bit of history, some Australian scenery and a whole lotta love. Cynthia does not shy away from difficult topics, as she feels that they should not be ignored.
She lives in Queensland, Australia, where the sun shines at least 283 days a year.

Read Cynthia’s previous blog post, The Cat’s Out of the Bag!

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Whoa! Rock You Like a Hurricane by Sierra Brave

Rock You lIke a Hurricane by Sierra Brave

Title: Rock You Like a Hurricane
Series: Triple Passion Play
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Romantic Suspense, Ménage

Rock You Like a Hurricane by Sierra Brave

Limited Time Re-release Sale: $.99*
(*US Price, prices in other countries vary based on market)
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Short Interview

NA: What made you decide to re-publish the first book in the Triple Passion Play series?
Sierra: After the unfortunate passing of the owner of the publishing company, my rights to Rock You Like a Hurricane reverted to me. To keep the book available, I had to re-publish.

NA: You made extensive revisions. Why?
Sierra: The characters in the Triple Passion Play series are some of my favorites which is probably why I wrote four books featuring them. The first book was published in 2016. When I was ready to re-publish, I took a fresh look at the story. Rock You Like a Hurricane was still a fun, sexy read, but in the past four years, I’ve learned a lot, and my writing style has changed. The voice no longer sounded like my own so I edited until the characters and story felt like they belonged to me again.

NA: Were there any major changes in the plot?
Sierra: No. The bones and the heart of the story are the same. The time frame covers less than forty-eight hours—Rock You Like a Hurricane is all about the catalyst for the deeper relationship developing between Ken, Tommy, and Trisha in the next three books.

NA: Is Rock You Like a Hurricane a historical romance?
Sierra: Not really. I call it a retro erotic romance. I wrote book four, Triple Naughty Christmas, first before any of what became the first three books. My intent had been to write a stand-alone holiday romance about a seasoned poly relationship. Once my middle-aged poly trio began to come to life on the pages, I felt like a lot more of the story of Trisha, Tommy, and Ken deserved to be told. The beginning seemed like a great place to start. Book one is set in 1996 when the three MCs are still in college.

NA: Why does Rock You Like a Hurricane feature so much world-building?
Sierra: I wanted to convey a sense of nostalgia for the mid-to-late 90s, but I spent a lot of energy setting the scene for a much larger reason. In order for older readers to be able to relate to the main characters, I needed them to feel as if they were stepping into the college coed or new adult mind frame. Tommy, Trisha, and Ken behave differently in book one than they do in book four because they’re not nearly as mature or confident yet. Navigating the early days of adulthood is a challenging time often filled with impulsive decisions and mixed-emotions of anxiety and excitement. I wanted my mature readers to remember those heart-pounding, fly-by-the-seat of your pants, but in some ways, much simpler days.

Sales Blurb:
All bets are off in the eye of the storm.

Trisha Harper has a dilemma. She’s crazy about two smoking hot guys, best friends who share a fascinating synergy. She’s honestly not sure which man she wants more, the Asian stunner or the gregarious blond jock. Maybe both?

Tommy and Ken know each other so well they’re able to complement each other’s strengths while minimizing each other’s weaknesses. Neither man can imagine a life without the other, but they never expected to fall for the same woman. Meeting Trisha changed everything.

A hands-off, gentleman’s agreement kept the peace but as the trio hunkers down together to ride out a potentially deadly hurricane, the quarters are close and the sexual tension is stifling. A game of strip poker has both men teetering between desire and the fear of rejection and loss.

Lightning crashes. Jealousy flares. Tempers explode, and then the power goes out. What will happen in the dark and how will they face the dawn?

Rock You Like a Hurricane is a stand-alone, Male-Female-Male (MFM) romance but also a prequel to the unfolding bisexual ménage saga of the Triple Passion Play series. The story contains sizzling, put-you-in-the-moment love scenes with graphic, descriptive language. If you are offended by explicit content and heavily implied bi-curiosity, you might want to read a different book. Previously published by Liquid Silver Books.


“Hey now! You’re going to mess up my luxurious locks.” Tommy ran a hand through his hair while smirking before he bent forward and snatch the pillow with one hand while gathering her up with his free arm. Trisha squirmed, resisting until Tommy pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Settle down now.” He nuzzled the side of her head.

Her chest tightened and her pussy sent shockwaves through her core. Tommy had hugged her before, but he had never held her close in such an intimate way. His hard chest supported her shoulder while his soft, yummy-smelling hair brushed against her neck and cheek. For some reason, he smelled like Ken tonight. She closed her eyes, breathing in his fragrance. Oh! Her eyes flickered open as his cock stirred beneath. He’s getting hard! Trisha’s breath caught in her throat, and she pursed her lips to repress a smile. As her eyelashes fluttered, she caught the expression on Ken’s face. Shit. He looks as if he’s been punched in the gut. Is he jealous? I can’t have these two fighting.

Scooting back into her seat, Trisha used both hands to shove Tommy away.

“Unhand me, you troll!”

“Troll!” Tommy scrunched up his nose and twisted his lips.

“Well, when you make that face.” She pointed and laughed. “I saw a deck of cards over by the snacks. Let’s play poker.”

Tommy grinned and nodded. “Sure, but Ken will wipe the floor with us.”
Trisha shot a look Ken’s way, offering him a smile and a wink before awkwardly looking away while playing with her hair.

Ken stretched in his seat. “As much as I’d love to rake you two over the coals, we don’t have any chips.”

Well, here’s my opening. Hope my voice doesn’t crack. Trisha lifted her face, batting her lashes at him. “Who needs chips when we have clothes?


