There are a lot of tasks I really don’t enjoy doing that much, truth be told. I’m not crazy about vacuuming. I truly dislike dusting. I don’t mind putting dishes in the dishwasher but find I dislike unloading it and putting everything away. But I really truly hate going grocery shopping.

I blame the dislike on my childhood. We didn’t have much money when I was growing up—enlisted men in the Navy didn’t make much and even with Mom working to supplement the family income, we couldn’t afford to splurge on much. Consequently, Mom used to drag me away from the latest book I was reading to go to the commissary once a week where we had to compare weight to cost of everything, shake cans to see which green beans had more liquid than beans, and find the lowest price on the hamburger. No one could make a process out of shopping like my mother. Me? I had that book burning up the shelf at home. I would have thrown the food in the cart—weight/cost ratio be damned—and zipped to the checkout. Which, if you’re familiar with military retail outlets, you know is not the easiest of things. Food needed to be kept by type (no mixing the frozen food with the canned veggies) and with prices up and facing the cashier. Or maybe with scanners now that isn’t a worry. When Mom and I shopped, the checkout people could read you the riot act if everything wasn’t as stated clearly on posted information sheets in each cashier’s aisle. With the entire base’s military families to serve, the commissary was about speed as well as accuracy.
So that explains my dislike for hitting the grocery store. It’s still a necessary evil, but then, a girl’s got to eat, right?
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