I made it! #MFRWauthor

So, here we are. Christmas Eve and I’m wondering what my greatest accomplishment of the year was. I have to say, it was making it through 2020, alive and well.

Who would have ever imagined last year at this time that we would have had the year we have? I know many, many people have had it worse. Have suffered worse and are still suffering, either from losing a loved one, losing the joy of a good education in classes with friends and an actual teacher, losing the sense of worth that comes from a job well-done, losing their life’s work altogether. Jack and I have had our ups and downs this year, our scares and relief. But we’ve come through the year unscathed, pretty much. For that, I feel blessed.

I pray for all of us and for our country, that we can all feel blessed and that we come together to face the New Year stronger and united.

What was your greatest accomplishment of the year?

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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist–Gold Medal winner, Best Romance 2020, Coffee Pot Book Club
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
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