5.0 out of 5 stars Surprisingly awesome!!!!
What a fantastic read…I loved every page..the characters flowed..the storyline was fresh and so damn sexy lol
This is the first book I’ve read from this author and I can honestly say I can’t wait to see what other adventures she has in store for us…

Thank you and blessed be
Victoria – Amazon reader

5.0 out of 5 stars All I can say is… HOT HOT HOT!!!
I didn’t know what to expect since I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review but I really enjoyed this book!!!!!!!!!!! At first I was skeptical but after reading the first few chapters and getting to know both male characters I was very intrigued and could not stop reading. Both Tommy and Ken have endearing qualities and the yin and yang balance between the two were very nice. I really LOVED the character of Trisha and how realistic her curiosity with both male characters progressed. The internal dialogue throughout the book was funny and witty where I found myself laughing out loud at times. I have not read a lot of M/F/M novels however I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It had a good amount of dialogue and passionate yet raunchy scenes. I was not sure what hentai was but after looking it up I can see that it fit in with your story and character very well. I also really loved the flow of the story and the descriptions for everything, where creative analogies and metaphors were utilized making the story more relatable. I look forward to more by this author. 🙂 THANKS SIERRA!! XOXOXO
Kimi – Amazon Reviewer

Triple Passion Play--Sierra Brave

More Books in the Triple Passion Play Series
The Power of Three
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Baby Makes Four
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Triple Naughty Christmas
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Charity Sunday: Homes for Our Troops

Charity Sunday: Dee S. KnightHow Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. Thanks for your help and your participation!

Homes for OUr TroopsWelcome to this month’s Charity Sunday! This month I’m highlighting Homes for Our Troops . The mission of Homes for Our Troops is this: “To build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives.”

Even if you’ve had only a broken leg (or hip or arm or had knee surgery) you can appreciate the barriers posed in our homes. If your home has steps, for instance, think of the handicap injured or wounded folks have in getting around. Homes for Our Troops takes into consideration not only steps, but height of a stove or sink, whether a shower is handicap accessible, etc. These can be priceless accommodations for the man or women who wants to be independent. I hope you will take a look at their website and see what all they do.

Burning Bridges by Anne KristI’d like to share an excerpt from Burning Bridges, where the hero is a sailor on his way to the war in Vietnam.
Letters delivered decades late send shock waves through Sara Richards’s world. Nothing is the same, especially her memories of Paul, a man to whom she’d given her heart years before. Now, sharing her secrets and mending her mistakes of the past means putting her life back together while crossing burning bridges. It will be the hardest thing Sara’s ever done.

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Sara stared at the letters arranged before her in numerical order. The moment in time she and Paul shared was long ago, yet her dream had conjured his presence as though she’d just seen him. In her mind, his blue eyes darkened with passion before his lips captured hers, and he moaned his appreciation when their tongues met. She tasted his sweetness and knew the steel of his arms as he held her. How many nights had she put herself through hell reliving those memories? Too damn many.

After the concert, they’d met clandestinely on weekends, mostly at Sandbridge, where they could walk and talk undisturbed. With each meeting, stirrings built deep in Sara that pushed her to want more, but Paul insisted they restrain themselves because of her age.

Then the weekend before he shipped out, she’d planned a surprise and her life changed forever.

The kettle screeched, bringing her back to the present. Sara prepared a cup of tea and then picked up the envelope marked twenty-eight. At one time, she would have given her right arm to hold this letter. Now, curiosity and the desire for a brief escape drove her more than the passion of youth. Blind love had faded when she’d had no word to bolster her during the long weeks after the ship left.

First had come the waiting. No letters arrived, even though she wrote him daily. There were no phone calls, no notes, no anything, for days that dragged into weeks then crept into months.

Anticipation morphed into anxiety. She worried he was sick or hurt and unable to write.

One day she admitted that Paul must be afraid to write for some reason, and she feared what he would say if she did receive a letter. That their time together had been a mistake, that she was too young to be in love. That he really loved someone else and Sara had been only a stand-in while he was in Virginia. Perversely, she began to sigh with relief when she arrived home and found no word.

Now, knowing why she hadn’t received mail, what would she feel if she opened this letter and her old fears proved to be true?

“Nothing,” she murmured. “Paul’s dead. He can’t hurt me anymore.” At the very least, his letters might allow her to put his ghost to rest. For that reason alone, she had to read them.

She slid her thumb under the flap and ripped the envelope open. A single sheet held his hurried scrawl.

Heroines—how they shape up #MFRWauthor

Slim or full-figuredI don’t think I’ve consciously given a thought as to why I normally create my heroines as slim or slender. I don’t think I purposely avoid the full-figured heroine, but maybe in some way I do. It’s definitely something I will consider in the future. The fact is, full-figured women are as beautiful as slim women.

Just a few short years ago, full-figures were considered sexy. Hourglass figures are also considered full-figured—think Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Russell, Britney Young, or one of my favorite celebrities, Nigella Lawson. Full-figured womanCurvy is great. Curvy is good. Know why? Because beauty comes from within, not at the makeup table or on the scale. It comes from loving yourself and being happy with who you are.

The one sort of disadvantage I can think of for full-figured women is that clothes aren’t easy to buy. Find something that fits the bust and it might not fit the waist. Clothes for women are too often designed for the mythical woman—perfectly proportioned, little hips, and where anything above size 10 is considered plus size. Full-figured woman have hips. They have boobs. They have a little heft to them. When I write my full-figured heroine—and I have her in mind already—I’m going write about clothes shopping, too.

Sexy, full-figured womanWhat about you? Does it bother you to write (or read) about a woman who isn’t a size 6?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Burning Bridges by Anne Krist
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers