I/She, Me/You #MFRWauthor

Point of view is all a matter of perspective. Are these his feet or my feet?Feet

TummyIs this her tummy, or my tummy. Okay. No contest. I vote for MY tummy.

When I first started writing, I was told never to write for an editor in first person. Why? No one seemed to know for sure. The most I could figure out is that editors seemed to think that two main characters couldn’t be fleshed out emotionally if we only “saw” into one of their heads. I was too nervous to speak up then, but now? I say bulltwackle.

I believe that once a writer moves beyond describing how a character feels happy (sad, greedy, shrewd), she/he can then learn how one character discerns happiness (sadness, greediness, shrewdness) in another.


We do it all the time in real life. Rarely does a person walk up and say, “Guess what! I’m happy!!” But looking at someone’s smile, hearing laughter, seeing how they bounce on their toes, noticing the glow in their eyes—it all tells us. First person can portray that same thing.

In an informal writing class that used writing prompts, several of us struggled. After a few minutes, the teacher suggested we write the same scene in first person. It was so much easier! And more emotional, too. I was surprised. The exercise taught me that when a scene gives trouble, try writing it in first person and then switch it back to third. Just be sure to edit well! There’s nothing worse than lots of “she saids,” “he saids,” and then an “I said” thrown in.

I read a lot of books now written in first person so editors must not hate it so much anymore, huh? 😉 That’s a good thing because it means that we can choose which POV style suits us best. Choice is always a good thing.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Three ways romances influence daily life #MFRWauthor

This post is supposed to be about how books can influence our daily lives. First thing I thought of is a DYI book (yes, building that fabulous mobile coffee station would make my daily life better!) or a religious text, but I’d Romance novelslike to speak for a moment on how romance novels make our lives better.

1. We all know how a romance book will end. Happily, right? So they help release endorphins—they make us feel happier. If they are humorous, all the better. What other activities release endorphins? Drinking wine, eating chocolate, having sex, laughing. I rest my case.
2. Speaking of having sex, I’ve actually been told by readers that they read my books with their significant others in bed. Who knows? I might be partially responsible for a population explosion. But at least those kids are born to parents loaded with endorphins!
3. Our lives are sometimes filled with stress. Romance books, regardless of the sub-genre, take us away from worries for a while as we read about a flower girl and an earl, a couple escaping a war-torn country, a kick-assKey to Happiness heroine and her FBI man, or a staid teacher and his stripper girlfriend. There’s no demand for heavy thinking or bracing for a tragic ending. Love is going to win in the end, the mystery will be solved, the villain will be vanquished. Contrary to being insipid escapism for unhappy housewives, romance novels give our minds a chance to recharge and our souls a necessary boost.

Love knows no ageRomance novels make us believe in love, know that happily ever after does exist, and that a true kiss from our soul mate can change even the most awful world into a place we want to be. Of course, we all know that romances are novels, fiction. But if a little enjoyment for a few hours a day makes us happier and better able to face scraped knees, broken down cars, coffee spilled on the last clean blouse in the closet, I’d say they greatly influence how we go about our daily lives.

To read the next post in this week’s blog hop, go here.

Only a Good Man Will Do

Naval Maneuvers

What if…? #MFRWauthor

They say life is a series of moments that together tell a story. Well, “they” don’t say that. I just made it up. But it sounds profound, doesn’t it? And profoundly right. An adjustment in any single moment will change the way the story proceeds. I met my husband as a 13-year old freshman at Kellam High in Virginia Beach. We happened to be in the same algebra I class. We happened to sit near each other, and we happened to do our homework together, along with a few others. Two years later, after he’d been away at another school, we happened to attend a Christmas concert and meet up again. And that night he asked me out for a double date, after which neither of us ever looked back.

What if?But what if I’d been assigned to another math class, we hadn’t hit it off as friends, I hadn’t gone to the Christmas concert, or arrived a few minutes later? Small moments in anyone’s life but they combined to form a unique path in my life and afforded me the kind of love I’d dreamed of as a child. Maybe I would have been just as happy without having met my hubby—maybe I’d become a doctor who saved lives, or married to a professional living in a house with a white picket fence with two-point-three children running around the yard with a black Labrador puppy. Or maybe my life wouldn’t have been happy. Maybe, fate having passed me by, settling me into another algebra class, I would have remained alone. That road not Make your world happiertraveled might be fun to think about, but my philosophy rests more along the lines that we live the lives we should, and we should make every effort to be happy.

Playing a different kind of “what if…” like what if I could have anything in the world, cost notwithstanding, is more fun. I always said that if I won the lottery I’d travel, and I still think that is true—especially with enough money to be comfortable, with first class or private flights, nice hotels, and personal guides. That would be fabulous!! But only with the present love of my life along. That’s a what if I’m not prepared to mess with!

