Welcome, Patricia Elliott!

First, I just want to thank Nomadauthors for hosting me on their blog today to talk about my new book, Not You Again.
Emma Praught has everything a woman could wish for: a house, a husband, and a teen daughter who she wouldn’t trade for the world. But when she receives that fateful call, everything falls apart.
Her husband is dead. The life she knew is over. And before she has a chance to make sense of it all, death threats roll in and so does a man from her past. One she never expected to see again.
Devon Matthews, in the stupidity of his youth, broke the heart of the only woman he ever loved. Something he has never gotten over. Now he has a chance to make it up to her by protecting them. And maybe, just maybe, she’ll find it in her heart to forgive him. If he can keep her alive, that is.
Will they make it through this unscathed, or will Emma’s stubborn nature make it difficult for them both?
One way or another, he’s not giving her up this time.
He sat there, outside Emma Praught’s house, with his hands on the steering wheel as he stared at her. The tan curtains in her living room were pulled back, and he had a clear view of her and her daughter.
He could take her out right here, right now, if he wanted to. But no, he was going to wait. Torture her a little before making his final move. She deserved it. They all deserved it. Everything was going fine in his world until they botched it.
Looking down on the seat beside him, he let his fingers roam over his sniper rifle. It wouldn’t take much to lift it up, aim it, and fire, but where was the fun in that? He much preferred to watch them slowly come to the realization that someone was coming for them.
That’s what he did to his cheating ex-girlfriend, too. The thrill that had raced through him when he haunted her, stalked her, and finally tortured her to death was like a drug and now his body was crying out for more, for another. He loved watching their eyes glaze over as their spirit left their body.
And his dad was none the wiser to his activities. Man, if he found out, his dad would throw a god-damn fit, and he’d really be up the creek without a paddle. While home, he played the duty-bound man, the ever loving son. But he found that boring. Why would anyone decide to live that way?
He was born to be a hunter. Not of animals, of course, but humans. It just took his girlfriend screwing around on him to find his calling in life. He was going to make them all pay for their indiscretions and have fun while doing it.
And this time his prey was that damn woman and her daughter. There was nothing that could stand in his way and no one to save them. They were alone and vulnerable. His favourite type to hunt.
When they moved away from the window, he got out of his car and stretched out the kink in his back. Running a hand through his freshly cut hair, he shoved a hat onto his head. As he walked across the street, he eyed the garden planted along the wall of the house.
Carefully making his way across the grass, keeping out of sight, he dragged his feet through her flower bed, crushing marigolds, sunflowers, and tulips in his wake. Grabbing a blue tulip, he quietly walked up the steps and left it on the front porch before disappearing back into his car.
Phase one of his plan was complete. Now he’d let her mull over that one for a while before making his next move. His phone vibrated on the passenger seat and he looked at the caller I.D. It was his mom. He wanted to stay and watch Emma’s reaction, but he was being called elsewhere.
And like a good son, he’d be there for her. He turned the engine on and pulled out onto the road. “I’m coming, Mom,” he said into the phone before tossing it on the passenger seat.
Glancing out the rain covered window, he flicked on the wiper blades. The rain filled the air with ominous music as the smell of wet musty dust floated through the slightly-open window.
When he could no longer see her house, his fingers tightened around the steering wheel. He hated leaving a job incomplete, and he ached to return and do what he knew was right. But it couldn’t be rushed. When you rushed, you screwed up. He had to plan it right to the smallest detail or things would go belly up.
And he had no plans on being the one in the coffin anytime soon. “Bye Emma. I hope you enjoy my calling card.” Flowers. They were right up a woman’s alley.
Buy link: Amazon
NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book (which sounds really exciting, by the way!)? What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
PE: I’m not sure about you, but I love stories that revolve around second chances; whether that be high school sweethearts reconnecting or people who choose to give love another chance after being devastated by their last. I feel that these stories fill us with hope for the future. That no matter how dark the way is now, better things are coming. Nothing stays the same forever.
And I think just about everyone has a story of the one that got away. What would you do differently if you got another chance?
NA: A fun fact about writing your book
PE: Unlike many, I do not have a writing space at home. Sure we have three computers, but my house is usually to noisy to write. My two older boys who love video games tend to make it difficult to concentrate, if you know what I mean—“stupid internet is too slow” *lol*
So my entire story was written at work during any quiet time I had at my desk. The best thing about it, it’s like being paid to write full-time. 😉 Shhhh, don’t tell my boss I said that.
NA: Do you have a day job?
PE: Yes, I work full-time as a security guard (concierge) at an office building. They have been an amazing support system throughout my time there. It’s not unusual for my book to get passed around the office.
NA: What started you on the path to writing?
PE: When I was younger, I was bullied relentlessly at school. It wasn’t unusual for me to be hiding in the library, reading some of my favorite books(Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley Twins). Writing and reading gave me an escape route into another world; one where I could be anything or anyone I wanted to be. I didn’t have to be shy or scared. I could swim into the deepest sea or fly high into the sky away from the bad guys.
My love for writing continued as I got older, and I finally finished my first novel when I was 26 (Her Lover’s Face), which BVS published last year. I want to create stories that allow other people to escape, even if just for a while. Life gets too hard sometimes. We need the freedom to fly.
NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
PE: They have all been extremely supportive and have been a blessing to me throughout the process; of course, my parents would prefer me to write more inspirational romance, but I tend to delve a little more on the naughtier side. I might have to think of a pen name in the near future if I release some of my more current work.
I do want to thank Heather Teston, though. She’s the one that encouraged me to send my first novel into BVS. Without her support, I don’t think I would have ever taken the chance.
NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
PE: I usually start off with an idea and run with it. The only thing I outline are my two main characters, but that’s not to say that some things about them don’t change along the way—like their past once it comes to light in the story.
I feel that being a pantser gives you more freedom and it’s almost like you are reading the story, too. The only problem with not having an outline is that you have to consistently write the new information down as it is revealed, or you might run into consistency problems, like a black leather couch in one scene and a brown leather couch in another.
NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
PE: Having a reader message you and tell you how much they loved your story. That it kept them up all hours or made them laugh or cry out loud on a train ride home, making everyone look at them funny. One girl apparently got kicked out of class for laughing out loud while reading my book.
I love hearing from my readers and touching base with them. They are my motivation to get up and write every day. One of my favorite experiences was getting a story of mine featured on Wattpad and watching the reads roll in until the total surpassed 1m.
NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
PE: When I’m not writing, you can either find me curled up on the couch reading a book or watching Netflix, while peeking at my phone during more boring TV moments. I think I’m addicted to the internet(*lol*), but aside from sitting on my fanny, I love getting out for a walk in the evening with my neighbour. We tend to play Pokemon Go while we walk through the park near our complex. It has been a real life saver over the last few months.
NA: A pet peeve
PE: I think my biggest pet peeve has to be people who overuse their car horn. After four car accidents, horns make me jump big time and I end up thinking that an accident is going to happen. The most annoying thing is when they honk at you because you came to an actual stop at a red-light. It’s like hello…red means stop. Some seem to think that red means slow down and then keep going if it looks safe.
NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning?
PE: I set two alarms every morning, so my first thought is, ahh, five more minutes. That usually turns into another ten or fifteen until I can’t stay in bed any longer or I’ll be late. Second thought is surfing social media, wondering if anything interesting is going on today.
NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most?
PE: That would be a toss up between doing dishes or cleaning the bathrooms. Both are like a never ending job. You could do all the dishes, but somehow more magically appear after five minutes. What I wouldn’t give for a real clone…the four mini clones I did have must be defective because I still end up doing them the majority of the time. Dishes are a mother’s curse.
NA: What are you working on now?
PE: I currently have numerous projects in the works. Some steamy, some sweeter than others, but almost all of them are of the romantic suspense genre. However, my most recent story in the works, far from being ready to get published, delves into the post apocalyptic genre. In a way I guess you could say it is related to my story, “Love Knows No Apocalypse,” which has been recently featured in the Mystic Desire Supernatural Anthology.
But for those who don’t quite like zombie stories, have no fear. I have many other stories coming your way, too.
NA: What is any question didn’t we ask that you would like to answer?
PE: You’re going to make me think now are you? I think I’d ask, “If you could write for any television show, which one would it be?” I’d love to hear what your answers would be in the comment section below.
For me, I’d love to be a screen writer for The Walking Dead. Can you tell I’m a bit zombie crazy? I’d love to be able to watch something I created come to life. Wow, I didn’t expect to add a pun in there (Haha).
Have a great day, everyone!
Patricia, we hope you’ll come back anytime to visit, and especially with your next book!
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