To Save or Not to Save #MFRWauthor

To collect means (according to to gather a group of similar objects. To hoard means to collect items for future use and keep them carefully guarded. According to these definitions, I am something of a hoarder, although these days, colloquially, hoarding implies a kind of crazy mental attachment to things that can’t be controlled. I do know that I don’t “collect.”

My grandmother used to collect little bird figurines. Almost everywhere you looked in her house there was a bird of some sort staring back at you. My Bird collectionmom used to collect those little Hummel figures—not the real ones. But I was never drawn into that. I’m sentimental…and yet, not. My mother-in-law once convinced me to collect pewter cups. In Virginia, pewter is readily available and some of the fine cups used for display are really beautiful. I collected three and then lost interest. Maybe I don’t have the patience to build an actual collection. However, for hoarding…I find that a little too easy.

For years and years (like for thirty years), hubby and I dragged gifts we got for our wedding around with us whenever we moved. By things I mean beautiful, well-intentioned gifts that we never ever used or displayed. Like a Wedding giftsilver serving tray, silver monogrammed drinking glasses, and silver tipped salt and pepper shakers. Nope, never used them. Kept them in the same boxes we received them. But I kept packing and moving them with us because for some reason I just couldn’t let them go. Crazy? Yeah, I think so a bit. Finally, in a wild downsize, I sent all of that stuff to the Salvation Army but—I won’t lie—it was painful.

Even after the downsize, and here where storage is diminished, I have tubs of stuff I keep looking at and saying, “I might use that (salad spinner, Stored itemsridiculous dust collector I picked up in Chicago, book my mom gave me fifteen years ago, etc.), so I can’t toss it away.” That’s how it goes, folks. One day I will have to say goodbye to all of it, but until then, all of that stuff is in four tubs stacked in my closet. Sigh.

Do you collect or maybe (like me) hoard? Let’s commiserate!

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Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Moving Cures the Desire to Collect Things, Odd or Not #MFRWauthor

First of all, I’m not sure what makes a collection odd. Is it collecting the unusual, exotic, rare, or just kitchy? Second of all, as the title suggests, I stopped collecting when I started moving so much. Packing is hell.

When we lived in Virginia for a number of years, I loved to cook. At one Cookbookspoint, I think I had 300 cookbooks. Whenever any family member traveled anywhere, they knew what to bring back for my collection. I read them like novels and used them often. In the same line, I collected Bon Appetit magazine. I didn’t try their recipes as often as say, Betty Crocker’s, but they were still fun to read. When we left Virginia I had nearly 10 years’ worth. So you can see that holding on to all of that after two-four-six moves in a few years’ time was not enviable and I let them go. It was a sad day. ;(

Later, I collected magnets for the refrigerator. They were small and could easily be tossed into a box. I had a crystal from the science museum in Richmond, wooden shoes from Solvang, CA, a lighthouse from the OuterRefrigerator magnets Banks, a red phone box from London, a variety of stocking stuffer magnets, and one I kept from my mother-in-law when she died: “Dull women keep immaculate houses.” And so many more! Each magnet brought back memories. But two moves back, I think I lost the box. So temporarily, I’ve given up collecting anything. It’s not a bad thing. Now I’ve taken to giving away items I have for other people’s collections. It’s just as fun!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!