To read the next post in this week’s blog hop, go here. http://mfrw52week.blogspot.com/

Dee https://nomadauthors.com/deesknight/index.html
Only a Good Man Will Do https://nomadauthors.com/deesknight/_Books/bookOnlyGoodMan.html

Naval Maneuvers https://nomadauthors.com/deesknight/_Books/bookNavalManeuvers.html

Reading, Writing, or Living? #MFRWauthor

Right now, I’m living. Living with a computer that bit the dust over the weekend, darn it. I would have said something stronger but this is a family site. 😉

Yes, this old machine is close to ten years old. It’s served us well and we’ve gotten our money’s worth, but still, why oh why does technology have to give up the ghost? I mean, ever? Is it too much to ask that a computer never die?? I mean, really?

I loved this machine. Loved the speed, loved the screen resolution, loved the memory capacity. I loved it from its little motherboard to its raid stacks. Desktop computerFrom its DVD writable drive to its mic plug. I’ve lived with this machine for so many years I had to look up the date we bought it. Now its chugging away back in the office trying to recover files at the manufacturer’s settings so we can see how much stuff we’ll be able to recover. (Note to self: Have “Back up more!!” tattooed on forehead.)

In the meantime, while I’m learning to live without my computer, I’m reading! Just finished the very sexy Block Shot, which I loved, and then twoReading on Kindle by Becky Wade that were Christian books (yes, I like my reading eclectic 😉 ), True to You and Falling for You. Both made me laugh and Falling for You made me cry, too.

Speaking of crying, I’m going to go now and shed a few tears for my computer. I’ll be feeling low until the new one arrives next week. 😉 Hooray!

To read the next post in this week’s blog hop, go here.

Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

How many disasters can one wedding have? #MFRWauthor

I don’t mean to imply that my whole wedding was a disaster after disaster, but it was a little weird and strange things seemed to crop up. But what did I expect? We’d been engaged nine days—yes, nine days from when I said yes to a strange proposal to walking down the aisle.

That said, I was not one of those girls who had imagined her wedding from when she was tiny. Except I did want a Cinderella dress that reached from I was not tall enough to be Cinderellapew to pew. Since I’m five feet two inches, such a dress was not in the cards. But I did find a dress I liked okay and I got it for $75, so I was happy. I made my headpiece and bouquet from silk flowers and a yard or two of tulle, and told my bridesmaid to wear whatever she wanted. I was not Bridezilla. In fact, I didn’t care all that much about the wedding—I cared only for the groom. Is that weird? Yeah, maybe, but I watch all those brides on Say Yes to the Dress and wonder sometimes if they care more for the wedding than they do the marriage. I didn’t have Simple and demurethat bridal moment when I first tried on the dress—I didn’t really care what I wore so much. It was white, it was long and demure, and it was cheap. ‘Nuff said.

The proposal was unconventional, though not really a disaster.
Me: I’m ready to get married.
Him: What are you doing next Saturday?
Me: Why?
Him: We can get married.
Me: Okay.
Was there a bended knee? No, we were driving at the time. Was there a diamond? No. I said I didn’t need one and he said, “I’m so glad you feel that way.” Is it any wonder I rushed to say yes to this man? 😉

So maybe not caring about the dress wasn’t a disaster. Having my mother say that she and Dad couldn’t travel from Wisconsin to Virginia for a wedding nine days away was. I cried. Mom cried. Dad called and said they would be there. Whew!

There was no wedding rehearsal the night before the nuptials—the only people available were hubby, his parents and me. My parents and maid of honor arrived late that night.

It rained. And when I say rain, I mean downpours. Everyone was wet coming into the chapel and I was petrified about walking down a wet aisle. (I made it.)

I cried a lot moments before the service. I begged my dad not to make me get married. His words of advice? “We drove all the way here from Wisconsin and you’re going to get married.” Truthfully, I think he believed I was pregnant. After all, why else would I rush to name a wedding date? I was not, but I always wondered if that was why he took such a strong stance.

I had told the minister and hubby that I did not want to kiss him (hubby) in Simple ceremonyfront of everyone. But when all was said and done, I kissed everyone except hubby—my maid of honor, the minister, the best man. Hubby said I was about to head for the organist when he turned me and took my up the aisle.Wedding rings

There were only about 70 people attending, and the reception was at my new in-laws’ house. I neglected to mention in my hurried invites that there would be no dinner, only cake and some kind of punch. A few of my friends came from Richmond and Fredericksburg and they were hungry by the time the event ended. We were married out in the sticks, and there was nowhere to eat for fifty miles once they left. I felt bad about that, but by the time I found out, there was no solution except a few cheese sandwiches.

This is probably the biggest mishap: I didn’t remember anything about the wedding. Nothing. Hubby had a good laugh telling me all about it the next day.

All that said, for a hurried wedding, the marriage has been good for over forty years. We had dated for years, but dating and married are two very different things! Fortunately, I chose well—and I’d like to say he did too. (Well, hell, I will say he did to.) We still laugh, still love, still enjoy being with each other despite the rushed beginning. And that isn’t a disaster!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

It’s the Highlands for me, lass! #MFRWauthor

I’ve been fortunate to have been all over the U.S. and I love my beautiful country. So don’t take this the wrong way when I say that I long to go back to Scotland. The first time I went I had not read Outlander or seen Braveheart, so when I say I love Scotland, it’s for the country and people, not a fantasy from books or a movie. (Although, I wouldn’t say no to meeting Jamie!)

I’ve been in Scotland a few times—the last time on a 9-day trip with my college roommate over a good bit of the highlands and Skye. I always thought that if I could afford it, I’d rent a cottage in the moors around Inverness and spend a summer writing. That’s my fantasy vacation! It hasn’t come about but I fill my fantasies by reading books in Scottish settings.

I’ll admit that I kinda believe in reincarnation, and the first time I exited the Isle of Skyetrain in Waverley Station in Edinburgh I felt as though I’d come home. Maybe I’d lived there before. The city called to me. I wandered at will and had a great time and met some fantastic people. I also loved the area around Loch Ness (so beautiful!), and Stirling and Balquhidder are gorgeous. Skye had light like I’d never seen, and I could spend a week there just looking out over the sea.

You can see right now that I’m lusting for the place. Maybe someday I’ll get Piperback there again. I haven’t given up hope!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Top five things I’m grateful for #MFRWauthor

Best gift under the treeEspecially in this season, there is much to be grateful for. There is so much, in fact, how does one limit it to a few? Don’t know… But I’m going to try.

  1. The people in my life. I know it sounds trite but I’m so very grateful for the people in my life, especially my mom and husband, but right on their heels are my in-laws (I was blessed with the best!), my aunt, and my closest friends. It seems that when I needed someone, there was always someone there. I only hope I return the favor so someone somewhere says they’re grateful for me, too.
  2. Health. I had polio as a baby but fortunately, that’s the worst health issue I’ve ever had. I’m kind of grateful even for that, though because it helped shape me (for the better, I hope) and gave me adversity to overcome.
  3. Travel. With our eight years of trucking, hubby and I saw a whole hell of a lot of the U.S. and western Canada. Travel expands the mind (and the waistline, sadly). We met so many wonderful people in those eight years US Mapand I learned things I’ve never forgotten. It planted my feet firmly on the ground and centered me. Plus, it gave me a perspective on everything in life since. As hubby says, once you’ve started to jackknife coming down Donner Pass in a blizzard, the meaning of “stress” changes forever more.
  4. Moving around. As a consultant in a specialized arena, hubby moved us quite a bit. The effect was like traveling, above, except with an immersion component. We lived several different places in the U.S. and got to know those places and people really well. I loved it to the point of when hubby said he wanted to stay here, where we were planted after two years, I had withdrawal symptoms. 😉
  5. Life. I have learned to be happy. It’s not always a given, being happy. It’s something I decide every day to be and now I am blooming where I’ve been planted. I was born in the best time. I’ve had innumerable chances to Key to Happinessexperience things most people have not. I’ve been able to write. I’ve enjoyed both working and not working. I’ve been blessed, totally and sincerely. It’s such a wonderful feeling!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

My best dish in a dish #MFRWauthor

Dutch ovenI have to say, I am not a very good cook and I’ve become worse since being married. My family used lots of seasoning, so at one time I knew what I was doing with them. But Jack likes no seasoning—not spices, herbs, salt, or pepper. Nothing. He says he likes the taste of food as it is meant to be tasted. So I’ve learned to eat food the same way and that somewhat limits what one can do in the way of creativity. Consequently, my culinary acumen has suffered. I do still have a few dishes I cook and Jack eats them or he fixes a sandwich. (Okay, that’s not accurate. I fix his sandwich.) One of my favorite comfort foods is goulash, or what some call hamburger and macaroni.

My mom made this dish when I was growing up because it was cheap and we were slightly below middle class and liked cheap. It also could be stretched to last several days so we often had it near the end of the month when money was about gone. Didn’t matter to me—I loved it! And I still love it, especially now that the weather has turned colder. Now we have itBeef and macaroni--goulash to me with a slice of crusty bread and maybe a salad. Doesn’t matter—it takes me back to my childhood. Funny thing. Years ago when I first started making goulash for Jack and me, it didn’t taste the same as when Mom made it. I asked her why and after relaying how I made it, she asked when I added the secret ingredient. Once I started that, the flavors were the taste of home. See if you can spot the secret ingredient.

Prep time: about 15 minutes
Cooking time: about 30 minutes

2 lbs hamburger (mom used a pound or less but Jack is a big meat guy)
1 large onion, chopped
1 14.5 oz can tomato sauce
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes
8 oz elbow macaroni
1 cup secret ingredient (KETCHUP)
Season with salt and pepper to your liking. Of course you know, I use none.)

1. Cook macaroni for slightly less time than package recommends. The cooked macaroni will be sitting in sauce and will absorb some of it.
2. Brown hamburger with onion in a Dutch oven
3. Add tomato sauce and diced tomatoes. Stir well and let tomatoes heat through.
4. Add macaroni to hamburger-tomato mixture and stir well.
5. Add ketchup and stir.
6. Turn down heat and let simmer for about 20 minutes.
So good right when it’s finished cooking, but even better the next day.

I hope you try this recipe and that you like it as much as Jack and I do.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Corn Pudding—It’s Not Just for Native Americans Anymore #MFRWauthor

Well, this particular corn pudding wasn’t really for Native Americans ever, but we’re part Sioux and my mom developed the recipe, so for all I know, some nice Sioux woman from South Dakota passed on her recipe to Mom. Also, I’m from Iowa, so a corn recipe is only natural, with or without ourCorn heritage. At any rate, this is not a difficult recipe but for some reason, we only had it for holidays and other special dates like birthdays throughout my years of living at home.

True story. After twenty-eight years of marriage my dad came home one day and as part of the whole “I’d like a divorce” speech, he announced that he never liked my mom’s corn pudding. Say what? Some men have no taste. I’ve always thought it was delicious and have made it myself, again as part of special family and holiday meals. Everyone I know loves it, too. But if it turns out you don’t, I wouldn’t suggest waiting twenty-eight years to let it be known. 😉

So here’s the recipe:

2 14-oz cans of cream corn
1 cup whole kernel corn (Mom didn’t add this. I use frozen, whole kernel)
1 Tbl melted butter
1 cup milk
14-16 crushed Saltine crackers
2 eggs, beaten

Mix well. Pour into a greased casserole dish and bake for about an hour, checking for doneness with a toothpick and making sure it comes out clean. The corn should be lightly brown on top.


ThanksgivingI hope you love this dish! It’s got childhood written all over it, though it’s my childhood, not yours. Maybe you’ll want to adopt it, though.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

5 Brag-worthy, life-changing things #MFRWauthor

I’m sure not everything listed here will be seen as brag-worthy by all readers, but they are things that have been pretty important in our lives and I want to share them. Why? Because I feel like braggin’! See if you agree with my perspective on any of them.

  1. Wedding ringsNext spring, hubby Jack and I will be married 46 years. Considering that we dated for nearly seven years before that and had met two years prior to dating, we’ve known each other, dated, and been married almost 55 years. When I say it feels like forever, you can understand what I mean. When I say that it feels like yesterday maybe you’ll know what I mean, too. When we were falling in love, saying we’d be together forever sounded so easy. Hahahahaha! How naive! It hasn’t all been easy but it’s all been worthwhile, and made easier by being able to laugh, both at ourselves and with each other.
  2. As part of those 46 years, and just a couple of years after we’d married, we went on the road as over-the-road truckers. We went over all the 48 contiguous states, and into three Canadian provinces. We even went into Trucking--fun and clothedMexico once, for a harried, scary trip (do they have the concept of stop signs down? Not that I could tell.). For almost eight years, we were hardly apart except to go to the bathrooms, living in an 8 x 8 foot truck cab. There were times I wanted to murder Jack but I never considered divorce. (I’m sure he never wanted to murder me—I was the epitome of the perfect traveling companion.) And if you’re prone to divorce at all, driving a truck together will get you there faster than a CHP officer can write a speeding ticket. Those were great days!
  3. After trucking, Jack went into consulting. We stayed still for a few years and then he began consulting, helping companies prepare for FDA audits and validating software for FDA compliance. I guess trucking wanderlust hadn’t died, because we traveled to where the work was, once changing addresses six times in two years. We lived in such diverse places as Appleton, WI (loved it!), Kansas City (loved it!), the Civic Center area of San Francisco (loved it!), and tiny Greenwood, SC (loved it!). In fact, with few exceptions, we loved everywhere we lived. Exploring new towns and meeting new people is such fun.
  4. Graduating!After not graduating and leaving Virginia Military Academy in his junior year, Jack went back to school at age 63. Far from not graduating, he got his diploma and graduated summa cum laude! I’m so proud of him.
  5. This might be the most brag-worthy thing of all. After all our years, all our ups and downs, moving, sometimes settling, we’re still grateful to have found each other. We still laugh, even when we cry, we still lean on each other—maybe more now than before—and we still love. What more does anyone need to brag about?

For those of you in the U.S., have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great holiday weekend!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!