I’m for the sunshine #MFRWauthor

I should qualify that title. I’m for the sunshine, if I can watch it from behind a window. I’m not fussy about where that window is—could be in the house or in the car or a restaurant or… You get the idea. Suffice it to say, like Scarlett, I’ve always been one to watch my complexion. Why? Because I burn in nothing flat. Plus, I’m not much of an outdoors person. Plus 2, sunshine means bugs. Flying bugs, crawling bugs, all kinds of bugs. Nope. Not for me. But I am happy to open the blinds and curtains and “Let the sunshine. Let the sunshine in, the sunshine in!” (Courtesy of the 7th Dimension)

But I have to admit, if there ever were times that I would love being out in the sunshine, it is during the fall. My favorite season, it always seems as though the sky is bluer, the breezes brisker, and the sun most welcome during the autumn. Maybe because we know winter is coming? At any rate, being outside in September, October, or November is a treat. I’ll take the sunshine then, thanks very much!

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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

Taking advantage of the sunshine #MFRWauthor

Flowering gum treesIt’s a sunshiny day! What do you do?

After a cold and windy August, spring has arrived in Australia. Instead of waking up to gloomy dark mornings, the sun is now poking its head over the horizon before 6am. While our southern states are still waiting for some warmth, here in the Hunter Valley New South Wales, the early spring days have been lovely.

After the first cup of tea to kick start the day, my dog and I go for a walk to enjoy this new season and after such wonderful rain this year our gardens are in full bloom. I’ve been weeding, trimming and today I planted my first bougainvillea. Fingers crossed it will like where I put it and grow.

I’m not on my own enjoying these early sunshiny days, the native birds are taking full advantage as well. There have been flocks of white cockatoos screeching their heads off in the eucalyptus trees nearby and rosellas are busy gorging on the nectar in the bottlebrush trees. Its widely believed kookaburras laughing in the middle of the day means more rain on the way, but who knows, they could very well be laughing at us. However, farmers swear a large flock of black cockatoos means serious rain is on the way.
While the kookaburras and cockatoos forecasting skills have nothing to do with my plans for a sunshiny day, I thought I’d mention them because they make these days so much nicer.

The spring sunshiny days are my favourite for all too soon the intense heat of summer will be with us and when those sunny days hit 40+ degrees C the air conditioner is my best friend.

What do you think?

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Jan Selbourne

Perilous Love
The Proposition
The Woman Behind the Mirror
Lies of Gold—Silver Historical for 2019: Coffee Pot Book Club

Daylight Saving Time: Bleh! #MFRWauthor

Daylight Saving TimeI might be one of those few people who really things the great outdoors is overrated. I don’t particularly enjoy being in the bright sunshine (I have to worry about a lady’s fair complexion), I’ve never been one for sports or strenuous activities, picnics only attract insects, and sitting out in the late evening with a cup (or glass) of an adult beverage has me swatting mosquitoes and wishing I were inside on my recliner. In other words, having an extra hour of afternoon sunlight has never been important to me.

In the natural course of the seasons, the sun is going to rise and set differently regardless of what humans do. God made it that way. God should be the only one to change it. And God knows, when He does change it, we won’t be able to escape the change!

I don’t like the whole Spring Forward scenario. I feel tired for days afterward for missing that hour of sleep. And even when we Fall Back, I actually feel like the day should be over long before it is. It’s not good for a body to have to adjust like that. Cows agree with me. They want to be milked when they want to be milked and be damned what the clock says. You know that’s right.

Plus, there’s always one clock or two that doesn’t change automatically.Changing time Or one that doesn’t backup, only changes by going forward and you have to go through a whole day’s worth of hours in order to get it set properly. One year I forgot how to change the time on my car’s clock and had to keep the correct time in my head by mentally adjusting it back until I was relieved by the fall’s change. Such a pain!

Therefore, I protest Daylight Saving Time. Do away with it! To heck with the amusement and entertainment world and the retail outlets who want that extra daylight for people to come and spend money. There’s plenty of time for fathers and mothers to get home from work and cut grass and barbecue without changing the Course of the Clocks. Down with Daylight Saving Time!

Do you agree?

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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist: old letters put the lie to Sara’s life. Now, mending her past mistakes while crossing burning bridges will be the hardest thing she’s ever done.

One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers