Nomad Authors is proud to welcome romantic suspense and paranormal romance author Betty Ann Harris!

What sort of research did you do to write Possessing Prudence?
I knew in advance and decidedly did some research for this paranormal romance mystery, Possessing Prudence. In the prologue, the main character’s ancestors are immigrating to America to escape the rebellion going on in France after the American Revolution. I had to research the historical facts of that time period, names used, clothing worn, transportation used, etc.
Over a hundred years later, in 1897, the story really begins as a beautiful, young woman of French descent, is accused of murder. I had to then research the historical facts of that time period. Then onto current day, as the main character, Prudence Trivit, is trying to solve the murder mystery and clear her great aunt’s name and reputation.
In the main story plot, there are hauntings, poltergeists, a seance performed, and other paranormal occurrences that I wanted to be realistic and believable, so I had to a lot of research on paranormal activities.
What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
I’d like readers to take away a sense that there can be a strong connection between our ancestors and loved ones who have passed on, but you have to be open to it. Also, I believe this story is hopeful and shows that true love never dies.
A fun fact about writing your book.
There is a seance that takes place in the book, so I viewed videos of actual seances and read about how they are performed. It was quite interesting and a bit spooky sometimes. One particular video gave me goosebumps
Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
Besides being an author, I am an author/book promoter. I have my own small business, Love Writers Bibliophiles & Promotions, that has been operating since 2009. Prior to that, I worked for a landscape design firm and garden center taking care of the multitude of plants and I also worked in the office part-time. I’ve always been an avid plant lover.
What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
My friends like the idea that I’m an author and most of them support me quite a bit. I must laugh to myself, though, as they tend to think the life of a romance author is what they’d like to believe it is: getting up at 10:00 in the morning, grabbing a cup of coffee and a muffin, then sitting in my lovely, little office space, music playing in the background, and typing my manuscript with my bathrobe and fuzzy slippers on. It’s not like that at all!
The biggest surprise you had after becoming an author.
I must say, I was surprised at how time consuming it is to gain a following and to promote my books. It is a never-ending process.
Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
For my first written book, Eureka Point, I tried to do an outline, but soon discovered that was not the way I roll. So I guess you could call me a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer. I also write in complete chronological order, never writing chapter six before chapter two or anything like that. The story unfolds in my mind that way, kind of like watching a movie scene.
Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write? Action, dialogue, sex?
For me, the hardest scenes to write are action scenes. So many effects have to be considered, like movements, sounds, etc. I do, however, love to write dialogue and it comes fairly easy. I think you can show a lot about your characters’ personalities by what they say and how they say it.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I have several hobbies that I enjoy. The first is interior decorating. I loved it when we moved into our new townhouse so I could start at square one and decorate the rooms. I love looking at paint color samples, fabrics and snooping around for vintage pieces.
I also enjoy going out to lunch with friends, or visiting a tea rooms, and shopping.
I spend a lot of time with my two adorable dogs, Daisy and Dexter, commonly known as D&D.
Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
I live in southeastern Pennsylvania and I very much dislike the winter. I chose the long-sleeved, heavier weight shirt I have on because it’s warm and comfortable.
What errand/chore do you despise the most?
I absolutely detest having to drive to the post office. But I love to go grocery shopping.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on a quirky cozy mystery but would love to write a sequel to Possessing Prudence. I have some ideas for that and hope to get cracking on that soon. I became quite attached to my characters, and with Prudence Trivit, never more so. I’d like to know her and have her as a friend in real life.

Possessing Prudence Book Blurb:
The quaint seaport town of Mystic Port is steeped in history. Prudence Trivit, the town’s historian, is on a mission to find out the truth about her Great Aunt Alexandra Beaudicort, who was accused and found guilty of murdering her husband, the Mayor of Mystic Port, back in 1897. Prudence, known as Prudy, is certain of her great aunt’s innocence.
A handsome young journalist, Dylan Monroe, is sent to Mystic Port to interview Prudy in advance of the town’s 250th anniversary celebration. Dylan immediately notices Prudy’s uncanny resemblance to her great aunt in the huge portrait of Alexandra that hangs in the museum. Stunned by her beauty and so intrigued by the story of Alexandra, Dylan falls for Prudy, and together they investigate to find out the truth. But uncovering the truth comes with some mishaps and mayhem. As the spirit of Alexandra points them in the right direction,the opposing spirits try to dissuade them.
“If you’re a fan of Jessica L. Randall’s, The Obituary Society Series, then you’ll be charmed by Betty Ann Harris’ Possessing Prudence.”
Excerpt from Possessing Prudence:
Dylan turned on the recorder and started asking questions. “I’m intrigued by this Beaudicort woman. Can you tell me more about her?”
“Yes, well, Samuel Beaudicort was the mayor of Mystic Port in the eighteen nineties. His bride, Alexandra, was actually in charge of his mayoral campaign. It was unusual for a woman prior to women’s suffrage to hold a position of such importance, and to have been successful in getting her husband elected.”
“Are you saying she was a woman ahead of her time?”
“Yes, I guess I am. From what I’ve been told and from what I’ve read about her, she was one of those women who wanted to have it all: a loving marriage, successful career, children, and she had an extreme interest in politics.”
“That’s quite interesting. She must have had a very full life.”
“Well, she did have one child, a son named Simon. Unfortunately, before she had a chance to have any more children, her husband, the mayor, died suddenly while in office. Devastated as she was to have lost her husband at such an early age, leaving her a widow at twenty-four, she carried on displaying grace and great strength. She wanted to take her husband’s place as mayor, but she was unable to do so.”
“Do you mean because she was a woman?”
“I’m not sure if she could have become mayor or not. I rather doubt it. But she wasn’t given the chance, because something happened that changed her life forever.” Prudy paused for effect.
Dylan appeared most intrigued. “Please, continue, what happened?”
“Alexandra was arrested for the murder of her husband.”
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Author Bio:
Betty Ann Harris is an author of romantic suspense and romantic paranormal mysteries. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, raised in Maple Glen, and residing in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Betty Ann is an avid reader who loves curling up with a good cozy mystery or suspense book. Besides being a wife and mother, Betty Ann enjoys home decorating, playing with her two adorable dogs, and she also works as a book/author promotions consultant.
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Betty Ann Harris
Author of Spellbinding Romantic Suspense & Paranormal Romance
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